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Maggie & Henry

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Terra Nova Tramp
Hi everyone , A guy I know on a BDSM forum going by the user name of Doc & I worked on it and adapted one of his earlier stories, we based this story on characters from Gourmet Detectives an American-Canadian series of made-for-television mystery films based on a book series of the same name from author Peter King that stars Dylan Neal as Henry Ross, a chef turned culinary sleuth and Brooke Burns as Detective Maggie Price. Set in San Francisco, it airs on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Maggie & Henry's Crucifixion

Detective Maggie Price & her boyfriend Chef Henry Ross have together solved many mysteries & have put many criminals behind bars but things change when a group of former inmates decide to get revenge.

They were members of a club that decided crucifixion would be a suitable punishment for Maggie & Henry something that had not happened in a long time. There is a buzz in the membership with increased interest in most everything they did, from its dungeon nights, to its weekend getaways had a marvelous increase in interest in pay back.

The plan is put into motion Maggie & Henry are abducted by 4 members of the club & delivered to a remote farm owned by the club for these special, private events which needed to be hidden from prying eyes. Everything was thought out and prepared for, from the comfort and enjoyment of club members to the suffering of the two victims.

The leader arrived at the farm in the early morning, not wanting to miss any of the festivities. The sun was up, and it was already warming. It would be hot by midday. He joined the other members by the tents that had been set up, and poured himself a coffee. . The talk was of many things but always came back to the pending torture of Maggie & Henry. The night before they were both whipped & were chained in the barn,
The doors open, and they all turn to go outside. For some, it would be the first glimpse of the victims. There was an air of anticipation as two club members that were serving as executioners came out, dragging lengths of chain behind them. Attached to each chain was a collar, and in each collar an almost nude victim, Maggie & Henry. Each had their wrists shackled together. Their bodies were an red, with stripes of purple, from the previous night's whipping. They were dirty it was clear they had laid in the straw and dirt of the barn & they already looked worn out from no sleep and pain. Maggie's hair was a mess, the dirt smeared her face. It was clear that she had been crying, and equally clear she refused to do so now, in front of the club members that watched her carefully. She was stumbling in her movements but she had spirit
Henry had a frightened look on his face. He was beginning to realize there was no escape the whipping last night had explained that to him in no uncertain terms.The leaders focus was on Maggie. Not just because she was beautiful, , but because of that spirit. He wanted to see her suffer & finally break.

They were led to the whipping posts. They had seen much use since the club had purchased the farm and begun holding these events. There were blood stains on them Maggie was strung up on a hook, arms above her, so her body was taught. She was wearing a loin cloth but the rest of her body was exposed by the strain, and it was wonderful. He walked over to her & had a chance to observe her closely along with some of the other members. . Her exposure was humiliating for her. The stretched arms over her head revealed her back & shoulder muscles .Her fit body taught , her ribs exposed & firm breasts pressed against the whipping post .She looked beautiful, her skin covered with welts from last night's whipping

There was sudden silence as the executioner walked behind her. The first stroke was hard lashing across her shoulders and under her arms. The shock of it made her jump as she looked skyward. With the next stroke her head fell down & pressed against the post. An involuntary grunt escaped her lips as each blow fell. She was not going to scream, she did not want to give the satisfaction The sheer impact of the whip on her body forced the air out of her lungs & her grunts became louder and more pained as the whipping continued. Strength left her, body finally hung limp on the hook, the whipping stopped. A sheen of sweat covered her completely, trickling down her sides, under her exposed breasts, and down her legs. She was released from the hook & collapsed unable to move. At the same time Henry also suffered a severe whipping , he was laying on the ground next to his whipping post sobbing.

Maggie & Henry were forced to pick up their crosses and drag them up a small hill that had been selected as the location of their crucifixion . It provided a clear view for the club members to watch them suffer.
When they reached the top of the hill they dropped their crosses .The executioners approached Maggie first. They unlocked her shackles & pulled her on top of the cross. Each took an arm, sitting on the crossbeam with her arm underneath, facing her wrists. She was held securely in place. Large spikes were positioned next to her wrists, and hammers began pounding. This had the desired effect as she began screaming while being nailed to the cross. This moment when her suffering had actually forced her to lose control members moved closer to observe the horror in her face. The base of the cross was positioned near a deep hole that had been dug in the ground. Two executioners, using ropes to help guide the heavy cross, raised it up, and let it slide in to the ground. They watched intensely as her weight pulled her down and increased tension on her arms the higher she went, and the look of shock on her face was priceless agony as her cross thumped in to place in the hole. The executioners first secured the base of the cross with wedges of wood driven deep in the ground, as she helplessly hung and kicked her feet in an automatic gesture to support herself. One of the executioners then tied her feet together, raised them up so her knees were bent, and tied them to a small protrusion on the upright. Her feet found the platform, and pushed, trying to relieve the agony in her shoulders and arms, and suddenly discovered the platform was actually a sharp inverted V shape, designed to be most painful to stand upon. Once again, this realization could be seen in her face. There was to be no respite, no assistance, simply choices in pain.

