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Whip slave at the Monkey Puzzle tree

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slave to the whip
Staff member
MASTER attaches slave’s wrist shackles to the hook, and chains it’s ankle cuffs tightly to the base. Monkey puzzle spikes now prick slave’s belly, arms, legs, and just in front of it’s face so they will slash if it writhes. There is deliberate slack in the chains which allows slave to writhe and impale itself against the spines of the monkey puzzle bark.

This slave feels the conflicting emotions of anticipating pain and arousal. Already it’s prick tents it’s loincloth, and the monkey puzzle spikes stand proudly adjacent- ready to slash slave’s member if it writhed too closely.

slave can hear MASTER step into position, and HE begins to wind up, the snake whip making slashing sounds in the air as MASTER builds rhythm and flight before taking aim…
No one knows better than MASTER what this entire experience does to this slave. Every. Single. Element. Intoxicating!

Fear, arousal, helplessness, bondage, slavery, pain! It’s pulse quickens, this is where slave belongs!

From it’s bare feet on the cold stone floor, to the manacles cutting it’s wrists, the loincloth skirt’s feel against it’s skin. The drip of it’s own sweat. The sound of MASTER’s footfall, HIS breath, the creak of the leather when HE unfurls the whip….

Everything serves to confirm slave’s utter helplessness. That it is fully controlled without any choice. Completely at the mercy of another, but to receive none! Totally enslaved and about to be more deeply so….

The whip curls through the air with an almighty rush, MASTER has built up to this and twists and twirls the whip in vicious arcs, building up speed until:

Whiiiiirrrrrrrrr- CRAcK!!!

Striking across this slave’s back with vicious agony, slave wants to cry out but knows it should be stoic lest it scream itself hoarse before the REAL PAIN to come truly builds, so it whimpers:

“Oooohhh… one, SIR. Thank YOU, please whip it again?”

Whir crack!

sighs “2, please more SIR”

Each lash pushes breath from slave’s lungs, coming out as a whimpering of sound, then it dutifully responds, with each lash spiraling ever deeper into the slavery it must become…

“3, thank YOU, again please?”

“4, oh MASTER, enslave me? Please, more SIR?”

“5, yes MASTER it begs for another”

“Ooooh, 6, please, MASTER, harder?”

“Eeeeehyaa! oh thank YOU, MASTER, 7 SIR, please whip slave again?”

slave is now whimpering between each blow, every unintelligible mewl further triggering it’s enslavement, along with the pain, sinking it deeper to its darkest desire for the harshest slavery imaginable…


slave writhes as the whip strikes it’s flesh, and blood appears on its belly and face as the spines tear it’s flesh, even as the whip cuts deep, also drawing blood where the welts cross.

“Aaaaaaaiiiigh!” It’s first genuine scream elicited by the pain of the whip! Screaming under the whip triggers greater feelings of utter helplessness and enslavement to the will of another.

“Aaaaa… 8 MASTER, please, SIR, slave begs YOU to be harsher. it begs to be fully enslaved, please, SIR?”

YOU chuckle evilly and turn the lash three times through the air, stepping back to allow wider arcs and full use of it’s entire length, before striking at the perfect moment, just the cracker cutting into slaves flesh, striking also with a foot of it’s fall, crashing into slave like a lightning bolt, slicing a deep groove a foot long into slave’s back, instantly bleeding!

The type of whiplash slave dreams of! A fully enslaving strike, from the anticipation, the intoxicating sound, and the deeply penetrating vicious strike! How does slave explain the deeply emotional and sexual excitement such a blow triggers?

“Aaaaaaaarrrrggguuuh! Oh, M- MASTER, 9, pl-pl-please SIR, please hurt this slave?”

And then a vicious back hand, crossing the previous cut with a vicous welt, blood flowing from where each meets…

“Aaaaaahhh, the-thank YOU, MASTER, 10, SIR, slave begs for another….”

YOU smile cruelly! “Only 140 to go, slave!”

“Yes, MASTER, please whip YOUR slave, please break it to service YOUR divine will? Own it completely, MASTER, leaving the holy whip marks upon it’s flesh so that it might belong to YOU, forever, my MASTER!”


Just in case any of our members aren't familiar with it, the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria species, from Chile, is a splendid tree, at least in the right place - the trunks of young trees have vicious spiky leaves sticking out that would make them very painful whipping-posts! If you scroll down on this site, you'll see a good photo:

Just in case any of our members aren't familiar with it, the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria species, from Chile, is a splendid tree, at least in the right place - the trunks of young trees have vicious spiky leaves sticking out that would make them very painful whipping-posts! If you scroll down on this site, you'll see a good photo:

They are horrible plants and I refuse to have anything to do with them! Give me a glorious yew tree any day.;)
Just in case any of our members aren't familiar with it, the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria species, from Chile, is a splendid tree, at least in the right place - the trunks of young trees have vicious spiky leaves sticking out that would make them very painful whipping-posts! If you scroll down on this site, you'll see a good photo:

There's one growing not far from my Mother's...


Oh that sound, even as the pain from the last blow continues to sink deeply into slave’s psyche, the sound of the whip curling through the air once more is enslaving In itself! The sheer anticipation! The knowledge of the inevitable blow to come! This moment of despairing enslavement, it has no choice, the pain will inevitably come, it cannot escape, even as it tests the steel manacles holding it fast. It’s bare exposed flesh, so vulnerable to the coming onslaught.


A savage blow, MASTER is finding HIS rhythm!

“Iiiuuuuaaaaiiiiiagh! Oh, slave, 11, th-thank YOU, MASTER, oh (sobs) again please SIR?”

A true sign of it’s total surrender, this slave screams and cries with the pain, yet with it’s sobbing answer using the word “slave” further confirms the power of the whip over it’s psyche! How completely the whip enslaved it, SIR, here it is in agony, yet seeking to obey it not only thanks MASTER but begs for another. It does this not only to please MASTER, but because it truly needs this. it really is a soul-slave but it needs the whip to open it to complete enslavement. And even after 150 lashes, it will need it again tomorrow and the next day, again and again. Like breathing air, or a kiss from a lover, slave needs the whip to sustain it’s total surrender to MASTER

Whir- Crack!

“12, thank YOU, MASTER, please whip it harder, SIR?”

“Ha ha ha ha! MY slave wants harder? I haven’t even started, miserable worm, try this!!!!”


(slave’s chains rattle as it whimpers and writhes in fear)


A rapid fire staccato of terrifying whip cracks follow, each one tearing flesh and spattering blood. Truly terrible, genuine punishment lashes so severe that to merely witness such a brutal lash will shock most witnesses, causing women to swoon, and other slaves to cower in terror!

“Aiiiiii! AAaaaaayaaaaaaaa! Uuiuuuuuuyooooaaaaaa!!!! Aaaaaaauuuuaaaaaa!!! (Sobbing) s-s-sla-a-ve… (puffing heavily) th-th-thirteen… 14, 15, s-s-SixT…”


“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiugh!!!!” slave’s scream continues through several strokes as MASTER whips harsher and quicker. The chains rattle as slave writhes against the powerful lashes. slave becomes completely lost in the universe of whip-pain-slavery, a reality very few understand but is exactly where slave belongs…

“Oh MASTER!!! 17,18,19,,, (howling guttural sobbing) oh it suffers, pl-pl-please, MASTER oh pl-please SIR, whip this worthless slave again? Please, MASTER, not gentle, like before, but bad?”

Now YOUR grin becomes wider, YOU are beginning to truly enjoy this, because slave is opening up YOUR dark side. To truly open up YOUR darkest sadistic cruelty is a gift whip-slave offers only to YOU. This is why YOU indulge the pathetic slave’s desire for the whip- to be allowed to open up YOURSELF to true soul-mastery over another. To be the harshest sadist YOU always wanted to be, nay not just wanted, needed to be! Just like whip-slave, YOU need this, a true soul- MASTER. YOU need a slave to serve YOU and to hurt. We compliment one another perfectly!

So YOU let fly, targeting especially sensitive parts, like slave’s inner thighs, using full blooded throws of the blood soaked snake whip. Using its full length to crack the sound barrier, cracking the whip into previously broken welts, spattering more blood, eliciting more howls from YOUR whip slave. Blow after blow after blow. Giving slave no time to count, only to scream, helplessly writhe, and occasionally beg.

This slave is lost, it only knows the whip, the agony, and enslavement. Blood flows from each wrist and ankle, marking it’s inhuman writhing against the unrelenting lashes. The spikes of monkey puzzle have torn its arms, legs, belly and face as it struggles uncontrollably against the all powerful snake whip wielded with MASTER’s brutality.

slave has lost any trace of count, it has lost everything. it cannot even beg for mercy, it is beneath such level. it can only scream, and if given respite, it begs:

“Oh, my MASTER, it only begs to be YOUR slave, please MASTER, it begs for the whip? Please MASTER, unleash ALL of YOUR cruel sadism, this slave deserves to truly suffer, begs to suffer, oh MASTER it NEEDS to suffer. Plllleeeeease MASTER, break this slave so that it only obeys YOU without question or it’s own will.”

YOU raise the whip once again, “Now slave, now I must really hurt you!”

As lash after lash falls down, each harder than the last, YOUR maniacal laughter fills the chamber, drowning out even the inhuman screams of YOUR deeply suffering slave!

The cruelest blows not only tear away flesh, but start to strip me to the bone. This slave begins to recall it’s true purpose- slavery, torture, and death! “Oh yes, MASTER, enslave me? Oh MASTER, yes, torture me? Oh MASTER, yes, YOU alone hold the power of death over slave. Oh MASTER, yes, if it pleases YOU, slave surrenders, please then, MASTER, if it pleases YOUR cruelty, then whip this slave to death?”

