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The noose ride

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The Noose Ride manip by noosewoman.jpg
Spooky and I walked up to it, stopping to examine the contraption. I was a little surprised it actually had riders on it.

The male attendant smiled at our approach. He looked to be in his early twenties. I wondered if the carnival was paying him minimum wage for operating such a crazy ride.

I motioned at all the dangling bodies before asking him, “What do you do here? What’s your job in all this?”

“I’m responsible for cuffing their hands behind their back and then noosing them up. Then I go to the main panel and activate their rope. Each noose is set to go off on a random timer.”

I was incredulous as I looked at the bodies on display. “You mean to tell me that people actually want to hang on this thing?”

He gave me a shrug. “I don’t ask questions. I suppose some do it for the thrill. Others must have some sort of death wish. At least, that’s what I think.”

Spooky turned to me and asked, “So what do you think?”

“I’m not sure,” I told him. “What do you think?”

“It looks kind of exciting.”

“Do you really think so?” I was surprised. Was he actually considering getting a noose for himself?

He lapsed into silence as he looked at the bodies on display. I think the crazy bastard was actually excited by the whole damned thing!

There were several empty nooses remaining. I saw seven that were occupied. I counted two males and five females.

“They hang naked?” I said to the ride attendant after noticing none of them wore a stitch of clothing.

“Of course,” he replied. “It’s for show, for the riders as well as for those who come around to have a look. It’s not just for the paying customers, you know. It’s also for all the pervs who like seeing somebody hanging naked in midair, especially if they end up hanging to death.”

I turned and noticed Spooky studying the two males. Both appeared to be deceased. One had his hands cuffed in front. His cock looked as though it was oozing a little spunk.

“His hands are cuffed in front?” I asked the ride operator as I pointed out the closer male corpse.

“He wanted to jerk off while he was hanging.”

“Oh, really?”

I glanced over at Spooky. His heavy breathing had become noticeable. Was he really that affected by all this?

“How long?” I asked the attendant as I motioned at the riders in their nooses.

“It’s random,” he replied. “If the ride releases you, there’s a bell that rings loudly, followed by the noose coming down. That’s when I come over and remove the handcuffs and noose, setting you free.”

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. That’s when I noticed one female with orange hair standing on her toes. She was still alive!

Was she waiting to be hanged again? What the hell was the delay?? Her nipples were quite hard, so she was clearly aroused about something.

I noticed a second female, a brunette, who was also alive. She was standing flat-footed. But that didn’t last long, as she was suddenly hauled up into the air.

Almost immediately, she began kicking. She was quite animated as she danced and strangled. Would she stay up in the air? Or would the ride let her back down?

I tried to get a good look at her face. Was she scared or excited? It was hard to tell, although I thought I saw a certain element of enthusiasm in her performance.

I noticed Spooky watching her kick and twist. He certainly seemed fascinated by her dance. I must admit, it was pretty damned erotic.

What was he thinking? Did he really want to try it out? The ride – and that particular female air-dancer – certainly had his undivided attention.

There was just one hitch. We usually went on these rides together. What would I do if he asked me to ride it with him?

I turned back to the ride operator, as I had more questions for him. I wanted to know what I might be getting myself into if my companion decided he wanted to take it for a spin. “So tell me: how does it work?”

“The nooses randomly take you up and down. Sometimes you end up flat-footed for a while. Sometimes you’re up in the air for a minute or two.”

“A minute or two? Wouldn’t that kill you?”

“The ropes are kind of thick. I guess they don’t want the guests dying right away.”

“Any… accidents?”

He just looked at me in amazement. “You’re kidding; right? This is a hanging ride. It’s virtually nothing BUT accidents! You pay your fee and you take your chances, same as everyone else. I can’t guarantee what kind of random program the ride will give you. All I know is I can’t release you unless the ride dings at me.”

“Dings at you?”

“That bell I told you about.”

“Oh yeah… right.”

At that moment, the dancing woman came back down onto the wooden floor of the ride. She wobbled unsteadily upon her legs. I tried to determine if she wanted off. But according to the attendant, she would not be released until there was a loud ding from some bell.

Carnival music started to blare from a loudspeaker. The woman who’d just been lowered was lifted back up into the air. The woman on her toes was also pulled up.

The ride started to rotate slowly, setting every naked body in motion. The two women rasped for breath as they fought their nooses. The other bodies swung without any indication they were still alive.

The ride went on like that for about a minute until it stopped. Then the two women were lowered to the floor. They struggled to get their breath back as they tried to compose themselves.

I asked the attendant, “I take it that’s random too?”

“You got it.”

