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Cruxton Abbey

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Well Kleenex dates from 1925 about the time that Rolls-Royce finally gave way and made Silver Ghost an official brandname for the 40/50 h.p range :D So you might be in luck

"Barbara felt moisture. She would require an early visit to a bathroom."

Oh, good. I will take some to the bathroom with me then.
Well Kleenex dates from 1925 about the time that Rolls-Royce finally gave way and made Silver Ghost an official brandname for the 40/50 h.p range :D So you might be in luck

Wot's eee loike....:)

I should have known Encyclopaedia Sciuridan would know some detail about Rolls Royces that I didn't know! :(

Still, you have to admit, it's a lovely car! :)

And before I get caned by Eulalia - I know 'Sciuridan' isn't genitive!!! :devil:
I suppose squirrel's ancestors were dodging those Silver Ghosts back in 1925
(and chauffeur Tree was wiping them off the bodywork with Kleenex :p)

As it's not an Encyclopaedia of Squirrels, but Squirrel's Encylcopaedia,
I think Encyclopaedia Sciuridannica would suit? :devil:
I suppose squirrel's ancestors were dodging those Silver Ghosts back in 1925
(and chauffeur Tree was wiping them off the bodywork with Kleenex :p)

As it's not an Encyclopaedia of Squirrels, but Squirrel's Encylcopaedia,
I think Encyclopaedia Sciuridannica would suit? :devil:

See, Newbie?

Between them, Eulalia and RR know everything that's worth knowing.....:)

......and quite a lot that isn't :devil:
Barbara returned to her room and her en-suite bathroom immediately afterwards. She found she was shaking. What was that all about? Once again, she castigated herself for being so childish. When she’d sorted herself out she returned to her dressing table to ensure that she was properly composed.

She looked at the clock. Ten to three. Some hours until dinner. She needed to get Siss out of her system, perhaps she’d go for a ride around the estate. She stood up to go and ring for Tanda, when there came a knock at the door. For an instant she hoped it might be Siss, but that rapid, soft knock was characteristic of Tanda.

“Come in!”

It was indeed Tanda. “If it please you, milady, I have a message for you!”

“Yes, Tanda?”

“Mrs Cruz says, please would you mind showing her around the estate? She says she’s brought her riding stuff,”

Barbara felt another rush of blood at hearing Siss’ name. She composed herself yet again.

“The word is ’clothes’, Tanda, not ‘stuff’. Could you lay out my own riding costume, please? Then if you could present my compliments to Mrs Cruz, and tell her that I’d be delighted to meet her in the stables at half past three. Perhaps you could then ask the stable hands to prepare my Trixie, and then we need a nice calm horse for Mrs Cruz…..”

She stopped to think.

“What about Caspar, milady?”

She looked at Tanda with interest, she hadn’t realised she knew anything about horses, but she had to agree that her choice was spot on. Caspar was a five year old gelding who could have ridden past a twenty-one gun salute without so much as flicking an ear.

“That’s a perfect choice, Tanda! Excellent!”

Tanda, pleased, went off about her errands.

At three thirty, she was waiting in the yard outside the stables, holding Trixie’s reins. One of the stable lads held Caspar.

“Hi Barb!” called Siss.

“Hi, Siss!” She looked amazing in her riding costume, white trousers, black riding boots, black jacket and helmet.
She put a foot up into the stirrup, and expertly swung herself up into the saddle, patting Caspar’s neck, just getting to know him and the feel of him. Caspar stirred happily, he liked Siss.

Soon the two women were riding side by side along the drive.

“I have to come out a lot on these house party things with my husband,” Siss began, “usually great big piles, miles from anywhere, nobody below the age of about ninety, and the highlight of the weekend is a game of bridge where at least two of the players fall asleep!”

Barb giggled. “I’ve been on a few of those, too! You end up watching the hands going around the clock!”

“When TC said we were coming to stay with a friend of his, my heart sank, I have to be honest. I packed plenty of books! Then I saw you looking at me, and I thought, ‘hey! This could be fun!’”

Barb was embarrassed. “I – I just hadn’t realised that the ambassador was married!”

“Oh, right…..so nothing to do with finding me attractive then? That’s a shame, ‘cos I think you are really hot!”

Barb could feel her cheeks burning red. She was so confused, for a moment she didn’t know what to say. Then she decided that honesty was the best policy.

