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The Lotus Smiles

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Ahmad ibn Fadlan describes a Rus cheiftan's burial around 921, where a slave girl was killed & burned with her master
yes - assuming it's not fantasy based on hearsay,
and ibn Fadlan seems to have been generally reasonably careful,
it may have been a custom picked up by the Rus Vikings from the Scythians,
there are more parallels in Central Asia and the Indo-Iranic world than the Germanic-Nordic.

Still, let us not divert from Messa of Jin's suitably magnificent obsequies! :D
Episode 10 The trials and tribulations of travelling East

“Eurrrrgh not again,” Paskai stormed out of her room and shook out her hair before bending over and raking her fingers through it.

“What now dear?” Asked Li’hi looking up from the pot she was stirring over a small fire in the middle of room. More wan light shown in from gaps in the boarded up windows and the less than sturdy roof above for all that this had once been a great mansion.

“Spider, yuck, in my hair again,” A small set of whirling legs sprang free from the tangles of glossy black hair and landing on a wall scuttled for safety, “See? This place is terrible, why cannot we lodge in the Venetian quarter? We have money.”

“But not safety,” Cautioned Li’hi, “Safety is best served by being invisible, “Jade Shadow and her Ninja women are making inquiries, soon we shall be able to decide how it is safest to proceed.”

“Why did we come to Constantinople anyway, this place is three quarters dead and full of Greeks, I cannot understand a word that most of them are jabbering,” Complained Paskai coming over for a sniff of the stew.

“Being three quarters dead helps our purposes, there are whole streets of houses such as these if we need to move our hiding place but also we are in a great city, with its markets, its trade, its information brokers,” Li’hi explained, nodding to Paskai and ladling stew into a bowl for her.

“But why is this city so full of old ruins if it is so wonderful and the centre of things and all?” Paskai challenged, only slightly mollified by the stew and crust of what was really quite reasonable bread, some cheese and some very watered wine, still she was a teenager and they burnt through food like a furnace.

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“It was once the centre of a great empire but empires I fall, I myself have seen empires fall,” Li’hi shrugged, “Anyway Constantinople has certain specific advantages, by emphasising certain aspects of our speech and appearance Jade Shadow and I have convinced the locals of these derelict districts we are Turks, no one suspects we are Venetians, they may hate the Turks but they also fear them for the Turks they know serve either the Osmanlis or the Mongols and both are fearsome. Should the Turks hiding out in the old mansion need to disappear it is but a short boat trip to the Venetian quarter where you can trade on being the Lady Paskai of House Polo.”

“Still don’t see why we need to hide out and not go to the Venetian quarter,” Mumbled Paskai though she accepted a second portion of stew.

“Because My Honoured Lady we know men hunt for the Lady Paskai and wish her ill but for the moment at least they cannot find her,” Jade Shadow loomed up suddenly as if emerging from the gaps in the firelight she then went over to Li’hi and the two put their heads together in a dark corner of the room for a muttered conversation.

Paskai waited and waited to be told what was happening but despite glancing over at her neither of the other women said a word directly to her and continued gab away in a rapid fire language she had no knowledge of and she knew several. Then Jade Shadow straightened and Li’hi gave her orders in good Venetian Italian at last.

“Go take money and buy the goods we are looking for, food and pack animals we can pick up in Cherson so concentrate on the girls, expect to pay double for virgins but make sure not to get ripped off there, for the rest an even mix of domestics and likely concubine material, only pick up singers or instrumentalists if the prices seems right,” Li’hi instructed the warrior woman who nodded and then disappeared with a half turn, Paskai tried futilely to see where she had gone, that would be a trick useful to learn.

“So why the big speech in Italian, I take it that was for my benefit,” Paskai Lin asked suspiciously.

“Indeed, just so you know the mysterious Mongol Chai Tai is going into the slave trade,” Li’hi beamed broadly.

“Why would I want to go into the slave trade?” Paskai asked, puzzled.

