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The legendary demise of Barefoot Ginger

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Another story of mine. It is fairly long, but I like it, maybe it is my preferred story so far. I hope you enjoy it too.

[Part 1/4]

Plin, plon!

Hm, a new message, right now that I am in the middle of a class. Luckily, the professor did not hear (or he does not care).

Who bothers me?I check the sender and I get frozen. There is no "message body," it is just a "ping," but I know what it means: today is the day. I get butterflies in my stomach with the anticipation. I am so happy and excited I cannot concentrate on what the professor says.

Excitation remains high for the rest of the day, my attention level is almost nonexistent. My mind wanders planning how to get there and what to wear. I look at my reflection in the window and I ask to myself if I should go to the hairdresser. Yes, I want to be in top shape.

Even at lunch I am absented mind. My friends ask me if everything is OK, since I am less talkative than usual. Someone jokes saying I am thinking to my new secret boyfriend. I reassure them and tell them that there is no secret boyfriend right now. I would like to tell them why I am on another planet right now, but I can't. They would not understand; actually, they wouldn't even believe me...

The reason for my excitation is a wild, wild party (really wild, you'll see) that will take place this evening at the Moving Colosseum. It is so wild to be border line as a matter of legality; therefore, it is not held regularly, nor always in the same place (hence, the "Moving"). The organizers fix the dates randomly, every time in a different place. Those belonging to the special network are contacted with a "ping" on Whatsapp, like the one I received. If you want to participate, you reply with a special message and instructions on how to reach the part is sent to you. Usually they organize some shuttles using limos with smoked glasses, so you do not know where you are going. Yes, it sounds more like a kidnapping than a shuttle.

I am ready to go. The shuttle will stop in a corner few blocks away, I can go there by foot.

I check my look to see if everything is fine and I like what I see. I am a university student (electrical engineering, if you want to know). I like to play instruments, a bit of video games and I love doing cosplay because I can "change my skin" and transform myself (or, actually, let my true self coming out).

I have natural red, copper‐like, shoulder‐length wavy hairs, completed by the canonical blue eyes and freckles. The carpet matches the drapes, if you want to know. I leave it unshaven because I like it, it looks like a copper bush. (My boyfriends loved it too).

I am on the "petite" side, but not minuscule (I am something less than 165 cm tall), with a breast fairly larger than average for my height, roughly a D.

What I am wearing is (deceptively) simple: just a long white sleeveless turtle neck sweater that arrives midway the thigh and it is decorated with sequins. My arms are covered by two white finger‐less opera gloves that start from above the elbow. The sweater is fairly tight, showing the curves of my body, the nipples and their ring piercing. The sweater has a small hole at the belly button that requires a nice piercing there too. It is so tight that it would show any underwear, if I were wearing any.

I look down at my little feet and their little toes decorated with red‐orange nail varnish. I do not wear any shoes. Yes, I told you that those were wild parties, didn't I?

I began attending those parties barefoot few months ago. Everyone knows me as "Barefoot Ginger;" yeah, I'm famous. Initially I was leaving home wearing two old shoes that I would leave on the road when the shuttle arrived. Recently I got braver and I am leaving home barefoot. It is quite late in the night and the probability of meeting anyone I know are nil. I would die for the embarrassment. Let's face it: this makes me feel really "bad" and excite me.

A small white pochette with sequins holding the basic stuff completes my look.

From the description above you would think that I am the hottest girl in my class, always dressed in sexy outfit, constantly ogled by any male around, always ready to party and getting high with booze and maybe some other stuff.

You couldn't be wronger.

In real life I am quite a "next door" girl, the kind you could safely introduce to your parents. I usually wear jeans (comfortable ones) or a skirt below the knee, a t-shirt and sneakers. I also do not love getting high on alcohol (only on adrenaline, as you'll see). Yes, I drink beer and wine, but not so much that I get drunk.

Yeah, I am your average, almost boring, classmate, or at least I look like that... The folk saying "Still water runs deep" suites me like a dress.

I am at the designated corner, waiting for the shuttle. It is a mid December night and it is quite cold (I am wearing only the sweater, remember). I think it will snow, I can feel it with my feet from the temperature of the road: it is so freezing it almost hurts.

The limo arrives and I get on, there is already someone else. "Hi, Ginger! Long time no see... Cold night, uh? Well, we'll be up to us to make it hot...""Hi Firefox! Nice to see you!"

