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The Rebel Lady (Illustrated Story)

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Good morning everyone!
After much hesitation, I thought I'd try writing a story, about my favorite fetishes. I imagined being the torturer interrogating a beautiful mature woman, in the cruellest ways possible.
I apologize in advance for the uncertain English (thanks to Google Translate anyway!:aplastao:)
I added some images to better focus the actions of the story (I really love illustrated stories! :devil2:)
Criticisms and comments are all welcome! Thank you!
The Rebel Lady (Illustrated Story)

My name is Petrus, but everyone knows me simply as "The Torturer". I have been the Master Torturer of His Grace the Duke of Giza for more than thirty years, and at the age of over 60 I still love my craft. Actually, for me, interrogating men is just a job, but torturing women is a real passion! "Why am I specialized in torturing women?", "There are several reasons for this", women are often more fragile and need to be treated with more refined and specialized handling. Too often a brutal hand leads to death. Torturing a woman is like playing a musical instrument. It is a skill that must be learned and practiced on a regular basis. In fact, women's overall pain threshold is higher than men's. In this way
they are more resistant than men and making them speak requires anatomical knowledge and special attention, in order to cause maximum suffering, without damaging their body excessively. Every woman requires special attention, depending on her age, build and anatomy. Torturing women is an art!
I remember virtually every woman I have ever had in my care. Everyone, of all ages, gave me different and particular sensations, but some I remember more vividly and pleasantly. this is the case of Lady Rossana di Camerino.

Lady Rossana was a cousin of the Duke, widowed after her husband, the Count of Camerino, had died in battle alongside the King.
Left alone and childless, the lady had been hosted at the Duke's castle. She was a mature woman, but still beautiful. She was small but had a surprisingly curvaceous body, especially full and fleshy breasts, red-brown hair, and a deep and sensual gaze. The few times I happened to cross her in the corridors of the building, she always looked at me with her green eyes, in a mix of curiosity, fear and desire… at least that's how it seemed to me! I had many fantasies about her, imagining her naked, chained up in my dungeon, screaming in pain and begging for pleasure! And sometimes dreams come true…
Unfortunately the Duke had long since set his sights on the castle and county of Lady Rossana's husband, and was looking for a pretext to take possession of them. And he found the excuse!
A revolt of nobles had broken out, to overthrow the King. To stifle the revolt, the King had promised that whoever denounced and made one of the rebels confess would be able to take possession of all his possessions. The occasion was perfect!
After a few days the Duke had Lady Rossana summoned for communications of the utmost importance.
La looka theled to a small door, as he opens it with a key Rossana saw a narrow street, two people could barely walk side by side. She'd never been here, but she knew it was the way to the dungeon. The guard led Rossana to the last door, which opened onto a staircase that went down and to the side, there was a huge chamber, Rossana had entered my kingdom, the torture chamber!

The torture chamber was large and cold. Rossana was shocked by the sight of terrible tools on the walls and on small tables in the corners: pliers, tongs, irons, scissors and much more.

In the center of the roomwas a special torture table, to which a footrest was built, and behind it was a brazier with hot coals. Various metal objects were heated in it in red. Panic hit her. He saw the rack in the corner and the fiendish wooden pyramid. the duke and four others sat in comfortable chairs behind a huge wooden table. Three captains and a secretary who recorded the minutes of the interrogation

In the center of the room, there was a woman, with a hood over her head, but completely naked.
She was hanging in the center of the room with her legs tied to a pair of rings fixed to the floor, she was straddling an iron pole kept "hot" by a brazier hanging from it. The body was all covered in bruises and whip marks and burns. Right behind her, I was busy with my work. Under the woman's feet was a puddle of urine and body fluids, which she hadn't been able to hold when I worked the hot iron on her breasts and nipples and penetrated her anus with the hot shaft. making her howl like crazy. Now, strangely she wasn't making any sounds.


Rossana could not take her eyes off the naked and tortured body. This was awful. This poor woman must have suffered incredibly.
In the front, in a place which might give a glance into every part of this Section, was a comfortable chair, and in that chair was the Duke, besides him a table. He looked at Rossana. and asked her to come closer.
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“Thanks for coming as soon as I summoned you. Don't worry about her, she was a traitor, she is helping the rebels, everything must be done to stop them, don't you agree?”
"Yes, my Lord. They are a band of assassins who must be destroyed," Rossana replied with a bow. But in his heart, he trembled. Rossana tried to guess if she knew the girl hanging there, but her body was so dirty and covered in wounds and scars that it was difficult to recognize.
"He has already said all he knew, what awaits him is a slow and painful public execution. We want to set an example and give a clear message to all rebels of what they can expect to come against me!" said the Duke
"He deserves it, I have no doubts, my Lord", Rossana replied once again..
"Before you leave I just want to ask you a question"
At a nod from the Duke, I removed the hood, the woman semi unconscious, and her severely beaten face and sweaty hair stuck to it. It was Marie, one of Rossana's servants.
Rossana's heart stopped beating. Still, she managed to keep a straight face.


