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The Taylor Torture Plan

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If any of you have heard of the (in)famous Spencer Spanking Plan, you will recognize one of the inspirations for this story. However, as is my kink, only females are tortured in my version.

Any road, I have more parts sketched out for this, so your comments and criticism fuel my desire to write the subsequent parts. But no pressure! ;-)

The Taylor Torture Plan

Blake and Opal Dawson had been married for almost three years. They were a study in opposites. He was six foot tall, and built like a football player, with pale skin that set off his red-brown hair and mustache. She was barely five foot in height, and extremely petite. She was black, and had big tits, and a big ass. Looking at the two of them together, you'd never expect them to work as a couple. But they had. For the first year especially, they had been giddy, causing people to stare at their frequent and obvious public displays of affection. It was a wonderful time.

But over time, the fire had cooled. They still loved each other, and still felt they were perfect together. But that spark, that magic, had gone out, or at least, dimmed.

One day, Blake was talking to his best friend, Luis Rivera. Luis and his wife Tamara had been married for almost six years, and still seemed as sappy and crazy about each other as ever.

"So how do you do it, man? How do you and Tamara keep the flame alight?" Blake asked. "I've seen you two in public. You can't keep your hands off one another. Opal and I used to be like that, but not for the last year or two. What's your secret?"

"Do you really want to know, dude?" Luis responded.

"Yeah, man, I do."

"Okay, why don't you and Opal come join us for dinner this Friday. We'll show you how we've kept the flame burning."

"We'll be there."

That Friday, Blake and Opal showed up at the Rivera's home. They brought a bottle of good wine. All four shared a glass in the living room.

After a few minutes, a timer went off, and Tamara went to the kitchen. She returned, announcing that dinner was ready.

The two couples enjoyed a great dinner together. Blake and Luis had been best friends since grade school, and so when they had started dating the women who became their wives, they spent a lot more time together.

So the conversation flowed as freely as the wine, and a good time was had by all. Finally, Tamara cleared the dinner dishes away, and the four adjourned down to the basement rec room.

As they sat on facing sofas, Luis finally took up the reason for their dinner.

"Blake tells me you two feel like the spark has gone out of your marriage. Is that right?" Luis asked.

Blake nodded, and Opal responded, "Yes. It used to be we were almost nauseating in public. He couldn't keep his hands off me, and vice versa. Now, well, things are okay, but not like that. And we see the two of you, and it's still like that for you both. How do you manage it?"

"Well," Luis began, "we actually went through the same phase as you're going through now. That was that year we were living in Austin."

"Okay," Blake said, "so how did you solve it?"

"The internet," Tamara answered.

Blake gestured for her to continue.

"I was missing that fire, that sense of closeness, and I started doing some online research," Tamara said. "I found some work by a renowned psychologist and neurologist, Dr. Davis Taylor. He started his research after he and his wife hit a similar situation. His research soon uncovered some startling facts: Male and female biology is different. Male and female psychology is different. We have very different physical and mental needs, and if those needs are not getting met, well, we wind up in the situation he and his wife were in, that we were in, and that you are still in."

"And?" Opal prompted.

"He put together a plan that outlined changes he and his wife needed to make in their relationship," Tamara said. "When they followed the plan for only a week, they already saw the difference in their marriage. By the time they'd given it a full year, they were completely turned around. The flame was rekindled with a vengeance. I got a copy of the plan, and shared it with Luis."

"I was a bit hesitant at first," Luis confirmed. "I wasn't sure I could do my part, and even though she suggested it, I wasn't sure Tamara could do hers. But we agreed to try it for a week. By the end of that week, we were sold. We started off on the Basic TTP. After a year or so, we progressed to the Intermediate TTP. We are planning to start on the Advanced TTP in the next few months."

"Fine," Opal said, "we get that it worked for you. But you haven't told us what it is."

"Well, as I said, Dr. Taylor discovered some key biological and psychological differences between men and women," Tamara said. "Specifically, women have both a biological and a psychological need to undergo torture on a regular basis. We're not talking folks who enjoy kinky sex. His research shows that women's bodies only truly function properly with frequent and severe torture. Same with our minds. Apparently, it's tied up in our ability to give birth. Any way, we have both a physical and a mental need to suffer for our men. Without that suffering, well..."