Firefox is maybe my best friend in this alternate reality. She is a redhead like me, but she has not hairs, she has a mane: huge, heavy and long almost to the buttocks. She is quite tall and imposing, think about Jessica Rabbit in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" or Anita Ekberg but red. Despite her almost intimidating appearance she is very nice and sweet and fun to be around. I often wonder about her "regular world person:" what she does for a living, if she has a family and so on... but this kind of questions are taboo here.

She wears an elegant tight and long dress without shoulder and with a huge split showing nice, round, feminine thighs and long harmonious legs ending with two impressive sexy stilettos. The dress has shades of orange, red and yellow that look like flames and it nicely matches her shade of red. From an hole on the back, just in the middle of the butt, a fluffy, orange fox tail, hold by a plug, exits (did I tell you that the party is wild?). I do not know how she manages to walk, stand and even sit with that thing, but she does. Actually, she is also able to wag it when flirting with someone. A fundamental skill, no doubt. The picture is completed by two cute fox ears. Now maybe you understand why she is called Firefox...

Bottles of pretty expensive champagne and a huge box of caviar are there for us, free. You can have also some cocaine, if you ask. I never tried; as I told you I prefer to get high on adrenaline.

I help myself with the champagne and toast with Firefox. We do the "arm crossed toast" like two lovers and exchange a fast kiss. In real life I am heterosexual, mind you, but here it is different, especially with Firefox...

You could wonder about the cost of the ticket if you get limo shuttle, champagne, caviar, and other stuff for free. Well, I do not know, actually, but I know that we are in the range of tens of thousand of euros. Yes, stuff for very rich people.

How can a humble university student afford these prices? Well, there is a way to get a ticket for free, sorta...

You see, they can sell tickets at such outrageous prices because of the "piece of resistance" of the event: during the night one (sometimes more) person gets executed on stage. Yes, you read it right: they kill someone for fun, a bit like they did in ancient Rome in Colosseum (hence the name). Yes, quite sick.

The victims are volunteers, making this, technically, not a murder but a kind of "assisted suicide" which is legal here. The legal issues are quite muddy, though, and this is what makes these events borderline with legality (besides the complimentary drugs).

Volunteers? Why should one volunteer for such a thing? Because of a perverted "Russian roulette" mechanism; let me explain...

If you want to enter for free, you propose yourself as a volunteer, submitting your "execution plan." Every night they draw at random one of the present volunteers, the Chosen One, who will go on stage to suffer the ordeal s/he chosen for him/herself.

There are different "volunteer ticket" levels: the more spectacular the execution, the higher the level granted. More spectacular means, as you can guess, slower and more painful. It is not so exciting to see someone killed with a gunshot to the head, better to see someone slowly hanged or burned at stake. This is why the volunteers are also called torturettes. In case you are wondering, I have the top ticket. Yes, my demise will be wonderful.

Every night there is a fairly number of volunteers, so there is a good probability that this "Russian roulette" will spare you. Of course, there is a possibility that you do not go back home... What they do with the victim body is not really known. For sure they do not give it back to the family and the torturette simply vanishes... Someone says that they are "served" as snacks during the event, but it is not clear if it is true or it is just a rumor spread by the organizers to make the event more "exciting" and "perverted" (and sick, yes, but this is the market they aim to).

This is why these events are not regular, nor in the same place: they do not want a pattern of lost young people to pop up.

You could ask if any party can be so good to justify the high price of your life, even if with some probability of being spared, and you would be right. It is like some very expensive wine bottle: how can a wine to be so good to justify a price of 1000 euro per bottle?

I cannot speak for the wine lovers, but for me it is not the club nights (that are really fun), but the adrenaline I get by playing this high risk game and that it makes me feel alive. I almost get drunk by the excitation. Between two events I miss these high excitement nights where I dress like a bitch and walk barefoot, ready to have my blood shed on stage. Also, the execution I choose is a sexual fantasy of mine and I get wet only by imagining that today could be my day. I know that Firefox is thinking the same right now, I can literally smell it. I touch her down there and she is wet; she touches me too. We kiss intensely while giving each other pleasure. A good starting.

