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The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

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“You had 20 men gang rape me last night, over and over! That’s bullshit that you don’t know!” Eul snapped.

Trueno smiled like the cat who’d caught the canary. He gestured to the guards.

The two behind her grabbed her upper arms in vise-like grips and pulled her shoulders back and up until she was on her toes. They wedged their hips against her ass so her middle was thrust forward.

“You seem to disdain the rule of silence. This time you will pay.”
Ever notice that women have trouble keeping their mouth shut?;)

Except, of course, when a blowjob is called for!:rolleyes:

Dungeon Degradation 12 14.jpg
The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 43 March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, Wing D, Interrogation room 1

Eulalia hung by her wrists with just the balls of her feet on the floor to support her. The four guards stood at ease, silent around her at the four corners.

Eul felt so utterly exposed and vulnerable, her body stretched with only her panties on, in the center of the room, in the center of the lights.

In just a couple of minutes her wrists and arms were so sore that he had to push up on her feet to relieve the strain. However, her calves were already tired and sore from last night and the hours of standing here. In a minute, she relaxed her legs and let her arms gain bear the weight.

Eul continued this painful routine for about five minutes. Then, the guard to her right rear, smashed his baton hard against her butt! Crying out at the sudden and unexpected pain, Eul looked around for some reason, but he had gone back to his stance and seemed to ignore her.

Shivering under the lights, her shoulders and legs beginning to cramp, the girl soon forgot about the random blow. Several minutes later, the guard to her left front, suddenly slapped her so hard across the cheek that she saw stars! Again, he said nothing and calmly resumed his place.

Eulalia, disoriented by the slap, struggled to maintaining her balance. Five minutes later, the guard to her left front smashed his baton flat against her sore belly, driving her breath out.

Trueno had used one of the confidential hand signal codes used by the interrogators and the guards. Invented by Rodríguez, it allowed instructions to be passed on without the prisoner being aware. The effect was to confuse the prisoner and make her apprehensive of unexpected actions from the guards.

The signal Trueno gave, 5 fingers, indicting every 5 minutes and a flat palm, meaning slaps or flat blows with the truncheons, was meant to keep Eulalia from relaxing.

Every five minutes for the next 30, Eul got a hard slap on her butt, cheek or belly. Each blow made her pull on her arms and make them even more sore. By the time Trueno returned, she was in agony from the position.

Trueno came back in after about 45 minutes and sat casually at his desk. He looked to the head guard and held up his little finger, twice. The man, in turn, went to a closet behind Eulalia and came back with two canes one of which he gave to a guard behind her; the other he kept. Eul saw none of this since her attention was directed at the Captain.
“Miss Burns, you are making things hard on yourself and on Mayor Rodríguez,” he said. “I remove the rule of silence, so you and I can have a friendly talk. You know, the more you lie to me now, the worse it will be for you and your lover.”

“I’m not lying and the Colonel has just been nice to me, he isn’t my lover.”

“We have witnesses who will say otherwise; you left his bedroom the other night half undressed!”

My God, Eul thought, those guards did see me with my breast out of my bra after the Colonel and I were kissing! What trouble have I gotten Juan in?

“Right now, Miss Burns,” continued Trueno, “I want you to stop lying about the lesbiana, lesbian, affairs you had back in nursing school.”

“What, lesbian? I never have had anything to do with a woman, sexually, I mean. I’m not a lesbian!”

Trueno nodded ever so slightly to the guard behind her, who swung his cane in a vicious blow at her buttocks.

“Arrhhhh!” cried Eul. Her already bruised ass erupted with a fiery pain.

“You see, Miss Burns, lying is going to cause you pain and hurt your ‘friend,’ Rodríguez.”

“But I’m not lying!” protested Eul.

The Captain nodded to the other guard who drove a hard cane stroke across her belly, a bit below the navel.

“Arrcchhh!” This pain added to the welts from the whip was unbearable!