"Do you recognize her?" asked the Duke, looking at her carefully.
"My god, it's Maria, what have you done to her?! There's no way she's a rebel!

"Of course she was very stubborn and we had to torture her for a long time, but she finally confessed, and she kept telling us your name, quite a few times, and quite loudly."
At these words, Rossana felt a trickle of icy sweat down her spine. She mustered up the courage to answer "It is not possible! He lied! perhaps he wanted to take revenge for some wrong suffered!”
The tortured naked woman's eyes sadly remained fixed on Rossana, silently asking her forgiveness, at the same time all the guards inside the chamber approached Rossana, ready to act on the Duke's orders.
"Take her down and take her to her cell, and make sure she is well looked after, I want her strong and healthy for her execution," said the Duke. " Petrus," said the Duke turning to me, "I hope you don't mind doing some extra work today, but I urgently need your skills"

"Not at all, sir," I replied, "It's always a pleasure to do my job,..." My dream was about to come true!


"You must have already heard of Petrus!", smiled the duke, enjoying Rossana's face contorted in horror

“Ha has extensive experience interrogating witches and other criminals… obviously, he pays particular attention to women, so there's no better master than him in all of the Kingdom.”
Rossana turned pale, and the duke continued: "Dear Rossana, she's here to make you confess." We'll let him do whatever he wants with you, if you don't talk! “ the Duke went to comfortable chairs carved along one of the walls of the cell. Having settled down, the duke waved his hand - "Petrus, it's yours!",

Rossana felt her belly contract. He had heard so many horrible stories about the "Torturer" and Knew that it was impossible to resist his torture!.

The duke continued, "Even if you are a rebel Noble. our King can pardon you, at least you will not be executed...provided, of course, that you confess and tell us where the rebels are! So what about?"
"I don't know anything, it's all a misunderstanding..." Rossana began to stammer, but the duke interrupted her, "Poor thing, don't tell me, you realize the worst position." Tell us where the rebels are. "
"I'm telling you, I don't...". the duke got up and approached the lady. He looked into her eyes and
after a long pause he said, "You know where we are now, and you've probably heard a lot about the Master Torturer and his methods of obtaining information." and they are very, believe me, very painful
and I would say, interesting; you are still very beautiful, I don't want to see you mutilated and disfigured, but Petrus loves his job, enjoys the cramps and cries of his victims, especially if they are women, beautiful like you!”
.the duke nodded towards me - "" Torturer, start your work without delay!"

My two assistants (Alan and Jean) approached Rossana and locked her hands behind her back.
I slowly approached and with a smile slipped my fingers into the neckline of the dress across her chest. He stared at me with his relentless eyes with barely concealed horror. His heart was ready to leap out of his chest.

With one quick jerk, I tore her dress down to her waist. Her soft, magnificent and delicious, bare breasts were in full view of all the men in the cell. Rossana blushed with shame and struggled in the strong hands of the executioners, trying to free herself, but they held her tight, and kneeling down, I completely exposed her beautiful body.
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I threw shreds of clothes in the corner. The woman was at the center of a cold and dark torture chamber, completely naked, open and defenseless. She knew no one would save her! She was gorgeous, her body could not be torn from the eyes, her beautiful face, her long wavy dark red hair, her slim waist, her long chiseled legs. For a few seconds all the men remained silent, stunned by the spectacle that had opened up to them, they could not move, marveled at her beauty, despite her age, probably, in addition to being a traitor, she was also a witch! Now I was burning with desire to see this beautiful body writhing in terrible pain.

She shivered in the cold as her bare feet touched the rough flagstones of the floor, but she was even more embarrassed by the shame of standing naked, wide open to lewd stares.

I went over, grabbed her hair, pulled her pretty face back and whispered "Confess, tell me everything, pretty lady, or I'll make you pray for death."
Rossana tried to muster all her will and proudly straightened up, answered: "I don't know anything!"..."It's the last time I'll ask you, speak or it will be worse for you!"
"I can't tell you. I don't know..."- Rossana heard her voice, knowing that this answer doomed her to excruciating suffering.
The duke chose the most comfortable wooden chair and got ready to observe the interrogation. The others also settled comfortably and I slapped Rossana's face twice, to make her cry and somehow show weakness. But she remained calm as ice.
"As you like!"I told her, and ordered her to be hung by her wrists.
Alan and Jean, my aides, grabbed Lady Rossana's wrists, raised her hands above her head and tied them to the chains that hung from the ceiling, Rossana started kicking in the air, but I grabbed one of her legs and hooked one chain on one ankle, I did the same with the other leg. my assistant dragged a heavy rock with a hook built into the top, and we attached it to ankle chains. This finally managed to stop his battles while his body hung tense.
I decided to leave her hanging, for a few minutes while I prepared the next part of her punishment. Rossana was sweating profusely, her body stretched out between the ceiling and her ankles chained. And he was swinging slowly in a short arc, all his muscles tense. she was gritting her teeth in obvious pain as she fought the relentless stretching of her ligaments and joints. A soft moan escaped from her throat. ̈Nnngggghhh ... mmmgggghhhhhh ... nnggghhh ̈