We relax for a while in the afterglow, while the car bumps up and down on some irregular terrain, then Firefox reaches for her pochette. "Oh, by the way, Ginger, I have something for you." She pulls out a tiny, pink, cylindrical object, that looks like a tampon, but made of silicone. It could be a vibrator. "It is a vibrator" Yeah, I guessed it. "You can control it with a smartphone. Its shape allows you to wear it continuously and you can activate it with the smartphone when, for example, you are on the metro, masturbating in front of everyone..."

I take it, it is smooth and soft, it is kawaii and perverted, it resonates with my being, I love it. I could wear it right now.

"It has also a special feature: you can 'twin' two of them so that they are activated at the same time; it has also a 'smart‐twin' mode where every device feels the arousal of the wearer and communicates it to the other, so that the two partners have they arousal synchronized."

Wow... I love it even more; not only for the dissolute overtones that this idea suggests, but also for the technical side... I get lost in thinking how this can be done... (remember that under this libertine look dwells an engineer soul after all...)

"I propose you a pact" Firefox's voice snaps me back to reality. She takes out another vibrator from her pochette, this one blue. "Let's twin them and wear them. If one of us is the Chosen One this night, the other one will use the app to masturbate together with the victim. Just think about it: dying while being masturbated by your friend, knowing it is your last orgasm... Think how much the public will love to see you or me panting and groaning with our last breaths..."

I am getting wet again... let's do it! While I insert the vibrator (it is quite comfy, good work!) I smile thinking about what my classmates would say if they could see me now: the sweater rolled up to my navel, my legs open, fitting a vibrator inside me in front of Firefox who is doing the same. I massage myself to check if it is well fitted, feeling my "copper wool."
[Part 2]
The limo stops and we get out. I have no idea about where we are. The ground under my feet is irregular, dusty with few sharp stones, are we maybe in an old quarry? Around it is totally dark, there is no moon, the sky is filled with stars as I have never seen before. The only light filters out from an inflated dome as large as a stadium. (This is a convenient way to move the place of the event.) Muffled bass and kick drum sounds come from inside it, the hum of the electrical generators joins them as an out‐of‐tune drone.

We enter the dome through revolving doors and the hammering of bass and drum gets louder. The environment is not dissimilar to many other clubs: quite dark, loud noise, bright lights flashing in time with the music, a huge open space where people dance, tables and couches around the dance floor lit by purple and dark blue lights. On the other side a stage with a DJ joined by two go-go dancers or, sometimes, a stripper. People chatting, drinking, kissing and... more. The waiters are dressed like anime maids. Someone is sniffing some cocaine, I bet he is a paying customers.

A funny sociological fact here is that people are partitioned into two groups: paying customers and torturettes. There is no formal rule against the mix of the two groups, no explicit sign showing to which group you belong, nevertheless the two groups never mix.

The paying customers see us as their servants; we are here to entertain them and they buy our lives with their money, so they believe. We see them as a bunch of spoiled brats, full of money that often come from their family. We are brave. We are not here for the money (we do not get any), but for the fun and the excitement. I could stop coming here at anytime, I just love the "Russian Roulette" feeling.

We will die bravely on that stage, in an atmosphere full of electricity, sweat and hormones, melting ourselves in a final ecstasy with the public. They will die on an ambulance after a cocaine strip too many, with the kidneys and the liver destroyed by drugs and alcohol, making their families ashamed. We will fade in mystery, none will know what happened to us, rumors will spread, legends will be told. They will get some hypocritical tear at their funeral by people who will think that it was just time and that tomorrow morning, first thing, they must call the lawyer for the inheritance.

I and Firefox find a small table and order two drinks. The menu has everything: soft drinks, beers, wine, cocktails, strong liquors, and drugs. Everything is free since you already paid a huge price and there is a physical limit to what you can drink or sniff. We choose two long drinks: nice amount of liquid and low on alcohol, you can drink few of them and get maybe just a little dizzy.

The night goes on as usual: some drinking, some dancing (Firefox dancing while wagging her tail is a sight to behold), some flirting with few guys (always volunteer, we do not mix with the spoiled brats), more drinking, more dancing, more flirting, and so on...

The stripper is good, her stage name is Emmy Lovelace and I guess I have already seen her...


Yes, she is a student at the department of mathematics (this explains the stage name). I guess I am not the only university student with a double life. I only hope she does not recognize me, it would be too embarrassing (funny thought coming from a barefoot girl wearing only a sweater...).

