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My next door neighbour tried to 'clean up' garden snails by feeding captured ones with lettuce, and then eating them. Said they tasted a bit 'strong' cf French restaurant ones. I didn't try them.
He now has Parkinson's Disease.
Is he Polish by any chance? I knew a Pole who said and did much the same,
like you I didn't try them. Dunno how he is now. :rolleyes:

"Vespa" is Italian for wasp.
Please do not confuse it with a vagina.
The results could be very painful.
Well, go more upmarket, get in a Volvo :p
(which, incidentally, is a Viking female shaman or witch)
Is he Polish by any chance? I knew a Pole who said and did much the same,
like you I didn't try them. Dunno how he is now. :rolleyes:

Well, go more upmarket, get in a Volvo :p
(which, incidentally, is a Viking female shaman or witch)

Oh, yipes....

I drive a Volvo!:eek:
Is he Polish by any chance? I knew a Pole who said and did much the same,
like you I didn't try them. Dunno how he is now. :rolleyes:

Well, go more upmarket, get in a Volvo :p
(which, incidentally, is a Viking female shaman or witch)
Actually, Volvo is Latin for "I roll". It was a trademark for ball-bearings produced by the Swedish company SKF. When SKF began building cars in 1924, they used the name they already owned.

A Volvo should never be confused with a vulva.
You can't get anything out of licking a Volvo, except a dirty tongue.:D
Oh, yipes....

I drive a Volvo!:eek:
Actually, Volvo is Latin for "I roll". It was a trademark for ball-bearings produced by the Swedish company SKF. When SKF began building cars in 1924, they used the name they already owned.

A Volvo should never be confused with a vulva.
You can't get anything out of licking a Volvo, except a dirty tongue.:D
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I recall an old pun about the mechanic that suggests that he service a woman's Volvo. :D
Actually, Volvo is Latin for "I roll". It was a trademark for ball-bearings produced by the Swedish company SKF. When SKF began building cars in 1924, they used the name they already owned.

A Volvo should never be confused with a vulva.
You can't get anything out of licking a Volvo, except a dirty tongue.:D
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Funny how different Swedish exports respond in different ways....:rolleyes:
Actually, Volvo is Latin for "I roll". It was a trademark for ball-bearings produced by the Swedish company SKF.

I think it was a learned pun (not so obscure back in early 20th century Sweden,
when Classical and Nordic knowledge was impressively widespread):
the Old Norse magic-working woman was a vǫlva.
I think it was a learned pun (not so obscure back in early 20th century Sweden,
when Classical and Nordic knowledge was impressively widespread):
the Old Norse magic-working woman was a vǫlva.
A bit of Nordic history I was not familiar with.
The last part of the entry is significant:

The disappearance of the vǫlur was due to the Roman Catholic Church, which along with civil governments had laws enacted against them, as in this Anglo-Saxon Canon law:

If any wicca (witch), wiglaer (wizard), false swearer, morthwyrtha (worshiper of the dead) or any foul contaminated, manifest horcwenan (whore), be anywhere in the land, man shall drive them out. We teach that every priest shall extinguish heathendom and forbid wilweorthunga (fountain worship), licwiglunga (incantations of the dead), hwata (omens), galdra (magic), man worship and the abominations that men exercise in various sorts of witchcraft, and in frithspottum (peace-enclosures) with elms and other trees, and with stones, and with many phantoms.

— 16th canon law enacted under King Edgar in the 10th century
They were persecuted and killed in the course of Christianization, which also led to an extreme polarization of the role of females in Germanic society.

The Church strikes again.

I used to own a SAAB. I know that has nothing to do with any of this, except that it's also a Swedish car.

I forget. What was this thread about again.:confused:
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