"Now Lady Rossana, the Duke wants to know the names of the other conspirators, and what your plans are."
The prisoner hung limply by her shackled wrists. Sweat trickled down his limbs and from his feet. She raised her face and looked straight into the eyes of the executioner, and then slowly murmured a few words: "I don't know anything, I'm not a traitor, I don't know any conspiracy, please believe me!!!"

Then you give me no choice!” I told her. Rossana shivered from the cold of the torture chamber. I made several turns of the winch connected to the chains, and the prisoner's body stretched even more. I locked the winch handle. From this uncomfortable position, every muscle in her long legs tensed, showing clearly through the smooth skin. I took a long, heavy whip from the wall and stood behind the victim stretched in the chains. I could smell her body and her fear; and it was extremely exciting! The first blow was so sudden that Rossana thought she was about to die. His body arched, shaking in pain. Scream spread around the torture chamber, reflected off the damp stone walls. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!

Even with the full weight of the stone, his body shook under the force of each blow to his back. With each lash, the prisoner twisted and arched her body, spinning in mid-air. her spasms gave her the strength to lift the weight of the stones before gravity pulled her legs down again. Each vicious lash elicited a yelp through his teeth as his face grimaced in pain.

As the whip struck her buttocks the writhing and yelping of the woman was showing that she was indeed in much pain.
I moved in front of her, so I could get a good view of her body. The blows landed on her abdomen, going upwards until finally hitting her soft, full breasts directly. Rossana, screaming, was trying in vain to pull her legs to protect her belly but the weight of the stones stretched her legs downwards. The strength that his body demonstrated, despite his age, was incredible; court life had not softened her. Or maybe she really was a witch! He hardened his abs as the whip coiled around his waist. her breasts were a mound of helpless flesh, unprotected, offered at the bite of the whip.
Her legs were the next target, the whip wrapping around them as I struck her. The lashings brought fresh yelps from herdonna chained. The whip wrapped around her legs several times, and when I pulled it back, Rossana's body swayed and spun a little more. By now, Rossana was panting and her skin was soaked in cold sweat. This only served to increase the power of the sex appeal that emanated from this female.


I ordered my assistants to change her position, and each one grabbed one leg, unhooked the heavy stone, and pulled it forward until each was fixed against a post in front of her, thus spreading her legs and giving us a disturbing sight. . When the whip struck between her legs, one could almost feel pity for her. Almost…because I had a job to do!
At the end of its vertical movement, the whip dug into the soft, unprotected, gaping fleshy groin.
Her pubis was covered with a thick, unkempt patch of mahogany curls through which the darker tone of her fissure showed through. The whip fell on it several times, digging into the fragile, sensitive target.Rossana screamed with each blow and the grimace that contorted her face was revealing how much agony these blows caused her. still screaming…

I hit her 50 times, on the inner thighs, vaginal lips and mons pubis, before she lost consciousness for the first time.
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After this initial "softening" the rope from which the wrists hung was lowered to the ground.
We hauled her to her feet and Alan poured a bucket of ice cold water over her tear-stained face and, gasping for air, came to her senses.

She was gorgeous, her body could not be taken away from the eyes, her beautiful face, her mahogany hair, her firm and sinuous woman's body, her big and full breasts, it was a temptation! I got behind her, grabbing her breasts, sore from the whip, with both hands, and starting to knead them vigorously, while I breathed in the smell of her hair and skin. I was extremely horny, my penis was bursting and pressing hard against her buttocks!
But I had a job to do….;


I brought my face close to his and whispered, "Are you ready to talk?" "Nooo, I don't know anything please!!"
"Reluctantly I left her soft breasts and waved to my helpers.