“Oh after this you probably won’t,” Li’hi beamed but that was all she would say on that subject that night.

The next day found Paskai, Li’hi and the ninja women down on the docks. The ninja women wore additional leathers and some armour over their customary clothes and glued on moustaches which ought to have looked ridiculous but seemed to have fooled the Greek and Armenian sailors. Li’hi had also donned a moustache but instead favoured garments that would put all onlookers in mind of a wealthy merchant.

In addition to the group with which Paskai had travelled from Venice was a mixed assortment of women naked but for their chains. Also there were several crates filled with the kind of fine silk clothes that could only be had in Constantinople.

“Paskai strip,” Li’hi commanded holding up first one dress to admire then another.

“What in public?” Paskai protested, “You are so embarrassing,” Still she did as she was told and secretly did not mind so much when the men goggled her naked body, “So which dress is mine?”

“None,” Said Li’hi and nodded to a man with big bulging muscles and a sharp dagger like beard, “The chains are for you,” Li’hi nodded to where a black smith who looked like an even bigger and sturdier version of the other waited.

“What, what are you doing,” Paskai shrieked as the first big man helped by one of the secret ninjas and a rather gropy sailor grabbed her and dragged her over to where the forge and anvil now loomed large in her gaze.

The blacksmith asked a question in the local gibberish the only words of which Paskai recognised where “Lady Chai Tai” and then her her head was filled with the ringing of metal upon metal as a collar was forced around her neck and the hot pin hammered closed, then came manacles for wrists and ankles.

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As Paskai was dragged away to join the other girls in the noisome hold of the trader plying the Black sea she could only hope that this indignity was for no longer than it took to reach Cherson. Even so she was among the girls who wept as the ships left port.

To Be Continued
I'm thinking and smiling : there were some centuries, a girl called Amica was a Princess in her country , but she was captured to be a slave in Rome ....
Paskaï Lin is before becoming a slave, but it's to conquer her Kingdom and to be Princess ...:p

What a paradox !:devil:

2_Xuan_Yuan_Sword_Scar_of_the_Sky_Yu-er_Cecilia_Liu_Shi_Shi_009.jpg :rolleyes:

Episode 11 One plus one is more fun but more to lose

Paskai shivered, she was not sure how she managed to feel the cold, there was a hot bony little slave girl to the left of her, a slightly less bony and rather more sweaty slave girl to the right of her and the food...well the food had been hot about an hour ago, now the mash retained merely the memory of warmth. Still and all she could not understand this bone deep coldness, Paskai refused to consider even the notion of what it truly was.

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So she focused on her anger. Li’hi was someone she had grown up trusting as an aunt yet the woman had tricked her into stripping on the docks and then clapped her in irons before throwing her in among the cargo of slave girls where Paskai was part of a select group who had a v painted on their foreheads. V meant virgin, v meant aboard this ship don’t rape, v meant that the group Paskai was in had a better time of it than some of the other slave girls who had been visited by the crew of a night watch.

Yet Paskai had had to listen to what went on across the hold or on the deck just above where the sailors bedded. She had had to listen and it had turned her blood cold, it had laid its icy fingers upon her heart and chilled her blood.

“A fierce one hey?” Said a friendly voice and Paskai looked up to see a smiling dark haired woman with a round face, dark black hair and dark eyes that shone nevertheless like coals in the fire.

“Fierce?” Asked Paskai more in the hope of having someone who could speak something other than Greek to talk to, she had rather expected more of the slave girls to understand Venetian it being the language of trade in these parts and she had become excited when some had spoken distinctly French words only to be disappointed when the rest of their tongue proved to incomprehensible gibberish.

“The witch, whoever she is, she had better not let you near any pins if she wants to keep her eyes,” The other seemed unconcerned either by her nudity or her chains she swayed easily with the motion of the ship and her words bubbled with an undercurrent of laughter.

“Oh I did not realise I had spoken out loud,” Paskai flushed.

