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Mass Crucifixion

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Back at base camp the soldiers never had any problem finding pussy, at times there seemed to be more whores traipsing around the camp than actual soldiers, which was good as it kept prices low. Normally even when they went out on missions, the traders the men who sold alcohol and tobacco and the leaves and potions that took the edge of the day and the camp followers followed them, sometimes they even arrived where the soldiers would be camping before them, but not on this mission after the first night as the troops prepared to start marching the civilians were already heading back to the main base, which did not bode well for the mission.

After 5 days of the forced marches they started coming across the crucifixions, at first one or two crosses, then larger groups and they knew they were reaching their destination, it was going to be what they feared, they were either going to be reinforcements or replacement troops and would be stuck out at the front for months until they were relieved and sent back to camp, a lonely place to be.

A lot of different thoughts were going through a lot of different heads as they passed the largest group yet, it was late and the soldiers knew soon they would be stopping a mile or two and they would make camp for the night. The rules and regulations on touching the crucified were extremely tough and enforced as best they could be in a wartime situation. The officers discussed the possibilities and knew they could put half the squad out as sentries to stop soldiers sneaking back, but some would undoubtedly try, and most likely one or more of the men on sentry duty would sneak back themselves, they could leave a junior officer at the crucifixion site, but he would be open to temptation himself and if he gave in and took one of her cross he would never be able to get her back up on his own and the thought of a wounded terrorist crawling off in to the night was a frightening proposition, they would become a hero and a recruiting tool for the rebel cause.

It certainly didn’t help as the column passed the crucified women, that while some stayed quiet preferring martyrdom to being used by the soldiers, others were having second thoughts about dying for the cause and calling out and making lewd promises to anyone who took them down, while others wanted to be taken down and accepting the fact they would be used in order to escape and re-join the cause

Probably the officers decided the safest course of action was to camp right next to the crucified women, that way if a soldier was brazen enough to take one down they would be able to put her right back where she’d been and punish and make an example of the soldier, hopefully putting an end to it before things got out of hand
I don't do a lot of crucifixions but you can find my other stuff on patreon and subscribe/adult under the name puppyowner


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    mass crucifiction.jpg
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Its a nice depiction, but some more variety would have made it bettter :)
Some variety with hair and body texture for example
I see you used some variety in base color of the models

maybe some difference with posture /head positions as well.

And for what it's worth.. the nail in the hand will rip thru if some thing approaching bodyweight is pulling on them.
I really don't mind criticism, it means people actually took the time to look, but in my defence I reckon if I was on a cross and someone walked by I'd turn my head and look and there aren't that many ways of looking left. and years ago I read somewhere (I think) pubic and armpit hair grows faster than head hair (probably bollocks) but the error would be lack of pubic hair rather than having armpit hair
but I am just glad people looked and liked it,
Trying to give constructive criticism here and things to consider

A few mass crux scenes I did myself:

Even if they look all to one person is would still be dynamic because of their different angles/placements/poses.
But IMHO some would look, some would be distracted by the agony of the cross, some would peek(eyes only) shortly before ignoring the soldiers
Some would look more to the sides then others focusing on different marching soldiers.
Think their interest would quickly wane because no help is to be expected from them.
Think a rescue party would keep their attention for longer but even then they would look to different people, prolly the closest ones.

I like the concept what you did, will try to expand on it myself for a scene one of these days..

I really don't mind criticism, it means people actually took the time to look, but in my defence I reckon if I was on a cross and someone walked by I'd turn my head and look and there aren't that many ways of looking left. and years ago I read somewhere (I think) pubic and armpit hair grows faster than head hair (probably bollocks) but the error would be lack of pubic hair rather than having armpit hair
but I am just glad people looked and liked it,

Well I like it. The armpit hair appeals to me, and the shaved heads give it a dramatic sense that these are women who have been punished. There is variety among them, slight differences in position, skin tone, expression, they are not all alike. Yes there could be more variety, and the nailed palms is an issue, and personally I'd like to see some pubic hair, but for someone who doesn't "do a lot of crucifixions" it's a good effort.
Hmm I think in terms of emotional perception (no matter hair here or there) -- they look too much like clones. The victims as well as the soldiers.

...so maybe this is best taken as a surrealistic scene in which two archetypes regard each other?

the Universal Soldier and umm the Universal Cruxgirl?

One with his uniform & weapons made to look all alike and the other in her humiliation & defeat made to look all alike.

Now we have of course the song for the universal soldier www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9pc4U40sI , it's inevitably the fate of the universal cruxgirl that her cries and ululations are unrecorded and ever forgotten, though perhaps if after the flesh has fallen, you repurpose the cross-wood into musical instruments they will always have that plaintive tone.
Trying to give constructive criticism here and things to consider

A few mass crux scenes I did myself:

Even if they look all to one person is would still be dynamic because of their different angles/placements/poses.
But IMHO some would look, some would be distracted by the agony of the cross, some would peek(eyes only) shortly before ignoring the soldiers
Some would look more to the sides then others focusing on different marching soldiers.
Think their interest would quickly wane because no help is to be expected from them.
Think a rescue party would keep their attention for longer but even then they would look to different people, prolly the closest ones.

I like the concept what you did, will try to expand on it myself for a scene one of these days..

very nice work, my problem is my computer can't handle things like that, more than 6 v7's and it shuts down the program and sends the screen black and I have to unplug it and hope for the best. so what I do is place some figures render the image and then carefully reposition the people again making sure they don't overlap praying the 'camera' doesn't move in or out accidently and render again so they match in photoshop or I'd have to start again, and once again nice images
Hmm I think in terms of emotional perception (no matter hair here or there) -- they look too much like clones. The victims as well as the soldiers.

