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Jedakk's Masterpiece

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In the next scene, Sabina has managed to find the strength to lift herself up just a few inches, enough to pull her vagina off the cornu, push her hips forward just far enough and slip down carefully. The right cheek of her buttocks is pressed against the cornu as she slowly slides down. Every movement is agony as her wounds move around and press hard against the nails in them. She groans in pain, screaming from time to time when some movement sends a sudden bolt of agony through her, making her body writhe.

For now, the humiliation of being violated by that cornu in front of all these people is too much. As time goes on, humiliation will become the least of her concerns and she will willingly use her private parts to get some relief from the nails, even for a few moments.

Around her, the onlookers watch and talk among themselves. Ajax and Verina, behind the cross, know each other and chat about things that might be altogether unrelated to Sabina. Her suffering is expected, they've seen it all before.

At the old cross to Sabina's left, Antius and Hercules prepare Sabina's titulus that they will place atop her cross. Hercules holds it against the old cross while Antius taps a small nail through it that he will hammer into Sabina's cross to hold the sign in place for a few days. Later, when the crows have picked Sabina's bones clean, they will take the sign down, scrape off these words and write some other unfortunate man or woman's crime on it.

Here are the top ten out of this set:


  • Sabina Nailing Scene 21-3_0001.jpg
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I think that's why the executioners took it into their own hands at one point or another:
whipping until the victim was too exhausted, ... spear in the side, breaking legs etc. ...
Breaking the legs - crurifragium - was an option. It made the victim die sooner, but not quickly. Even though they were hanging by their wrists and unable to raise themselves, they could still get enough air to support life for a long time. They would certainly suffer from Dyspnea, as I mentioned before, and it would be like a continuous panic, strangulation or being smothered that just went on and on with no relief. The breathing muscles would have been working hard to push air out of the lungs, which would have been increasingly filled with stagnant air and carbon dioxide as the muscles weakened.

Before, the victim would have used her legs even when hanging to bear part of her weight and make it easier to breathe; with her legs broken, they became not only useless to lift herself but added some dead weight. And that dead weight would tend to stretch her body more, forcing her diaphragm muscles to pull against it in order to push air out of the lungs. Working against that weight with no rest, no opportunity to recover, those muscles would slowly become exhausted. Once that happened death would probably follow soon after, but it all depended on the victim's strength and endurance plus her condition. A victim with broken legs could still go on suffering for hours before death finally came.
View attachment 1109087View attachment 1109088Jedakk... I love your work very very very much And: Verina is so sexy and beautiful, how she looks to the ropes !
Maybe there´s a chance to see her crucified...? or may be whipped?

I have a number of poses of Verina, hardly any of which I have had the opportunity to use yet. I do use one of her seated in front of Sabina's cross in Scene 23 which is coming up soon. Here's a render of her standing with hands on her hips:

Chiton Transparency .1_0090.jpgChiton transparency .3_0090.jpg

In the second one I made her chiton semi-transparent, experimenting. One ancient Roman wrote about women wearing thin, almost transparent clothing so there's some precedent for that. Then I created some poses I thought I might use sometime where she is sitting or reclining:

Verina Reclining 1_0001.jpgVerina Reclining 2_0001.jpgVerina Sitting 4-1.jpgVerina Sitting 4-2.jpgVerina Sitting 5-1_0001.jpgVerina Sitting 8-1_0001.jpg

And some of those have the semi-transparent chiton. The chiton is "dynamic cloth," meaning the drape and fold of the cloth has to be simulated in Poser in a separate animation where I animate her through about forty frames from a standing "zero" position to the final pose I want her to have. Then I capture that final pose into a menu item in Poser so I can insert her into a scene with a click.


  • Verina Sitting 8-2_0001.jpg
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  • Verina Sitting 5-2_0001.jpg
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Before I added Verina's chiton, I had to create her poses nude. I know nobody cares about those, but here are some renders I did of them:


  • Verina Kneeling Naked 1.jpg
    Verina Kneeling Naked 1.jpg
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  • Verina Reclining Naked 4.jpg
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  • Verina Reclining Naked 2.jpg
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Having lowered her body down and carefully settling her weight onto the nails in her wrists, Sabina hangs, beginning to understand what it means to be crucified. She is truly helpless, completely dependent on her executioners' mercy for the water she will receive. All of her world is what she can see in front of her when she is hanging like this, so she is surprised when Hercules leans against the back of the cross, shaking it a little, and reaches to place something up at the top.

Then Antius is there in front of her with his hammer, coming close to her, and she shrinks away from him as much as she can, twisting her body. He leans over her and reaches up with the hammer, tapping rather than swinging it. A few taps and he's done. Although she'll never be able to see it, she knows her titulus must be there at the top of her cross, her name and the stupid crime for which she has been crucified.

