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Three Sisters

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Something I started a long time ago and finally finished.
Three Sisters​
Part 1

Naked. Alone. Isolated. Scared. Samantha sat on her hard bed in her cell, her arms wrapped around her chest. How long have I been in here? She lay back on her bed and stared up at the light that never turned off. Would her captors ever come to question her? What of her sisters? Were they safe? Samantha stood up and started pacing front to back in her 7’x4’ cell.

The only sign of time passing was an unknown guard dropping Samantha’s next meal into her cell. She did not even get human contact when fed. Yum, two pieces of stale bread, a cold piece of meat, and an unpeeled carrot to be washed down by water from her sink. She knew she had lost weight in her cell, just not how much. Eat. Pace. Sleep. Repeat process.

In two other cells 19-year-old Katrina and 18-year-old Ellen were enduring the same treatment as their 20-year-old sister, Samantha. They were all within ½ an inch of 5’8” with golden blonde with hourglass figures. Ellen was a 36B where her sisters were both 36C.

They waited separately for something, anything to happen. When would it? Why am I here? When? Why? What? The judge had just sent an order to the jail: BRING SAMANTHA, KATRINA, AND ELLEN TO COURTROOM #3 AT 2PM.

Her door opened; Samantha turned to see a guard enter. He pushed her to the bed and cuffed her hands and feet. He then picked her up and blindfolded her before pushing her out of her cell to the foyer of the jail. On arriving a metal collar was cuffed around Samantha’s neck. A tug and the command “March!” moved Samantha forward. A door opened; she could hear people as she was led outside. The chain at the back of her collar told her that at least one other person was in the procession.

Samantha felt the sunshine on her skin for the first time for who knows how long; it felt good. The paving stones felt rough on her bare feet; at the same time Samantha was glad to be walking more than 7 feet in a direction. Samantha was led into a shadow, up a ramp, through door, across a cold tile floor, down a ramp, across a carpet, and commanded to “Halt!” Her guard’s hands turned her right and pulled off her blindfold. She quickly looked right and saw her sisters. They looked quickly, too, clearly glad to be with each other even naked and chained in public.

“All rise for the Honorable Chief Judge Henry Noose!” shouted the bailiff.

Judge Noose entered, “Be seated, accused remain standing.” The Judge sat in his high seat behind his bench. “Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, you stand here accused of aiding and abetting enemies of the city, treason and espionage against the city, and high conspiracy. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

Ellen looked to Katrina who looked to Samantha and nodded. Samantha responded, “Judge, what evidence does the court have and who can help us with these absurd charges?”

“You may plead guilty and be at the mercy of the court or innocent and hear the City’s evidence.”

The sisters leaned toward each other and talked quickly. Samantha turned to the judge, “Innocent, the charges are absurd. We did not help enemies of or spy on or conspire against the city.”

“Fine. For your convenience, you will be tried together, today. City Advocate, begin.”

“Your Honor, these girls were seen by the police lurking near East Gate just before dawn the morning of the September attack. As the rebels started their attack a soldier noticed damage to the gate. That damage could have allowed the rebels to enter the city. Two days prior to that the three accused were seen near the tavern by the East Gate. At about the same time, a rebel spy was killed as he ran out of the East Gate. Sabotage and spying both involve Conspiracy.”

“Accused, what is your response?”

Samantha spoke for her sisters, “Your Honor, we were delivering laundry to some guards at East Gate that morning and fresh aprons and towels to the tavern. Our family runs a laundry service; my sisters and I pick up and drop off laundry for our customers. We travel all over the city doing this.”

“City Advocate, any rebuttal?”

“Your Honor, the accused offer a plausible alibi. Laundry delivery is a great cover for spies and saboteurs. City police did not see the accused carrying laundry to or away from the soldiers nor were they seen carrying laundered aprons and towels into the tavern.”

“Judges of the City, you have heard the evidence read and accused offer an explanation. You will now vote to convict or acquit the accused of their charges. Bailiff, collect the ballots.”

“Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, rise and face the Judges of the City for determination of guilt or innocence.” The girls did as they were instructed. The Chief Judge continued, “Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, you have been guilty of aiding and abetting by unanimous vote of the panel. Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, you have been guilty of treason and espionage by unanimous vote of the panel. Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, you have been guilty of high conspiracy by unanimous vote of the panel.”

The three looked at each other, Samantha and Katrina moving to comfort Ellen.

“Order in the court!” the judge shouted. “You have been found guilty of three capital crimes against the city. Punishment for any of these crimes is serious and harsh. Do you have anything to add before determination of sentence?”

“Sir, we three sisters have never been in trouble. We work hard with our family. We contribute to the improvement of our city.”

“The panel may consider this in sentencing. Panel: sentence for aiding and abetting is death by painful means or as the court determines; sentence for treason and espionage is slow and public death or as the court determines; sentence for high conspiracy is 100 lashes at Market Square or as the court determines. This panel shall now decide your sentence.”