Those stood on either side of Rossana and they began to beat her with thick sticks on her breasts. The unfortunate prisoner screamed wildly, wriggling her whole body, tears flooded her face. The executioners beat her with all their might, and the pain was unimaginably terrible. Rossana shook her head, arching her body and thrashing furiously,
saliva dripping from her chin, trickling down her breasts. Blow after blow, ... crying and screaming!
Twenty minutes of this terrible torture and she was knocked unconscious again. I scooped up a fresh bucket of water and rinsed the body. She struggled to raise her head, waiting for new beatings, but nothing happened, we had other plans for her…

At my signal, Alan and Jean dragged the Spanish horse out of the corner of the room, meanwhile I began to rotate the winch, lifting her again by the arms, this time having tied them behind her back, in the strapping position. Now her feet were almost a meter away from the cold stone, while Lady Rossana screamed with the new pain in her shoulders, so the two assistants placed this torture device under her. I lowered the winch, the chain was starting to relax, and the descent was stopped by the edge of the Spanish horse on

se sharp edge, Rossana leaned all the weight of her body. The sharp edge cut deeply into his tender groin, already tried by the violent flogging.
As soon as her weight rested on the sharp edge, Rossana began to moan softly. The arms raised behind her back, made her press all the weight of her body on the clitoris, causing her terrible pangs of pain.
He tugged a couple of times on his shackled ankles, trying to separate his legs, to no avail. He then attempted to lift his legs and see if he could find some support for his feet to lift his weight off the horse. But the chain quickly slammed against the bottom of her device and she had no choice but to sit back on the horse, her face grimacing in pain. “UUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! MERCY I BEG YOU!!!! PULL ME DOWN!!!!

Alan and Jean hooked 20kg of stones to each leg, and Rossana screamed wildly in terrible pain as the sharp wooden edge, like a knife, dug deeper into her tender intimate place.' NOOOOO! NO! NO! SI PUO 'T! NO DON ' T! NO...PLEEEZE! BY ...'
I stood in front of her and said, "Are you ready to confess?!"
"NO; NO I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING BELIEVE ME!!!" she cried, wriggling in that diabolical seat.
“Bring two more stones,” I ordered my henchmen, and they dragged another 40kg and strapped them to his feet.
Rossana screamed even louder, she shook her head from side to side, her body writhing in unbearable pain! Trails of perspiration ran down her skin, which gleamed in the wavering light of torches and braziers, like a precious statue.


I noticed a puddle of urine dripping onto the triangular wooden base of the Spanish donkey and smiled with pleasure.
Now Rossana wasn't screaming anymore, just gasping for breath, loudly her eyes widened in pain and her mouth was wide open in a silent scream! She spent more than two hours riding the Spanish donkey losing consciousness several times and each time she returned again and again to this terrible pain, and each time the executioners added weights, hanging them around her ankles.

Lady Rossana's suffering was an atrocious and sublime spectacle, that woman disturbed me more and more, her way of screaming and struggling under torture was fascinating! After reviving her for the umpteenth time, I ordered her to be pulled off the Spanish horse, and given an hourglass break.
Again they stretched her legs, tying them tightly. “While we leave you to rest, think about what we have done to you and what we can still do to you if you don't speak up!” I said whispering in her ear.

Meanwhile I was imparting instructions for the new torture.
Rossana was trying to find the strength to withstand the next test.
He almost wanted to die! The pain was so strong! So terrifying! And she had nothing to confess!
The hourglass passed, like a moment, I approached Lady Rossana again with small pincers! “Are you ready to confess?” I asked her, hoping she would refuse.
In fact, she silently shook her head.
"Well, then let's start agai
I grabbed her left nipple with strong, rough fingers and placed them in the jaws of this instrument. With all my strength, I squeezed the pliers and Rossana screamed in terrible pain.OOOOOOOOO OEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYI IIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGH
I began squeezing and twisting the tender flesh of her pink nipple as the naked woman writhed and screamed wildly; his whole body shone with sweat.
Finally, I released the battered nipple, then grabbed it between my teeth, biting and sucking it, savoring the taste of his sweat and pain, before grabbing the other with pliers! With the same sadistic focus I started torturing him. Rossana screamed, her whole body shivered, all the muscles of her beautiful body wriggled under the silky skin, awakened by these unimaginable convulsions!

Twisting one nipple or the other, I continued to torture her ferociously for nearly an hour. Finally, after greedily sucking and biting her tortured nipples for a long time, squeezing and kneading her breasts, to taste her pungent taste; a mixture of blood, sweat and fear, I handed her over to the other two executioners to continue the torture of the breasts. Alan and Jean approached the desperate woman, armed with special large breast clamps.
“It's your turn,” I said, “I want to hear her scream even louder!”

Alan grabbed her left breast and squeezed it with the jagged jaws of the pincers. Jean did the same with her right breast. They began to twist the soft, supple breasts, pulling the clamps left, right, up and down. Twisted, squeezed, torn, lifted and pulled ... In Rossana's cries it was almost impossible to recognize a woman's voice! They looked like they came from hell! She involuntarily urinated three times, devastated by this unbearable pain!

