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Torture And Sexual Violence In The Dungeon

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Gabriel Dungeon 1327-1 AI-.jpg
"Please, don't do it... Please..."
I might try to get arrested if there were such a place where there would be no long term damage and the fun could be repeated ;)
(In the future or perhaps an alternate universe)

A powerful repair and restoration serum for humans has been perfected specifically to allow prolonged interrogations, or punishments, to take place without permant injury or effects to the victims. After treatment, the patient will heal back to the normal condition they had at the beginning of the session in 24 to 48 hours.
Designed for use by the military and crimminal justice system, where it has been most effective in solving crimes and intelligence gathering, it has also become quite popular with the BDSM communities around the world.
I might try to get arrested if there were such a place where there would be no long term damage and the fun could be repeated ;)
I checked my basement again and again- but there is no way to reform it to a proper dungeon. It is too bad, that I can not send you an invitation…:smilie-devil:
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