“We know the truth, Eulalia, we have sources.” Trueno smirked as he challenged the girl.

“Oh, oh it hurts so! Who are these sources? They’re wrong. I’ve never been with a girl!”

Another quick cane to her butt, another red welt raised.


“You see, each time you lie, you suffer. That will be the pattern of the rest of your stay here, Miss Burns. If you keep lying, you will suffer very much.”

“I [pant] want to tell you [pant] the truth,” Eul struggled to concentrate on her answers and endure the pain. This was proving very different than her previous interrogations. “Who told you that, what did they say?”

“It makes no difference, but I am nice, and I will tell you. It was your lover from Scotland, Robert Hawkins. He said you had many of la lesbiana aventura with female students at the nursing school.

“Robert Hawkins, that Bastard! He’s lying, he’s a god-damn pervert and lier!”

A nod and then searing pain in her belly. “Aggrrr!!”

A fine sheen of sweat covered her fair skin.

“Now save yourself pain, Miss Burns, tell me about your lesbian activities.”

“I don’t have any le... Oh God, NO! N…Arrggghhh!” Another cruel strip to her butt.

“When did you first kiss a woman sexually?”

Eulalia managed to hold in her denial. The pain was quickly reaching the level she experienced during the whipping.

Trueno waited about ten seconds and extended a finger pointed up. The cane whistled through the air and landed on the under-slope of her breasts. The force was terrible.

“AAIIIGGGHHH!!!” Eul shook violently.

“No answer is the same as a lie.”

The girl was now wet with sweat, panting to ride out the pain. Even as the pain was flooding her brain, she tried to think. How could she stop it?

“When did you first kiss a woman sexually?”

“I…I…” between he pain and the humiliation, she had trouble thinking of an answer.

Trueno pointed down. The cane again whistled, landing as an uppercut on the underside of her breasts, lifting and bouncing the soft flesh.

“AARRGGHH!! No, please!!!”

“How old were you?”

“When….when I was 21, I think,” whispered Eulalia.

“Now, that’s better, puta.” Trueno smiled. He knew he could make her say anything now. All on a recording, all on transcripts to use against her, to humiliate her. “Who started the kiss, you or the other girl?”

“The other girl,” Eul wanted to admit as little of the pretend perversion as possible.

“Agggghhhh,” another cane to her sore belly.

“Who was the initiator?”

“The other girl!”

A hard cane to her ass, crossing an earlier welt and drawing the first blood. “GAAWWWHHHHH!!”

“I think you are lying again. Our information indicates you have been the aggressor sexually. You have seduced innocent girls. Almost all normal women prefer men. It is just a rare pervertida like you that tricks them into la lesbiana Aventura. I ask again, who started the kiss?”

“I did,” replied Eul in a barely audible voice.

“AIIIGGHH!!” The cane smashed into her belly, this time crossing a whip welt and drawing a few drops of blood.

“The prisoner will answer so as to be clearly heard.”

“I DID, I kissed her first!”

“Good. I hope we can proceed now more efficiently and without as much need to teach you a lesson.”

Captain Trueno led her through a recitation of her sexual history, drawing the desired confession of promiscuous activity, especially with girls. When she got confused by a question, she paid the price. Sometimes he would help her so there were maybe only one or two slashes. Sometimes he wouldn’t and she paid a greater price.

Eul admitted to seducing young virgins into lesbian ‘perversion’ as he called it. She admitted seducing teachers for grades. He admitted to taking money for sex from her classmates. Anything to avoid that cane.

“It’s approaching 5,” announced Trueno and I’m tired. One more matter and we both can rest.”

Eulalia sighed in relief. Her body was drenched in sweat, her ass and belly and tits were screaming with pain from the canes. Her arms and legs were refusing to respond.

“Did you seduce Gabriela Sánchez?”

Eul was blindsided. Sex with that sweet young mother? She loved her husband and boy so much. How could anyone dream that?

“No, no. I never touched her!”

