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Imagine the Roman Empire never fell...

2773 ab urbe condita.

the arena was packed with spectators. the gigantic three-ring structure of concrete embossed so as to appear light as if it were taking flight roared with anticipation for the start of the opening show of the gladiatorial games.
The ancient centuries of blood and death were no longer there, the sand of the arena was no longer used to collect the spilled blood of the losers, many things had changed, but equally that circus was a place of toil, struggle and pain.
The gladiators were still mostly slaves, but the tribute of blood and life was no longer required: weapons had evolved greatly, as the gladius was only a symbol for the legion, and the assault rifle had become the daily pne of the glorious soldiers of Rome, in the arenas new and terrible weapons were used. The blades, no longer sharp, were covered with pain emitters, a mixture of high-frequency sound waves and electric shocks, which meant that a well-aimed blow from a gladiator's weapon was no longer lethal, but generated in the victim an excruciating pain that only the most resistant could bear without being defeated.
Gladiators were those who had to endure this pain, fighting in the arenas.
Some things, however, remained the same, the protections that were no longer made of metal but of hard rubber, had the same shape and above all the fight was made for the show, and that is why Diana had to fight with her breasts exposed in front of tens of thousands of spectators.
Her combat clothing was minimal, she wore short, tight shorts, so high-cut that they looked more like bikini underwear, perfectly adherent to her skin as if she were bare-assed, they were red to stand out against her olive skin.
Then she had high greaves made of dark rubber bands that covered the front of her shin from the back of her foot to the knee, she was barefoot anyway, to better grip her toes on the sand.
The torso was completely naked, her breasts were exposed and visible to everyone, her back was covered by the cascade of brown, wavy hair that she wore long.
on her left arm, a hard rubber sleeve with scales protected from the hand to the shoulder, surmounted by a Galerus, a shoulder pad in the shape of a concave shield made of rubber and kevlar behind which she could hide her head, since she wasn't wearing a helmet.

She was a slave, condemned to the arena because of her father, he had sent the family business into bankruptcy and therefore he had not been able to pay the taxes, for this he had decided to kill himself.
The government of the empire had taken her and her sister and sold them to settle the debts.

Her sister was petite, very pretty, and had probably ended up in some rich executive's house serving drinks and probably being sexually molested by her new master.
She was instead a tall girl, 185 cm, with a slim and sporty figure, surely the pimps had decided that it was better to sell her to some gladiatorial school.
She knew she would end up naked during her slavery, they were a rich family, they had slaves, and she herself loved to order her personal servant to strip naked to work, just to humiliate her.
She was a girl a couple of years older than her, of Germanic appearance, with blond hair and a nymph-like body, with small breasts and long muscles, but shorter and smaller than her (which was not difficult), and she loved to see her body without veils, often even grabbed her and groped her breasts and groin for pure fun.
Just to hear her begging for mercy for that harassing treatment.

Now she was the slave, she knew that first thing there would be someone who would take off her clothes and grope her and even rape her, this had devastated her the first few days, until it happened, they had checked that she was no longer a virgin and then the head of the pimps had torn off all her clothes, had tied her hands behind her back and had taken first her ass and then her pussy.
She didn't have much time to be traumatized, because she was then thrown naked into the midst of the gladiators, the first part of the training was running, naked, they didn't give her clothes right away, kept in a cell, taken out in the morning and fasting made to run in a circle along the school stadium, she ran until she collapsed exhausted, only then they took her and tied her to a pole by her wrists and, with a gladiator's weapon they inflicted the pain that was typical of the fight, until she lost consciousness.
So for months, until she had strengthened her body, then she was assigned the role of retiarius, only then they gave her a pair of old and ragged trousers, but at least she was no longer naked.
Of course the pants were only outside of training, for now she trained and fought in sparring naked, with a trident and a net and the sleeve on the arm and the greaves.
The fact of keeping her pussy and ass naked was for pure humiliation, also because the instructors threatened to use the gladiator weapon directly on the tender mucous membranes of her sex, a pain that she had felt and that she did not want to feel again for the rest of her life, that time she had screamed until she lost her voice.

Today was the first time she fought in public, and she immediately became aware of her nakedness, she hadn't had her breasts covered for the last three years, but she had always been inside the school, there practically everyone had touched her tits several times, there she had practically had sex with almost everyone who was willing to do it, male and female: she had discovered that taking the initiative in that case was better than letting them rape her, she had become a predator, looking for the cock or the pussy instead of being a prey.
And then since she had done it the first time, before being a slave, fucking was something she liked regardless of the partner.
But now she was about to set foot in the great arena of Rome, the largest in the world, under the sacred hills of the capital in front of 160 thousand people gathered there to see her breasts, or at least that was the impression.
She would be part of a match of 20 gladiators, paired up two by two in various points of the arena, they were bovellini, the stars who took over the whole circus would come later, and she wasn't even the only girl, there were others, even more beautiful than her, but she still felt that everyone's eyes would be on her breasts, the cameras would transmit the details of her brown nipples on the screen and this put a knot in her stomach.
The door opened, illuminating the dark gallery of the sun shining on the arena, the signal was given to enter and the first gladiators in the line rushed forward with a light jog to reach the center of the great stadium.

It was her turn to enter and she would have preferred death.

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