Ballots were passed to the bailiff and carried to the High Judge. “Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, having been found guilty, are you ready to receive sentence?”

Samantha spoke for the group again, “Yes, Your Honor.”

“Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, shall receive the same sentence. You shall be returned to the jail to be cleaned and shaved. You shall then be taken to Market Square where you shall be publicly whipped each receiving 80 lashes. You will be taken to South Market Jail where each of you will be given a patibulum to be placed on your shoulders and your arms tied to it to hold it in place. You will be led to South Gate, be taken out of the city, and be nailed to die by crucifixion. Court adjourned.”

“All rise!” shouted the bailiff.

The guard put blindfolds over the eyes of the sisters. “Come on,” he ordered, and they returned to the jail.

He led them into a large room with multiple, evenly spaced columns. He took each girl to the space between two columns, removed the cuffs from her hands and feet replacing them with heavy chains pulled tight forcing each girl to stand spread-eagled. Lastly, he removed their blindfolds.

“To be shaved and cleaned for crucifixion,” the guard instructed three teams.

Immediately, the teams got to work. First, the long blond hair was cropped. A buzzing noise from electric razors accompanied the removal of body and pubic hair. Non-electric razors ran over their bodies in search of any hair left behind. Next, their bodies dampened, covered with powered soap, lathered with stiff brushes, and then rinsed. The teams rechecked for body hair, rinsed the girls, and pronounced them ready. Their arms were lowered and cuffed behind their backs, their feet released and chained again, and their metal collars kept them chained together. The guard led off.

Out of the jail, east toward Market Square, Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen followed their guard. They arrived at Market Square after 5:00 in the evening. Samantha, in front of her sisters, shivered as the whipping posts came into sight. Katrina and Ellen shivered in turn as they saw the whipping posts in the center of the square.

They reached the posts, were separated, and forced onto the platform. There were enough posts arranged in a circle that six people could stand spread-eagled facing in or out. Each sister stood spread-eagled facing inward in every other whipping space. Samantha and Katrina looked at each other before turning their gazes to Ellen attempting to offer her hope.

A lieutenant stood in the middle of the circle and unfolded a sheet of paper. He read:

Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, here begins the first public phase of your sentence. You have been sentenced to receive 80 lashes of the knout. Said lashes will be 50 to your backs and 30 to your fronts. You will remain conscious to receive your sentence. 5 lashes are to be added to your sentences every time one of you passes out. You will be splashed with salt water to revive you from passing out. Do you understand how your sentences will be conducted?

Samantha nodded to her sisters. In unison, they answered, “Yes.”

“Sergeants, apply 20 lashes to their backs. Proceed.”

CRACK! The first blow for each girl landed at the same time. CRACK! The second struck each sister in the ass. CRACK! Back. CRACK! CRACK! The blows rained down onto their backs, asses, legs, shoulders, even between their legs. The sisters screamed as the blows landed.

“Halt. Front,” the lieutenant ordered. The sergeants moved. “Sergeants, apply 20 lashes to their fronts. Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! Hit in the tits. CRACK! Hurt over the pussy lips. CRACK! CRACK! Whips kissed their pussies twice. CRACK! On the stomach, it forced the air from their lungs. Ellen blacked out.

“Water!” the lieutenant ordered. Three bucketfuls of water hit three backs and proved enough to revive Ellen. “Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Three lashes to their pussies. CRACK! CRACK! Again, hits to the tits. CRACK! CRACK! Their armpits tasted the lash. Two more landed on each tit, one more to their pussies, two to their stomachs. The girls pulled at their restraints, screaming as each blow landed.

“Halt, back.” The sergeants moved. “Sergeants, apply 20 lashes to their backs. Proceed.”

CRACK! The blow to Samantha landed high; she saw stars and passed out. Katrina saw and prepared herself.

“Water!” And Samantha was revived. “Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Lash marks left crisscross patterns on their backs. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Bloody wounds dotted their backs. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Screams continued as the whips found their asses. CRACK! CRACK! Hit in the shoulders. CRACK! Backs stung. CRACK! Asses hurt. CRACK! Ellen passed out from the pain.

“Water!” Ellen hung from her wrists. “Water, again.” A second bucketful splashed each back. Ellen revived. “Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! These lashes hit their shoulders and backs. They screamed from the pain of the lashes and the salt in their wounds. CRACK!

“Halt. Front. Sergeants apply 10 lashes to their fronts. Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The knout landed on their tits. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Hits landed on their pussies. CRACK! CRACK! Two in the stomach caused Samantha and Ellen to pass out.

“Water,” the lieutenant shouted. “Halt, back. Sergeants apply 10 lashes to their backs. Proceed.”

CRACK! The whips began. CRACK! The sergeants focused on the asses of the girls. CRACK! The sisters screamed.

“Halt! You are now finished with your ordered punishment. You and you each passed out twice. For that, all three of you receive 20 more lashes. If you pass out in the phase, each of you will receive 10 more lashes. Sergeants, 15 lashes to their backs. Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! The whip rang out. CRACK! CRACK! These blows landed on their shoulders. CRACK! Screaming continued. CRACK! CRACK! Onto their backs moved the blows. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! A blow between the shoulder blades surprised Ellen and she missed her breath. CRACK! The next blow landed before Ellen recovered from the last. She faded out.