Spooky looked at the woman with orange hair as I watched the brunette. She saw me looking at her and blushed at my attention. Then she turned toward the attendant before asking, “I guess my ride’s not over yet?” He just smiled and shook his head.

I couldn’t resist as I called out, “Why? Do you want off?”

She breathlessly replied, “It doesn’t really matter what I want. I have to wait until it releases me.”

“Do you want to be released?”

She didn’t hesitate as she replied, “It doesn’t matter what I want. I’m committed now. So I have to stay here until the ride releases me.”

I turned to the attendant and asked, “Isn’t there some sort of manual override on her noose?”

He shook his head. “You heard the lady. She committed herself.”

“Yeah, but what if she hangs to death?”

“That’s the chance you take. Everyone who rides it signs a waiver.”

The woman with orange hair was suddenly pulled into the air. Spooky watched her as she promptly danced up a storm. The brunette watched her and inhaled sharply.

I watched for a few moments before calling out to the brunette, “Why are you riding that thing? Do you want to die?”

She blinked in confusion. “No. I mean yes. I mean no. I just wanted to…”

Her noose abruptly pulled her right back up before she could finish. At the same time, the other lady was lowered until she was flat on her feet. A lot of slack appeared in her rope, right before we heard a distinct bell.

The attendant immediately climbed onto the wooden platform and went over to her with a set of keys. Meanwhile, the brunette kicked and gyrated in her noose. Everyone else was in midair and appeared to be dead… unless they were quietly dying, too far gone to be saved.

The attendant removed the noose from the woman with orange hair before releasing her from the cuffs. She was none too steady, wobbling on her feet as she made her way down off the ride. “I thought I was a goner during that last spin,” she said to no one in particular, although by now I’d noticed there were several bystanders watching the show.

She slowly made her way over toward a row of wooden dressers. She pulled open a drawer and pulled out what I assumed were her clothes. Then she began dressing. I thought about asking her a question, but she seemed distracted.

The brunette was suddenly lowered. She rasped for breath as she ended up flat-footed. She was barely half a minute on her feet before the rope hauled her right back up into the air.

She let out a ragged gasp for breath. A moment later we heard a metallic sound, followed by some sort of buzzer. A red light flashed directly down upon her.

The attendant smiled as he called out to her, “Looks like your ride’s going to take you all the way to eternity, lady.” Then the music came back on. The ride began to swing her ‘round and ‘round, along with the other naked bodies.

She kicked and twisted as the ride kept swinging her by the place where Spooky and I were standing. Then it slowed and came to a stop. She kicked animatedly, her reddening face taking on a grimace of agony. Spooky’s eyes never left her as she danced her way toward her death.

She fought the noose for three or four minutes before she slowed down. Her struggles lessened quite a bit as the noose constricted around her throat. Then her bladder released.

The attendant noticed it right away. “Damn. I knew that was going to happen!” Then he climbed up onto the wooden floor and walked to the center of the ride.

He opened up a panel and pulled out what looked like some sort of floor squeegee. Then he pushed it back and forth underneath the woman. Most of her urine was pushed off the platform.

He quickly put the squeegee back where he’d retrieved it. Then he came back down and took up his position. When he caught us looking at him, he explained, “It helps to keep the floor as clean as possible to avoid slipping and breaking a bone.”

I pointed at the bodies and asked, “There are only two guys up there?”

“More females ride it than males. I don’t mind though. The ladies can be a little hesitant. But if a guy wants to do it, he just up and does it.”

“What happens when all the nooses are full?”

“I get to take a break. They leave the bodies up for an hour to make sure everyone is dead. Then a crew comes and takes them down, and the whole thing starts all over again.”

“How long does it take to fill the ride?”

The female voice asking the question caused me to turn with a start. I saw a blonde and a woman with jet black hair standing close by. I wasn’t sure, but I thought it was the blonde who’d spoken.

By now, the ride had certainly attracted a fair share of onlookers. But only the four of us – the two ladies along with Spooky and I – were this close. The others seemed to want to keep a safe distance back.

“It depends,” the attendant said to the blonde. “Sometimes it fills right up. Other times can take as much as an hour. It depends on how many people want to risk it.”

“Where do I sign?”

I frowned at my friend before shaking my head. I should have known. Then he looked at me before asking, “You’re riding it with me; right?”

I sarcastically retorted, “I hadn’t planned on committing suicide today, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He shrugged his shoulders as he went over to sign the paperwork the attendant was getting ready for him. The blonde immediately piped up, “I want to sign too!”

Her black-haired friend muttered, “Not a good idea, Trixie.”

“C’mon, Faye! It’ll be fun!” Then she walked over and signed as well.

I watched as her and Spooky undressed. They put their clothes in separate drawers. Then Spooky waved at me to come join him.

“This is not a good idea,” I muttered to myself as I went over to sign. Spooky just gave me a huge grin.

I had just finished with my signature when Trixie’s friend Faye came over. “Guess I’ll sign it too,” she muttered.

“Atta girl!” her blonde friend gushed excitedly. “Life is a risk! I want to live a little!”

“Don’t you mean ‘die a little’?” Faye muttered unhappily.

The attendant waited until we were all naked. Faye had a nice set of C’s on her chest, while her friend’s tits were a little larger. Trixie was clean-shaven, while Faye sported a trimmed landing strip.

Spooky’s dick was already saluting, indicating his arousal. Mine was just starting to stir. I couldn’t believe I was doing this with him!

My friend’s hands were cuffed behind his back before he was noosed between two dead women. Trixie was placed a short distance away, giving her a clear view of him. Faye and I got adjacent nooses.

I panted for breath as my dick stiffened even more. I looked at Faye who was definitely looking as anxious as I felt. Maybe we both should have just bowed out and let our friends play on this suicidal thrill-ride.

The attendant finished with us. Then he went over to his board. I think that’s when he activated our nooses.

I gasped as I was pulled up onto my toes. A moment later, Spooky and Faye were hauled right up into the air. They started kicking as Trixie gasped, “Fuck; that’s hot! Wow; his dick’s really hard now!”

The carnival music came back on. I nearly panicked as my feet left the floor of the ride. Trixie was lifted up until the four of us were airborne.

The ride slowly began to rotate. I tried not to kick too much. I was afraid I might lethally tighten the rope around my throat.

Spooky was already humping the air. Trixie rasped as she watched him in wide-eyed wonder. Then she appeared to hump the air as well.

Fay and I tried our best to ride the damned thing without making things worse for ourselves. But it was difficult not to fight my noose. Instinct made me want to kick like crazy.

It felt like an incredibly long minute or so before the ride came to a stop. We were all lowered until we were flat-footed. Then Trixie and I were taken back up into the air.

I tried to resist, but it was nearly impossible. My cock had stiffened up of its own accord. There was nothing I could do to make it soften.

I saw Faye looking right at me. Then she let out a gawk as she was lifted back up into the air. She could not remain still, and she kicked quite a bit.

Spooky was taken up into the air as I was let down. Trixie came down and then went back up. Faye really struggled before she was lowered to the floor of the ride.

How long was this going to go on? What if the damned ride wanted to claim me? Why the hell had I agreed to this?

The carnival music came back on as Faye and I were hauled back up. Then the ride began to rotate again. My cock was really stiff from my strangulation.

We were about half a minute into our circular motion when I heard the buzzer. A red light flashed down upon poor Faye. Her expression turned into one of alarm. Then she began to wriggle as the ride slowed down and came to a stop.

She was left dangling in the air, kicking more and more. Then Trixie was lowered. Her bell went off as she got a ton of slack in her rope.

I was lowered as the attendant went and released Trixie. Spooky was lowered, only to be pulled right back up into the air. Then I heard the buzzer again before a red light flashed down upon him as well.

Faye’s death dance really became animated. Trixie watched her in awe. Then Spooky’s cock went off as he really fought his noose.

I was mentally begging the machine to set me free. Then I was hauled into the air again. I panicked as I really started kicking.

It felt like ten or fifteen seconds before I was lowered back down. I heard the bell, followed by my rope getting a lot of slack. To my relief, the attendant came over and set me free.

About that time, Faye’s bladder gave way as she shuddered in her noose. The attendant went to get his squeegee to clean it up. He was just finishing up when Spooky’s cock began to dribble urine as well.

I went over to retrieve my clothes. Trixie was right there getting hers as well. She gasped, “Hell of a ride, wasn’t it?” I just nodded my head, afraid any word I might say would earn me another ride.

We got dressed and went to join the other onlookers. Spooky and Faye were dangling quietly. It didn’t seem right Faye had been the one to hang when it was her friend Trixie who’d wanted to ride the damned thing.

Trixie came over to me and grabbed my arm. “Looks like our friends get to stay with the ride. So I guess we’re alone now. Wanna go hang out for a while?”

I looked over at Spooky who was dangling quietly. I wasn’t sure hanging around with Trixie would be a wise idea. But I decided… why not?

I took one last look at her friend Faye. Trixie saw me looking at her and remarked, “She looks hot hanging there; doesn’t she?” I wanted to tell her it should have been her hanging there, but I didn’t.

“C’mon,” she gasped excitedly as she pulled my arm. “Let’s go see what other kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.” Then she led me away from the noose ride and our two dangling, deceased friends.

2023 (written for Spooky Mar 1 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the manip I found in his collection.)
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