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Wip - Women In Peril

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I’m sure @montycrusto and I together could make a complete shambles of any Sunday School lesson. And Monty could then spend days and weeks afterwards making ink drawings of and writing limericks about the horrific rounds of corporal punishments I endured every Sunday thereafter in retribution for my appalling classroom insolence. Indeed, that Sunday School superintendent (I think his name was @Loinclothslave) couldn’t get enough of presenting me and my penitent woes as an object lesson for seven Sundays in a row. On the seventh he even went so far as to have me stripped naked and flogged by all the students, and then crucified for the entire four-hour class session. He was quite gratified to learn that attendance at the Church’s young adult Sunday school section reached an all time high that week. Never before had Sunday Instruction been that popular for the over-18 crowd, His methods and accomplishments were even written up in a laudatory article in the quarterly journal for Sunday School supers!
Knowing that @Loinclothslave very likely wanted to switch places with you, I must applaud his dedication to his duties as superintendent of the class. Such a sacrifice should be commended as well.
Water peril

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