“Water, proceed!”

CRACK! CRACK! Their shoulders bled. CRACK! CRACK! Asses sported new welts and blood.

“Halt. Front. Sergeants, 10 lashes to their fronts. Proceed.”

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Three lashes each to three stomachs. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Two blows each to each of their tits bloodied their chests. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! More added to their already sore, bloodied pussies.

“Halt. Back. Sergeants, 5 lashes to their backs. Proceed.”

CRACK! It was the final round, Samantha thought. CRACK! CRACK! Almost done, Katrina thought. CRACK! One more, Ellen thought. CRACK! This last blow felt harder than the others. Each girl saw stars and immediately shook their heads in an effort to stay awake. They were successful.

“Halt,” ordered the lieutenant. To Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen:

Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, your sentences of 80 lashes from the knout have been carried out. You received an additional 30 lashes from the knout for passing out during your sentences. Your public whippings are now complete. You are now ready for the next phase of your sentences. Sergeants return the prisoners to their guard.

Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen felt their feet be released and cuffed in their marching chains. She steadied herself on her feet as their hands were released and handcuffed behind their backs. Their guard attached their collars around their necks and led them south out of Market Square. South they were led. They reached the gate and entered South Market Jail.

A Sergeant greeted their guard. “What have you here?”

“Samantha, Katrina, Ellen, fresh from the Market Square Whipping Posts on their way to South Gate to be crucified. They are to get their patibuli from this jail.”

“Execution Squad starts hanging tomorrow. They only completed planting a hundred or so stipes today. Are yours going to be the first up this spring?”

“Maybe, if we start early in the morning. Not going to make it down there today. Got a place we can overnight?”

“They can stay out her, I don’t want them bloodying up one of my cells. Over there, let them borrow my new pillories.”

The girls were led across the courtyard. Samantha’s collar was removed, her guard grabbed her arm. Her guard removed her hand cuffs and placed her head and arms in the correct slots on the low pillory. The Sergeant dropped the top into place. The cuffs were then removed from her feet and each leg inserted in the stocks behind her forcing her to kneel on the hard stones in the courtyard. The Sergeant and guard placed Ellen in the pillory next to Samantha. Katrina was placed on the other side of Ellen. With their feet held about 6 inches off the ground, their knees supporting most of their weight, and their heads and hands about 30 inches off the ground, the sisters looked like checkmarks when viewed from the side.

“Damn, Sergeant, that don’t look too comfortable.”

“Think they need a seat?”

“Got one for that?”

The Sergeant pointed at a pile of cut 2x6s. “Slip that under the prisoner, one end rests in the notch on the stocks in back, the other attaches to the pillory up front. Simple and effective they say.”

“Let’s come back later; see how they are doing then.”

The Sergeant and guard left. Samantha looked toward her sisters, just able to see Ellen. Ellen looked first at Samantha and then Katrina. All three shifted around as much as they were able, trying in vain to get comfortable. They knew it was a losing battle from the start.

“How you feel Ellen?” Samantha asked her sister.

“My back hurts, my front hurts. Why are they punishing us?”

“Don’t know. How’re you Kat?” Samantha asked her other sister.

“I’m holding up. Lashes sure hurt, don’t they?”

“Yeah, they do. Tomorrow’s going to be a long one. Rest now, maybe it’ll make the morning a little easier.”

Their guard returned. “Some water for you three. You’re probably thirsty. Here, drink up.” He offered each sister an opportunity to drink her fill. “Let’s get those knees off the ground now.”

He slid the seat boards under each sister, walked around to their front, raised, and attached the seat boards to their pillories. Each sister now rested with her weight on the narrow side of her seat board. The angle, downward slop back to front, and location, between her legs, of the board and position of the girl meant that the point of contact was each sister’s pussy. This position could hardly be called comfortable, but in was still better than resting on their knees, the girls agreed.
Part 2

Night passed quickly enough. Before dawn, footsteps approached. Someone dropped a heavy board to the ground of the courtyard. He left and returned, dropped another board. Away and back, he dropped a third board. Whoever it was left and returned, with rope rather than a board this time. He walked behind the now fully awake sisters tying their ankles leaving enough slack in the rope so that each sister would be able to walk quickly but be confined to shorter steps. He started with Katrina, finished, tied Ellen, and lastly secured Samantha’s feet.

Time to get them up; he wanted an early start. He released the front of each seat board. Walking to the back, he removed the boards and piled them against the wall. Next, he released three pairs of feet from their stocks. By this time, another man had entered the courtyard. In silence, the pair secured each girl to her patibulum. Their guard fashioned a rope collar around each girl’s neck lining them up as was done yesterday, Samantha in front, then Katrina, and Ellen in the rear. Lastly, their guard presented each sister with a rope necklace that had four nails tied to it.