Suddenly the music fades down, replaced by a slow bass line arpeggiating some minor chords; the lights stop blinking, purple and red lights flood the environment. Everyone knows what this means: they are going to announce the Chosen One. The atmosphere is electric, especially among the volunteers. In a handful of minutes we will know who will return back home and who won't. I and Firefox huddle each other, my heart beats as crazy, as it does every time.

Some deep bell sounds announce the arrival of the patron on the stage. "Dear customers," he begins, "The lights are getting low, the music is fading out and you know what this means... We are going to announce who will have the honor of entertaining us for the rest of the night."

"The Chosen One this night is..."

Slow drum roll to underline the grave moment...

I close my eyes and cling to Firefox. It is always in this way: my heart beats as crazy, I cling in apprehension to Firefox with my eyes closed and then relax when they say the name...

"Barefoot ginger!"

Not this night.

For a moment I am frozen, I do not understand, then I start to tremble. Firefox hugs me. It happens to everyone. You come here, knowing that sooner or later this will happen, you think you are going to be brave and step on that stage happy to fulfill your role and then... conservation instincts take control and you cannot believe it is happening. It happens to everyone.

Firefox hugs me on her large breast, caresses my head, kisses my forefront, "You knew it could happen and this time happened to you, maybe next time it will be my turn..." I raised my head and look at her. "I am sad we must part," she says with a tear in her eyes, "but I am also happy because I know that your show will be to be remembered. Go now, make me proud, overcharge the room and give those spoiled brats an heart attack or two."

"Also, remember out pact." She winks and smiles. Her smile has a subtle sad undertone.

The spotlight finds us while we exchange a deep, intense, kiss; my last one. The room cheers. A double line of braziers raises from the floor and turn on, creating a "path of fire" toward my fate.

I am ready, a bit of me is still afraid, but I am ready. I stand up, my gaze follows the path of fire up to the stage; the image of me is shown on a giant screen. A close‐up shows an innocent‐looking freckled face that you would want to kiss tenderly on that lips swollen up by the emotion. My blue eyes blink and two tears start flowing out. The public applauds to encourage me, "Go, ginger, go!" I understand the excitement that performers must experience; I feel like a pop‐star.

I give my pochette to Firefox, remove my earrings and give them to her too; finally, I give her another kiss and move toward the stage, between the two firewalls, my feet feeling the smooth dance floor for the last time. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Barefoot ginger! I swear: you are not going to forget her show soon." The vibrator inside me makes a brief, tiny vibration; it is Firefox way to cheer me. I smile.

I climb upon the stage with the spotlight following me. The room is so dark and the spotlight so strong that I almost cannot see anyone. The first step is to strip down. This will be easy...

In every canonical strip show, the first items to be removed are the gloves, a bit at time. I throw them into the fire of the nearest brazier. The public cheers. I love them.

Now the sweater. It has a special characteristic, designed just for this occasion: it is closed by a front zip running from the neck down to the thighs; the zip is hidden, so that the sweater seems zipless. I start opening it, slowly. The room starts to cheer me. The roundness of my breast gets visible. The room cheers. I continue and stop briefly at the navel; the room encourage me and I keep going.

Now the zip is almost open, only the final part remains. I open my legs wide with an up‐kick and the zip opens, leaving the sweater hanging on me like a robe (how many times I rehearsed this move...). My ginger bush and my cleavage are clearly visible. I play shy and coquettishly close the robe as embarrassed. I turn my back to the room and starts to take down the sweater/robe, starting with the shoulders and lowering it down to uncover even larger parts of my back.

Even if I am not a professional stripper, I saw enough strip shows here to learn a thing or two. Right... Emmy... the stripper... Now she will recognize me, no doubt. Well, let's surprise her with the true dark side of that well behaved engineering student.

A burst of vibration inside me tells me that Firefox approves my show. The vibrations arouse me and this displays on my angelic freckled face... The public shouts.

The sweater is below my butt now and I let it go. It fells to the floor with a whisper. I turn toward the public, arousal still evident on my face. I pick the sweater with a foot and with a kick I send it into a brazier (how many rehearsals...). Goodbye my nice sweater.

I open my arms toward my public like to say "Here I am" while hugging them all. Their cheer makes my adrenaline skyrocket. I turn around myself few times to let them look at my minute body from every side.