Mercy!!!!.....Mercy!!!!!.. .please.....not anymore
Eventually she passed out again and was left hanging lifeless by the chains. Only by a slight tremor, it was possible to understand that she was still alive.
I asked the Duke if I should continue with the interrogation.
“What do you think Peter? won't that be too much?!" the Duke asked me,
”she is a healthy and strong woman, the flesh of her breasts can still withstand the torture without serious damage. If so, we will treat her adequately, to make her endure tomorrow's session!"
“Fine, continue!”
Lady Rossana She was revived with icy water and resumed the torture! The woman screamed in despair, seeing Alan and Jean approaching her breasts again with the scary pincers "GOD NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE....... YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!! PLEASE... ... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!""EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIII IIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!" writhing in terrible convulsions. But the executioners didn't stop. The convulsions with which her body reacted to the cruel torture were really exciting! As they lifted the pincers gripping the tender flesh, Rossana lifted herself up to her fingertips, trying to somehow ease the pain in her twisted breasts! Noticing this, Alan raised the pincers and Jean at the same time pulled it down, so that the prisoner could do nothing! Rossana urinated again, forming a whole puddle of urine on the stone floor below her. Now her breasts have turned purple and her nipples were purple! But both executioners continued their terrible business. Rossana screamed her agony at the top of her voice…OOOOOOOOO OEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYI IIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGH


She lost consciousness again, but the spectacle of her convulsions was truly exciting, and I always brought her back to life and suffering. And every time she opened her eyes, she saw the executioners in front of her with these diabolical pincers in their hands, ready to continue tormenting her breasts. She thought she was going to die, but she was a strong woman and death was still far away from her… Too far!!! Lady Rossana was tortured like this for nearly three hourglasses! Three hourglasses of mortal torment and terrible torture! Eventually her delicious body wracked with pain, hung by the chains again without the slightest sign of life, but her heart was still beating.

"Enough for today!" said the Duke, "Petrus, take her to the cell, and take care of her, I want her to be able to withstand another session of torture tomorrow!" "As Your Grace wishes!" I said, already thinking about how I would take care of this hot woman in every way! We pulled her down and, naked and unconscious, threw her in a cell for the night. I was going to visit her soon, and I couldn't wait!

After the torture session, Lady Rossana was thrown into the cell, naked, with handcuffs on her wrists and ankles and a metal collar. After a few hours, when I entered her cell, I found her curled up on the straw mattress, in a fetal position. He was semi-conscious, but when he saw me enter, accompanied by my assistants Alan and Jean, she curled up in a scared corner. she knew that whatever we wanted to do to her, it would be more pain for her… “No NO No, please! Have mercy!"
"Don't worry," I said, "I'm not here to torture you, but to heal your wounds! We want you in shape, tomorrow will be a long day, Prepare it!” My two assistants grabbed her by the arms and dragged her to a pillory, where they pinned her neck and wrists.

The pillory made her lean forward, so that her breasts hung in the air in a very inviting way. While my assistants chained her ankles to the base of the pillory, I approached her back, marked by deep lashes, with a jar of ointment. The ointment had been one of the many gifts from my illustrious Sar
acen colleague,Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, "master torturer" at the court of Suleiman the Magnificent; it was a secret preparation, based on herbs, which was able to cure even the most serious signs left by torture in a very short time. It had only one flaw, it burned like molten lead! It was basically torture to cure torture!
In fact, when, after having protected my hands with leather gloves, I began to apply a generous dose on the wounds on my back, Rossana began to howl in pain, as if I were torturing her with a red-hot iron, and that was the sensation! 'Aaaaarrrgggghh, nn-noooo, hee, hee, hee, ppp-please, PLEESSSSE... !''Iiiiiiiiiaaaaarrrggghhh!'
Ignoring her screams, I continued to apply the ointment to my injured buttocks and thighs. Rossana bucked like a runaway filly, but luckily the pillory was very sturdy!

But the worst for her, and the best for us, was when I bent down in front of her and began kneading her breasts and milking her nipples, swollen and raw from the torture with the pincers. The ointment was slippery and I had to squeeze her breasts and nipples with all my strength to keep my grip; I was milking her like a cow, and it was very pleasant for me! Rossana was screaming and moaning like crazy and my assistants had to sweat to keep her still… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!
YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA A!!!!!! it felt so good to milk her, and she screamed so sexy, that I made it last much longer than necessary, eliciting an endless series of screams and sobs! "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! !! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"
She screamed delightfully but sadly, even good things come to an end!
After milking, her breasts were on fire from the brutal squeezing and the effect of the ointment.
I stood up and grabbed her chin, looking into her eyes:
“My Lady, you are truly ungrateful! I'm healing your wounds and you scream like I'm torturing you! What will you do tomorrow when the tortures are real?!
"Now. before I take care of your pussy, so battered by the Spanish horse, you should show us some gratitude, don't you think?!
“Get her up!” I told Alan and Jean.

