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ERIN the Brave

Staff member
Hi everyone, sorry.I have been away for a while but of all things that have happened to me over this year NOW I got hit with COVID and it knocked me right on my ass. My brother Chris and I were at a coin and silver shop where he likes to buy coins and Silver. I wasn't feeling very bad when the day started but after we arrived at the coin shop I started to feel weak and unsteady on my feet...I felt like I was going to pass out so I sat myself down on the floor to avoid falling...the next thing I know I am waking up but I am laying on my side with a pillow under my head and I could hear my brother asking me if I could hear him. The shops owner called an Ambulance and I was taken to my hospital where I work. Once I was in the Emergency room they ran a bunch of tests on me and confirmed that I had Covid ,the ER doctor started an IV on me to get fluids into me because one of the tests confirmed that I was slightly dehydrated because of the effects of COVID..they kept me overnight in the hospital for observation then released me to go home and recover. Everyone at the hospital took such good care of me and I even got a visit from the president of the hospital who came to see how I was doing...I never saw that coming! Well now I am at home in bed and Chris has been at my side taking care of me like a mother hen. I am so fortunate that I have been blessed with a wonderful brother who loves me and looks after me plus all of the doctors and nurses who I know so well. But even after all of this and after all the wonderful care I have received I still have to ask...WHY ME? Talk to you all later...much love, Connie!
Hi everyone, sorry.I have been away for a while but of all things that have happened to me over this year NOW I got hit with COVID and it knocked me right on my ass. My brother Chris and I were at a coin and silver shop where he likes to buy coins and Silver. I wasn't feeling very bad when the day started but after we arrived at the coin shop I started to feel weak and unsteady on my feet...I felt like I was going to pass out so I sat myself down on the floor to avoid falling...the next thing I know I am waking up but I am laying on my side with a pillow under my head and I could hear my brother asking me if I could hear him. The shops owner called an Ambulance and I was taken to my hospital where I work. Once I was in the Emergency room they ran a bunch of tests on me and confirmed that I had Covid ,the ER doctor started an IV on me to get fluids into me because one of the tests confirmed that I was slightly dehydrated because of the effects of COVID..they kept me overnight in the hospital for observation then released me to go home and recover. Everyone at the hospital took such good care of me and I even got a visit from the president of the hospital who came to see how I was doing...I never saw that coming! Well now I am at home in bed and Chris has been at my side taking care of me like a mother hen. I am so fortunate that I have been blessed with a wonderful brother who loves me and looks after me plus all of the doctors and nurses who I know so well. But even after all of this and after all the wonderful care I have received I still have to ask...WHY ME? Talk to you all later...much love, Connie!
Get better soon xxx
Hi everyone, sorry.I have been away for a while but of all things that have happened to me over this year NOW I got hit with COVID and it knocked me right on my ass. My brother Chris and I were at a coin and silver shop where he likes to buy coins and Silver. I wasn't feeling very bad when the day started but after we arrived at the coin shop I started to feel weak and unsteady on my feet...I felt like I was going to pass out so I sat myself down on the floor to avoid falling...the next thing I know I am waking up but I am laying on my side with a pillow under my head and I could hear my brother asking me if I could hear him. The shops owner called an Ambulance and I was taken to my hospital where I work. Once I was in the Emergency room they ran a bunch of tests on me and confirmed that I had Covid ,the ER doctor started an IV on me to get fluids into me because one of the tests confirmed that I was slightly dehydrated because of the effects of COVID..they kept me overnight in the hospital for observation then released me to go home and recover. Everyone at the hospital took such good care of me and I even got a visit from the president of the hospital who came to see how I was doing...I never saw that coming! Well now I am at home in bed and Chris has been at my side taking care of me like a mother hen. I am so fortunate that I have been blessed with a wonderful brother who loves me and looks after me plus all of the doctors and nurses who I know so well. But even after all of this and after all the wonderful care I have received I still have to ask...WHY ME? Talk to you all later...much love, Connie!
You are lucky you have local hospital care. I live in the North Woods. The hospital here is sparse at best. If you have an emergency, they transport you 80 miles to a real hospital. I dearly love living out in the country but it does have some negatives. The closest Walmart is 50 miles away. Glad you are ok.
I hope you recover quickly. Take your time and get well again.
Hi everyone, sorry.I have been away for a while but of all things that have happened to me over this year NOW I got hit with COVID and it knocked me right on my ass. My brother Chris and I were at a coin and silver shop where he likes to buy coins and Silver. I wasn't feeling very bad when the day started but after we arrived at the coin shop I started to feel weak and unsteady on my feet...I felt like I was going to pass out so I sat myself down on the floor to avoid falling...the next thing I know I am waking up but I am laying on my side with a pillow under my head and I could hear my brother asking me if I could hear him. The shops owner called an Ambulance and I was taken to my hospital where I work. Once I was in the Emergency room they ran a bunch of tests on me and confirmed that I had Covid ,the ER doctor started an IV on me to get fluids into me because one of the tests confirmed that I was slightly dehydrated because of the effects of COVID..they kept me overnight in the hospital for observation then released me to go home and recover. Everyone at the hospital took such good care of me and I even got a visit from the president of the hospital who came to see how I was doing...I never saw that coming! Well now I am at home in bed and Chris has been at my side taking care of me like a mother hen. I am so fortunate that I have been blessed with a wonderful brother who loves me and looks after me plus all of the doctors and nurses who I know so well. But even after all of this and after all the wonderful care I have received I still have to ask...WHY ME? Talk to you all later...much love, Connie!
Covid is no match for an elf girl warrior of your caliber.
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