Two hooded shirtless guys with black leather trousers step on the stage bringing the apparel that I designed myself (yes, there is something so wonderfully sick in designing your own torture instruments. I am an engineer, remember?). It is a vertical beam, almost as tall as me, with square section and two cuffs on top. Midway the vertical beam there is an horizontal one, this has a triangular section, the point of the triangle pointing up; on the sides there are two wooden blocks, each beam with a cuff at the end. On the top of the vertical beam there are four long masonry nails and a heavy hammer.
[Part 3]
The camera turns around the apparel, allowing the public to admire it on the screen and letting them guess how it will be used. The excitation of Firefox arrives to me with a fast sequence of brief vibration bursts. I look at the nails and something inside me shivers, but I must be a good girl and entertain my public tonight.

The fear enhance the arousal and the smart‐twin mode sends this back to Firefox. For a moment she has an happy surprised reaction. I wink to her; the public thinks that the wink is for them and starts chanting "Ginger! Ginger!"

The best club party of my life, too bad I cannot share this on Facebook.

I climb my device, putting my knees on the horizontal lower beams, clinging with my hands on the top of the vertical beams and lowering myself on the point of the triangle. My ankles and my wrist are fixed with the cuffs. The metal is cold and the cuff are tight, pressing on my skin. This is just the beginning, I'll endure much more.

One of the hooded guys grabs the rings piercing my nipples and pulls them until my thorax is firmly pressed against the wood; the pain makes me shiver. The other guy takes one nail and places it on the side of one tit and with few merciless blows nails it to the beam. The pain is intense and I moan at every blow. The pain mixes with the excitation and I savor the result. The breath is slow and deep and the public can see me on the screen, my mouth slightly open gasping for air, my upper lips slightly retract uncovering my upper teeth, in an ecstatic expression. Few vibrations from Firefox mix in some pleasure and the public go crazy. I cannot even describe what I am feeling.The story repeats for the other nails: two nails for every tit. Firefox arousal and mine excite each other via the twin mode and I almost got an orgasm. Firefox stops just in time.

The camera lingers on the image of the nail that enters my flesh, the shiny head, the skin slightly pulled in by the nail.

Crack! "One!" shouts the public

Ouch! So this is what it means to be whipped. It is intense, it cuts your brea...

Crack! "Two!"

Crack! "Three!"

Uuuuh! The pain intensifies. Firefox sends me some vibrations and the mix of plain and pleas...



Crack! "Forty!"

I do not just feel pain, I am pain, pain and arousal, pain and excitation, pain and love for my public who cheers me with all its heart.

My head is dizzy, my mascara washed away by my tears, long black lines mark my face. I am still nailed to the device. All around drops of blood sprayed by the whip. I can feel the blood flowing along my back, actually I can see it on the giant screen, courtesy of the cameraman. The camera moves along my back, following the red rivulets, descends on my butt and finally looks at the small dark polls on the floor. One drop falls and makes ripples in the pool.

They open the cuffs. I have a slightly tingling since they were really tight. With a pair of tongs they take out the nails from my tits. The sudden release of the tissue is painful too and this shows on my face.

Wide streams of blood flow out, follow the curvature of my tits until they arrive to the lowest point and from there drop to the floor. One hooded guy take two cups and put them under my tits to collect my blood; it will be used to make the Colosseum signature drink: Vestal Blood (the actual virginity status of the torturette does not really matter). Yes, this at least I know it is true: you can drink the blood that the torturettes shed during their performance.

After some time the stream stops. The collected blood is roughly one cup. I dip one finger in it and put it in my mouth, savoring its metallic taste. My public goes crazy.

It is time to move on. They help me standing. I am still weak from the ordeal, but I can manage it. I ask for some tissue, to clean my face from the mascara, I want to look good for my public. The public cheers. Firefox sends me few vibrations of approval and I smile, tilting my head on the right. The contrast between my sweet, almost angelic look and the ordeal I am going through excites the public even more. I can see one guy falling down, his friends alarmed. I guess that I got at least one spoiled brat...

Carried on wheel arrives the next device, the final one. The camera looks at it and the public shouts as mad since they know that they are going to be served some quality agony. The device is a 3 meter high cross standing up on the cart, a bag with three nails and a hammer hanging from one arm, on the other arm a crown made of honey locust tree with quite menacing thorns (yes, very cliche, but it it is show business, after all...). The cross has few holes and stains, witnesses of other torturettes that chose this path before me.