“Does not matter, I am Doretja, well at least until my next master gives me a new name, shift yer bum,” Doretja gave a rueful smile and then shoved the skinny slave girl aside with a flick of her hip as she sat down next to Paskai.

“Oh I am Paskai,” Admitted Paskai Lin, “Your name does not sound very Venetian.”

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“’Course not,” Scoffed Doreja, “I am Slovene, from Trieste, though I might be a bit Venetian, my mother conceived me about the time your lot were occupying us, by the sounds of things the middling sort of soldiers spent a lot of time occupied in my mother’s bed but she wore them out after four years…anyway who are you to talk Paskai hardly sounds very Venetian and you look kind of fu…kind of interesting.”

“I am Paskai Lin also of House Polo and my mother has Royal Blood from the Song Dynasty of China,” Paskai tried to look haughty but it proved a bit difficult in chains. The slave girl making use of the hole in one corner of the slave pen which gave out into the very bottom of the ship where the water that had leaked in collected until it was pumped out every so often was mixed with the less than pleasant wastes of a collection of nervous young woman did not help either.

“Very posh, a right little princess, so I bet they are expecting a pretty penny for you,” Grinned Doretja.

“I am not a Princess,” Said Paskai hurriedly, though she was not sure herself if she was in disguise or not?

“Oh okay then merely a duchess, your eminentness,” Doretja smiled, she smiled a lot and when she did her face lit up.

“A duchess is not an eminence that title is reserved for cardi…”

“…cardinals…yes I know that, so you don’t mind my sitting here, next to you and in with the other virgins, only now it is after supper the men start coming round and my normal friend Marguerite, I think she is sort of bit Flemish and bit French not like all those Occitan lasses the new boss loaded up with,” Doretja nodded at the largest group of doe eyed slave girls, “Anyway Marguerite she sort of encourages them, bad enough being rape bait, just down right humiliating being the sloppy seconds after rape bait.”

“Oh okay, you seem brave,” Paskai had not meant to say that and she felt herself blush again.

“Mostly I don’t care, still keep my head down though, you know what they say, there are old slaves and bold slaves but no old bold slaves,” Doretja stuck her tongue out at a girl across the pen, possibly Marguerite.

Later that night Paskai sucked on one of Doretja’s large ripe nipples, purely to distract herself from the sounds around her.

“Like that do you,” Doretja had laughed in the darkness, distantly illuminated by a single oil lamp kept aflame during the dog watch. She had started stroking Paskai’s back and then her hair. Then at some point Paskai was on her back and Doretja was kissing along her ribs and under and up over her breasts and then her lips. Then the Slovene woman’s hands were between Paskai’s legs playing ever so gently with her lips down there until they moistened and then her bud under that touch grew hard and throbbed urgently and Paskai heaved her hips trying to thrust herself onto her lover’s hand.

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“Careful there sweetling, we must keep you intact, now you just lie back, I’ll sooth you,” Promised Doretja and crawled down Paskai’s body until her mouth found the source of the flood between Paskai’s lips and then Paskai’s world exploded in light and sound and something else of which she could not speak but only sigh with pleasure.

The next day dawned brighter than it had in a while. At least in part because the ship had finally made land and the slave girls were brought ashore before being fed a late breakfast or possibly early lunch which was a lot warmer than the ship slops and even had bits of what might have been meat in the normal grain mash.

Paskai was just savouring the last mouthful or two when a girl with a well-endowed figure and ratty red blonde hair came barrelling into her knocking her and rather to her dismay what was left of her mash, sideways. The girl screamed a torrent of outlandish words the only one of which Paskai remotely caught was ‘Doretja’. So she guessed it was an affronted Marguerite who had emerged from the hold in the company of a couple of ship’s mates with a big grin on her face and then fallen into a huddled conversation with several confederates who had clearly ratted Paskai out.