When she was on her feet I grabbed her nipples again tightly and started pulling them away from his body.

I watched her nipples stretch, my fingers digging harder into the flesh to keep hold. "You have really nice big nipples, they are made to be abused."
Rossana shuddered screaming as I twisted her nipples again, pain racing through her body, her breasts lifted like an offering, begging to be abused.
I reluctantly released her nipples, flesh snapping back, her nipples and areolas turning red from abuse, but staying hard and erect, from cold and fear.
“Put her on her knees” I told my helpers, then I started unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down. My cock swelled as she gripped it in her hand. "I want you to suck my dick, open your mouth wide
I pulled down my pants, my dick leapt into view. I grabbed my cock and began rubbing it across Rossana's terrified face, “Now my noble lady, don't tell me you've never sucked a cock before. Maybe not as big as ours !” I told her smiling,

I slipped my hand into her mouth, spreading her lips apart, preparing her for the cock she was waiting for.
I pulled her h
ead forward and my cock slammed into her mouth. It struck the back of her throat triggering her gag reflex.

Rossana He felt the bile rise and fought to get away. I shoved her into her mouth a few times, making her gag more, before pushing her back and she toppled over, unable to break her fall with her hands as they were cuffed behind her back.

"This noble lady has never taken cocks as big as ours" I told my men. "Open her mouth, I don't want this bitch to bite our dick!"
Alan and Jean they came down on her and pulled her back to her knees. Holding her down, they pulled her hair and forced her mouth open, before stuffing a ring gag inside. Rossana fought, but the men were too strong and the gag was fastened tightly behind her head. It consisted of a large metal ring and fit behind his teeth so that his mouth was wide open. I grabbed her again and pulled her head forward. Rossana tried to pull back, but I was too strong.

I held her against her stomach, she struggled and tugged, unable to breathe, growing more desperate as her air ran out. Finally I pulled her head back and she gasped, drooling from her mouth.
“That's right, you fucking rebel. Take my cock down your dirty throat' and his nose was buried against my stomach again. I held her longer, she saw the stars in her eyes, she was sure she was going to pass out, when with a violent jerk, I pulled her head back and my cock left her throat. She gasped and coughed, bile and spittle running down her chin onto her bruised breasts.

My cock
was in her throat again, and this time he was thrusting roughly, slamming the back of her mouth, making glacial noises every time she thrust forward, getting faster and faster until she heard him explode, hump after hump of cum , she had no choice but to swallow because she couldn't breathe, until he ran out and I freed her hair.
"Here, bitch, swallow my cum." Rossana slumped to the ground, sperm trickling down her chin as she took big breaths of welcome air.

" That's enough! Pull her up and put her on the table, take the gag off her, now we have to medicate her vagina!” I ordered my assistants
Alan and Jean hauled her up and dragged her helplessly and laid her on her back on a low table.
Alan spread her leg until it reached two columns on either side of the table. Her pussy was now split open, her anus was peeking out.
"NOOOOO." Rossana's legs were now fully spread, pushing her ass into the air, opening her even further. AND
Alan stopped at the side of the table so he could whisper in Rossana's ear. His hands reached up to her body in search of her breasts. He took a rope and tied the breasts to the base
. He could see her breasts swell and turn purple, fingers searching for her nipples. “the Torturer” is going to stick his fingers first into your pussy then into your tight little sphincter to apply the ointment. There is nothing you can do about it. Relax your pussy and anus and let him have his way or it will be very painful for you."
Rossana could feel me pouring the ointment on her ass, my hands smearing the liquid on her ass, between her open buttocks, up her anus, before running between her pussy lips. She felt my fingers spread her pussy lips back, opening her up.
One finger began to thrust into her pussy, her body opening as I thrust it in as far as I could before pulling away. Before he was fully out of her vagina, I thrust him again quickly and hard, this time spreading her pussy open to accept him further into her body. "Your pussy is very tight despite your age, lady Rossana, it looks like it's still very elastic, that's good, seeing what we're going to do to her in the next few days" I joked with her. I'm going to go deeper now, relax," I said softly. I pulled my finger out of her pussy again and pushed it back, now over five inches of her pussy was forced open and I could feel her pussy gripping my finger tightly.