They were almost ready. The guard gave each sister a generous drink of water. Ready to go now, their guard pulled on the lead rope. Out the gate, a turn south and the procession moved out. It was not yet dawn, the night was still cool, yet a number of people were already on the street. The deliverymen stopped to watch Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen pass southward bound. Several of the men catcalled. A few early risers had no job to be at this early allowing them the opportunity to follow along to witness the first crucifixions of the year. Three of them at once, the onlookers thought to themselves, a rare treat.

About 2 miles from the jail to South Gate, the guard remembered. They passed a factory that marked the halfway point to the Gate. The sun was not up yet, and they went on at a respectable pace. They were ahead of the guard’s schedule. Onward they moved. The guard could now see the South Gate Armory. The Gate was just beyond the armory.

As they reached the Armory, the Execution Squad came outside to form up. The captain led his men to South Gate preceding Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen in exiting the city. Their guard led them behind the Squad. The sisters could just discern the silhouettes of stipes in the distance.

Their guard led them to three stipes grouped closely together and arranged in an arc. Perhaps planted for us, the sisters wondered to themselves. They stopped, they had arrived, and each sister now wore a look of fear on her face.

“Guard dismissed. Squad, take charge. Separate and prepare them.” The captain commanded.

Two squad members lifted and carried each girl to the base of what was about to become her stipes. Nail necklaces were cut off. The collars, now unnecessary, were removed. The ropes around their ankles went next. All each girl now wore was her patibulum tied and held to her shoulders by her arms. They were left standing, their backs to their stipes facing the captain and crowd.

The captain opened a paper, looked at each sister in turn, and began to read it aloud:

This Death Warrant has been issued by the Honorable Chief Judge Henry Noose with the Judges of the City Court unanimously concurring in court that Samantha, age 20, Katrina, age 19, and Ellen, age 18, are guilty of Aiding and Abetting, Treason and Espionage, and High Conspiracy. City Court then passed sentence on Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen, hereafter “the Condemned,” for their crimes of Aiding and Abetting, Treason and Espionage, and High Conspiracy, ordering that the Condemned be lashed by the knout 80 times, be made to carry their patibuli from South Market Jail to South Gate, be taken out of the City, be crucified, and be left until dead on their crosses. The condemned were lashed by the knout, their punishment for High Conspiracy. The Condemned will now be hanged from their crosses, their punishment for Aiding and Abetting, and Treason and Espionage. Condemned, Death by Crucifixion is this: your wrists will be nailed to your patibulum, your patibulum will be raised up your stipes and be made to stay fixed at the top of your stipes, and your feet will be nailed to your stipes, when you have hanged from your cross for 6 hours a cornu will be affixed to your stipes. This is your punishment. Condemned, do you understand?

Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen took a moment to look at each other. They then looked at the captain, together saying, “We understand.”

The captain issued his next order, “Drop the condemned.”

Their patibuli were lifted, legs kicked from beneath them, and they were placed on the cool ground.

“Secure left wrist.”

Each sister’s left wrist was untied and positioned on top of her patibulum. A man sat on each sister pinning her body and legs to the ground. Another man stretched and held the left arm of each girl in position. A third man positioned the nail and raised his hammer. At the same time, each hammerer hit the head of the nail at the same time-BANG! Aaaaaaarrrrggghhhh!!!! The sisters screamed from the pain of their nails piercing their left wrists. BANG! BANG! BANG! Their left wrists were now fastened to their patibuli. Cold sweat glistened on their bodies. Nailing done; they stopped screaming.

“Secure right wrist.”

Their right wrists were untied, positioned, and held on top of their patibuli. Each could feel the tip of the nail on her wrist. Samantha turned her head to watch. Katrina stared at the sky, breathed deeply, and held her breath. Ellen closed her tear-filled eyes. Three hammers rose up and…BANG! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!!-drove three nails down into the wrists of the three sisters. BANG! BANG! Screams continued. BANG! The hammers were set on the ground. Each sister’s wrists were now nailed to her patibulum. The men stepped back to take a short break and to admire their handiwork. This also allowed each girl to adjust to the pain emanating from her crucified wrists.

“Squad, lift the Condemned to their feet.”

Two men to each girl, they lifted them by their patibuli, first to a sitting position and then up onto their feet. The girls were then pushed back to their stipes, two men still holding their patibuli up.

“Condemned, you will now be raised by your patibulum up your stipes. Your patibulum will be attached to your stipes. During your ascent up your stipes, you will be hanging only by your wrists. Know that struggling only makes this worse for you. You will now leave the ground to hang until you are dead. Squad, begin.”

The men holding their patibuli adjusted their grips and lifted. Together, the sisters screamed as they were lifted. Each kicked as her feet lost contact with the ground, their sweaty bodies swaying as they kicked as they were raised skyward. Up. Up. And up. Endless their journeys seemed, though it was only 8 feet from the ground to the top of the stipes. THUNK! Their upward journeys ended as their patibuli slipped onto their stipes.