Trueno looked at her nipples. He had not yet targeted them. They stood out hard in the cold, some dried blood caked on each from the whipping. Trueno gave a knuckle sign to the front guard with the cane. He whipped it with a precise stroke which caught both sore nipples.

“Niiighhhhhtttt!!!” Eulalia screamed at the top of her lungs. It felt like her nipples had been cut off! She pulled up her knees as if to protect her tits and twisted, crying out for half a minute before having to stand and take the strain off her bleeding wrists.

She hung there, almost naked, shaking with pain.

“Lies bring you pain, Miss Burns. Did you seduce Gabriela Sánchez?”

Eul raised her head and looked at the handsome, relaxed Captain. In vain she tried to find a hint of pity. Instead he nodded to the guard.

“No! NOOO!, ARRRRGGHHH!!” the cane ripped into the nipples again. Fresh drops of blood appeared.

“Yes, yes, yes. I seduced her.”

Five more minutes of forcing Eul to detail the seduction and explicit sexual acts, and Trueno seemed satisfied.

“I hope you learned a lesson about truth today, puta. Otherwise the next several days with be most unpleasant for you.”

Eulalia’s mind struggled to get around the words ‘several days.’ Days of this kind of interrogation?

“Take her back to D Wing.” Trueno closed his file, switched off the recorder and turned to the door. “I’m late for my supper. That can give me indigestion.”

The guards let down the cable, cuffed and hooded the girl and led her out of the room.
Author's note: Remember that the detention of Eulalia took place in 1974. Attitudes toward lesbian behavior than were far different than today. I hope readers don't take offense at the comments, which, despite being hateful, are realistic for the time.
Exquisite torture-writing, I feel myself breaking with each blow -
a dozen strokes of the cane on my stretched, naked body,
I'm losing any sense of reality, coming to believe his version may even be true,
trying to guess what he wants me to say ...

interrogation_by_the_is_by_artur_ae_dcqgpoi-fullview.jpg (credit Artur AE on DevArt)
The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 44 March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, evening, Wing D,

Walking back to her cell, clad only in thin panties, Eulalia shivered with pain and cold. She sobbed in despair. The pain they had inflicted today was worse than ever in her worst nightmares! And the humiliation - the degradation! Forcing her to admit and detail those acts! Couldn’t he leave her any dignity? Any self-respect? And now, the guards walking her blindfold through the halls, almost naked, back to D Wing.

Oh My God! D Wing! She thought. I’m going to be raped again! I can’t take it! I just can’t take it! Not with all this pain already!

The march ended. Not at her cell. They left her standing. She heard again the sound of the mess hall, large, many voices, all talking low and laughing. Oh My God! She felt so helpless and exposed. Men…

They removed Eul’s hood. She blinked at the lights. She was in the mess. About a dozen men sat around at the tables. There was no food. Evidently they had waited after supper for her return. They were all staring at her. They were all grinning lustfully. The Sergeant greeted her.

“Welcome back to D Wing, Miss Burns. We all wanted to see your body now that it has been decorated!”

It just can’t happen! The rule of silence – she couldn’t say a thing; she couldn’t even beg! But Eulalia’s mind screamed! Gang raped last night, tortured all day, then gang raped again! Her pussy was so raw and painful still! No! Eul looked around rapidly, praying for some hope of escape or mercy.

The men began to rise from their seats and move deliberately toward the helpless, almost naked, girl.

Soon Eul was surrounded by men. Their hand pawed at her, touching her welts and bruises, stroking her tits and ass. Arms cuffed behind her, she was helpless to fend them off.

The hands were rough and probing, not gentle or loving. Holding in her voice, Eul squealed as her bloody nipples were pinched. She yelped and jumped when a hand prodded her swollen pussy! She couldn’t take this! She’d die!

Then the Sergeant said, “¡Suficiente!” The men ceased touching her and returned to their seats.

“You’ve entertained the men long enough, puta. We know how much you like to show off. However, it’s time to return to your cell.” Eul didn’t understand. What had happened? Mercy?