“Ha ha ha ha!!!”

The whip curls viciously through the air once more, and this slave knows only that it is YOURs. As the whip cuts and tears slave’s flesh once more it screams. And feels even more deeply enthralled…

“That’s 150, slave…”

Tears roll down it’s face “oh MASTER, th-th-thank YOU my MASTER. it belongs to YOU, SIR, just a slave to break as YOU please, MASTER. it surrenders completely, SIR, and begs YOU th-th-that if it would pl-please YOU to whip it again, even unto death, that is whip-slave’s purpose- enslavement, torture, and death, SIR?”

There is a pause as YOU look over the devestation of slave’s flesh. A wide grin on YOUR face, YOUR handiwork pleases YOU and seeing whip-slave so cruelly marked I’d a sight of beauty! And YOU raise the whip!

As it comes crashing down once more, this slave hopes the gift of it’s death will bring happiness to MASTER as it prepares to suffer it’s ultimate sacrifice

Yet after only 5 more strokes, 5 more screams, 5 more searing soul-enslaving moments of beautiful cruelty- YOU stop.

“Oh slave! you think it will be so easy? Truly you have much to learn before you fully understand the meaning of “slavery, torture, and death”! Rest assured, this will not be an easy journey but MASTER has plans to take you down the hardest road, not only because it pleases ME to see such suffering, but because MASTER loves HIS little whip-slave and wants to show HIS love the only way I know how - sustained sadistic cruelty”

(With raggedy broken breath) “oh, my MASTER, then YOU really do care? YOU truly want slave to suffer, and will allow it’s suffering to continue? Oh MASTER, it offers every drop of blood, every ounce of agony, as a gift of devotional love to MASTER. YOUR slave, MASTER, today and always.”

YOU answer with the best gift of love for a whip-slave, one more crack of the whip.

slave is forever grateful and enslaved to YOU!

The Monkey Puzzle tree was now tinged with red from slave’s blood. MASTER liked the contrast and promises to use slave to decorate it again….

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Just in case any of our members aren't familiar with it, the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria species, from Chile, is a splendid tree, at least in the right place - the trunks of young trees have vicious spiky leaves sticking out that would make them very painful whipping-posts! If you scroll down on this site, you'll see a good photo:

There was one in the 'Out of Bounds' section of my junior school grounds; that was one rule we always obeyed!
There was one in the 'Out of Bounds' section of my junior school grounds; that was one rule we always obeyed!
They grow quite well in Australia too. I remember the first time I encountered one taking a shortcut in the blue mountains (west of Sydney, where I grew up) I discovered just how nasty their fallen branches were! I only had thongs (flip flops) on and they proved inadequate protection when stepping on one! Loincloth wasn’t any help either!

There are less horrifically spiky varieties, such as the one in my garden here in North Sydney. And as brutal as the spikes are, they are nothing like as scary as the truly nasty stinging trees (aka Gympie Gympie (First Nation) or Dendrocnide moroides)
found right along the NSW and Queensland coasts!

in the running as the world’s most venomous plant, the sting lasts about 2 years, although the worst of the horrific pain is over after only 2-3 weeks…

Stinging Tree wiki

That one is even too much for me, I admit to being a bit scared of them!
Stinging nettles on steroids! :eek: Even the pollen's stingy. They have possibilities for an exceedingly cruel kind of torture ...

I wonder why it is that plants and creepy-crawlies in Australia evolved to be so thoroughly vicious? I mean, whatever they wanted protection from can't have been so much worse than anywhere else in the world. The humans who were around seem to have been relatively inoffensive, until the Europeans turned up. But natural selection seems to have conspired to give rise to creatures competing to have the nastiest possible stings, bites and other ways of inflicting pain.
And as brutal as the spikes are, they are nothing like as scary as the truly nasty stinging trees (aka Gympie Gympie (First Nation) or Dendrocnide moroides)
found right along the NSW and Queensland coasts!

In the forum, thorns and nettles have been mentioned as a form of showing tender love and care to a loved one.
For this, the stinging tree, the Gympie tree, is even better than roses' thorns!
One of the best places to find this lovely tree is the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia, about 170 clicks from Brisbane.
The attached file tells a bit about them.


  • Gympie tree posting.pdf
    645.8 KB · Views: 5
Stinging nettles on steroids! :eek: Even the pollen's stingy. They have possibilities for an exceedingly cruel kind of torture ...

I wonder why it is that plants and creepy-crawlies in Australia evolved to be so thoroughly vicious? I mean, whatever they wanted protection from can't have been so much worse than anywhere else in the world. The humans who were around seem to have been relatively inoffensive, until the Europeans turned up. But natural selection seems to have conspired to give rise to creatures competing to have the nastiest possible stings, bites and other ways of inflicting pain.
Australia and Florida= Jurassic Park
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