"And on the other hand," Tamara continued, "men have a biological and a psychological need to inflict frequent and severe torture on their women. Again, it's apparently tied up with giving them the ability to handle seeing their women in the pain of childbirth. So he put together the Taylor Torture Plan, or TTP."

"Excuse me," Opal asked, "are you saying Luis tortures you, and you're okay with it?"

"Okay, hell," Tamara responded. "I begged him to start us on the TTP."

Both Blake and Opal stared at their friends, mouths agape.

"Think of it like this," Luis said. "If Opal had high blood pressure, would you have a problem giving her blood pressure medication?"

"No," Blake answered, "but that's different."

"How?" Luis asked.

"It just is," Blake said, unsure how to explain something so obviously self-evident.

"Trust me," Tamara chimed in, "it isn't. Since we started on the TTP, I've been happier, more productive at work, more in love with Luis. I sleep better at night, and was able to come off all my anti-depressants. You probably never even knew I was on them, did you?"

"No, I didn't," said Opal, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Look, why don't you two watch while we have our regular nightly session," Tamara said. "Then afterward, we can talk, and you can see if you are willing to give it a try."

Blake and Opal exchanged looks that appeared to say, "I'm game if you are," then both nodded.

"Okay, we're about to enter the torture chamber," Luis said. "While we're in there, please don't talk directly to Tamara, as she needs to be in the right head space for the mental effects of the torture. Also, please don't be alarmed at what you see. Our torture sessions can get pretty severe."

"I certainly hope so," Tamara added. "But know this. No matter how much I beg him to stop, no matter how loudly I scream, or how bruised I am, I want him to continue. No, I need him to continue. So please, don't interfere or try to stop him. I'm totally okay with the fact that I'll soon be screaming and begging him to stop. Okay?"

She looked at Blake and Opal until they both said, "Okay."

With that, the mood in the rec room shifted. Tamara stood up, and pulled her dress up over her head. She was completely naked underneath. She stood perhaps five foot four or so, and had very large breasts. Blake had always wanted to see them, and he was not disappointed.

She was the archetypal blonde, with blue eyes, long hair, and big tits. She had a very narrow waist, which made her very large hips and ass even more prominent, especially when her blonde hair brushed her ass. Blake and Opal already knew that she had at least a dozen piercings in each ear, linked with matching silver chains, and a septum ring. Now they saw that she not only had nipple rings, which they had pretty much guessed, from the times she'd worn a tight bikini or T-shirt, but also studs through the meat of her breasts, and a bunch of rings in her cunt. They later learned that she had six through each cunt lip, one through her clit hood, and one right through her clit.

She stood, then turned slowly, allowing her guests to get a good look at her body. There were bruises, both fresh and faded, all over the parts of her normally covered by clothing.

"If you will follow us," Luis said, and led them through a door they'd never seen open before. Blake and Opal had always assumed the room behind it was just a laundry room.

The moment Tamara entered what was clearly a large, and apparently well-equipped dungeon, she dropped to her knees in front of Luis.

"Okay, little one," Luis said to Tamara, "let's decide on the length and severity of tonight's session." Turning to Blake and Opal, he continued, "Every night we have a minimum two hour session, at level one severity. However, based on various things, we can increase either the duration or the severity, or both."

"Sir," Tamara said from her kneeling position, "I'd like to request a level two severity session. All day long, the thought of sharing this part of our lives with our friends has had me distracted and off-kilter."

"Very good, little one," Luis replied. "And I feel the need to put you through the wringer, so I'd like an extra hour, just for me."

"Of course, Sir," Tamara said. "It would be my pleasure to suffer for an extra hour, if it will be good for you."

"Okay, so three hours at level two severity it is," Luis said. "I'd like to start with your tits. Please get in the breasts stocks."

"Yes, Sir," she acknowledged, and went over to a piece of equipment that looked like medieval stocks, save that there was no head hole, and the "arm holes" were too large, and too close together. It immediately became clear to Blake and Opal what it was for, when Tamara raised the wooden top, rested her very large tits in the holes, and brought the top down. She put a padlock on it.