The guards took her by the arms and led her down the corridor to her little cell. They uncuffed her and pushed her in. They tossed in her blouse and skirt and locked the door.

Relief is not nearly sufficient a word for the feeling Eulalia had. No rape tonight. She pulled on her meager clothes to try to find a little warmth. Then she remembered what Juan had said:

“I hope to keep the guards from raping you again and even to let you sleep tonight.”

Oh my god! Dear Juan. He had done this! What a risk he must have taken! How could she ever show her gratitude! Even as she shivered and her body hurt, Eulalia was warmed by the love the Colonel had shown her.

Her dinner arrived shortly. The usual thin tea and porridge. But she ate with gusto after having no breakfast and having vomited most of her lunch.

Eul sat huddled in the corner of her cell for the rest of the evening, trying to keep slightly warm. She shook with terror every time she heard footsteps, expecting them to come, strip her, cuff her and hang her from the electric collar. Her legs and wrists were so sore from the interrogation, she couldn’t imagine how she would stand all night.

Then the lights went out and the wing was silent. What? No collar? Then she remembered. “and even to let you sleep tonight.” Eulalia feel into a deep and badly needed sleep thinking of how much she loved the Colonel.

March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, evening, Wing B,

Gabriela Sánchez stretched out on the folding bench with the clean blanket pulled over her. It was such luxury after D Wing to not have to sit, folded up on the cold, hard floor. She’d had a good dinner and was even catching up on her sleep. But it was her son, she longed for!

Just then the door opened and Capitán Ayara, her mentor*, entered.

“I have good news, Senora Sánchez. By this time tomorrow you will be free and with your son!”

Gabriela was overjoyed. The Capitán proceeded to tell her exactly the part she would play in what he called a pequeña farsa, a little charade, the next day. She thought it degrading, but gladly agreed in order to be released.

She slept very well that night.

April 1, 1974 - The Sixth Day, Wing D,

When the guard bringing breakfast woke her, Eul was momentarily disoriented. Her mind was almost calm for the first time since she arrived here. Not a single forced awakening all night!

But her body was a source of agony. The whip and cane welts were still raw and burning. The deep bruises in her belly shot pain the moment she moved. And her cunt was still raw and bruised, though slightly recovered.

But she’d slept! And Juan had protected her!

Cramped and cold in her tiny cell, Eul eagerly ate her meager breakfast.

Soon after the cup and bowl were removed, her cell door opened. Eul cowered back in the corner, expecting more abuse. But the guard who looking in seemed tentative himself. Looking around to be sure they were alone, he whispered: “The Mayor is happy.”

Oh my God, she thought. The message from Juan! The man indicated she should go with him. Struggling to her feet through multiple body aches, she followed him into the deserted hallway. She wanted so badly to see Juan, to embrace him! Was he OK? Was she to be free!

Down the hall and through a door to another hall. Then the man opened a side door and gestured for her to go in. He stepped aside and closed the door behind her.
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I quite like those boots, but they certainly don't go with the shortie jumpsuit -
a new garment to me, perhaps (even) more unbecoming and degrading
for female prisoners than the standard issue. But the crop-top and shorts
are really more my style - as I pointed out to PrPr, they expose more skin
to the flick of the whip or the poke of the picana -

prison dress 1.jpg
I quite like those boots, but they certainly don't go with the shortie jumpsuit -
a new garment to me, perhaps (even) more unbecoming and degrading
for female prisoners than the standard issue. But the crop-top and shorts
are really more my style - as I pointed out to PrPr, they expose more skin
to the flick of the whip or the poke of the picana -

View attachment 658720
And rest assured, dear Eulalia and dear readers, both will make contact with her fair Scottish skin in Villa Grimaldi in the New Year.

Next post on Wednesday when I regain consciousness, crawl out of the ditch and try to figure out why there's a blue ribbon tied around my ...
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