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Other Forms Of Execution

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I think it is a fairly safe bet to say we are all interested in cruxing but are you also turned on by oither forms of execution?

For example I have done roleplaying about being burned alive and hanging. I find being burned alive, tortured to death or impaled sexy. Hanging and beheading less so (although garroting .....) and I have no interest in shooting or death by drowning or electrocution.

I think I have no interest in shooting or electrocution because I like my fantasies grounded in ancient/medieval scenarios.

I'm also not big into 'consensual' (although I'm playing out a story in my head that I think will play well with this crowd). I prefer being a victim of the powers that be being either a minor criminal, slave or prisoner of war.

Also I don't want to speak for the other girls here but I (and a number of my girlfriends) have fantasies centered around being raped (I carefully keep the hard BDSM ideas out of those conversations) which I have no real life interest in having happen.

Just some thoughts to maybe start some conversations.


Also I don't want to speak for the other girls here but I (and a number of my girlfriends) have fantasies centered around being raped (I carefully keep the hard BDSM ideas out of those conversations) which I have no real life interest in having happen.
Many women do! If I recall statistics right, more than 50 %​
The fantasy and the crude reality don't have much in common.​
One can "play" rape (quite realistically) , and it will be exciting, a real rape won't (because there is a bg difference between "being taken... and excited about it" and "being taken... and NOT being excited about it".​
One can play crucifixion, and it will be exciting, a real crucifixion won't either...​
And so on...​
I think it is a fairly safe bet to say we are all interested in cruxing but are you also turned on by oither forms of execution?

For example I have done roleplaying about being burned alive and hanging. I find being burned alive, tortured to death or impaled sexy. Hanging and beheading less so (although garroting .....) and I have no interest in shooting or death by drowning or electrocution.

I think I have no interest in shooting or electrocution because I like my fantasies grounded in ancient/medieval scenarios.

I'm also not big into 'consensual' (although I'm playing out a story in my head that I think will play well with this crowd). I prefer being a victim of the powers that be being either a minor criminal, slave or prisoner of war.

Also I don't want to speak for the other girls here but I (and a number of my girlfriends) have fantasies centered around being raped (I carefully keep the hard BDSM ideas out of those conversations) which I have no real life interest in having happen.

Just some thoughts to maybe start some conversations.



Sure i have rape and execution fantasies. i'm not crazy about hanging and being burned alive though. my fantasies go toward being whipped to death, death of 1000 cuts, and being used for archery practice. Being staked out to die in the sun is a good one too, sort of like a horizontal crucifixion and that makes repeated rape a lot easier too. Hmmm, being tortured to death, being racked, the list goes on and on.


I'm new here, unsure about being here, but think it's good to explore these things!

Being a male, I do imagine a woman being punished, not necessarily executed, but sometimes that too. I have to say that I find the whole process, from arrest, deprivation of liberty, imprisonment, trial, sentence, and finally the woman being led through a public place, naked or almost naked, in some form of bondage, or carrying a crossbar, or other burdensome endurance - this is what does it for me, for whatever reason (!). I think it's the last stage - the long walk to the place of punishment - that is the big one for me. And finally, the punishment is inflicted, in front of a crowd.

I would say that it's the public display and bondage element - with some form of corporal punishment - that is important here. I would not want to contemplate actual execution that much, and, when it comes to crucifixion, I would prefer the woman to be tied to the cross. I would have issues with the use of nailing (though there are sexy fantasy images of this out there), as people were actually killed this way. But seeing the woman enduring being tied on a cross - this is definitely something that I am into.

This can involve the imagining of a serious, realistic scenario, or more of a role-playing game. I have never taken part in such a game, but would imagine it would be incredible!

I also imagine myself undergoing this whole scenario, but only at the hands of women, which means there has to be a fair bit of contrivance to imagine a kind of all-female society or encampment, where I have been arrested and tried etc!

So it's especially the long public procession - whether through streets, or along a rough country lane - and the final public punishment that mostly interest me. Pretty much like the avatar and the pic attached.



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Sure i have rape and execution fantasies. i'm not crazy about hanging and being burned alive though. my fantasies go toward being whipped to death, death of 1000 cuts, and being used for archery practice. Being staked out to die in the sun is a good one too, sort of like a horizontal crucifixion and that makes repeated rape a lot easier too. Hmmm, being tortured to death, being racked, the list goes on and on.


Whipped to death and death of 1000 cuts (variation of being skinned) I like those, not big on the archery target thingy, reminds me too much of shooting.

Staked out in the sun naked, yeah that would be a brutal one for me. I don't like heat and burn pretty easily.

Hanging doesn't really interest me but I role-played it on the internet with a guy one day and it was pretty vivid. He told me he really got into it with my descriptions, etc. At a party a group of friends and I got into the whole auto-erotica discussion, which migrated into hanging which somehow wound up with me on a chair with a rope around my neck. And I don't drink, which makes my friends wonder why I do some of the things they talk me into. If they only knew!

The whole rape fantasy is pretty interesting. I've played it with a few guys (one at a time - NOBODY put words in my mouth!) but it somehow doesn't seem to be as vivid as when I play it out in my head (while getting off of course). I think the problem with role playing it is of course just one guy (I'm not looking for help fixing that) and it is with a guy I'm attracted too. Where as in the fantasies my tormentor(s) is usually someone I have no sexual attraction too and is certainly a lot rougher and more violent than any boyfriend is willing to be.

I guess the closest I have every come to being raped is with my roommate. She is a man-hater and when I want her to get really rough with the strap-on I'll tell her I have been seeing some guy (many times it is a lie but it is an easy way to get really rough sex, yeah shallow I know but we all have needs) and she just abuses the daylights out of me.

Then about an hour later after we have recharged (and she has calmed down) we make nice passionite gentle love, usually halfway through a warm bath.

And then that night I dream about repeated gang rapes and being tortured.

I probably need some pyshcological help.

I was in a meeting today (my boss is pretty cute and so is the new attorney we have hired) and I suddenly had this daydream about the two of them tying me naked to the chair and torturing me for the men in the room (only one of whom was attractive). I completely missed a question and it had to be repeated. I got this "What the hell is wrong with you look" from my boss. Later she asked me if I was going blonde (she's a blonde) on her. That's one of those 'time for a creative lie situation' and I told her I was thinking of another project we're doing.

For the rest of the afternoon I just kept getting mentally lost at my desk thinking about it. And the big boss is old enough to be my grandfather. The though of having sex with him is just, eeewwww. Yet I'm sure if I had not been interrupted the fantasy would have gone down that path.

I just don't get it.


I think it is a fairly safe bet to say we are all interested in cruxing but are you also turned on by oither forms of execution?
Yes, Willowfall, lots -​
Torture to Death in ways that have a good bit in common with Crucifixion -​
e.g. breaking on the Wheel, or being torn on a spiked Wheel as in my poem The Wheel on the Archive,​
being (slowly) torn apart, e.g. by oxen (see About to Die, ditto).​
Burning, especially being (slowly) roasted,​
being exposed naked to the sun and biting insects,​
being thrown to the lions in the Arena,​
being chained to a rock by the sea to be eaten by a hungry monster (Andromeda)!​
Being sacrificed, naked, on an altar in a harvest/ fertility ritual​
that involves "ploughing" with a ploughshare in my sex, cutting off my breasts with a scythe,​
crushing with a millstone, and finally roasting​
(I've written a poem/ story on that theme, I'll post it some day).​
Plus whipping, impaling, flaying,​
in various permutations.​
But not hanging,​
my dad died acting out a fantasy with a rope round his neck,​
I steer clear of anything like that!​
With all these, the erotic aspect for me is the thought of all that leads up to the Execution -​
the Parade of Death,​
the sight of the Instruments​
the excited, yelling, jeering crowd,​
being stripped, then tied or shackled in position,​
the pause before the pain begins....​
Rape would be a part of it -​
actual penetration just a proof of my subjection and humiliation,​
but in a sense, in my imagination I experience the whole performance as a kind of elaborate rape.​
With all these, the erotic aspect for me is the thought of all that leads up to the Execution -​
the Parade of Death,​
the sight of the Instruments​
the excited, yelling, jeering crowd,​
being stripped, then tied or shackled in position,​
the pause before the pain begins....​
Ah yes, this is a great part of the power of it: everything that prepares and leads up to it, the knowledge of what it is that waits while you undergo the 'Parade of Death' and the preparation!​
I experience the whole performance as a kind of elaborate rape.​
Sexually motivated torture to death is nothing but an extreme form of rape. That's why it's turning us on, isn't it?​
I do have quite a few death fantasies other than crux..
Often I'm dreaming or imagining about those executions..

1) I was stuffed in to a tin box and thrown into the desert.. Sun burns the merciless tin box, and tin box starts to cook me alive like a chicken in a pressure cooker.. That leads to a prolonged torturous death which an young & soft girl can get..!

2) Always I love to be punished by old or skinny women. Although they're less powered than me, I used to pretend some handicap situations for being in receiving end. Such a woman, ties me with a rope, and drags behind a jeep. Couldn't match the vehicle speed, I fell down & dragged through a rough terrain. Sharp stones & thorns peeling my skin.. I turn half dead. After a long human towing, the jeep halts at a desert. My punisher buries me up to my neck. Only my head is present above the land. The sand heats up my wounds. Also the burying pressure prevents me from breathing freely.

To make my torments even worse, my punisher filling salt in my mouth.. Salt mixes with my saliva, & intensifies my thirst for a pint of water. . Time goes.. Am still alive, but regret for that.. every inch of my body suffers with excruciating pain.. My eyes beg her to kill me at once..

She smiles satisfactorily.. But let me ail for one big hot day.. My conscious leaving me slowly.. I feel dizzy .. Am pretty comfortable to sink in to black hole.. But some water sprinkled on my face to bring me into my tortures.. My tears mix with the water which was sprayed on me.. My punisher reaches me with a cruel grin, crushes my face with one of her spike shoe.. Mean while I drank a part of salt meltings.. Another part of salt washed away with water which brought me back to the hell.. Now I can murmur some words..