...so maybe this is best taken as a surrealistic scene in which two archetypes regard each other?

the Universal Soldier and umm the Universal Cruxgirl?

One with his uniform & weapons made to look all alike and the other in her humiliation & defeat made to look all alike.

Now we have of course the song for the universal soldier www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9pc4U40sI , it's inevitably the fate of the universal cruxgirl that her cries and ululations are unrecorded and ever forgotten, though perhaps if after the flesh has fallen, you repurpose the cross-wood into musical instruments they will always have that plaintive tone.
surrealistic is over thinking it, those soldiers are a low res low poly set I got from daz and are supposed to be used in backgrounds, I probably should have kept them there, as for the people not clones per se just the same person used twice, doing how I do it it's a race against time to get a lot of people in and I liked the idea of a mass crucifixion
I really don't mind criticism, it means people actually took the time to look, but in my defence I reckon if I was on a cross and someone walked by I'd turn my head and look and there aren't that many ways of looking left. and years ago I read somewhere (I think) pubic and armpit hair grows faster than head hair (probably bollocks) but the error would be lack of pubic hair rather than having armpit hair
but I am just glad people looked and liked it,
Oh i liked it, it's just my warped sense of humor, no criticism was meant, and i hope my comment gave you a good giggle at least.
You're pressing my buttons here. Shaved heads with hairy armpits are a major turn on for me. Often fantasise about that being a pre-crux punishment - shave their heads but expose their furry pits for all to see as they are raised on the cross.
very nice work, my problem is my computer can't handle things like that, more than 6 v7's and it shuts down the program and sends the screen black and I have to unplug it and hope for the best. so what I do is place some figures render the image and then carefully reposition the people again making sure they don't overlap praying the 'camera' doesn't move in or out accidently and render again so they match in photoshop or I'd have to start again, and once again nice images
Fair enough... With my old machine that was a problem too, unless I made a fresh restart and close down any progam that wasn't DAZ

BTW you can Lock the camera->
Select camera you wanna lock
Menu-> Edit -> Object->Lock-> Lock selected Node

You can also make the scene then group them 5 models at a time.
Select groups and turn visiblity off on the ones you dont want to render.
Make your renders of the groups one by one.. switching visibility on and off as needed
Then photoshop together again :)

BTW Do you use Iray or 3Delight?
If you use 3Delight set bucket size lowerin the rendersetting.. it will help with memory problems while rendering.

Black screeen could be an overheating problem (processor)as well
Last edited:
Fair enough... With my old machine that was a problem too, unless I made a fresh restart and close down any progam that wasn't DAZ

BTW you can Lock the camera->
Select camera you wanna lock
Menu-> Edit -> Object->Lock-> Lock selected Node

You can also make the scene then group them 5 models at a time.
Select groups and turn visiblity off on the ones you dont want to render.
Make your renders of the groups one by one.. switching visibility on and off as needed
Then photoshop together again :)

BTW Do you use Iray or 3Delight?
If you use 3Delight set bucket size lowerin the rendersetting.. it will help with memory problems while rendering.

Black screeen could be an overheating problem (processor)as well
thanks, 12 plus years on daz and I hadn't figured out that I could lock the camera, you have no idea the amount of times I restarted an image; and I will try your turning off the visibility thing sounds like another good idea, and I use iray; 3delight doesn't seem to really render the images correctly and I think your right overheating the Mrs bought me a new puter last year when the old one gave up the ghost but it is one of those AIO ones and you cant really upgrade it and daz really does suck the the life from anything even itself
anyway thanks for the tips
Does the computer keep beeping after it goes to black?
Then its probably overheating.
Make sure your computer stands free on all sides at about 30 cm/ 1 feet
Install one or more fans.. or Put a ventilator to blow on the back or any ventilation holes.
I had this problem a few years ago and removed the casing of the computer
Then put a table ventilator to blow on it for a while I ordered new fans for installing into the computer.
Beware of pets taking an interest in you open computer :p
It was her first shift and things had certainly calmed down from the first couple of days, they had had to send an entire cohort of soldiers to keep the crowds backs and stop anyone trying to take the prisoner down, now 10 days later apart from a few diehard fans who came to watch and give the occasional thumbs up sign it was pretty calm.

It was obvious no one was going to try and take the prisoner off the cross anymore, in fact they all seemed quite resigned to it and quite happy about it, she’d heard a few of them chatting and they all seemed to think it was good thing, that this might help get their cult of the ground and recognised by the general public.

She’d seen a lot of cults come and go over the years and even joined a couple herself, she tended to gravitate towards ones that had a more fun aspect, the sacrifice of young virgins followed by a mass orgy seemed far more interesting than turning the other cheek and having under supplied picnics.

The thing she found strange and thought she should mention to her sergeant when she got back, it just seemed strange some cult would have a woman leader she’d always thought their leader was a guy, Marcion called the leader Isu Chrestos and that sure sounded like a man to her, they might just have the wrong person up on that cross, still nothing she could do about that till her shift ended.
if you like my stuff why not support me on patreon for naked female fighting new everyday + links twice a month to the images I can't put there
or my new site subscribestar for the more exotic images every day and the female fighting same name as here puppyowner


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Crucified 1
if you like my stuff why not support me on patreon/Puppyowner for naked females fighting new every day + links to the images I can't show there
or my new site subscribestar/puppyowner for more exotic images every day and the female fighting
the story is on my sites


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