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The Interrogation And Punishment Centre For Girls

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The sun was high now, beating down directly on my sore and bleeding breasts and abdomen. Clammy sweat surged down my face, shoulders and torso. Flies, gross black beasts as big as my nipples, crowded along the streaks of bleeding weals, I could feel their mouth-parts sucking at me. The pain within me was heaving and gnawing with ever-increasing intensity, aroused and encouraged by the General and his son's targeting of my lower body. At times, my head swam and I became delirious, but the pain brought me back again and again to conscious thought, focused on the sense that something cataclysmic was building up inside me – it can't go on growing worse and worse, surely it's going to kill me?

Yet time passed slowly, very slowly, like the drips of sweat falling from my thighs to the platform. One thought did occupy my tormented mind in moments when it was not swamped by the pain. The order to suspend my death sentence was supposed to have come from the Presidential Palace, yet Piniero didn't seem aware of that, Sheng didn't mention anything about 'stage three' of my sentence. It confirmed the opinion I'd so unwisely expressed that hot afternoon in the coffee-shop, Piniero is just a fat puppet, there are much stronger hands pulling the strings, hands outside Elmeda!

At last the familiar hooter roused me from my dazed snatches of coherent thought, nightmarish delirium, and sheer agony. Soon girls began running onto the Parade Ground, positioning themselves breathlessly, hands behind backs, legs apart, at their appointed positions, squad by squad, each in their distinctive uniform, from the crisp white tennis dresses and trainers of the most privileged V-Section "pets" to the scanty patch of a scarlet thong that is the only garment of a P-Section slave, my status now. All so familiar, the midday shift-change.

The Director of Punishment arrived on the dais and delivered a short speech, ordering the hundreds of slave-girls to pay careful attention (if they couldn't see us clearly, they could watch live closeups on huge screens alongside the Parade Ground and hear our screams through loudspeakers) while "Eulalia and Laura, daughters of the traitor Merida and his whore of a wife, are given the treatment they well deserve as enemies of the State!" A Cadet locked my legs apart. A single Torturer had mounted my platform, brandishing a heavy bullwhip.

He gave me an almost affectionate smile, as though he were about to give me the attentions of a lover. I responded with a glance of resigned complicity. "Whip them!" commanded the Director, and the blows began to rain. I was past screaming now, I just gasped and grunted at each shock of pain. This Torturer was the methodical kind, working first down my back from shoulders to legs, then my front from breasts to thighs, with a final sharp flick into my groin.

It was those last three or four strokes, on my most tender parts, that brought a sudden, new dimension of internal agony. I started rearing and heaving helplessly, feeling a quickly-increasing straining and burning right in my uterus, blood spurting down my thighs. A Medical Inspector leapt down the steps from the dais and hastily examined me. The DP joined him. No words passed between them, the MI just looked at him and nodded. He dismissed the parade, the slave-girls ran off to their appointed labours, like worker-ants swarming down the anthill. The men remained gathered around me, watching, dispassionately, my shuddering, sweating body.

Soon the girls of the incoming shift arrived and formed ranks. The DP returned to the dais, the MI and the Torturer stayed with me. The DP's speech was slightly different this time, promising the slaves that "We're expecting Eulalia to give us a very special show, something to remember!"

Again the Torturer proceeded systematically. I hung, passive, feeling very sick and weak, my lower body jerking in response to his lashes almost independently, as though it was no longer connected to my brain. But the pain in my sexual parts surged more and more severely, I sensed a downward pressure, something forcing its way through me. After the scheduled ten lashes, the torturer paused, the MI examined me again, crossed to the dais and spoke to the DP. "Six more!" the DP ordered, "All lower front."

It was the next stroke that brought the eruption. I let out a huge scream, hoarse, hopeless. Something warm and slithery burst between my thighs and slurped to the platform. Pain tore through the muscles around my genitals. I writhed in agony for some unimaginable time before the second lash came, the men watching eagerly, excitedly.

