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Other Forms Of Execution

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Interesting. since Quoom has graphically shown us many a slow and barbarous execution, I would have thought this would be right up his street.
I'm pretty sure I've seen two by Quoom. One was of a woman impailed in front of a crowd on a very, very long pole (rediculously long, in my opinion) & the other was a woman lowered onto a barbed post. I don't have either of them saved, but if I find them elsewhere, I've post them.
Where I am, we only have about 12'20 between tides,
and as the mean range is around 30'.
I went to sleep thinking this through​
(it's one for Melissa!)​
Given the above, and the facts that​
I (and presumably Margaret) would need to be tied to a stake to drown where the depth at high water is > 5'6",​
and the gradient of the shore in Wigtown Bay (being an estuary) is quite shallow, say 10%,​
(i) how far out on the shore, below the high-water mark, would the stake need to stand?​
(ii) if high tide were, say, at midday, at what time could I be taken out and tied to the stake?​
(iii) and how long would it be before I drowned?​
My very rough calculations, coupled with knowledge of the location, give the answers:​
(i) at least 500 yards​
(ii) about 4.00 p.m.​
(iii) a bit more than four hours​

I too have thought about this and have solved this problem with the help of the lord's wizard. To make a satisfactory sacrifice to the sea gods, three suitable wenches must be selected for their beauty. They may be of any station in life from royal maiden to peasant farm girl to a slave wench.

By the lord's orders I have taken a princess' lady in waiting named Margaret, a peasant girl named Messaline, and a slave named Eulalia. The three of you are stripped of your garments and having nothing in common but your beauty a day before your station in life has been equalized to sacrificial offerings.

The lord's wizard has study the skies and the tides and had found that when the moon is full the tides are higher than when it its waxing or waning. The wizard also discovered when the moon is new the day's high tide as at it's peak and the night's tide is almost several cubits lower.

It is with this knowledge the offering to sea gods is planned...

The reactions of the women was mixed. Margaret is filled with dispare as she cannot believe her young and pampered life will be ended in some kind of sacrificial ceremony. The peasant girl Messaline does not know what 'sacrifice' means and wonders what the flower-scented bath is about. The slave Eulalia doesn't know or care what a sacrifice is. It is the first day that she can remember she is not toiling in fields under the watchul eyes of her overseer and his cruel whip...

The lord's wizard has study the skies and the tides and had found that when the moon is full the tides are higher than when it its waxing or waning. The wizard also discovered when the moon is new the day's high tide as at it's peak and the night's tide is almost several cubits lower.

It is with this knowledge the offering to sea gods is planned...

that's absolutely right THT,​
difference between spring and neap tides here is about 6'6"/ 2 metres,​
that could be the difference between drowning and still being high and dry!​
The three women have their wrists bound behind their back and a rope joins them by the next. They are led through the city . The cobbles stones heated by the midday sun tortures the tender feet of Margaret while the peasant and slave don't even notice. The humiliation of being paraded naked past the commoners mortifies Margaret. The peasant Messaline finds the attention given her naked body entertaining while to the slave girl Eulalia it is no different than the way she toiled in the fields. The only nakedness she felt was the lack of shackles about her ankles and she didn't mind not having them. The procession closes in on the sea and the soil becomes sand. They are led down to a low area of beach where the sand is still moist from the receding tide. Laborors had already dug three shallow holes in the beach. It is time for final prepareations...

The sacrificial maidens are surronded by three teams of 'priests'. The rope is removed from their necks but their wrists are left bound. They are forced to kneel. Eulalia looks at the men surrounding her and asks "Anyone want a blowjob?"

"You can suck the cocks of the gods of the sea" one of them replies sternly while the priests tie the womens' ankles to their thighs. That completed they are laid on they're backs and fat but hollow bamboo stalks are shoved into their asses and sex and tied off to the ropes binding their legs.

Margaret and Messaline howl in pain while Eulalia, hardened but years of abuse as a slave, opens her mouth in agongy but manages to suppress the cry.


Then the women are placed in the three holes that already have water seeping into them. Then sand is shoveled in around their legs and lower torso until only their tits, shoulders and head are above the beach...

Are you sure that the peasant girl was called Messaline?
I have forgotten this part of my live (dead)...:eek:
See the post 9 back, Messaline. it says 'a peasant girl named Messaline'. Now I know you have been in much and many different perils recently but you have to concentrate!!!!