Not that she cared at the moment about that. This Marguerite was a clear enemy after days and nights of unspecified fear and Paskai had been longing for one of those. The girls came at her teeth bared and spitting, her finger nails raised like claws. She was quite unready for Paskai to kick her in the belly and then club her across the face with her wrist chains. Then Paskai got those chains around Marguerite’s neck and strangled her till she pissed herself. About then Paskai began to let go of the pressure but she was roughly grabbed back by several of the ninja women disguised as Turkish warriors and more hands took hold of Marguerite

“A lover’s quarrel? Really and you chose that slut?” Sighed the Lord Chai Tai who was actually the Lady Li’hi in disguise, “Well you must be punished, really you cannot go risking your virginity, don’t forget you are a Princess of Jin and Song, a woman fit to rule all China,” Li’hi leaned in and whispered in her rough Northern Dialect Chinese that had made Messaline smile and Mingyu all but laugh.

“Am I?” Hissed Paskai back, “You treat me like a slave and a trash slave at that.” Her Chinese was more florid, taken from the high tones of her mother and grandmother.

“Yes, now prepare to meet the whip, we cannot risk anyone asking who you really are and you must learn discipline,” LI’hi admonished Paskai.

“And Marguerite will she be whipped?” Asked Paskai.

“No and don’t think I am doing that out of mercy for you, I aim to sell the girl today, here at Cherson and I will lose a pretty penny in silver as it is without her back being all marked up, still you won’t be so tempted by her if she is far behind.”

Paskai said nothing and did not even dare look in Doretja’s direction lest she be revealed. She went silent to the whipping post, bit down angrily on the leather bit that was offered her. She was told it was a light whip as they wanted to avoid permanent injury but the whistling serpent and of twisted hide did not feel light as it scorched fire across Paskai’s shoulder blades, then where her neck joined her shoulders and then the small of her back and then across her hips and then higher so it drove the air from her lungs and then again and again until Paskai lost count and fought not to faint her cries only muffled by the folded bit of animal clenched between hard biting teeth.

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Later Paskai lay half sobbing on her front in a covered wagon that also served to carry the little caravan of Lord Chai Tai’s medicines. The curtain at the back entrance swirled open and the pain of Paskai’s back cooled a little. It cooled even more when Doretja whispered, “Hey posh girl, don’t tell anyone but I blagged my way in here by claiming I was once an apothecary’s assistant.”

“Were you?” Asked Paskai wondering at the skilled hands and smooth paste that was easing her pain away.

“No but I was buggered by a master alchemist for a while so I know which are poisons and which are not, he used to explain the differences between felchings,” Doretja laughed.

The curtains swirled again and familiar face once again without moustaches leaned down and glanced briefly into Paskai’s eyes before she straightened and spoke to Doretja.

“I am Jade Shadow a mysterious mercenary warrior from the East, I have been hired by the Lord Chai Tai from far Mongolia to guard his virgin wares on this expedition.”

“Okay,” Doretja sounded like she did not mind either way.

“You are very pretty,” Jade Shadow told Doretja.

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“Um thanks,” Doretja answered with an all too familiar shy yet laughing tone and Paskai wanted to punch Jade Shadow save she was sure the other woman would kick her arse even when her back muscles stopped hurting where the salve had not got to. She had a feeling this was going to be a long journey.

To Be Continued
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Episode 12 Long journeys, dangerous travels

One of the many annoying things about being a slave, is that when someone steals your slutty girlfriend you cannot complain about it, even worse but when they decide to make noisy intercourse in the same wagon as you, you cannot even tell them to shift somewhere else.

“Oh Jade, Jade you are fantastic, do that thing with your tongue between my holes again,” Doretja exclaimed and Paskai buried her head under a pillow in the hope of shutting out the resulting sighs and moans and the inevitable rising shrieks.