"Very good, little one," Luis said again. "Please wait a moment, while I explain to our guests what's going on."

"Yes, Sir," came the soft reply. Tamara appeared to be getting into the headspace she needed to be in.

"Let me explain about level one and level two sessions. A level one session is limited to no marks that will last longer than a few hours. No blood, and nothing permanent. A level two session is limited to no marks that will last longer than a few days. Torture, generally whipping, to the point of drawing blood is permitted. Temporary piercing or skewering is permitted. However, cutting is not permitted. Neither is torture to the point of unconsciousness."

"Are there more levels?" asked Blake.

"Yes, but don't worry about them for now. It will be a long time, if ever, before you need to know about higher levels," Luis answered.

"Now, I'm going to begin our torture session," Luis continued. "Blake, feel free to have a seat in the chair over in the corner. Opal, you can sit on his lap, or kneel at his feet. But in the torture room, females are not allowed to sit on the furniture. It's part of having them establish the right psychological head space. While I'm torturing Tamara, please don't try to talk to either of us. In fact, please try to keep relatively quiet, if you can. You may feel free to masturbate, or even to fuck, while watching, so long as you do it quietly. And finally, remember that no matter what she says, or what I do to her, Tamara doesn't actually want me to stop. So just watch."

"Got it," Blake said, and Opal nodded.

Blake sat in the indicated chair, and Opal knelt at his feet, resting her head on his left thigh.

Luis returned to Tamara, and picked up a large flat wooden paddle, with a number of holes drilled in it. He drew back his arm, and struck her right tit with it, at what appeared to be full force.

Tamara threw back her head, and howled.

Luis repeated the stroke on her left tit. She howled again.

He proceeded to beat her tits pink, then red, and finally purple in some places, before he stopped. Tamara was screaming like a banshee, but hadn't yet asked him to stop, or even to go easy on her.

As Blake watched, his cock got hard. Opal noticed, and unzipped his trousers. She took his cock into her mouth and began to give him a blowjob like he'd never had before.

Of course, part of the difference was that normally, blowjobs between them were very noisy, on both their parts. Trying to remain quiet made it a challenge for them both.

But the other part of the difference was the background screams and howls of Tamara. Listening to her was really turning Blake on. It wasn't long before he shot a load down Opal's throat.

When he finished, she licked him clean, then reached up with her petite hands and began to stroke and tease his cock.

In short order, he was hard again. She stripped off her skirt and panties, then squatted down on his cock, thrusting it into her dripping cunt.

Again, it was a bit surreal to fuck to the sounds of Tamara's screams, but none of their own.

By this time, Luis had removed Tamara from the breast stocks. He'd lowered a bar from the ceiling which was about three feet long, with padded cuffs at either end. He stretched her hands over her head, and fastened each wrist into one of the cuffs.

He then raised the bar again, until Tamara's toes could no longer touch the floor. While she hung suspended, he picked up a short message whip, about five foot long, and began to whip her ass.

Every stroke made Tamara howl, and within ten or fifteen minutes, Luis had drawn blood. But still, Tamara didn't beg him to stop.

Luis continued the whipping, drawing blood with every additional stroke, for another ten or twenty minutes. The blood dripped in a slow trickle from her ass cheeks to the already blood-stained concrete floor. Clearly this was not the first time Tamara had bled in the torture room.

Luis finally set the whip aside, and lowered Tamara's arms until her toes just touched the ground. As she stood facing him, he told her to spread her legs.

She did so. He gestured for her to spread them wider, and wider, until he was satisfied.

He drew back his right leg, then kicked her cunt, with all his force. She was lifted several inches into the air, and it looked to Blake and Opal as though she would have collapsed on to the ground, had the wrist cuffs not held her upright.

Tamara grunted in pain.

Luis repeated the kick, and she grunted and sagged in her bondage again.

After twenty or thirty good hard kicks to her cunt, Tamara spoke for the first time since the torture session began.

"Please, Sir, go easy, please," she begged.

"Now, now, little one," Luis replied, "what penalty did you request, should you ever beg for mercy?"