Behind each cross the hammerers climbed short ladders. Each finished securing the patibuli to the stipes by running a bolt through a predrilled hole, securing it with a nut, and pounding shims into place. Patibuli were now one with the stipes completing each sister’s cross. The hammerers stepped off the ladders and moved around to the front of the crosses. Someone else moved the ladders away from the crosses.

Minutes passed; the sisters still hung only from their nailed wrists. The pain in their wrists overwhelmed them, they were exhausted from their night at the jail, their walk, and nailing; they stopped kicking. With their arms stretched, they found breathing difficult. The girls’ bodies were stretched toward the ground, breasts shaking as ragged breaths were taken.

“Secure the Condemned’s right foot. Eight inches below the ass, heel on the corner of the stipes,” the captain instructed the hammerers.

A calloused pair of hands grabbed, placed, and held her foot, one hand across the top of her foot the other holding her ankle, Samantha felt. Her leg was bent, pointing out at about a 45° angle from her stipes. BANG! BANG! came the first two blows in rapid succession. Three screams split the morning air. BANG! BANG! BANG! Hammering stopped. Samantha attempted to raise herself up, but the pain proved too fresh. She collapsed, panting.

“Secure the Condemned’s left foot the same way.”

Katrina felt someone make a grab for her left foot. Not this one too, you bastard, she thought. She aimed a kick at her hammerer, the only person she could make out through her pain-shrouded vision. She heard the hammerer laughing. Someone finally got her foot placed on her stipes. BANG! BANG! Screams escaped. BANG! BANG!

BANG! The hammering stopped, before the hammerer could step away, Ellen lost control of her bladder. Falling piss sprinkled out, some hitting her hammerer. SLAP! He hit her across her cheek with the back of his hand and walked away. Ellen felt blood droplets where the guard’s fingernails had broken the skin of her cheek.

“Squad, form up. Condemned, you are now fully crucified with your limbs nailed to your cross. It is now 6:00. Your cornu will be added in 6 hours. A guard will remain through the day. You will receive one cup of water every hour. Spectators, you came to see these crucified. Do not attempt to speed up their deaths or similar fate awaits you.”

The first hour on their crosses passed with a blur of pain being transmitted from their nailed limbs, pain-filled moans escaping their lips, and the rising sun. Samantha attempted to rise up. Pain worse than anything she had ever experienced radiated from her wrists and feet. Katrina, too, attempted to raise herself trying to use her ass pressed to her stipes in combination with pushing on her feet and pulling on her wrists. Searing pain moved through her body, overwhelmed, she dropped and felt splinters enter her back, a gift from her stipes. Ellen let tears escape and run down her cheeks, the pain was too much. She made several feeble attempts to raise herself, pulling first with her wrists and next pushing with her feet.

The crowd grew and shrank as people came and went admiring young and beautiful crucified Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen. Other people followed patibulum bearing women from the city as those women were to be crucified. Rules of the city allowed only women to be crucified outside of South Gate. Men were crucified outside of North Gate. Needless to say, larger crowds of curious onlookers headed south compared to the few who ventured north.

The morning was warm and still, flies searched out each sister, landing on and biting them. The sisters had by now learned to use their wrists, feet, and asses to hold themselves up to breath before crashing down, overcome with pain. They danced on their crosses knowing that this prolonged their slow death but seeking some immediate relief to their pain. The sun marched higher; a warm breeze blew off the southern desert.

At midday, the Execution Squad approached the crucified sisters. A hammerer and two helpers separated and headed to each cross.

“Condemned, you have now hung from your cross by your wrists and feet for 6 hours. You will now have a cornu affixed to your stipes. Proceed,” the captain ordered the three trios of men.

The type of cornu the captain selected was about 8 inches long, 1 inch in diameter, round, wooden dowel shaped to maximize pain was mounted on a base that could be easily nailed to the stipes of a cross. The top ½ inch was slightly rounded to make vaginal and anal penetrations easier. The next inch looked like a gear with short ridged raised teeth to causing tearing and bleeding. Another ½ inch gap, this one randomly sprouting the pointed tips of tacks which ranged from ¼ to ¾ of an inch in height, was followed by 1½ inches of raised gear-like teeth that spiraled clockwise around the cornu. Lower was another ½ inch gap above another 1½ inch spiral, this one running counterclockwise. The next 1½ inch contained more tacks, these ranging from ¼ to a full inch in height. The bottom inch was smooth. The dowel was inserted into an odd shaped, 4-inch-tall base at a 30° angle.

The same hammerer approached the same girl they had earlier nailed. An assistant stood behind each cross and lifted each girl so the cornu could be nailed. Samantha was grabbed by her lower legs and pulled back up. Katrina was pushed up by a hand between her legs; her assistant made a fist and let Katrina sit on it. Ellen was grabbed differently still; her assistant stuck his thumb in her ass and three fingers in her pussy, pinching, forcing her to raise herself. They stayed up while the hammerers worked. Each cornu was nailed to each stipes 4 inches above each sister’s nailed feet.

