FYI ...
Nailus Martyrs
This Agreement is entered into as of the “Effective Date” between the Nailus Martyrs BOARD OF DIRECTORS for and on behalf of Nailus Martyrs and “Contractor.”
By: TheHangingTree__________________________________
Printed: __November18,2012______________
By: ____LittleSiss______________________________
Printed: __November18,2012__________________________
Title: AssistantExecutioner_________________________________
Effective Date: November 18, 2012________________________
By signing the parties confirm that they have completed (where necessary), read, understood, and agree to all the conditions as outlined in this Agreement.
1.1. Contractor agrees to provide and represents that its professional credentials are such that it can provide the following services:
Model and represent and display products of Nailus Martyrs and its affiliates. In return, all unexpected or emergency work will be given to this Contractor. From this point on known as LittleSiss/Siss/Sissy or any variation there of.
LittleSiss will have first refusal rights. No other Contractors may be pursued without said Siss’ refusal of offer!
1.2. Contractor warrants that at all times during the performance of this agreement it shall provide its best professional efforts.
1.3. Contractor and subcontractors shall procure and maintain until all of Contractor’s obligations have been discharged, including any warranty periods under this Agreement are satisfied, insurance against claims for injury to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, the Contractor’s agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors.