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No: 299
Laeti-Dazza Productions - Ne me crucifie pas, Messaline
L'édition française - narration de Migoz2 - traduction par Messaline
Ne me crucifie pas, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.jpg


  • Ne me crucifie pas, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.epub
    10 MB · Views: 187
  • Ne me crucifie pas, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.mobi
    10 MB · Views: 77
No: 300
Laeti-Dazza Productions - Don't Cross Me, Messaline
Don't Cross Me, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.jpg

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  • Don't Cross Me, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.epub
    10 MB · Views: 282
  • Don't Cross Me, Messaline - Laeti-Dazza Productions.mobi
    10 MB · Views: 112
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No: 301
Windar - Spring Break Slaves
Spring Break Slaves - Windar.jpg
It's not easy being a poor student at a college where most of your classmates come from more privileged backgrounds. Especially when spring break is coming and the rich kids are jetting off to Cancun, Jamaica and other wonderful beach resorts, while you face a long week of closed dining halls and ramen in your dorm room for three meals a day. So, when Tara Malone and her roommate, Delia Ortiz, see an ad for a job as a Personal Companion to a very wealthy man on his private Caribbean island, Pirate Cay, they are curious enough to call the number listed. And when his representative, a seemingly charming blond woman a decade older than them, takes them to a very nice dinner and shows them the luxurious mansion where they will stay, with its beautiful beach, pool and spa and explains how they can make more money in a week than they have seen in their whole lives just by keeping this nice man who likes to help young women happy, it's tempting. OK, so there's some fine print she left out, perhaps. This very nice man likes to invite his wealthy and powerful friends down for parties where absolute obedience is required and any failure to please is severely punished. Of course, for diversion, there are plenty of games, like pony cart races, with cash prizes for the winners and nasty surprises for the losers. But, it's all in good fun, at least for the guests. So, put away your cares and enjoy some fun in the sun. Remember, what happens on Pirate Cay, stays on Pirate Cay

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  • Spring Break Slaves - Windar.epub
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  • Spring Break Slaves - Windar.mobi
    567.8 KB · Views: 87
No: 302
Barbaria - Barbs Dystopian Dolcettish Demise
Illustrations by Montycrusto, Settantuno and Madiosi
Barbs Dystopian Dolcettish Demise - Barbaria.jpg
It’s 2052 and the shortage of red meat in the Nation’s diet is alleviated by an annual cull of nineteen-year-old girls, administered by the FNPA (Federal Nutritional Procurement Agency), working out of more than a dozen regional centers. Follow the harrowing misadventures of Barbara Moore and two other recent graduates of Hamilton High School as their number is called and they are procured and shipped to the FNPA’s Goose River Center for processing. But that’s not all. Class Rebel Barb, on learning of her impending cull, organizes with the aid of her favorite former teacher, Ms. Whitaker, a protest rally that ends in a brutally suppressed riot and sends many of her other friends, as well as Ms Whitaker, to Goose River to be executed in a mass hanging. Engaging characters, subplots, plot twists, suspense and a sprinkle of humor make this tale an engaging treat for readers of all tastes.

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  • Barbs Dystopian Dolcettish Demise - Barbaria.epub
    813.3 KB · Views: 212
  • Barbs Dystopian Dolcettish Demise - Barbaria.mobi
    1.2 MB · Views: 85
No: 303
Bartnel and Eulalia - The Chosen One
The Chosen One - Bartnel & Eulalia.jpg
Early this year, Bartnel posted on Deviant Art, week by week, a short series of his wonderful pictures with a 'challenge' to writers to write short texts to add stories to the pictures. Excited by the images, I contributed a few short pieces, at the end, Bartnel held a poll to decide who would have the honour of extending the story, with additional pictures. To my surprise, I won that poll - though certainly no more than first among equals, the other offerings were all very enjoyable and full of imagination. Anyway, I set to work, and discussion with Bartnel we developed the story mainly 'backwards' with a series of images and texts leading up to the ones he'd already posted, with five new pictures in the prequel, some small tweaking of the original four, and one final one. So 'The Untold Story' became 'The Chosen One'. Now the whole story has appeared on Deviant Art, I'll start posting it here - I hope it will carry members who enjoy such stories off to a world of fantasy were things can be dark and scary, but light and beauty have their power too ...

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  • The Chosen One - Bartnel & Eulalia.epub
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  • The Chosen One - Bartnel & Eulalia.mobi
    496.3 KB · Views: 101
No: 304
Praefectus Praetorio - A Capital Punishment Trial in Modern Singapore
Part II of Barb's Singapore Saga

With illustrations by Settantuno and Montycrusto
Capital Punishment in Modern Singapore - Praefectus Praetorio.jpg
The Sequel that had to be written! Ripped from the Headlines! An epic courtroom Drama! Not for the faint of heart! Following her earlier misadventures in Singapore, Barbara is charged with capital murder. The story climaxes in a stunning courtroom drama with Barb’s life on the line.