"Sir, please stick at least a dozen skewers through each of my tits," she answered. "And thank you for not heeding my plea for mercy."

"I'll be happy to skewer your tits, little one, and you are welcome."

Luis opened a drawer in a cabinet on one wall, and pulled out a box, about the size of a shoe box. He took the top off, reached in to the box, and withdrew a thin metal skewer, about a foot in length, and a cork. He placed the sharpened tip of the skewer at the top of her right breast, pointing down.

He began to press it into her tit meat, and she began to breathe rapidly, panting like a dog. As he continued to press, he finally pierced the skin of her tit.

Tamara screamed as Luis slowly pushed the skewer down through her tit. When it was all the way through, he placed the cork on the tip, now at the bottom of her right tit. Then he went back to the box for another skewer, and another cork.

He repeated the procedure with her left tit, again skewering her from top to bottom. Again she screamed, and again he slowly pushed the metal skewer through her tit, and again, capped it with a cork.

Luis got another skewer and cork, and skewered Tamara's tits again. And again, and again.

Tamara screamed, and cried, and bled, for another fifteen or twenty minutes, until the full dozen skewers per tit were inserted.

As she stood in her bondage, he returned to stand in front of her, and said, "Spread your legs, little one. You still have a cunt-kicking to finish."

She spread her legs, and he kicked her cunt again. Again, he lifted her several inches into the air. But this time, there was a difference.

With all the skewers through her tits, the bobbling of her tits that occurred as she bounced up and down caused her to scream in agony.

He kicked again, and she screamed again. Over and over, ten times, then twenty. Blake and Opal watched in astonishment as the level of suffering Tamara was subjected to rose and rose.

In another ten or fifteen minutes, her cunt was very red, and very swollen.

Opal had mounted Blake again, and ridden him to another shattering orgasm for them both. Opal again knelt between Blake's legs, and began to slowly suck his cock.

Meanwhile, Luis had been attaching electrodes to Tamara's cunt lips, clit, and to the skewers in her tits. When he was done, he picked up a small black box that was connected to all the electrodes. He turned it on, and it began to hum.

Tamara began to moan, apparently in pleasure. Then Luis began to turn one of the knobs, slowly.

Tamara's moans increased in frequency. Soon, she was panting like a dog. Luis continued to turn the knob.

Suddenly, she went rigid. He continued to turn the knob.

She threw back her head and howled. He turned the knob some more.

Soon she was screaming even louder than she had that evening.

Luis set the control box down, and stepped back to watch his wife scream.

He allowed her to scream for another forty or fifty minutes. Blake shot another load down Opal's throat as he watched. Opal had one of her hands between her legs, and had masturbated herself to several mind-blowing orgasms.

Finally, Luis turned the power off. Tamara slumped in her bondage.

He began unclipping the electrodes, then began to pull out the skewers. She moaned as he removed them, then screamed as he took a paper towel and soaked it in alcohol, to clean the wounds.

Finally, he released her from her bondage, and half-led, half-carried her back in to the rec room. Blake and Opal fixed their clothing, and followed.

Luis sat back on one of the couches, and Tamara curled up next to him, her head in his lap. Luis stroked her hair, gently.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Luis asked.

"That was intense," Blake said. "Wow!"

"Yeah," Opal added. "Tell me the truth, Tamara, how do you feel?"

"If you weren't here," Tamara replied, "I'd be fucking the ever-loving dog-shit out of Luis right now. Trust me, honey, a good hard session of torture will make both of you hornier than virgin teenagers."

"Really?" Opal asked.

"You bet," Luis answered. "Judging by your actions during our session, you two seem interested. How about we give you copies of the Basic TTP book. You can read it over the weekend, and if you are still interested, start the TTP on Monday."

"Sounds good."

The Taylor Torture Plan Part 2

That Sunday evening, Blake and Opal sat down to talk about the TTP.

"Okay, babe, what do you think?" Blake asked.

"On the one hand, it scares the hell out of me," Opal responded. "On the other, I must confess watching them on Friday had me hornier than I've been in years."

"It scares the hell out me, too. I don't know if I could do it, if I could torture you until you were screaming, and then carry on torturing you. I just don't know."