The ointment was starting to take effect..."OOOOOOOOOWWWWW, No, NO...uhhh, it hurts so much," Rossana cried as I pushed two fingers into her pussy. Her legs were stretched against the metal handcuffs, trying to close to keep his fingers from entering her. Her ass rose and fell, her pussy squeezing them tight as they thrust into her. I thrust my fingers deep, pulled back, then thrust back in, forcing two fingers up into her pussy, spreading it apart. "NNOOOTTT AAGGGGGGain," he pleaded.
I pulled them out again, her pussy closed tightly. Then I brought three fingers together and began to force them back into her pussy. her lips parted as the ointment allowed the three fingers to push inside her.
The walls of her pussy spread apart to accept them, Rossana's ass trying to move to escape the cruel treatment of her pussy, the metal handcuffs clattering loudly as she tried to lock her legs. I spread my fingers when they were deep, spreading it more.
“OHHH, Goooodddddd please stop, it hurts, you're cracking me,” Rossana's body trying to shake her fingers free but the restraints holding her firmly in place. She felt the fingers inside her move, stretching her to the max, her pussy beginning to contract in pain.
"How do you feel, Rossana, do you like the Torturer's fingers in your pussy? There's more, now he will put his whole hand in your pussy. Relax your pussy, it will be much easier if you do." Alan whispers into Rossana's ear as he continued to pinch and squeeze her hard, erect nipples, forcing moans from her lips as her boobs were abused at the same time she was being finger fucked.
I pushed in my little finger and thumb together with the other fingers and began to push them into Rossana's pussy. Rossana's pussy lips were stretched hard to accept the fat fingers, all five of them. Rossana screamed as they were thrust hard into her pussy, her pussy now painfully taut around her fingers, spreading the walls of her pussy as they thrust deep.
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH,” her body jerks within the restraints, bouncing off the table as her pussy is finger-raped. "Toohhh, you're gonna tear me apart," she screamed as her fingers began to move inside. It felt like little animals inside her pussy, moving around, probing and scratching the walls of her pussy.
"I'm not done, you'll have to take my whole fist," I told her. I pulled my fingers almost all the way out and then thrust them back in, plowing into her pussy, taking Rossana's breath away, her body drenched in sweat, bouncing off the table, convulsing.
When I pulled my fingers almost all the way, Rossana's pussy was squeezing them tightly. I closed my fingers into my palm and thrust my fist into Rossana as hard as I could.

Rossana's body writhed on the table, splattering beads of sweat around, Alan grabbed her tight nipples, the handcuffs clanking loudly as her body tried to shake off the fist trying to rip her pussy, the ointment burned like the hell! "OOOOWWWWAAAGGGGHHH, OOOOWWWW, stop please!, you're tearing my vagina apart," Rossana yelled. The fist thrust inexorably into her body, I was pushing with all my strength to make her pussy stretch to accept it. It felt like a club had been forced into her pussy. She gasped, trying to get a breath of air as his fist kept thrusting into her. She jumped, the sharp pain eliciting a new cry from her lips. It felt like I was trying to force my fist into her cervix. It bounced as her pussy lips now tightened around my wrist, her fist was now in almost to her wrist, pounding a path into her body. "OOOOWW, AAAGGh," another brutal thrust pushes the fist another inch..
I held my fist in her pussy. There seemed to be a vise around it as her pussy squeezed him tightly. "Do you like it, Rossana?" I told her, I began to pull my fist out of her pussy, her lips gripping it tightly as inch by inch began its ascent into her. When I pulled it out, I twisted my fist and pushed it in with all my strength, penetrating Rossana's body up to the cervix.
"NNOOO, it's killing me, get it out," he yelled. I pushed against her cervix again, twisting my knuckles deep inside her, making her scream in pain. His body bounced off the table, his ankles chafing with cuffs pulled against his legs.
"I'll keep it inside you for a few minutes, Rossana, relax your pussy, it will hurt less. Alan, could you help me with the other part? I asked?
Rossana shuddered and her eyes widened in horror as she saw Alan putting leather gloves on his hands.
She saw him smear the ointment on his hands, "I'm going to check your asshole." Alan poured her some more ointment, some of it runs between her buttocks. She rubbed the ointment on her ass, focusing on her tiny anus.
Rossana flipped over on the table, trying to escape. They were about to stick their fingers up her anus. If they did the same as for her pussy, inserting more fingers to spread it wide, her anus would have to tear open for them to enter! "NOOOOO No, not in my butt, it's too small," she pleaded, but felt a finger line up with her helpless anus and begin to put pressure on it. The ointment allowed him to push it in, her tight anus now forced open, a finger thrust in, she felt panicked. The fist in her pussy made her ass even tighter than it already was.
"Your asshole is tight, Rossana, you haven't used it much, but now we're going to stretch it for you a bit", Alan pushing his finger deep, pulling it out and then back in, this time deeper. She pulled it out and Rossana knew more fingers would now be inserted.
"AAAGGHHH, OOOWWW, it hurts, please stop," but two fingers thrust inexorably into her rectum, spreading her open, her anus now stretched tightly around her fingers. He could feel the cramps as they went deep. Alan separated them inside her, forcing Rossana to moan again. Alan pulled them from his rectum, holding them open as he pulled them out, forcing Rossana to feel his rectum stretch.
Three fingers now ran up her anus, greasing with the thrust back into her body. Rossana took a deep breath, held it and gasped as they penetrated his anus, forcing open his rectum, fingers now thrusting deeper into his body, entering his colon. “GGGGGGGOOOOODDD, it hurts, get 'em out,” her body rocked up and down, trying to escape the fingers tearing at her. HRoxanao pushed deep, they withdrew, then hRossanao pushed again, Alan pushed down with all his strength, forcing Rossana's anal tract to expand or tear.
Rossana winced in pain, her legs tugging at the ropes.
His fingers were pulled out, his anus remained open from the stretch.
Alan brought his fingers together, placed them against his still open anus and plunged them deep into his rectum. Another scream rang out in the room as Rossana felt her anal tract tearing away from the brutal intrusion of her asshole. They thrust deep, and Rossana readied herself for the punch that would be thrust into her anus. Alan curled his fingers down and pushed as hard as he could with his fist against Rossana's anus. Rossana's anus resisted against the brutal attack for long minutes until it suddenly gave up and Alan's fist began to brutally penetrate her anal tract, thrusting it deeper and deeper. I could feel Alan's fist racing along mine. Rossana was double fisted.
it outttttt,” he
r body felt as if her organs were being moved inside her.
Alan thrust deep, turning his fist when it was deep in his colon,
snatching new screams from her throat. Rossana was now crying profusely, from the tension, a violent jet of urine came out..