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  • Capital Punishment in Modern Singapore - Praefectus Praetorio.epub
    2.3 MB · Views: 290
  • Capital Punishment in Modern Singapore - Praefectus Praetorio.mobi
    2.8 MB · Views: 120
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No: 305
Gjpain - Punished by Ottomans
Punished by Ottomans - Gjpain.jpg
This work contains graphic descriptions of sex, violence, rape and torture. It is not intended for reading or downloading by anyone under the age of 18. If these subjects offend you, do not read on. All portions of this story are fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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  • Punished by Ottomans - Gjpain.epub
    195.4 KB · Views: 437
  • Punished by Ottomans - Gjpain.mobi
    274.4 KB · Views: 189
No: 306
Dommmu - Die Kreuzigungsgesellschaft (German Edition of "The Crucifixion Society")
Die Kreuzigungsgesellschaft - Dommmu.jpg
Eine unglückliche, junge Frau wird entführt, um eine Gruppe reicher Leute bei ihrer jährlichen Zusammenkunft zu unterhalten. Diese erwarten natürlich nicht, dass die Unglückliche für sie singt oder eine Stand-up-Komödie aufführt. Erzwungener Sex, Demütigung und gnadenlose Folter sind stattdessen das, was sie im Sinn haben, bis ihre Party zum Abschluss in einem krönenden Höhepunkt gipfelt. Es ist die Geschichte des Teenagers Alina, die aus ihrem von Selbstzweifeln und Unsicherheit geprägten Alltag herausgerissen in eine Reihe höllischer Ereignisse gerät, die sie sich zuvor in ihren dunkelsten Träumen nicht hätte vorstellen können. Wird sie diesen Albtraum überleben oder ihm erliegen?

Vielen Dank an @atzehes für die Übersetzung!

Here the English Edition:


  • Die Kreuzigungsgesellschaft - Dommmu.epub
    413.9 KB · Views: 145
  • Die Kreuzigungsgesellschaft - Dommmu.mobi
    634 KB · Views: 67
  • Die Kreuzigungsgesellschaft - Dommmu.pdf
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No: 307
Praefectus Praetorio - Hanged for Shoplifting
Hanged for Shoplifting - Praefectus Praetorio.jpg
Being a Most True and Accurate History of the Sad Life and Unfair Death of Mary Jones, a Comely 18-year-old Wife and Mother from the East End of London, Who was Forced into Desperate Poverty and Eventually Compelled to Shoplifting to Clothe her Naked Children, In Which Act, She was Apprehended, and then Imprisoned and Cruelly Sentenced to Be Hanged at Tyburn Tree on October 16th in the Year of Our Lord, 1771.

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  • Hanged for Shoplifting - Praefectus Praetorio.epub
    391.2 KB · Views: 159
  • Hanged for Shoplifting - Praefectus Praetorio.mobi
    647.3 KB · Views: 57
No: 308
Bh5 - MEA LIVIA (German Edition)
MEA LIVIA - Bh5.jpg
My Livia' spielt im 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Geschichte folgt dem Lebensweg eines Soldaten, der nach seiner Dienstzeit zum Landwirt Titus wurde. Er versuchte erfolgreich, den Wohlstand seiner Familie nach dem Zweiten Punischen Krieg zu sichern. Sein friedvolles Leben endet als seine geliebte Sklavin Livia des Mordes beschuldigt wird. Titus Gefühle geraten in Zwiespalt zwischen seiner Zuneigung zu Livia und dem gnadenlosen Rechtssystem Roms.


  • MEA LIVIA - Bh5.epub
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  • MEA LIVIA - Bh5.mobi
    2 MB · Views: 40
No: 309
BH5 - My Livia
My Livia - Bh5.jpg
Set in the 2nd Century BCE, 'My Livia' follows a soldier turned farmer, Titus, as he tries to establish his family's prosperity in aftermath of the Second Punic War. When Titus's beloved slave Livia finds herself accused of murder, Titus finds his own conscious collide with the exacting justice of Rome.

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  • My Livia - Bh5.epub
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  • My Livia - Bh5.mobi
    1.9 MB · Views: 64
No: 310
Praefectus Praetorio - Kidnap - Rape - Release
Kidnap - Rape - Release - Praefectus Praetorio.jpg
A short story about a random kidnap and rape of an attractive young mother. With a subtle twist at the end.