These kinds of poses where two or more people touch and have to interact are a challenge. I wanted Antius and Hercules to do this without having to drag an old piece of timber or something over to stand on. Hercules can only reach the titulus by standing on tiptoe. Antius has to reach over Sabina somehow, and then he can only use his wrist to tap the small nail in. Sabina, afraid of what he might do to her next, twists away from him the best she can, which actually makes his job easier. Antius has to hold the hammer by the end of the handle and tap the nail. I know he can do that because, as I've mentioned before, I have that hammer in my toolbox and I checked to make sure this pose would work.

Here are the top ten from this scene:


  • Sabina Nailing Scene 22-2_0001.jpg
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Having lowered her body down and carefully settling her weight onto the nails in her wrists, Sabina hangs, beginning to understand what it means to be crucified. She is truly helpless, completely dependent on her executioners' mercy for the water she will receive. All of her world is what she can see in front of her when she is hanging like this, so she is surprised when Hercules leans against the back of the cross, shaking it a little, and reaches to place something up at the top.

Then Antius is there in front of her with his hammer, coming close to her, and she shrinks away from him as much as she can, twisting her body. He leans over her and reaches up with the hammer, tapping rather than swinging it. A few taps and he's done. Although she'll never be able to see it, she knows her titulus must be there at the top of her cross, her name and the stupid crime for which she has been crucified.
Excellent scenes. Although Sabina is the star of the show, she hangs nailed to her cross, totally at the mercy of those crucifying her!
Happy New Year Jedakk!

Seeing these daily posts from your enormous and expanding archive of renders has been an tremendously erotic and beautiful gift. I look forward to seeing each new set, along with your brilliant prose descriptions of the process and the mindset of both executioner and victim.

I have to admit that It is really bittersweet to know that this is both your magnum opus and your swan song, one final encore for you. But that bitterness is really only my own selfish desire to see more work from you, you really owe us nothing, and have given us an embarrassment of riches. The staggering passion you soaked into your art is on display in every detail you thoughtfully crafted.

You have been an inspiration, your work is a masterpiece, and I felt that a few heart reacts would have been deeply insufficient to express that.
Happy New Year Jedakk!

Seeing these daily posts from your enormous and expanding archive of renders has been an tremendously erotic and beautiful gift. I look forward to seeing each new set, along with your brilliant prose descriptions of the process and the mindset of both executioner and victim.

I have to admit that It is really bittersweet to know that this is both your magnum opus and your swan song, one final encore for you. But that bitterness is really only my own selfish desire to see more work from you, you really owe us nothing, and have given us an embarrassment of riches. The staggering passion you soaked into your art is on display in every detail you thoughtfully crafted.

You have been an inspiration, your work is a masterpiece, and I felt that a few heart reacts would have been deeply insufficient to express that.
Happy new year to you too! And thanks very much for your words of appreciation. It means a lot coming from another 3D artist who has some understanding of the challenges of creating scenes like these. If they came across as erotic, then I did something right because that is what I intended and what inspired me to create them.

I honestly don't know if I can walk away from this. Even if I do stop creating, I'll be around if anyone wants to contact me.

There's still one more scene to go, a conclusion to the Nailing section of the story that leads into the Crucified section. I am just finishing it up now, hope to have it posted tomorrow.
Before I added Verina's chiton, I had to create her poses nude. I know nobody cares about those...
That would be too sad -- but I know that at least one CF user does care. :goofy:

Having lowered her body down and carefully settling her weight onto the nails in her wrists, Sabina hangs, beginning to understand what it means to be crucified. She is truly helpless, completely dependent on her executioners' mercy for the water she will receive. All of her world is what she can see in front of her when she is hanging like this ...
That's an astute observation -- Sabina's alive, but during the last hour or so her world has been drastically reduced by a few men wielding whips, chains and a hammer. The world centred upon her is incomparably different from that of the onlookers -- or, indeed, any other inhabitant of Flavian Rome.

Except, of course, her neighbour on the cross to the right!
Having lowered her body down and carefully settling her weight onto the nails in her wrists, Sabina hangs, beginning to understand what it means to be crucified. She is truly helpless, completely dependent on her executioners' mercy for the water she will receive. All of her world is what she can see in front of her when she is hanging like this, so she is surprised when Hercules leans against the back of the cross, shaking it a little, and reaches to place something up at the top.