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Paskai had strongly hinted she felt well enough to walk outside the wagon with the other slave girls several times now if only to get away from the noise but Li’hi or the Lord Chai Tai had still felt her back needed further healing. Paskai had tried pointing out there they had not seen anyone outside the caravan for days. Li’hi and Jade Shadows had both smiled mysteriously and suggested to Paskai she learn to look more carefully…which was impossible if she were inside the covered wagon but that argument too had fallen on deaf ears.

It was even more annoying when Doretja confirmed to Paskai that she had heard from other traders who had joined up with the caravan back near Samarkand that they had at last entered the territory known as “Shin Jam”.

“Xinjiang,” Corrected Paskai, “My grandmother ru…er came from around here,” She confessed.

“Ah well almost like coming home, you know it is funny, I had always hoped to see more of the world but so far most of it has looked like grass and now we are in a desert,” Doretja sighed. The long trail of wagons, pack animals, porters and of course slaves was slowly winding into the campsite that had been chosen but it would be long dark before the last of them finished arriving and the camp fires began to heat supper.

Paskai was taking this rare opportunity to look around from the wagon, Jade Shadow and Li’hi pretending to be Chai Tai were deep in discussion with the other chief merchants about the next stage of the route.

“So with Jade busy you want to fuck?” Doretja asked coming up behind Paskai and nuzzling her ear.

“Not now, I have been in that stuffy wagon all day I want to look around,” Paskai shook Doretja off.

“Oh come on you are getting as frigid as that weird Chai Tai guy, I swear I have swung my boobs in front of him half a dozen times and he has not batted an eyelash, normally most guys at least look, say he is not one of those oriental eunuchs is he?” Doretja asked.

“Oh you don’t know the half of it,” Replied Paskai distractedly.

“Young lady, do you want to have your fortune read?” Asked one of a group of three brightly dressed women in a friendly tone.

“I…I am but a slave…I am afraid I have no money,” Paskai replied.

“Oh no matter,” The young woman who had spoken waved the subject away, “I am bored and need to practice my trade, besides it is just a bit of fun, even slaves are allowed fun.”

“Oh okay,” Agreed Paskai as the woman took her hand and the other two moved about their own business, one tipping a load of cheap trade goods out of a large sack the other checking on the horses.

“I see a journey into darkness and mystery, much gold will exchange hands,” Said the fortune teller.

“What does that mean?” Asked Paskai intrigued.

“Let’s find out,” Said a female voice behind her and suddenly the sack was coming down over Paskai’s head. She tried to struggle but someone pulled the cord close tight around her middle pinning her arms helplessly inside the material and leaving her bare legs and bottom exposed. Then almost before she knew she was being hoisted aloft. She tried kicking out but could nothing prevent herself being dumped across the back of a horse and then felt ropes lash her snug to it.

“Mistress Jade, Lord Chai Tai, Paskai is being kidnapped,” Yelled Doretja running off to get help.

“And make sure they know we want a big ransom,” Said one of the women kidnappers, then the horses started bounding away, leaving Paskai’s head spinning in her dark world of the sack.

A long while later the horse slowed and the sound of angry voices arose. “You were told to spy out the caravan and camp, not to scarper off with the first strumpet that caught your eye, I knew we should have sent young men on this mission, not women with your decadent tastes,” Growled a man in a language which Paskai realised was at least familiar from her childhood.

“Hoh, shows what you know Aga,” Sneered a female voice from somewhere just above Paskai’s head, “They hid this one all alone in a medicine wagon, only her Lord’s top warrior and female slave were allowed to attend…oh and the warrior was a woman too, they wanted to keep this rare and precious item unspoiled.”

“Well then I suppose there might be something in this prize but what of the camp Little Fox?” Asked Aga, “I want to know if you even attempted your original mission or your father or not I will have you run the gauntlet, I am the war chief on this errand.”

“The camp is too strong, too many warriors, the Lord Chai Tai has more Turks than you and that is without the rest of the merchants’ guard, my father the Grand Chief sent us out to raid not to engage in a pitched battle, holding this one for ransom seemed our best bet to get something out of this,” Argued Little Fox who seemed to be some kind of noble woman among these savages.