“I thought you were the loveliest person I’d ever seen…..I’ve never felt like that about anyone before. And….”

“And what?”

“Well….you’re a woman.”

Siss looked down at herself. “Good God, so I am! Thank you so much for pointing that out! Is that a problem?”

“It’s wrong to feel that way about a woman.” Barb announced. “It’s a sin. It’s supposed to be just men and women. The Vicar says so. I think it must be in the Bible or somewhere.”

Siss pondered this statement. “Barb, can I ask you a personal question?”

Barb didn’t much like the sound of this. “Yes?” she asked nervously.

“Have you ever had sex with anyone?”

“Er…No. I’m keeping myself for my husband….”

“Let me tell you something, Barb. I love TC dearly. He’s the sweetest man on the planet, and he’s also great at keeping me….well…entertained. But he knows I need more. Sometimes a woman needs more than a man can give.”

Barb’s heart was beating like a drum. By now the bridleway had reached the riverside. They were more than a mile from the Abbey, and they had the world to themselves, and here was a lovely secluded spot by the riverside.

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. All she knew was that she wanted – needed this woman and that she could wait no longer. She brought Trixie to a halt. “Siss?”

“Yes Barb?”

“Please show me what you mean.”
Barbara returned to her room and her en-suite bathroom immediately afterwards. She found she was shaking. What was that all about? Once again, she castigated herself for being so childish. When she’d sorted herself out she returned to her dressing table to ensure that she was properly composed.

She looked at the clock. Ten to three. Some hours until dinner. She needed to get Siss out of her system, perhaps she’d go for a ride around the estate. She stood up to go and ring for Tanda, when there came a knock at the door. For an instant she hoped it might be Siss, but that rapid, soft knock was characteristic of Tanda.

“Come in!”

It was indeed Tanda. “If it please you, milady, I have a message for you!”

“Yes, Tanda?”

“Mrs Cruz says, please would you mind showing her around the estate? She says she’s brought her riding stuff,”

Barbara felt another rush of blood at hearing Siss’ name. She composed herself yet again.

“The word is ’clothes’, Tanda, not ‘stuff’. Could you lay out my own riding costume, please? Then if you could present my compliments to Mrs Cruz, and tell her that I’d be delighted to meet her in the stables at half past three. Perhaps you could then ask the stable hands to prepare my Trixie, and then we need a nice calm horse for Mrs Cruz…..”

She stopped to think.

“What about Caspar, milady?”

She looked at Tanda with interest, she hadn’t realised she knew anything about horses, but she had to agree that her choice was spot on. Caspar was a five year old gelding who could have ridden past a twenty-one gun salute without so much as flicking an ear.

“That’s a perfect choice, Tanda! Excellent!”

Tanda, pleased, went off about her errands.

At three thirty, she was waiting in the yard outside the stables, holding Trixie’s reins. One of the stable lads held Caspar.

“Hi Barb!” called Siss.

“Hi, Siss!” She looked amazing in her riding costume, white trousers, black riding boots, black jacket and helmet.
She put a foot up into the stirrup, and expertly swung herself up into the saddle, patting Caspar’s neck, just getting to know him and the feel of him. Caspar stirred happily, he liked Siss.

Soon the two women were riding side by side along the drive.

“I have to come out a lot on these house party things with my husband,” Siss began, “usually great big piles, miles from anywhere, nobody below the age of about ninety, and the highlight of the weekend is a game of bridge where at least two of the players fall asleep!”

Barb giggled. “I’ve been on a few of those, too! You end up watching the hands going around the clock!”

“When TC said we were coming to stay with a friend of his, my heart sank, I have to be honest. I packed plenty of books! Then I saw you looking at me, and I thought, ‘hey! This could be fun!’”

Barb was embarrassed. “I – I just hadn’t realised that the ambassador was married!”

“Oh, right…..so nothing to do with finding me attractive then? That’s a shame, ‘cos I think you are really hot!”

Barb could feel her cheeks burning red. She was so confused, for a moment she didn’t know what to say. Then she decided that honesty was the best policy.

“I thought you were the loveliest person I’d ever seen…..I’ve never felt like that about anyone before. And….”

“And what?”

“Well….you’re a woman.”

Siss looked down at herself. “Good God, so I am! Thank you so much for pointing that out! Is that a problem?”