"Madam.. please kill me.. Am fed up with your torments.. I couldn't take it.. Do a favor to a fellow woman.. Just shoot me at point blank.. End all painful things now.. I wash your feet with my tears.. Please let me die.. !"

She must be tired in spending her day on a hot landscape.. She nods..
I deliver a sigh of relief.. She goes back to the jeep, and brings a old jeep tire. Places it around my head. Just pours some gasoline & ignites it.. I could see she's leaving off, amidst of flame & smoke.. My face burns severely. I can smell my own flesh.. My last words gone unheard..

" Oh father..! What crime I've committed to deserve this brutal demise.. My sweet Jesus.. You too a cruel..?"
Willow, I always knew we had something in common. The kind of fantasy scenarios you describe - historical setting, non-conscensual - are the ones that fire up my libido. And, like you, I'm not into modern methods like shooting or the electric chair. Although - thanks to the folks I've meet on The Dark Spot - I have started to develop a liking for hanging, especially of a nude female. I'm still kind of so-so on beheading, too quick & too messy I guess. I also enjoy fantasies of a suspected witch or heretic being tortured into confessing.

Rape doesn't really play a part in my fantasies, though I recognize it would be a part of the real situation. I prefer to skip over or ignore that.

The main difference between us - besides gender - is that I don't imagine being the victim. Though gender may have something to do with that. I rarely imagine myself as a torturer or executioner, either. Occassionally, I am the interogator demanding a confession, but someone else is doing the dirty work. I guess I am a true voyuer, observing but never taking part. Maybe that comes from having TV as a sitter when I was a child.;)

BTW: what do you think of breaking on the wheel? Lately, that ones started to fill my imagination. One of the cruelest methods of execution ever devized - after crucifixion, of course.
BTW: what do you think of breaking on the wheel? Lately, that ones started to fill my imagination. One of the cruelest methods of execution ever devized - after crucifixion, of course.

Yep, Naraku, like I said above, I fantasise about being broken on the Wheel,​
or being torn on a spiked Wheel as in my poem The Wheel on the Archive.​

It's fascinated me almost as long as Crucifixion has - perhaps 'cos St Catherine's day (25th Nov) is my birthday and I liked the story of "my" saint, though none of the many writers and artists who've portrayed her have been clear exactly what her Tormentors intended doing to her on that Wheel, they've all had interesting and ingenious ideas which fired my young imagination!​

I'm new here, unsure about being here, but think it's good to explore these things!

Being a male, I do imagine a woman being punished, not necessarily executed, but sometimes that too. I have to say that I find the whole process, from arrest, deprivation of liberty, imprisonment, trial, sentence, and finally the woman being led through a public place, naked or almost naked, in some form of bondage, or carrying a crossbar, or other burdensome endurance - this is what does it for me, for whatever reason (!). I think it's the last stage - the long walk to the place of punishment - that is the big one for me. And finally, the punishment is inflicted, in front of a crowd.

I would say that it's the public display and bondage element - with some form of corporal punishment - that is important here. I would not want to contemplate actual execution that much, and, when it comes to crucifixion, I would prefer the woman to be tied to the cross. I would have issues with the use of nailing (though there are sexy fantasy images of this out there), as people were actually killed this way. But seeing the woman enduring being tied on a cross - this is definitely something that I am into.

This can involve the imagining of a serious, realistic scenario, or more of a role-playing game. I have never taken part in such a game, but would imagine it would be incredible!

I also imagine myself undergoing this whole scenario, but only at the hands of women, which means there has to be a fair bit of contrivance to imagine a kind of all-female society or encampment, where I have been arrested and tried etc!

So it's especially the long public procession - whether through streets, or along a rough country lane - and the final public punishment that mostly interest me. Pretty much like the avatar and the pic attached.


I like the picture :) you called it an avatar?... looks pretty real... if not it's a damn good replica. but would rather see that board protruding in her crotch and only ropes on her wrists... have seen a couple of live videos with that and it's quite hot as the victim pulls herself up to avoid the searing pain on her pussy lips/pelvic bone only to eventually drop back down because of tiring of holding herself up.
BTW: what do you think of breaking on the wheel? Lately, that ones started to fill my imagination. One of the cruelest methods of execution ever devized - after crucifixion, of course.

I remember being fairly young (10-12) and seeing a movie, I think set in Scandinavia or Germany where the protagonist had a issue with his overload (over a horse?). In the end he got broken on the wheel and the horse was set free to roam.

I occasionally have dreams about being broken on the wheel, naked my body abused while the crowd laughs at my torment.

so yeah that makes me wet.


What said that T-Shirt:​
"You are a naughty girl!​
--- go to my room!"​
Seriously, I personally have not found (sexual) access to the wheel, but that's probably mainly because I am on the dom side of things and the wheel is nothing that you really can include into some role play setting, other than "tying her to a wheel" (what is a problem by itself because of the hub...)​
But I guess here again it is less the breaking of bones than the humilation / exhibition (being spread) that will be causing the turn on in fantasy?!​
Obviously, the wheel (or any rotatable similar structure) does have it's place in BDSM / Bondage play...​
... just don't forget to untie when you are done or... (last pic ;) )​


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