Then Antius is there in front of her with his hammer, coming close to her, and she shrinks away from him as much as she can, twisting her body. He leans over her and reaches up with the hammer, tapping rather than swinging it. A few taps and he's done. Although she'll never be able to see it, she knows her titulus must be there at the top of her cross, her name and the stupid crime for which she has been crucified.

These kinds of poses where two or more people touch and have to interact are a challenge. I wanted Antius and Hercules to do this without having to drag an old piece of timber or something over to stand on. Hercules can only reach the titulus by standing on tiptoe. Antius has to reach over Sabina somehow, and then he can only use his wrist to tap the small nail in. Sabina, afraid of what he might do to her next, twists away from him the best she can, which actually makes his job easier. Antius has to hold the hammer by the end of the handle and tap the nail. I know he can do that because, as I've mentioned before, I have that hammer in my toolbox and I checked to make sure this pose would work.

Here are the top ten from this scene:
What an new year present. Thanks @jedakk ..
Even I cant event happy same as most of the people Burma, your Sabina new scenes and crux fantasy can make me drift away from reality even for a moment.
I love crux forum for this too :)
That would be too sad -- but I know that at least one CF user does care. :goofy:

That's an astute observation -- Sabina's alive, but during the last hour or so her world has been drastically reduced by a few men wielding whips, chains and a hammer. The world centred upon her is incomparably different from that of the onlookers -- or, indeed, any other inhabitant of Flavian Rome.

Except, of course, her neighbour on the cross to the right!
HAPPIER New Year,ws hpe if covid will let us
I have a number of poses of Verina, hardly any of which I have had the opportunity to use yet. I do use one of her seated in front of Sabina's cross in Scene 23 which is coming up soon. Here's a render of her standing with hands on her hips:

View attachment 1109658View attachment 1109659

In the second one I made her chiton semi-transparent, experimenting. One ancient Roman wrote about women wearing thin, almost transparent clothing so there's some precedent for that. Then I created some poses I thought I might use sometime where she is sitting or reclining:

View attachment 1109660View attachment 1109661View attachment 1109662View attachment 1109663View attachment 1109664View attachment 1109666

And some of those have the semi-transparent chiton. The chiton is "dynamic cloth," meaning the drape and fold of the cloth has to be simulated in Poser in a separate animation where I animate her through about forty frames from a standing "zero" position to the final pose I want her to have. Then I capture that final pose into a menu item in Poser so I can insert her into a scene with a click.
that chiton is a seriously pretty garment, and would be nice to wear on a warm day.
it could go in eul's global warming wardrobe = where can I buy one? :)
Last edited:
Scene 23 is the last scene in the Nailing section of "The Serpent's Eye," also the last scene in this series I'm doing right now, maybe my last crux scene ever. I don't know about that for sure, but I do have months of work I put aside to do these 16 scenes and now I absolutely have to get back to that, lots of historical research and writing to do.

In the Nailing section of the story, I illustrated every agonizing step of Sabina being nailed to her cross. - 68 scenes altogether, not sure how many renders but probably 2,500 - 3,000. And that's not including the countless do-overs where I didn't like an expression, the lighting was wrong, the crowd needed to be moved in tighter, etc. So in Scene 23, we arrive at the point where Sabina is crucified.

In Scene 23, there are no more nails left to drive, the executioners' work is done. There is nothing left to do but guard and tend to Sabina while she very slowly and agonizingly suffers and dies on the cross. They gather up their chains, shackles and hammer and leave. Only Gundericus stays behind to take the first shift as guard. The crowd all find places to sit on the grass and watch Sabina writhe in pain, paying for her crime, proper Roman justice being done. The fat old drunk passes out against the base of the cross to Sabina's right.

Here are the top ten out of 65 renders from this scene:


  • Sabina Nailing Scene 23-1 76-60-60_0001.jpg
    Sabina Nailing Scene 23-1 76-60-60_0001.jpg
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The crowd all find places to sit on the grass and watch Sabina writhe in pain, paying for her crime, proper Roman justice being done. The fat old drunk passes out against the base of the cross to Sabina's right.

Here are the top ten out of 65 renders from this scene:
The crucifixion team leaves. The spectators attentively watch Sabina's painful suffering as she hangs nailed to her cross. When the day gets warmer the witnesses will wander off. Sabina will stay, suffering on her cross...
Scene 23 is the last scene in the Nailing section of "The Serpent's Eye," also the last scene in this series I'm doing right now, maybe my last crux scene ever.
:crybaby2: the last scene ever ....

I hope ... Please no!

You made super nice renders, an inspiration for all of us !!! ... so deeply detailed and also very erotic :bdsm-heart:
Please continue the renewal of your second series (ex.: "7 Crucified"). As I said, it would be a shame not to complete this = MASTERPIECE = :ole:
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