“It’s wrong to feel that way about a woman.” Barb announced. “It’s a sin. It’s supposed to be just men and women. The Vicar says so. I think it must be in the Bible or somewhere.”

Siss pondered this statement. “Barb, can I ask you a personal question?”

Barb didn’t much like the sound of this. “Yes?” she asked nervously.

“Have you ever had sex with anyone?”

“Er…No. I’m keeping myself for my husband….”

“Let me tell you something, Barb. I love TC dearly. He’s the sweetest man on the planet, and he’s also great at keeping me….well…entertained. But he knows I need more. Sometimes a woman needs more than a man can give.”

Barb’s heart was beating like a drum. By now the bridleway had reached the riverside. They were more than a mile from the Abbey, and they had the world to themselves, and here was a lovely secluded spot by the riverside.

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. All she knew was that she wanted – needed this woman and that she could wait no longer. She brought Trixie to a halt. “Siss?”

“Yes Barb?”

“Please show me what you mean.”

Oh Wow....Am I really a virgin?
Barbara returned to her room and her en-suite bathroom immediately afterwards. She found she was shaking. What was that all about? Once again, she castigated herself for being so childish. When she’d sorted herself out she returned to her dressing table to ensure that she was properly composed.

She looked at the clock. Ten to three. Some hours until dinner. She needed to get Siss out of her system, perhaps she’d go for a ride around the estate. She stood up to go and ring for Tanda, when there came a knock at the door. For an instant she hoped it might be Siss, but that rapid, soft knock was characteristic of Tanda.

“Come in!”

It was indeed Tanda. “If it please you, milady, I have a message for you!”

“Yes, Tanda?”

“Mrs Cruz says, please would you mind showing her around the estate? She says she’s brought her riding stuff,”

Barbara felt another rush of blood at hearing Siss’ name. She composed herself yet again.

“The word is ’clothes’, Tanda, not ‘stuff’. Could you lay out my own riding costume, please? Then if you could present my compliments to Mrs Cruz, and tell her that I’d be delighted to meet her in the stables at half past three. Perhaps you could then ask the stable hands to prepare my Trixie, and then we need a nice calm horse for Mrs Cruz…..”

She stopped to think.

“What about Caspar, milady?”

She looked at Tanda with interest, she hadn’t realised she knew anything about horses, but she had to agree that her choice was spot on. Caspar was a five year old gelding who could have ridden past a twenty-one gun salute without so much as flicking an ear.

“That’s a perfect choice, Tanda! Excellent!”

Tanda, pleased, went off about her errands.

At three thirty, she was waiting in the yard outside the stables, holding Trixie’s reins. One of the stable lads held Caspar.

“Hi Barb!” called Siss.

“Hi, Siss!” She looked amazing in her riding costume, white trousers, black riding boots, black jacket and helmet.
She put a foot up into the stirrup, and expertly swung herself up into the saddle, patting Caspar’s neck, just getting to know him and the feel of him. Caspar stirred happily, he liked Siss.

Soon the two women were riding side by side along the drive.

“I have to come out a lot on these house party things with my husband,” Siss began, “usually great big piles, miles from anywhere, nobody below the age of about ninety, and the highlight of the weekend is a game of bridge where at least two of the players fall asleep!”

Barb giggled. “I’ve been on a few of those, too! You end up watching the hands going around the clock!”

“When TC said we were coming to stay with a friend of his, my heart sank, I have to be honest. I packed plenty of books! Then I saw you looking at me, and I thought, ‘hey! This could be fun!’”

Barb was embarrassed. “I – I just hadn’t realised that the ambassador was married!”

“Oh, right…..so nothing to do with finding me attractive then? That’s a shame, ‘cos I think you are really hot!”

Barb could feel her cheeks burning red. She was so confused, for a moment she didn’t know what to say. Then she decided that honesty was the best policy.

“I thought you were the loveliest person I’d ever seen…..I’ve never felt like that about anyone before. And….”

“And what?”

“Well….you’re a woman.”

Siss looked down at herself. “Good God, so I am! Thank you so much for pointing that out! Is that a problem?”

“It’s wrong to feel that way about a woman.” Barb announced. “It’s a sin. It’s supposed to be just men and women. The Vicar says so. I think it must be in the Bible or somewhere.”

