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The Procedure (ongoing series)

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She's not particularly diplomatic, but you have to admire her attitude and convictions. :)

What exactly are you getting at? These are professional men - I doubt they are here to listen to her sing. :confused: :rolleyes:

"Oh my God, Ronnie! She's coming right at me!!"
"Calm down Tim. I just opened the door to let her out. We have to let her out to take her for interrogation, right? And put away your gun, you idiot."

Excellent pictures. I see they are sparking a lot of imagination. Really interested in where you're taking this. :) :) :)

Thank you! I really appreciate all the comments. I already have about 20 renders ready for publishing (thanks COVID-19..)
Of course your interrogation will not be brutal,although it may be "enhanced"
We will take the utmost care so that your rights as a citizen would not be violated. It's the 21st century and thIs is a civilised country, so we all understand things like human rights, don't we?

Just understand that it is inevitable for the efficiency of the procedure that your rights can be either suspended or revoked, depending on how you cooperate. Oh, that includes both your rights as a citizen and also as a human being, by the way.

I’m sure such a provision wouldn't be of any concern for you, as you look like a very sensible person. It's only those senseless beasts that we beat up here, and you will know you still have your human rights when you are wearing clothes.
We will take the utmost care so that your rights as a citizen would not be violated. It's the 21st century and thIs is a civilised country, so we all understand things like human rights, don't we?

Just understand that it is inevitable for the efficiency of the procedure that your rights can be either suspended or revoked, depending on how you cooperate. Oh, that includes both your rights as a citizen and also as a human being, by the way.

I’m sure such a provision wouldn't be of any concern for you, as you look like a very sensible person. It's only those senseless beasts that we beat up here, and you will know you still have your human rights when you are wearing clothes.

You're right, it's still the 21st century but this particular story is slightly more projected towards the future. That explains why the two men are less concerned about her human rights than they would be today.
(your comment is a nice addition to the images, BTW)
You're right, it's still the 21st century but this particular story is slightly more projected towards the future. That explains why the two men are less concerned about her human rights than they would be today.
(your comment is a nice addition to the images, BTW)
My previous comment was not really a complaint against human right violation, but something those guards would have said to the prisoner as a thinly disgused threat (namely, "it you don't cooperate, we'll strip your human rights along with your clothes, so that we can beat you like an animal").

Just in case my English failed to convey my intention. :)
My previous comment was not really a complaint against human right violation, but something those guards would have said to the prisoner as a thinly disgused threat (namely, "it you don't cooperate, we'll strip your human rights along with your clothes, so that we can beat you like an animal").

Just in case my English failed to convey my intention. :)

No, no, it was perfectly clear, my friend!
Instead, the problem is to locate in my own fluency in the English idiom, too often limited. ;)
Part 4.
Looks like someone is getting nervous.

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“Hey! Wait! You haven’t responded yet to my demand for legal counsel. This doesn’t look right at all. This room is filthy. And let go of my wrist! You’re hurting me! What’s going on here? What are you going to do to me?”
Part 4.
Looks like someone is getting nervous.

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Well, Tim there seems to still be apprehensive about something - still has his gun out. He really needs to chill a bit. Meanwhile Ronnie seems to be trying to convince the prisoner to say something about the desk, or something. Do we know why she's in prison yet?

I am very much enjoying this series of pictures. It strikes me that there are a number of storylines that could ultimately be written for the series. :)
Part five. Happy Easter!

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“Listen asshole! If you think I’m going to do what you are demanding, you’ve got another think coming! I know my rights and I’m calling your bluff. I believe that I’m entitled to a phone call and legal counsel and there’s no way I’m going to cooperate until my rights are met!
“Listen asshole! If you think I’m going to do what you are demanding, you’ve got another think coming! I know my rights and I’m calling your bluff. I believe that I’m entitled to a phone call and legal counsel and there’s no way I’m going to cooperate until my rights are met!
Whether you do it before we beat the crap out of you or after, makes no difference to us!
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