...of course she has been smoking Madame Wu's cigarettes lately...
Of course! It's for this reason! :confused:
...that's what I thought...

The priests formed a circle around the three women and began chanting in a tongue none of them understood. As the sun lowered the waves broke farther and farther from where they were bound and buried. The priest stopped chanting and 2/3rds of them left the site leaving the first shift to watch the women. Messsaline looked around and said "Judging from what's gone I take it this 'sacrifice' thing doesn't end well for us. Does either of you know what the hell is going on?"

Margaret, buried between the others said "We wait until the tide takes us to the gods of the sea."

"What the fuck are 'tides'" Eualia asked. Both Margaret and Messaline looked at her and asked "You don't know what tides are?"

"I'm guessing that's the sea out there but I've never seen it before so, no, I don't know what tides are."

Margaret explained it the best she could. Eulalia thought about it a few minutes and said "So by this time tomorrow we'll have been drowned."

Margaret exclaimed "Oh, no, the sea gods will have taken us!"

"Let's hope they are women" Eulalia mused...
Where I am, we only have about 12'20 between tides,
and as the mean range is around 30'.
I went to sleep thinking this through​
(it's one for Melissa!)​
Given the above, and the facts that​
I (and presumably Margaret) would need to be tied to a stake to drown where the depth at high water is > 5'6",​
and the gradient of the shore in Wigtown Bay (being an estuary) is quite shallow, say 10%,​
(i) how far out on the shore, below the high-water mark, would the stake need to stand?​
(ii) if high tide were, say, at midday, at what time could I be taken out and tied to the stake?​
(iii) and how long would it be before I drowned?​
My very rough calculations, coupled with knowledge of the location, give the answers:​
(i) at least 500 yards​
(ii) about 4.00 p.m.​
(iii) a bit more than four hours​

I am puzzled as to how you arrived at your answers. If the gradient is constant at 10% then if you travel 500 yards (horizontally) then for every 10 yards your altitude would decrease by 1 yard. So for 500 yards your altitude would decrease by 50 yards. It doesn't make much difference if the 500 yards is measured along the slope of the beach. So, at a depth of 150 feet what are you looking for..the Titanic? Given that the depth of water v time graph would follow that of a sine curve what formula did you use to calculate the times?
I am puzzled as to how you arrived at your answers. If the gradient is constant at 10% then if you travel 500 yards (horizontally) then for every 10 yards your altitude would decrease by 1 yard. So for 500 yards your altitude would decrease by 50 yards. It doesn't make much difference if the 500 yards is measured along the slope of the beach. So, at a depth of 150 feet what are you looking for..the Titanic? Given that the depth of water v time graph would follow that of a sine curve what formula did you use to calculate the times?

She may have trouble answering since she is buried tit deep in sand and her wrist are tied behind her back, but she has amazed us before...

Wow,cool story!!!!
I am puzzled as to how you arrived at your answers. If the gradient is constant at 10% then if you travel 500 yards (horizontally) then for every 10 yards your altitude would decrease by 1 yard. So for 500 yards your altitude would decrease by 50 yards. It doesn't make much difference if the 500 yards is measured along the slope of the beach. So, at a depth of 150 feet what are you looking for..the Titanic? Given that the depth of water v time graph would follow that of a sine curve what formula did you use to calculate the times?
Thanks Melissa - I've always had a blind spot for trigonometry, which I thought was needed to calculate where the stake should go, so (it being late at night after an unScottishly hot day!) I panicked. :confused::eek: 500 yards did seem a bit far! Common sense should have told me 10x my height would suffice, i.e. about 18 yards.

For the times, again I wasn't applying much sense. Here's a revised attempt: if I were only 18 yards down the shore below HWM, I wouldn't drown until high tide was approaching (say by 2315, allowing for slack water around high tide). And the outgoing tide would have dropped enough to expose the stake by 18% of about 6.2 hrs ebb, only about 67 minutes. Even allowing again for slack water, I could be taken out to the stake and tied there by 1330, giving me a wait of nearly ten hours before I drowned. But I've probably overlooked something obvious (to a mathematician!)
Eul's doing math in her head to pass the time while waiting tit deep in sand for the tide to finish her off...

But it would only be the difference between drowning sooner than later...

...as our sacrificial women shall soon find out....

are you sure? and in what time?
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