Siss pondered this statement. “Barb, can I ask you a personal question?”

Barb didn’t much like the sound of this. “Yes?” she asked nervously.

“Have you ever had sex with anyone?”

“Er…No. I’m keeping myself for my husband….”

“Let me tell you something, Barb. I love TC dearly. He’s the sweetest man on the planet, and he’s also great at keeping me….well…entertained. But he knows I need more. Sometimes a woman needs more than a man can give.”

Barb’s heart was beating like a drum. By now the bridleway had reached the riverside. They were more than a mile from the Abbey, and they had the world to themselves, and here was a lovely secluded spot by the riverside.

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. All she knew was that she wanted – needed this woman and that she could wait no longer. She brought Trixie to a halt. “Siss?”

“Yes Barb?”

“Please show me what you mean.”
Oh Siss please do show us!!!:popcorn: Wragg I know this is a lighthearted piece but I am as enthralled as ever! Oh and I have started to watch D.A and it is as fabulous as everyone says it is!:D Rose Leslie... mmmmm
But Barbara wasn’t listening. Her heart had missed a couple of beats, and she felt dizzy. -Barbaria

About three of Wragg's posts earlier (page 3 somewhere)... She had seen the driver of his new Rolls and she could never love any man or woman entirely as the hole in her heart grew as Tree drove off to wash the car...


I looked in the rear-view mirrors and see the mansion disappear as I round the curve. I nail the gas and slide the massive car into a long four-wheel drift. I reach into my pocket and pull out the snub-nose .38. I flip the revolvers magazine open and confirm I have six rounds ready. I shove it back in my pocket and reach across into the other pocket, dig past the bullets that filled it until I found my pack of 'Lucky Stripes" and my Zippo. Fuck him...

Lady Barbara watched as the Earl’s brand new Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Double Pullman limousine turned into the drive of Cruxton Abbey. She was standing, along with the rest of the family and the upper servants, outside the main entrance to the Abbey to form a welcoming party.

The Earl tut-tutted upon seeing the dust rising from the drive around his beautiful new car. He had spent a fortune on that car, and he expected it to be pristine at all times. He made a mental note to go down to the garage after lunch to check that Tree, the chauffeur, had removed every mark. He expected to find it gleaming, or Tree would regret it.

Barbara rolled her eyes. Honestly, her father and his new toys. He always had to have the very latest gadgets. She remembered her amusement as she’d watched from her window while the Earl had attempted to master the art of driving the car, but after much protesting from the gearbox he’d decided to give it up and leave it to Tree.

The car eased to a halt in front of the house. Paulson stepped forward and opened the rear door .

“His Highness the Prince Shevak of Yuwait!” he announced. The prince was first out partly by virtue of his royal status, but principally because he was heir to one of the richest men in the world.

Barbara regarded him with interest. Not only had fate blessed him with being the heir to a fortune, but he was young, fit, and good looking. A full head of dark hair crowned a well proportioned face, lantern jawed, and deep brown, ‘come to bed’ eyes. Barbara felt vaguely disappointed when Paulson produced a wife from the depths of the Rolls Royce.

“Her Highness the Princess Yupar of Yuwait!” Yupar had her satin tresses down, so that they reached almost to her waist, and even in her travelling outfit she looked completely lovely, slim, alluring, with brown eyes matching those of her husband. Barbara began to feel that she was going to enjoy the company over these next few days.

As the Earl and Countess welcomed their Royal guests, and the servants bowed and curtsied, Paulson assisted the ambassador from the car.

“His Excellency Senhor Thomaso Cruz, Ambassador of Brazil!”

The ambassador was somewhat older, perhaps in his early forties, but still good looking. He was a great personal friend of the Earl from their shared membership of a club in London, where they had found a shared enjoyment of vivacious conversation and various other common interests. The Earl had completed his welcoming of the Prince and Princess, and stepped forward to meet the Ambassador with transparent pleasure. “TC! My dear fellow! Welcome! Welcome to Cruxton!”

“Robert! It is such a pleasure to be here! Thank you so much for inviting us!” His English was faultless, and they shook hands warmly.

But Barbara wasn’t listening. Her heart had missed a couple of beats, and she felt dizzy.

For Paulson had reached one last time into the Rolls Royce, and had on this occasion produced the most extraordinarily beautiful woman that Barbara had ever seen in her life.