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  • Kidnap - Rape - Release - Praefectus Praetorio.epub
    172.3 KB · Views: 147
  • Kidnap - Rape - Release - Praefectus Praetorio.mobi
    200.6 KB · Views: 58
No: 311
Cruxer's Digest 2020 - Part I
Cruxer's Digest 2020 - Part I - Members of CruxForums.jpg
Unfortunately, the .mobi-file is to large.

Eulalia - The Rat
Eulalia - Chinese Punishment
Eulalia - The Rack, and how to torture a girl on it
Sharkman - A fatal vision.
Viper18Y - Island Crucifixion
Barbaria - Long Day
Crumera - Slap on the wrist
Aedile - Stupid Girls
Servus Venandi - Caeleste Crux
Old Ben - College Party
KvK - Sentenced To Nudity
Oranges - A Complete Story
The Futile Escape 1
The Futile Escape 2
The Futile Escape 3
Oranges - Story Theme Fantasies
Scene 1 – A Gyno Experience
Scene 2 – Another Harsh Experience
Oranges - Hotwife is Caned for Lewd Behaviour
Oranges - An Unexpected Crucifixion
Wikk - Thurstday …
Oranges - The Inquisition and her Nipples
Oranges - A Colonial Fornicator
Oranges - Deborah at the Whipping Post
Oranges - Deborah and Her Pursuit of Peril through the Ages
Being Cruxed on the Beach
Deborah and her continuing pursuit of Peril – The Factory
KageKamen - Elena - Ball and Chains
Dorothy Brown - Surrender to the Spit
Rufuss - A Walk to Remember
KvK - From Cruelty To Contest
KvK - The Day Came
KvK - Woman's Essence
Piraland - An agression, a hero!
Admihoek - China, 1900
Phlebas - Lepida's story
Phlebas - Chechnya
Phlebas - Abigail
Phlebas - The Adventure
Praefectus Praetorio - Exclusive Interview With Coronavirus:
Tilman - Beachwalk … or A Week in September
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Of later years
KvK - Quarantine Penalty
Bh5 - Some Practical Experience
1 -------------------------------
Marcella - The End of the Line
KvK - Virtual Crux"
KvK - New Use For An Axe."
Crumera - Kara
Carloscruz - A short Crux Story
Pirog800 - Newbie at the Oar
Wikk - Foggy night of full moon


  • Cruxer's Digest 2020 - Part I - Members of CruxForums.epub
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No: 312
Windar - Pyria's Punishment
Pyria's Punishment - Windar.jpg
Dr. Priya Raman is in trouble-Big Trouble. Many years ago, her former Professor, Susan Gelden had taken her and her classmates to Trabbia, a trip that had resulted in them all suffering a judicial caning. That experience remained with Priya all those years, leading her to a job as Medical Officer at the Female Corporal Punishment Center in Dorsbury, the town where she went to college, supervising the canings of misbehaving women. When Susan and her daughter, Rebecca, were sentenced to a judicial caning at Priya’s Center for an ill-considered protest, Priya had thought she would help them by treating their wounds with an unapproved medication (and grabbing some hot sex as a thank you). Now, even though she has left the Center, Priya faces a caning herself for her ethical misdeeds. And this punishment is to be administered not privately, within the Center, but publically in the basketball arena in front of a capacity crowd. This sentence so outrages her old lover, Professor Barbara Moore that she feels compelled to stage a protest, which, predictably, earns her a caning sentence as well. Two hot women caned in front of a crowd-that sounds like a story not to be missed

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  • Pyria's Punishment - Windar.mobi
    650 KB · Views: 89
No: 313
Windar & Barbaria - Stan and Barb in Quarantine
Stan and Barb in Quarantine - Windar & Barbaria.jpg
A short Corona-Quarantine-Story

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  • Stan and Barb in Quarantine - Windar & Barbaria.epub
    311.7 KB · Views: 129
  • Stan and Barb in Quarantine - Windar & Barbaria.mobi
    437.1 KB · Views: 51
No: 314
Laeti-Dazza Productions - Two's Company
Two's Company - Laeti-Dazza Productions.jpg
The prison had modernized the execution room, a more modern gallows had been built, a double gallows which allowed a short fall of the condemned women. The release system was electric, it was only necessary to push a button to open the hatch under the feet of the condemned women. That day, the new gallows would be inaugurated by two serial killers convicted of some thirty crimes.

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  • Two's Company - Laeti-Dazza Productions.epub
    6 MB · Views: 232
  • Two's Company - Laeti-Dazza Productions.mobi
    6.7 MB · Views: 100
No: 315
Markus - Lucilla and Aurelia
two sisters, the same fate
Lucilla and Aurelia - Markus.jpg
The next comic by the great Markus for CruxForums.

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  • Lucilla and Aurelia - Markus.epub
    3.1 MB · Views: 310
  • Lucilla and Aurelia - Markus.mobi
    5.8 MB · Views: 156
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