“Well very well, guard your prisoner carefully but none of your funny stuff, I doubt we shall nearly as much ransom if they suspect she has been spoiled,” Aga growled.

“Oh you are so boring,” Laughed Little Fox then the horse sent off again at a slow trot.

“Where are you taking me?” Asked Paskai, annoyed her voice came out more of a squeak than a growl.

“Oh you speak Jurchen?” Answered Little Fox, “How interesting.” The horse stopped and Little Fox slide out of her saddle and came to stand by Paskai’s exposed nether regions, “I wonder what else you have to tell us?” She slapped Paskai’s bottom playfully and then began to play with it by rubbing and squeezing and needing each buttock around and around, first separately and then together. Paskai felt her face heat as the motions had their inevitable effect.

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“Please, take this sack off, I want to see where I am,” Paskai pleaded.

“Oh I am sure you do,” Said the other woman, “But first I think I shall take my measure of you and the best way to do that with a woman I think is to taste her.” A wet tongue darted over Paskai’s lover’s entrance.

“No stop, oh no, no….noooo!” Paskai protested, then squeaked and then moaned as Little Fox penetrated her coop with delicate patience and merciless precision her tongue driving the sensations flooding through blind Paskai to ever greater extremes.

“Oh…ohhhhhhhhh!” Was all Paskai could find to say now.

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To Be Continued
Hum, is thinking Paskaï, is it becoming a "porn'story" ? :devil:

Hé, guys, have you seen my ass/pussy ? I'm sure that more than one of you would want to lick his screen .... :p:p:p
Who are you??? :D :p :rolleyes:

And what did you do with Messa??? :devil::doh:;)
Why cry-ee, Paskai-ee?
Wipe the tear, baby dear, from your eye-ee!
Though it's a naughty place I go,
You'll be tickled to death I know!
Moan high-ee, and sigh-ee,
You can feel my fiddly fingers on your thigh-ee,
Bonsoir, sweet thing, here I go right in -
Nah-poo, toodle-oo, hooray-ee!

:devil: :devil: :devil:
Why cry-ee, Paskai-ee?
Wipe the tear, baby dear, from your eye-ee!
Though it's a naughty place I go,
You'll be tickled to death I know!
Moan high-ee, and sigh-ee,
You can feel my fiddly fingers on your thigh-ee,
Bonsoir, sweet thing, here I go right in -
Nah-poo, toodle-oo, hooray-ee!

:devil: :devil: :devil:

I know what you said, Eul!

Episode 13 Unlucky for Some

“Ah….ahhhh, please stop, I can’t take any more, stop, stop…don’t stop…ahhhhh,” Paskai called out, she was stretched out in a tent upon the kind of frame more usually used for tanning hide, Little Fox had been pouring hot wax over the more delicate parts of Paskai’s skin and then washing it off with a sponge dipped in a bucket of water mixed with ice from the high hills above. It was a delicately exquisite torture, two kinds of pain each a relief from the other then Little Fox set her mouth to work kissing the reddened blotches on golden skin all better.

“Oh you like that now don’t you my little princess, I wonder who you are? Ready to tell me yet, no, oh what a shame I shall just have to go on torturing you, and seducing you and torturing you all over again,” Little Fox took a nipple between her teeth and nipped playfully, then she reached once again for the candles made from animal fat.

“No, not that, something else, please, something else,” Begged Paskai her voice quivering with a strange mix of fear and desire.

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“Hum, you have a hankering for something a different, ah, let’s go back to our old friend the whip, you will like that will you not?” Little Fox sounded amused.