They watched the same process with Henry, who was hyperventilating through most of the ritual until he was finally secured and hanging. At this point he started crying again, screaming out on occasion and writhing on the cross. He was exerting far too much energy. He would not last long.

Maggie began the dance. After a few minutes of hanging from her arms, she managed to press herself up, and stand on the precarious point below her feet. Her face was a study in pain, and the relief to her shoulders and chest was short lived as her legs gave out from under her, and she sank back down.
Her body was wet from sweat, partly from heat and partly from pain. It was fascinating watching the effects of this torture on her body. With her arms stretched above her, the gentle undulation of her ribs was visible under her skin. Each labored breath could be seen clearly in her stomach and chest. Her beautifully shaped breasts fell forward slightly as her body leaned slightly out from the cross. They could see & almost feel the stretched muscles in her arms & shoulders, her legs straining to lift her weight.

Hours later Henry was taken down. He had exhausted himself far too quickly with hysteria and died. Maggie continued to amaze the crowd. She sank down deeply and lost control of her bladder. They could tell she knew that she was losing control of her body, that it was no longer her own, and that she was beginning to no longer care. She had probably forgotten who she was, her name, why she was here, and was simply enduring the agony until it ended one way or another. The leader went close to her & watched her breathing, which was coming in short, shallow rasping draughts. Her hands were a deep purple . Her bent legs were spread wide, exposing her sex for all. That beautiful hair clung to her shoulders and breasts, wet with sweat. Tears stained her cheeks, though there were none left. As her breathing rasped more and more like a death rattle, the end was near and soon afterwards she expired , left there for all to see.The club members cheered they had gotten their revenge on Maggie .
Years earlier Detective Maggie Price went undercover , it lead to a string of events that caused her to be hated by this group of men .
Once again I worked with Doc on this chapter of this fantasy story.

Chapter 1
Detective Maggie Price walked through the police station where she worked. She smiled at the desk sergeant as she passed by him on her way to the locker room. Her heart racing as she opened her locker and removed the clothing she had been instructed to wear for her assignment. She will be working for the vice squad under cover. The squad's aim was to bust a prostitution ring and catch the ring leaders. .

Maggie looked at her undercover clothes. She had always wondered what it would be like to wear such clothes but had never dared try. As she removed her own clothes she kept looking at what she was to wear now, a red halter top, very tight; a black leather micro skirt, black patent boots with high heels and a black leather jacket. She slipped on the undercover clothes and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
Her long legs looked great in the boots. She could nearly see her panties under the skirt , and the top did very little to conceal her braless breasts. Knowing that the whole squad would be able to see her nipples through the fabric, she pulled on the jacket and headed upstairs.

She opened the door to the briefing room and walked inside . The room was full of officers their whistles and crude comments was expected and she parried the banter with quick and witty responses. The room was silent as the chief called the meeting to order.


He said "We all know why we're here. We all know the plan. Detective Price is the bait to catch these criminals. She will be working under cover and reporting to us. The officers acknowledged their understanding of the operation.

As two officers dropped her off a few streets away from the target house, Maggie took a deep breath and started to walk. She really wanted to do well on this assignment. She knew that a good result on this assignment could open a lot of doors for her, maybe even promotion. She had been ordered by her superior's not to take risks. If she found herself in more trouble. As she turned the corner, she spotted the informer leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette. As she approached him she felt his eyes undressing her.

He blew smoke towards her . "Great tits!"

"Wow what a gentlemen" she replied Lets get on with this lead me to the house"

As Maggie followed him up the steps to the door of the house, she felt vulnerable. The operation had been gone over many times in the briefing room but now as she entered the house for real, it all felt different. No jokes, no comments or light banter, just the sound of her heart pounding in her chest. She followed him through corridors and up some stairs as she tried to make a mental map of her exit route should she need it.. Eventually they arrived at a door. he knocked and they both waited for a reply.

"Come in"

Maggie quickly tried to take in the surroundings. The room was a office and most unlike the rest of the building. Expensive looking paintings hung on the walls and she could feel a deep pile carpet beneath her boots. A man with broad shoulders sat, arms folded, behind a large desk. He wore a dark suit and was flanked by two even larger men on each side. It was not difficult to work out that he was the boss.