Rossana screamed and gasped around, her body ripped from the inside by her fists. This little rebel, I was horny as hell! I was really a lotexcited, although I had already cum in her mouth, my cock was rock hard again, not for nothing was my name “Petrus”! If her holes weren't filled with hell ointment, I would have penetrated her over and over again!
Alan punched into her anal tract, forcing his anus to open wider as the wider part of his hand passes over it. As one was pulled from her orifice, I thrust my fist back into her vagina, forcing Rossana to scream at the top of her lungs…YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIAGggjhhhhhhhh iiiiiggggg ....AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE!!
I plunged my fist into her pussy, smashing it against her cervix, twisting my knuckles deep inside her, eliciting screams of pain from Rossana, it felt like I was breaking through her uterus. His screams echoed in the cell, his body was soaked in sweat. YAAAAARRRRRGGGGGG!’ OH GOD! OH GOD! STOP AAAAAGGGH! NOOOOOO! PLEEEEEESE!’
Finally the two fists were ripped out of her body with loud cracks, her screams as they were ripped echoing even louder'Naaaaaaah, nah, nah, nah, naaaarrrggggghh NAHHHHHHHH…
When we're done,Jean he removed the handcuffs from her wrists and the ropes from her ankles, allowing Rossana to collapse on the floor, dripping with sweat, exhausted, her face and hair covered in sperm and tears. Then they dragged her onto the straw mattress.

I told my men to go, I wanted to be alone with Lady Rossana
I walked up to her, took her chin, lifted her face and looked into her red, swollen, tearful eyes and whispered to her: “Poor Rossana, your holes hurt a lot, don't they? but now they are ready to bear what we have planned for you in the coming days.
Drink this potion, it will restore your strength and help you rest"
Rossana, even if exhausted, drank greedily from the jug, she had been without water since morning.
"Why are you doing this to me?!" she said in a whisper, almost crying.
I sat down on the pallet next to her and held her close to me. Exhausted and incredulous, Rossana abandoned herself to that kind gesture, after so much abuse and torture.
“My lady, this is my job, to make the prisoners talk at all costs. I can't do otherwise, I have to let you talk. I'm torturing you so hard to get you to confess as soon as possible, and end your ordeal as soon as possible!”
“But I really don't know anything about the conspiracy, you have to believe me, I beg you!”
“It's a real pity my lady, here in the dungeons, innocents don't exist! If you don't talk, I'll have to torture you for days and days, in ever more frightening ways, believe me!"

“ Now rest up, tomorrow will be a long hard session, the Duke wantsquestion you up to make you confess everything, and you are so stubborn that I will have to torture you for a long time to break you, even for many days! I'm sorry, but I can't wait!
Desperate Lady Rossana continued to sob and cry, curled up against my body then, despite the terror for the terrible future that awaited her, squeezed in my arms, thanks to the potion I had given her, she slowly began to slip into a sleep agitated.
I knew that a too short night of little rest awaited her, before the next torture session, and she would have spent it in terrible nightmares, so I laid her on the pallet, covered her with my cloak to give her some comfort; That little rebel Lady had really bewitched me!...
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