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Voluntary crucifixion

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I like the idea of volunteering for the ultimate BDSM experience as well. In fact, I’m much more comfortable with volunteering than the more common situation on this forum in which someone is forced to die on a cross. If you can overlook the fact that the volunteer is a middle aged male instead of the more common young female, you may enjoy my story:


Now in the libary:

and in the archive:
I like the idea of volunteering for the ultimate BDSM experience as well. In fact, I’m much more comfortable with volunteering than the more common situation on this forum in which someone is forced to die on a cross. If you can overlook the fact that the volunteer is a middle aged male instead of the more common young female, you may enjoy my story:
To my opinion, "voluntary crucifixion" should not be "voluntary for crucifixion's sake"! There should always be a "push" factor, making the choice for "voluntary crucifixion" a matter of opting to get crucified against an even worse scenario.

But I will read your story.
I can’t imagine that being voluntary when I can’t even fathom the pain. >.<
It's a psychopath's thing. Make them trust you, gaslight them until they truly believe you. Just for fun, or maybe financial gain. Let's talk her into allowing us to crucify her, that's a kick.
It's not a stupid question. Some months ago, it was really what I wanted, and worse, I wanted to be nailed to the cross.

I truly wanted, for personal and religious reasons that I don't want to explain here, to be crucified, to suffer on the cross, not to die but suffer like Christ, to clean me, to erase some horrors of my past from my mind.

I don't want to tell more because now I understand that it was a sort of suicide, for I needed the help of others through crucifixion.

I began to look for people who would accept to nail me on a cross on DFN, and I had many serious offers from... more than sick people.

First, they nearly all wanted to rape me, whip me, and torture me before, while or after, not understanding what I was really looking for. It was their condition to accept to crucify me.

Secondly, fortunately, a member warned me that I could lose the normal usage of my hands and/or feet and that all these people just wanted to torture and rape me as much as they could and nothing else.

The same one gave me this forum link, and I met Erin, who convinced me that it was completely mad to ask to be nailed, as she had gone through it herself, and that I had to do it only with ropes and find someone to help me do it.

And then, as you have been able to read in my second story, which is, in fact, all real, not finding anybody I could trust, I self-crucified and nearly died asphyxiated and was saved by my now love, Sylvia.

So, yes, girls and guys who would voluntarily ask to be crucified are real and not only in fiction; I was one of them.
It's not a stupid question. Some months ago, it was really what I wanted, and worse, I wanted to be nailed to the cross.

I truly wanted, for personal and religious reasons that I don't want to explain here, to be crucified, to suffer on the cross, not to die but suffer like Christ, to clean me, to erase some horrors of my past from my mind.

I don't want to tell more because now I understand that it was a sort of suicide, for I needed the help of others through crucifixion.

I began to look for people who would accept to nail me on a cross on DFN, and I had many serious offers from... more than sick people.

First, they nearly all wanted to rape me, whip me, and torture me before, while or after, not understanding what I was really looking for. It was their condition to accept to crucify me.

Secondly, fortunately, a member warned me that I could lose the normal usage of my hands and/or feet and that all these people just wanted to torture and rape me as much as they could and nothing else.

The same one gave me this forum link, and I met Erin, who convinced me that it was completely mad to ask to be nailed, as she had gone through it herself, and that I had to do it only with ropes and find someone to help me do it.

And then, as you have been able to read in my second story, which is, in fact, all real, not finding anybody I could trust, I self-crucified and nearly died asphyxiated and was saved by my now love, Sylvia.

So, yes, girls and guys who would voluntarily ask to be crucified are real and not only in fiction; I was one of them.
Luckily you live to tell the story
It's not a stupid question. Some months ago, it was really what I wanted, and worse, I wanted to be nailed to the cross.

I truly wanted, for personal and religious reasons that I don't want to explain here, to be crucified, to suffer on the cross, not to die but suffer like Christ, to clean me, to erase some horrors of my past from my mind.

I don't want to tell more because now I understand that it was a sort of suicide, for I needed the help of others through crucifixion.

I began to look for people who would accept to nail me on a cross on DFN, and I had many serious offers from... more than sick people.

First, they nearly all wanted to rape me, whip me, and torture me before, while or after, not understanding what I was really looking for. It was their condition to accept to crucify me.

Secondly, fortunately, a member warned me that I could lose the normal usage of my hands and/or feet and that all these people just wanted to torture and rape me as much as they could and nothing else.

The same one gave me this forum link, and I met Erin, who convinced me that it was completely mad to ask to be nailed, as she had gone through it herself, and that I had to do it only with ropes and find someone to help me do it.

And then, as you have been able to read in my second story, which is, in fact, all real, not finding anybody I could trust, I self-crucified and nearly died asphyxiated and was saved by my now love, Sylvia.

So, yes, girls and guys who would voluntarily ask to be crucified are real and not only in fiction; I was one of them.
You got a cool story. I’m sorry it was a real thing that happened though. I often imagine my crucifixion as a real thing from 2000 years ago but obviously my head and mind are just so far gone now, I could never do it IRL without having to worry about people doing it for nefarious reasons and not for my sake, which would be nice honestly but as you mentioned, there are some people who just enjoy the aspects of it that aren’t what YOU want, and desire for yourself. I also have the desire to have the nails go in, but I also fear the lifetime damage as well. So I actually came up with the plan of just waiting until I turn 30 to get some sort of wrist piercing to simulate the act having been done. It’s more a mental thing anyway for me. It’s kept me from killing myself any other way actually (my fixation of dying on the cross) because I knew if I killed myself some other way, I’d never realize my dream of dying that way. So I totally sympathize with you, especially on religious reasons. I would absolutely feel so guilt ridden by the church, it drove me to say “Fuck it, then I’ll just die like Christ and then you can all shut the fuck up.”
You got a cool story. I’m sorry it was a real thing that happened though. I often imagine my crucifixion as a real thing from 2000 years ago but obviously my head and mind are just so far gone now, I could never do it IRL without having to worry about people doing it for nefarious reasons and not for my sake, which would be nice honestly but as you mentioned, there are some people who just enjoy the aspects of it that aren’t what YOU want, and desire for yourself. I also have the desire to have the nails go in, but I also fear the lifetime damage as well. So I actually came up with the plan of just waiting until I turn 30 to get some sort of wrist piercing to simulate the act having been done. It’s more a mental thing anyway for me. It’s kept me from killing myself any other way actually (my fixation of dying on the cross) because I knew if I killed myself some other way, I’d never realize my dream of dying that way. So I totally sympathize with you, especially on religious reasons. I would absolutely feel so guilt ridden by the church, it drove me to say “Fuck it, then I’ll just die like Christ and then you can all shut the fuck up.”
I was very near your feelings until I discovered love and understood that I was... stupid
And we’re all happy you weren’t “successful,” Bar. We want to keep hearing from you!
Sadly been a bit "quiet" on the crux front...only because I was getting the Pillory made and fine tuned for next week's photoshoot. ;)
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