"This is the one I was telling you about and guess what? She's a cop.."
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Maggie looked at her undercover clothes. She had always wondered what it would be like to wear such clothes but had never dared try. As she removed her own clothes she kept looking at what she was to wear now, a red halter top, very tight; a black leather micro skirt, black patent boots with high heels and a black leather jacket. She slipped on the undercover clothes and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
Undercover clothes that hardly cover! :facepalm:

"This is the one I was telling you about and guess what? She's a cop.."
I hope for Maggie, that this statement was part of the plan! :eek:
Chapter 2
The boss stares at Maggie and asks "are you a hooker looking for work, or are you a cop?"

She looks at him and replies "I'm a hooker" Maybe so he replies " check if the bitch is wired"

Maggie was lifted onto her feet. She thought that the henchmen would just pat her down, but she was wrong. She suddenly felt hands at the neckline of her satin top. Heard the sound as it was torn downwards. She tried to struggle but was easily held still. The remains of her top were pulled from her body as the hands found their way to her skirt. As the skirt was ripped down her long legs she was bundled to the floor herself falling onto her back. She again tried to kick as her legs were pulled upwards and her boots dragged from her feet. She felt the restraining hands leave her as she pulled herself into a sitting position, naked apart from her panties, and trying to cover her breasts with her arms. She was terrified, but as she looked up at the suited man now standing above her.

The boss says "no wire I see" he turned to face his henchmen, "perhaps she is a whore, after all! Shall we find out?"

Maggie saw the two henchmen smile at each other and then laugh out loud, nodding their agreement.

"A real hooker would know he continued "is how to suck cock!"

Maggie looked up in astonishment as the boss slowly lowered his zipper and pulled a large cock from his suit trousers. She tried to run again, but was easily caught by one of the henchmen and forced to kneel in front of the boss. His cock was now right in front of her face. It was not yet erect, but looked large and menacing just the same. she just kept looking at it. She knew that if she refused, she would be exposed as a police detective and probably disposed of in some cruel manner. She had to make them believe she was a hooker. She took a deep breath. Her lips felt arid and rough with fright as she moistened them with her tongue. Of course, this was not the first time that she had given head, her various boyfriends seemed to think she was good. But would she be good enough? Slowly and carefully, she took his thick meat in her hand, gently sliding her fingers from the base to the head. She used her other hand to cup his heavy balls and massage them gently feeling him tense and start to stiffen in her hand. As his cock became more and more erect, she bent the shaft gently towards her mouth. She could smell his scent as her mouth moved ever closer to his cockhead, and she flicked her tongue out to tease the tip. She felt his length twitch in her grasp and heard a small moan escape his lips as her mouth moved over the head of his cock and slowly slid down the shaft. She used her tongue to swirl over the head as she felt him approach the entrance to her throat. She knew the best way to please him. Adjusting the angle of her head slightly she positioned his cock and relaxed her throat as much as possible. The head felt large, but not too large as, with a deep breath, she swallowed his erection into her throat.

The boss was now sighing and moaning in pleasure. If she was not a hooker, as he sincerely believed she was not, she definitely knew how to suck cock. He could feel the walls of her throat constrict his cock as he took bunches of her hair and pulled her head towards him. He felt her gag momentarily, tightening the grip of her throat on his shaft, but she soon relaxed again. He delighted in the way her head was now starting to rise and fall. It felt so good. Almost like fucking a really tight pussy as, through closed eyes, he imagined his cock sliding down her throat. With her throat fully relaxed he was now able to pull her head back and forth, fucking her face properly with slow and easy motions.

After several minutes of this assault on her throat, she became aware of his breath shortening. She had to admit that his cock was just the perfect size for sucking; not too long but quite thick around. She could hear the boss grunt as he began to piston his erection faster and faster into her tight throat. She felt his cock start to swell. He was panting hard now, his breath coming in short gasps "Oh yes make me cum I'm nearly there.." She sucked furiously on his length, her mouth sliding from the tip all the way down his shaft so that her lips nestled softly against his pubic hair. With little further warning she felt his cock suddenly twitch violently in her throat. She knew he was about to orgasm and tried to pull back. But the boss was too strong. His hands still in her hair pulling her face tightly down over him ,Stream after stream of cum erupted into her mouth, she could feel the sticky liquid leak from her mouth and fall in pools on her tits. The boss kept up the pressure on her head until every last drop of cum had been squeezed out of his cock. As She felt the last contraction of his cock twitch and the final squirt of cum land in her mouth, she felt the pressure on her head was slowly easing, and she was able to come up for air. She wiped the cum from her lips and looked up at the boss. He was slumped in his chair and breathing heavily. He looked totally spent but satisfied.