I look at it and I have butterflies in my stomach. The fear and the excitation grows up and also the vibrations inside me, courtesy of the twin mode. Firefox, you dirty old bitch, you are turned on by the thought of me nailed on this cross, right? Well, I'll do my best to not disappoint you.

Again my fear and her arousal amplify each other, in a perverted positive feedback. The vibrations and the excitation get more and more intense, the breath deepen and now I am so aroused I can barely move. I decide to go with the flow, I throw myself on the floor, on my knees, with my leg open, facing the room and I start touching myself in front of everyone.

The public thinks that I want my very last orgasm and this makes them still more crazy. I would swear that another brat fell down. I see, my freckled angel face mixed with my perversion is too much for a wimp like you. Go die in a cold emergency room, I will savor the pain that will drip from my cross, sweet and hot like as chilly laced honey drops, cheered by my public, dying enveloped by the flames of their passion.

Finally I get off and the rush of endorphins for a moment muffle down the cloud of pain. This leaves me even weaker and I need few seconds to recover.

I stand up, go the cross and kneel at its feet, joining my hands and bowing my head. They put the thorn crown on my head, pushing it down. It hurts a bit, some blood flows down, but not so much. It is mostly for show purposes. A red rivulet comes close to my mouth and I lick it.

I stand up, caress the cross, hug it, feeling the sturdy wood against my skin, with the approval of my public.

They lay the cross down and I lay myself upon it. My arms are open, palms up; my left feet upon my right one. My scourged back hurts while touching the wood. I close my eyes; this is the peak.
[Part 4/4]
The hooded guys place the point of the nails on my wrists and in a synchronized fashion, hit them. The pain is intense, I scream, the public shouts. Second hit, the nails go through my wrists, I scream again, the public responds. Third, fourth hit the nails penetrated in the wood and my wrists are firmly pressed against it. The pain is intense but I am learning to enjoy it, making it the path to ecstasy. New vibrations are coming from inside me and I smile, anticipating the pleasure. The screen shows me face smiling while I am nailed to the cross and the dome vibrates by the excitation of the public. They love me, I love them, I want to give all myself to them.

This though, the desire to give myself completely, makes the fear disappear, transforming the pain in pure excitation. I feel that this is my destiny, to bring my public to the excitation pinnacle, and I am achieving it. The excitation grows again and I get off again. My moans are the channel that transfers the arousal from me to my public.

Now it is time for my feet. I am relaxed for the just experienced orgasm and I am ready for it. I always dreamed about this moment, it has always been a fantasy of mine. How many times I sandwiched one foot between the other one and a wooden floor, imaging a nail entering the first foot, opening its way through my flesh, entering the other one and finally fixing my feet to the wood. Now this fantasy will get real.

I put my feet on the beam, breathing heavily with anticipation. One hooded guy holds my feet, the other one nails them. Ouch! The first blow. It is as imagined, just much more intense, pain waves shake my body and raise my endorphins level. The second blow breaks the skin of my sole and the pain paralyzes me. I scream and moan at the same time, the public cheers. My loved public, I am giving you my pain and my life, please accept them.

Two other blows and the nail reaches the wood. I scream even more, I writhe, I arch my back, trying to escaping, but the nails keep me attached to the wood. For a moment I panic, screaming as I wouldn't had believed to be able, then, suddenly the fear disappear again and pain becomes arousal.

This remember me when I nailed my nipples to the kitchen table. The pain was intense, true, but so also the sexual stimulation, mixed with the feeling of being fixed to a table. Now it is the same, just much more intense because I am not in control anymore and I know this is final.

The excitation grows stronger and stronger until I get off another time. I scream and writhe and moan again, but this time it is for the pleasure, as everyone can see by my face. I am coming in front of a applauding crowd (that includes Emmy Lovelace) and I like it. I would like this torture could go on forever.

They rise the cross. As the cross gets more and more vertical, the gravity starts pulling me down. The stretching of the arms get more and more intense until it is almost unbearable when the cross if finally upright. It seems like my armpits are going to tear up any moment soon. The tension makes also very difficult to move my thorax to breath, I try using my diaphragm, but with limited results. I am chocking, I need air, I must push myself to get at least a bit of air, but this triggers sparks of pain from my nailed feet.

The music turns back on. The purple lights dim and the stroboscopic start flashing again in time with the kick drum. Cups are placed to collect more Vestal Blood flowing out my wrists and feet.

Being up there with no protection, I have the impression I could fall down at every time. From my vantage point I can see the whole room, people dancing, other touching themselves, others passed out on the coaches. The strong techno rhythm makes my heart beat faster while I raise and lower myself, trying to get some air and some relieve from the pain.

Firefox raises a goblet toward me; I recognize it: it is Vestal Blood, she ordered the drink made with my blood, she is drinking me. I do a remote toast with her by contracting my pelvic muscles, trying to send her vibrations via the twinned vibrators. I can see from her surprised expression that I succeeded and I smile. She touches herself while drinking at the goblet, this takes us to an unbelievable and intense orgasmic toast.


Time passes by; it is few hours before morning. The hammering music, the raising and the lowering, the pain and the excitation. My public is getting crazy, Vestal Blood cups move around, an always increasing mixing of pain and excitation. I am getting on for the nth time. I have never been in such a turmoil of emotions in my life; I am going to have another orgasm, but I am too weak by now I think it will be the last one...

Ginger's body shakes on the cross for the last time, Firefox feels inside her the last pleasure waves of Ginger. Tears of sorrow for the loss of the friend mix with the joy of having shared her last pleasure.

Firefox decides to go with the wave and volunteers herself for another execution that same night. Firefox execution plan required her to be simply burnt at stake, but she decided to first cut herself the point of her nipples off with a pair of scissors in order to offer some more Vestal Blood, participating with her friend even more.

While her blood was collected the vibrator turned on again. Why? Ginger was dead, wasn't she? Some residual neural activity in Ginger body? Who cares ‒ thought Firefox ‒ let's go with it...

The vibrator, finally, turned on a last time while Firefox was already enveloped by the flames, letting her to die, as her friend, in a last, intense, otherworldly orgasm.


The following days none payed attention to the absence of Ginger. This went on for few weeks until her classmates began questioning about her absence. A missed person case was filed, but investigations did not get any result. Voices began circulating among the students. Someone remembered about her getting excited after receiving a message the day before her disappearance, saying something generic about an event she was waiting for.

Few weeks later some pictures of Ginger's shows (Ginger going to stage, stripping, being whipped until the last frame on the cross) began circulating. Who did take them? Were they real or fake? Is the girl in the picture really Ginger?

"Nah, they are photo‐shopped"

"I do not know, they look real,"

"You knew her, can you see her doing this?"

"Maybe she has been drugged"

"Nah, I think that this is another girl who looks like her"

"Nevertheless, Ginger disappeared"

"Yeah, but it cannot be her"


None but Emmy Lovelace will ever know the truth.


That night remained legendary in the story of the Moving Colosseum parties.

The Colosseum emergency room was quite busy that night with several spoiled brats, as Ginger would have called them, requiring immediate care and someone with more or less serious burns.

The fire was started by the lithium battery in Firefox's vibrator getting heated. Few seconds after the last shake of Firefox the battery blew out, spreading flames all around. The fire was quenched at once, nevertheless it was quite a spectacular adrenaline‐filled ending.

Someone swear that just a moment before the explosion a luminous sprite looking like Ginger entered Firefox body, but maybe it is just the cocaine talking...
I also saved it. I knew it was going to be good. I have a friend over. She is young, about 30. We both did some of Maries aphrodisiac and drank some wine and smoked some weed. I wanted this to be a special night because she is new to this sort of thing, and she wanted me to seduce her. She has long red hair, firm breasts, and she told me she has a full orange muff. I have my computer hooked to my tv. We sat on the couch in our short flimsy baby dolls, reading this. I wish there were pictures, or this was a movie. We giggled as we started making out and soon, I was on my knees spreading her legs and pushing a vibrating egg into her. I just love red heads, they are so excitable.
We wound up on the sheep skin rug after reading this to the end.
She is going to make a good student
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I also saved it. I knew it was going to be good. I have a friend over. She is young, about 30. We both did some of Maries aphrodisiac and drank some wine and smoked some weed. I wanted this to be a special night because she is new to this sort of thing, and she wanted me to seduce her. She has long red hair, firm breasts, and she told me she has a full orange muff. I have my computer hooked to my tv. We sat on the couch in our short flimsy baby dolls, reading this. I wish there were pictures, or this was a movie. We giggled as we started making out and soon, I was on my knees spreading her legs and pushing a vibrating egg into her. I just love red heads, they are so excitable.
We wound up on the sheep skin rug after reading this to the end.
She is going to make a good student
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