"Well, you need to decide, hubby. If we're going to try this, we both need to commit to doing our parts."

"Do you really want to try it?"

"Yes, love, I do."

"Okay, then we'll start our first week with a Monday evening session. Let's clear out the spare bedroom, to make into a torture room."

That Monday night, they had dinner, and prepared for their first session. The Basic TTP book recommended they start with a thirty minute session, and gradually work up to a one hour session by Friday.

The book recommended starting with some basic tortures, including pussy-whipping and needles through tits and nipples. So Blake had Opal lay down on a futon they had put in "the torture room" as they now called it, and spread her legs.

He began to whip her pussy, slowly at first. Soon, Opal was begging him to whip her harder.

"It's got to hurt, my love," she said.

Blake began to strike harder, and faster.

"Harder," she begged. "Make me cry, make me howl, make me scream, darling."

So he began to whip her pussy with all of the force he could. Soon she was grunting and breathing hard.

He switched his stance, so that instead of whipping from her head down, letting the tails of the whip curl into her slit and under her ass cheeks, he was standing by her feet, so the tails of the whip now struck her clit.

The effect was immediate. Tears ran down Opal's cheeks, and she began to howl.

He hesitated, but she urged him on.

"Now you're getting it, my love," she managed to say between sobs.

He continued to whip her pussy, and to strike her rapidly reddening clit. Soon she screamed.

Blake wanted to stop, but he knew he'd promised her he would not. So he didn't.

Instead, he repeated the stroke, and she screamed again. And again, and again.

After at least twenty minutes of pussy-whipping, and more than ten minutes of her screams, Blake decided to change up.

He grabbed a packet of the skewers they had purchased, and slowly pushed the first one through her nipples.

Her screams were even louder.

With each new skewer, her screams increased. Finally, he took one of the skewers and pushed it through her clit.

Opal screamed louder than she had all evening.

"More, my darling, please, more," she begged.

"No, my love, that's it for tonight," he said.

He began extracting the skewers from her nipples. She screamed as each one came out.

Finally, he pulled out the skewer through her clit. She screamed almost as loudly as she had when he pushed it in. And when he took an alcohol-soaked rag to clean all the puncture wounds, her screams were like nothing he'd heard from her before.

When he finished cleaning her up, she grabbed him by the waist, pulled him over to her, unfastened his pants, and began to suck his cock.

As soon as he was hard, she said, "Fuck me, my love! Fuck me hard!"

They did.

They decided to hold off talking about it until the next day.

So over breakfast, Blake said, "I take it you want to continue?"

"Fuck yes, my darling! I slept better than I have in years. I feel relaxed, and most of all, I feel that loving connection to you that I've been missing."

"Me, too. Okay, we'll continue with the rest of the week."

And so the week went. On Tuesday, they went for another 30 minute session, with knives and a single-tail. Wednesday they did 40 minutes, with a tit press and more needles. Thursday was 50 minutes, featuring fire and ice. Finally on Friday they did a full hour, and featured electricity.

Of course, after every session, they fucked like minks in heat.

By Saturday morning, they were as horny as two teenagers. The TTP called for a four-hour session on each day of the weekend, though for starters, the recommendation was two hours for the first Saturday, and three to four for the first Sunday, with four becoming the standard thereafter.

Blake and Opal rushed through their morning coffee, anxious to get in to the torture room and get started.

"Are you ready, my love?" Blake asked.

"I'm ready," Opal answered. "Are you?"

"Yes, I am," he responded. "Doctor Taylor was right. Hearing your screams, seeing your tears, and knowing I am responsible, fills me with love and desire for you."

"I'm glad you feel that way, because when I'm crying and screaming for you, I feel so connected, and so horny I can barely stand it."

"Then let's stop talking about it, and start doing it."

That day they went for two-and-a-half hours. Blake had improvised a wooden pony from a sawhorse in the garage, and combined it with various tit tortures, including tit-whipping, the tit-press, and finally tit skewers.

By the end of the session, Opal was sobbing like crazy. Her cheeks were completely tear-stained, she was getting hoarse from screaming.

All in all, they considered a successful day.

Sunday they went the full four hours, and it was even better.

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