“Yes, Mistress, thank you Mistress,” Paskai agreed, she knew it was the way to get on her captor’s good side and that would make the coming blows more playful than painful, “Ah, had, oh,” Paskai gasped as a tongue of leather licked out, whistling through the air and stung the underside of a breast, the outside of a thigh, a delicate flank in quick succession and then Little Fox closed for a kiss, “I almost hope they don’t ransom you soon, you are so fun to play with,” Then lips locked again and tongues played delicately, sending white fire pulses into brains caught up in a smoky haze of lust and power.

Then suddenly Little Fox stepped away, “Time for supper,” She grinned at Paskai a light darting from behind her eyes, “You can hang around here, I think fasting will do you good, you are too well fed for a slave, you could do to lose a few ounces.”

Paskai gasped and spluttered in outrage, she had a very good figure and knew it. She also knew she was hungry, her stomach growled at the smells from the camp that had alerted Little Fox now reached her. “I’ll get you yet!” Promised Paskai to the empty tent.

“Indeed you shall Highly Honoured Lady,” Said a voice and then was the sound of the ripping of fabric and like a chill gust of wind Jade Shadow stepped into the tent.

“What are you doing here?” Paskai hissed in a tight whisper.

“Why rescuing you of course,” Jade Shadow replied, her knife swiftly parted the bonds holding Paskai aloft and then she was pressing a package into Paskai’s hands.

“What is this?” Asked Paskai but felt foolish as she said it, she could already recognise the wicked curving metal and fabric.

“Why your clothes and your swords,” Said the Ninja Woman simply, “Get dressed and then come, you may want to command your revenge yourself; your ninja guard have the camp of these bandits entirely surrounded.”

“Um no. wait, I want to take the woman who kidnapped me prisoner first,” Temporised Paskai.

“Ah yes, to torture her as she tortured you before executing her,” Jade Shadow nodded, “That is good.”

“Erm yes, sort of, I was thinking more of…” Said Paskai as she pulled on her clothes.

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“Why who are you talking too my cute little…ulp,” Little Fox’s laughter ended in a squeak as she found herself on the verge of being impaled by Jade Shadow’s sword, to Paskai’s dismay she dropped the bowls of broth she had been carrying on the ground and the earth sucked up the fluid greedily leaving just a few measly scraps of meat and fat behind. Paskai’s stomach growled especially loudly.

“You keep quite if you want to live,” Jade Shadow commanded, keep her sword pressed close to the bandit woman’s throat she rooted around and found some slave manacles, “Now strip, my Honoured Lady wishes to keep you as a humiliated slave while I and her loyal servants slaughter the rest of you bandits,” Jade Shadow added proudly if not entirely helpfully.

“My brothers, my sisters!” Cried out Little Fox in horror.

“Erm…no?” Suggested Paskai tentatively to Jade Shadow who gave her a blank look and then smiled as enlightenment dawned.

“My Lady shall spare the lives of your worthless family so they may tell of her magnanimity and wisdom and of your complete subjugation and humiliation at her hands,” Jade Shadow said haughtily, now off with you clothes and into these chains if you want them to live.”

“My Clan will avenge this insult a hundred fold,” Hissed Little Fox as Jade Shadow laid her away naked and Paskai now clothed and armed to where the rest of the small ninja army lay in wait.

“Oh good I really do hope they try, I and my sisters in battle love a good fight,” Jade Shadow said tugging Little Fox along.

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“Oh you are all so embarrassing,” Paskai looked up to the uncaring heavens as if hoping the Gods might have an answer before sighing and mounting her horse, her stomach growled again, she really hoped there was some decent food at the end of the journey.

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To Be Continued
Never mind, I could be happy : I'll have two slaves of pleasure when we'll be in the Tibet !

Chained-Slavegirls-3 (3).jpg Horny Nude Slave Chained (3).jpg :rolleyes::rolleyes:
It will be fun .... I dont regret this travel and to become a Princess of Jin is, after all, rather agreable !!!

Are you agree, Li'Hi ? 2_Xuan_Yuan_Sword_Scar_of_the_Sky_Yu-er_Cecilia_Liu_Shi_Shi_015.jpg
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