“Mrs Cicely Cruz!”

Blond hair spiralled down over tanned shoulders, framing a face which Barbara felt was perfect in every way. She felt her knees weaken as she looked at the clearest bluest eyes imaginable, perfectly formed nose and cheekbones, and full, inviting lips. Barbara’s eyes travelled down to a wonderful figure barely disguised within a fine travelling dress.

This was ridiculous, she told herself. Why am I thinking this way about a woman? I’m supposed to be looking for a husband, women shouldn’t having this sort of effect on me! Pull yourself together, Barb!

She looked around for Prince Shevak, it should be him she was daydreaming about! But he’d gone inside the house, and, like a magnet, her eyes were drawn back to the ambassador’s wife. She couldn’t help herself, she looked again at her dress, then after a short but wasted struggle with herself, she began mentally removing it, and she imagined long, slender legs, and a slim, firm waist between perfectly proportioned breasts and buttocks.

And it wasn’t just how she looked; she had a poise, a charisma which just drew you to her as moths are drawn to a flame. She was the sort of woman for whom men would cross continents; indeed the Ambassador clearly had, for she did not appear to be of Brazilian origin.

In all her life Barbara had not been so affected by another human being, male or female. She watched as Mrs Cruz’ eyes scanned the welcoming party, causing a ripple of murmuring amongst the menfolk, and then returned to her. Their eyes met, and those wonderful lips parted in a smile of delight.

Barbara felt moisture. She would require an early visit to a bathroom. She smiled back, and she realised with surprise that she had unconsciously allowed her tongue to make a quick trip along her lips.

In due course, the goddess had been introduced to her mother and father, and Eulalia brought her to Barbara.

“This is my eldest daughter, Barbara.”

Cicely held out her hand, and Barbara took it; it felt as though an electric shock had travelled up her arm. “Hi, I’m Cicely, but my friends call me ‘Siss’.” Her accent was American.

“Mine call me ‘Barb’, and I do hope we can be friends.”

Siss gazed at her. “Oh, I really hope so, too!”

Who knew Lord W, Top-Cat along with the nobility.

And married to a woman who has extamente half my age.

Let's see where this is going.

I really enjoyed.

Top-Cat or better:

Thomaso CRUZ

Ambassador From Brazil
But Barbara wasn’t listening. Her heart had missed a couple of beats, and she felt dizzy. -Barbaria

About three of Wragg's posts earlier (page 3 somewhere)... She had seen the driver of his new Rolls and she could never love any man or woman entirely as the hole in her heart grew as Tree drove off to wash the car...


I looked in the rear-view mirrors and see the mansion disappear as I round the curve. I nail the gas and slide the massive car into a long four-wheel drift. I reach into my pocket and pull out the snub-nose .38. I flip the revolvers magazine open and confirm I have six rounds ready. I shove it back in my pocket and reach across into the other pocket, dig past the bullets that filled it until I found my pack of 'Lucky Stripes" and my Zippo. Fuck him...

Funny, his reference read something like that....what's the Earl up to????
Funny, his reference read something like that....what's the Earl up to????

Well Tree did me a "solid" I think it is called when I got in a spot of ahem bother, on a visit to the States, he asked in return a bolthole to lie low until matters cooled with some people. I am guessing he does not need to lie low any more....either that or he has upset Ulrika again :devil:
Well Tree did me a "solid" I think it is called when I got in a spot of ahem bother, on a visit to the States, he asked in return a bolthole to lie low until matters cooled with some people. I am guessing he does not need to lie low any more....either that or he has upset Ulrika again :devil:

Like I say, a thoroughly decent fellow, is Tree :)
I sometimes "yawn" at unfinished stories?
So do I, Marcie, but since I posted the last section less than 24 hours ago, and since I do actually have a life, perhaps you'll realise that I'm posting it as fast as I can write it.

Unless you'd prefer me to go without sleep, maybe?
So do I, Marcie, but since I posted the last section less than 24 hours ago, and since I do actually have a life, perhaps you'll realise that I'm posting it as fast as I can write it.

Unless you'd prefer me to go without sleep, maybe?

Your devoted fans just demand the impossible....more, more, more.....:rolleyes:
"Barbara felt moisture. She would require an early visit to a bathroom."

Oh, good. I will take some to the bathroom with me then.
take me too.


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