The hammerers finished, the Captain spoke, “Condemned, your cornu is now affixed to your stipes. Let their bodies drop.”

The three fell. Samantha landed, her cornu quickly slipping nearly 4 inches inside her pussy; she gasped from the new pain. Katrina dropped, her cornu entering her pussy stopping 2 inches in; she swallowed and fought back tears and the urge to scream. On release, Ellen had been thrust forward; she landed on her cornu taking 3 inches in the ass. Ellen felt her ass tear as she sank onto her cornu, she screamed from the sudden and new pain, quite literally, in her ass.

The warm breeze continued as the sun marched across the afternoon sky. Onlookers came and went. Flies buzzed, crawled, and bit. The sisters continued their dance, going up, down, to the side, on and off her cornu. Their skin, pale this morning, was now a rosy pink. Their dances reopened the wounds on their back, sweat salt stung as it trickled into open wounds, blood droplets escaped from around the nails holding their wrists and feet. Pain was becoming its own narcotic.

Samantha had just finished lifting herself up as a rock hit her extended arm and bounced off. She dropped from the surprise of the hit, landing on her cornu. Her cornu sank into her ass, over 4 inches entering. As Ellen had done, Samantha screamed in pain as her ass was ripped. Blood dripped out joining blood from her pussy on her cornu and dripping down her spread legs. She decided to hold herself here for a moment. Samantha looked left to see Katrina on the middle cross and Ellen to the left of Katrina.

From her position in the middle, Katrina slowly lowered her pussy onto her cornu. She tasted its painful offering, resisting the raised spirals, flinching at the short nails, found more spirals, and stopped at the lower nails with nearly 7 inches of her cornu in her pussy. She grimaced from the expected pain. Samantha screamed, interrupting Katrina’s exploration. She looked to Samantha. Katrina offered Samantha a small, quick, sympathetic smile.

She was raising herself up but stopped, dropping back down when she heard the scream. Panting in her low hanging position, Ellen stared at her oldest sister as she screamed. Ellen extended a look of sympathy to Samantha when Samantha turned her head. Ellen resumed her dance on the cross by going up.

The sun dropped lower to the west. People drifted back to the city. Ellen, the closest of her sisters to the road, heard snippets of conversation from the passers-by. “Did you see that one they dropped?” “How many today, do you think?” “Came at lunch, came back to see more.” “Lucky Execution Squad, to see all this and get paid for it.” “More than 20 nailed up today.” “Coming back tomorrow?” “Been here all day, those were first, 27 ladies on crosses.”

The last groups to pass by were the day guards returning to the city. No need to guard crosses at night, the condemned were not going anywhere and the city’s gates were locked at sundown.

Alone on their crosses, dying together by the side of the road, the sisters hung by their wrists and feet for their first sunset they would see from their crosses. As the moon rose and stars appeared, the warm breeze of the day died down to be replaced by a cooler breeze from the eastern mountains. Their skin went from the warmth of daytime to the chills of the night.

“27,” Ellen said.

“27 what?” asked Katrina.

“Women on crosses like us.”

“How’re you two doing?” Samantha asked.

Katrina replied, “Just hanging.”

“Chilling,” Ellen responded on hearing Katrina’s sarcastically amusing answer.
Part 3

The moon continued to climb the night sky. The night cooled even more. Cramps attacked the three girls, first in their legs, moving to their backs and arms. The sisters dance on their crosses changed in the night fighting a war with their sore and cramping muscles, grunting as cramps started, gasping as the cramps attacked, and sighed as a cramp would end.

Hours later in the night, howling could be heard. In unison, the sisters looked south toward other crucified women. The howling now blended with screams. The sisters cringed; would they too be ripped from their crosses by wild dogs? The screams died down; dogs fighting could be heard. The sounds faded as the dogs went away.

The moon sank out of sight on its westward journey. Stars faded. To the east, the sky turned gray, brightening as the sun came up. The cool mountain breeze subsided. Distant sounds from the city reached Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen as a new day dawned. The three stretched up, down, forward, back, side to side on their crosses, grateful their cramps of the night before had subsided. Day guards returned to their posts, watering the crucified women, and watching and waiting for the crowds to return from the city.

Dawn turned to morning, the Execution Squad was back at work, the flies were back, and the crowds were back. More women were led past carrying their patibuli. Yesterday’s warm breeze returned as hot and dry as before. The sisters danced from morning into the afternoon. What did time mean to them; after all they were not going anywhere. Their skin was reddened beyond yesterday’s pink. Their sunburn worsened, turning an angry, burning pink as the sun marched lower in the western sky.

Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen moved on in their endless dance. Up. Down. Thrust forward. Some of those returning to the city stopped for a moment to watch. Ellen was again able to overhear the comments of passers-by. Mostly, the comments were the same. “They must have done 30 today.” “Did you see the shredded ones?” “Six, died last night ripped down.” “Heard the Captain, he said 37 today.” “Think they’ll need more crosses?” “Look at those ones dance.”