You suck like a pro." he said, tucking his cock back into his pants but" I still think you are a cop"

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Chapter 2
The boss stares at Maggie and asks "are you a hooker looking for work, or are you a cop?"

She looks at him and replies "I'm a hooker" Maybe so he replies " check if the bitch is wired"

Maggie was lifted onto her feet. She thought that the henchmen would just pat her down, but she was wrong. She suddenly felt hands at the neckline of her satin top. Heard the sound as it was torn downwards. She tried to struggle but was easily held still. The remains of her top were pulled from her body as the hands found their way to her skirt. As the skirt was ripped down her long legs she was bundled to the floor herself falling onto her back. She again tried to kick as her legs were pulled upwards and her boots dragged from her feet. She felt the restraining hands leave her as she pulled herself into a sitting position, naked apart from her panties, and trying to cover her breasts with her arms. She was terrified, but as she looked up at the suited man now standing above her.

The boss says "no wire I see" he turned to face his henchmen, "perhaps she is a whore, after all! Shall we find out?"

Maggie saw the two henchmen smile at each other and then laugh out loud, nodding their agreement.

"A real hooker would know he continued "is how to suck cock!"

Maggie looked up in astonishment as the boss slowly lowered his zipper and pulled a large cock from his suit trousers. She tried to run again, but was easily caught by one of the henchmen and forced to kneel in front of the boss. His cock was now right in front of her face. It was not yet erect, but looked large and menacing just the same. she just kept looking at it. She knew that if she refused, she would be exposed as a police detective and probably disposed of in some cruel manner. She had to make them believe she was a hooker. She took a deep breath. Her lips felt arid and rough with fright as she moistened them with her tongue. Of course, this was not the first time that she had given head, her various boyfriends seemed to think she was good. But would she be good enough? Slowly and carefully, she took his thick meat in her hand, gently sliding her fingers from the base to the head. She used her other hand to cup his heavy balls and massage them gently feeling him tense and start to stiffen in her hand. As his cock became more and more erect, she bent the shaft gently towards her mouth. She could smell his scent as her mouth moved ever closer to his cockhead, and she flicked her tongue out to tease the tip. She felt his length twitch in her grasp and heard a small moan escape his lips as her mouth moved over the head of his cock and slowly slid down the shaft. She used her tongue to swirl over the head as she felt him approach the entrance to her throat. She knew the best way to please him. Adjusting the angle of her head slightly she positioned his cock and relaxed her throat as much as possible. The head felt large, but not too large as, with a deep breath, she swallowed his erection into her throat.

The boss was now sighing and moaning in pleasure. If she was not a hooker, as he sincerely believed she was not, she definitely knew how to suck cock. He could feel the walls of her throat constrict his cock as he took bunches of her hair and pulled her head towards him. He felt her gag momentarily, tightening the grip of her throat on his shaft, but she soon relaxed again. He delighted in the way her head was now starting to rise and fall. It felt so good. Almost like fucking a really tight pussy as, through closed eyes, he imagined his cock sliding down her throat. With her throat fully relaxed he was now able to pull her head back and forth, fucking her face properly with slow and easy motions.

After several minutes of this assault on her throat, she became aware of his breath shortening. She had to admit that his cock was just the perfect size for sucking; not too long but quite thick around. She could hear the boss grunt as he began to piston his erection faster and faster into her tight throat. She felt his cock start to swell. He was panting hard now, his breath coming in short gasps "Oh yes make me cum I'm nearly there.." She sucked furiously on his length, her mouth sliding from the tip all the way down his shaft so that her lips nestled softly against his pubic hair. With little further warning she felt his cock suddenly twitch violently in her throat. She knew he was about to orgasm and tried to pull back. But the boss was too strong. His hands still in her hair pulling her face tightly down over him ,Stream after stream of cum erupted into her mouth, she could feel the sticky liquid leak from her mouth and fall in pools on her tits. The boss kept up the pressure on her head until every last drop of cum had been squeezed out of his cock. As She felt the last contraction of his cock twitch and the final squirt of cum land in her mouth, she felt the pressure on her head was slowly easing, and she was able to come up for air. She wiped the cum from her lips and looked up at the boss. He was slumped in his chair and breathing heavily. He looked totally spent but satisfied.

You suck like a pro." he said, tucking his cock back into his pants but" I still think you are a cop"

View attachment 1474447
Great blowjob scene! Maggie is surely “in deeper“ than she planned to be.
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