Again, the guards were the last to return to the city. The sun disappeared. The moon peeked up in the east. The desert wind calmed; the cooler mountain breeze awoke. Their chills returned. The sisters began their second night on their crosses. The night cooled further; their cramps returned. They moved on their crosses, grunting and gasping. Sometime later the wild dogs returned, announcing themselves by howling. Screams joined the howling as the dogs dined on helpless women. The moon inched out of sight; the sun began to rise.

Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen were worn out after their second night on their crosses. As the stretched their muscles in the confines of their nailed wrists and feet, Katrina earned a painful chuckle from her sisters by grunting an off-handed comment as the sun rose. Her comment was simple and short, “Time to dawn dance.”

The sun rose marking 48 hours on their crosses. This morning was the same as yesterday as the night breeze gave way to the warm, dry breeze from the desert, and people walked by heading to and from the city. Patibulum burdened women were led past. Flies were back in droves feasting on two days of salt left by evaporating sweat, bloodied wounds, and torn pussies and asses sported by the crucified sisters. The sisters noticed that their guard hurried to give them water today; did they really smell that bad? Fewer people wasted a look at the trio today as they moved on to see more freshly crucified women.

They danced to noon, sweating and bleeding, attracting more flies, continuing to bear their punishment with little more than the occasional curse, more often moaning, grunting, and gasping through the day. The sun further seared their flesh, the heat dropped by the sun and carried by the wind dried and cracked their lips. On they continued their survival instinct still strong enough to bear them on.

On marched the sun. On up and down, they danced. On buzzed and bit the flies. On and off, in and out of their asses and pussies in turn their cornu probed them. On marched patibuli. On forward and back, the trio moved. On west, the sun dropped. On to one side then to the other, the sisters twisted. On the road back to the city, onlookers went. On to death, crucified, hanged the sisters. On back to the city, the guards headed. On down the sun was and up the moon.

The warm, southern breeze was replaced with the cooler mountain breeze. Another night, chills assaulted the sisters. They waited for their cramps to return.

“How much longer, you think?” Ellen asked.

“Who knows, how much more can you take?” Katrina asked back.

“Don’t know. Back, arms, legs, ass, pussy all hurt. How’re you Sam?” Ellen asked her still silent oldest sister.

“Ell, we’re sore too. Hang here long time, maybe they let us down. Could recover,” Samantha told her little sister.

Katrina changed the subject, “Wonder how family is.”

“Think they know about us?” Ellen wondered.

“Probably do. That’s it!” Samantha exclaimed in a loud whisper. “Let’s hang until they come see us. Maybe they get us down.”

“Like it,” Katrina concurred.

“Help me?” Ellen begged in agreement.

The onset of their nightly cramps prevented any more conversation as they grunted from pain and gasped in relief. The moon marched on. Wild dogs howled done the road, crucified women screamed as the dogs pulled down their bodies. Another cross bound night passed with its usual sounds and pain. The moon moved on, the stars blinked out, and dawn broke into the east.

The guard was back. People moved past. The night breeze allowed the day breeze to take over. Flies fought to land on the sisters, so thickly they flew. The sisters continued their dance, more slowly than on their first day, but still with energy, tapping reserves only the young possess. Near the middle of the day, three pairs of eyes bore in on the back of a familiar pair of heads. The sisters looked at each other. “Our parents?” their eyes asked.

Midday crept into afternoon. Flies, their sweat, and their dance went on. Afternoon neared evening. Still covered in flies, still dripping sweat, still oozing blood, still they continued to live to death on their crosses. Two people wandered up to in front of their crosses. The trio squinted through sun-reddened, wind dried eyes.

“Ellen? Katrina? Samantha?” the voice of their dad asked.

“Yes,” they responded with dried out voices.

“Do not approach them,” their guard warned their parents.

The crucified girls and their parents ignored the guard. The girls shifted on their crosses in their dance that would end only with death, their eyes never left their parents. Their parents leaned together, their dad comforting their crying mom, holding her in his arms, showing no emotions. He fought back tears to remain strong for his daughters and wife.

“You need to move along now,” their guard ordered their parents.

“Fine,” their dad said and to his daughters, “we will return in the morning.”

Their parents left. Their guard left. Silence and darkness fell. The flies went away. The breeze shifted and cooled. So began a new night for the sisters.

“They found us,” Ellen proclaimed, her voice cracking.

“Knew they would,” Katrina, her voice cracking too, added.

“Yes,” Samantha spoke, “they said they will be back in the morning.”

“We must live to see them again,” Katrina declared.

“We will,” Samantha and Katrina promised together.

The moon passed through the sky. Cramps racked the sisters, and they did their nightly dance. Wild dogs tore down more women for dinner. This night passed more quickly than normal for the crucified sisters. They were actually excited for the arrival of this morning. They would be visited by their parents again! Dawn appeared and they danced in the first light of the morning.

Their guard was back. The breeze shifted and warmed. The sun shone brightly, and flies attacked as Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen struggled into the beginning of their fifth day crucified. The captain talked to their guard, the sisters watching curious about the whispered conversation. The sun had now burned their skin to an ugly reddish purple. Movements were slowing. The sisters had reason to hope today. When would their family show up?

Midmorning and midday passed; the day began to slow. Their earlier excitement faded. Shortly after noon, their parents approached with another surprise, their younger three brothers and sister in tow. Mom and dad resumed their mournful vigil; their younger four siblings stared up at their abused, naked, displayed bodies. Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen bowed their heads, sorrowful at the suffering their family endured, shame at being naked in front of their brothers and sister.

Nobody spoke. Even their siblings remained quiet throughout the afternoon and into the evening. Their family stared at them; they stared back. Sorrow filled the air; words really were unnecessary.

Finally, sunset approached, their dad said, “children, say goodbye now. We won’t be back tomorrow.”

A chorus of goodbyes sounded from the younger children and was echoed from the crucified girls. As brothers and sisters traded goodbyes, their dad had a whispered conversation with their guard.

Their dad and mom approached them each in turn.

To Samantha, they reached up gently touching her reddened cheeks, “Daughter, there is nothing we can do for you.”

To Katrina and Ellen, they did and said the same thing. They then gathered their family and returned to the city. Their guard soon left for the city, too. Day turned into another night. They hardly noticed the wind change and cool, or the moon rise, or wild dogs howl at their buffet. Each sister cried, a few tears ran, but they cried as they danced through the night under attack from cramps. Near dawn they had cried themselves out, each hanging in silence.

“I can’t go on,” Ellen announced, her voice barely a whisper.

“I’m ready,” Samantha declared.

“Together, when?” Katrina asked.

“At dawn, skip dance, hang from wrists,” Samantha instructed her sisters.

They saw the moon set and waited for the sunrise. Together, they lifted off their cornu, thrust forward, and let their bodies smash back into their cornu.

Samantha saw her last sunset as her back squarely struck her cornu, breaking. She died unable to lift or move to breathe with her back broken sagging body suspended by her nailed wrists.

Katrina struck her cornu hard. She added bruises and blood. She lifted herself up and tried again. Second time and she damaged her backbone enough that she was unable to move. Katrina slowly expired from suffocation.

Ellen copied her sisters, her first attempt failed, her second time failed, her third time failed. She decided to try something different. Up, she lifted herself and down she thrust herself, screaming as her cornu tore up her ass anew. Only 4 inches penetrated. Not for enough, not nearly far enough, she thought bitterly as she raised herself again. And down. Almost six inches penetrated her ass this time. Up again and thrust down. She felt the cornu deep inside her ass; she could feel the new, violent ripping evoking a fresh scream.

The guards were on their way to their posts. A new twist, they watched as Ellen thrust herself down ass onto her cornu. Would it work they wondered and watched?

Ellen was frustrated. Three smashes against her cornu resulted in only new injuries to her back. Three times thrusting down, and she only managed to impale herself on her cornu. She felt fresh blood leaking from her ass.

Her guard was now back. He verified that her sisters were dead and looked at Ellen. “They’re dead,” he said unnecessarily. “You want to join them?”

Ellen looked at him, “Yes.”

“Not a sound,” he told her. The guard looked around quickly, took out his knife, thrust it in Ellen’s pussy, twisted and removed it, and cleaned Ellen’s blood from the blade.

A look of intense pain crossed Ellen’s face. She managed not to scream as the guard twisted his knife. She tried pulling herself up a little but failed. Next, she twisted her body left and then right, not to escape her cornu, rather to allow and force it to cause her more internal damage. As she twisted, her pussy released hot blood. As she twisted, more anal damage occurred. Blood spilled from her thoroughly damaged vagina and ass.

After a few minutes, Ellen stopped moving. She looked down. Her bleeding pussy had left blood on her legs as it journeyed to the ground. Her blood attracted flies by the thousands. Her last move was to look over towards her dead sisters. I am coming, she thought to them.

Ellen turned away from the corpses of Samantha and Ellen. “Thank you,” she said as she bowed her head. She felt drained, her heart strained to pump blood, finding none, it raced faster. For several painful minutes, Ellen’s heart raced this way. Finally, defeated, Ellen’s heart stopped and so did Ellen’s shallow breathing. Ellen joined her sisters.

Finally, she died, the guard thought having just watched Ellen’s final painful minutes of crucifixion. He was amazed that Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen had lasted five days crucified. He left the corpses of Samantha, Katrina, and Ellen hanging on their crosses as food for the buzzards.
Excellent story: non-consensual and slightly brutal, not exactly my kinks, but hey, it's very entertaining nonetheless!

The knife in the pussy reminds me of Talbus The Guard novel, but here the scene it is depicted differently an all centered on Ellen rather than on the guard.

I appreciate a lot some hints of gallows humor, like,
“How’re you two doing?” Samantha asked.

Katrina replied, “Just hanging.”

Hope to read new stories from you soon.
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