There was an audible gasp of horror around the Parade Ground, a few girls were sick or fainted – I glimpsed their Overseers dealing with them savagely, but my mind was in turmoil. Then four more, all exacerbating the new focus of torment in and around my birth-passage. There was indeed, something special, something exquisitely cruel, in this experience of girl-pain. I felt the whole of my sexuality invaded by a merciless, unbearable torment – my entire womanhood being sacrificed to the masculine power of the State.

Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Commandant. He had appeared on the platform, congratulating the Director of Punishments and the Torturer. "The General and his family watched from the balcony. I need hardly tell you, they are delighted!" He turned to me, tugged my hair to jerk back my head. "Don't imagine it's going to stop now, slag – things are only just starting! Hey!" – he turned to the DP – "Dismiss the kids, we'll give this slut a few more to please the General!" The DP read out the list of girls who had to report to the Gymnasium for Punishment, they ran nervously to the Stripping Room, the remainder then departed to the canteen window and the dormitory blocks, shocked and subdued by a new horror beyond all they'd witnessed in their slave-lives at the IPCG.

Now the Officers returned to the dais, the Torturer stood back and took aim again. Once more, a blow across my lower abdomen provoked a great spurt of blood between my legs and a shriek from my lips. I was writhing so vigorously, I was seriously hurting my own arms, but there was nothing I could do to save myself. I screamed for mercy, but another lash bit between my thighs, making me kick furiously in spite of the chains. Another, and another. The Director called a halt – I was shrieking continuously, twisting and squirming, totally possessed by pain.

When my ankles were released, I was able to kick freely, so I danced – and how! A wild, mad frenzy of balletic agony, hideous for me, delightful no doubt to my watching Captors. Eventually I was left alone, with a red-knickered Punishment-Section slave cleaning up what had burst out of my body, scooping it into a bucket, scrubbing the stained crossbar and platform, carrying the stuff away to the Processing Plant – nothing is wasted!
God DAMN, Eul that was intense!!! Messa, give the poor girl a "Madame Wu" cigarette!!!

Seriously, Elalia, that was disturbingly spectacular!

God DAMN, Eul that was intense!!! Messa, give the poor girl a "Madame Wu" cigarette!!!

Seriously, Elalia, that was disturbingly spectacular!

Thanks Tree -​
not an easy bit to write, I felt pretty shattered after I'd wrestled with it,​
like I'd been through a Japanese sumo bout and been jumped on by a heavyweight!​
only one?:cool:
can't find a video where that happens, but this is fun!​
:rolleyes: i thought about the same but more nude
This one isn't nude, but it shows what I felt was being done to me-​
Thanks Tree -​
not an easy bit to write, I felt pretty shattered after I'd wrestled with it,​
like I'd been through a Japanese sumo bout and been jumped on by a heavyweight!​
I can only imagine how hard it was to write. When I did "Eul's Ordeal" and "Messa's plans" I was emotionally spent, and Tree had the easy part of the story. When I write I try to imagine the emotions of my victims and being a man trying to do that when the victim is a woman is much like trying to pass a camel through the eye of a needle. The male mind would say 'Simple, make a really big needle."

Again, a tremendously powerful story, Eul.

Hats off


The sun was cooking us now, my mind was wandering with pain, exhaustion, loss of blood and dehydration, but consciousness would not leave me. I felt utterly defeated, the way I did that dreadful night in the Torture Chamber when they finally broke me and I begged to be allowed to confess to being an enemy of the State, knowing full well the consequences of that. And in the eyes of those who now have absolute power over my life and my body, to be defeated is to be disgraced. They accept no chivalrous restraint on kicking a girl when she's down, on the contrary, they see it as their right and their duty to rub her face in it.

My arms and shoulders ached from the strain of my writhing, they made me think of that girl Sali being crucified – I could see the Crosses on Death Hill in the distance, beyond the Parade Ground, only their backs, not the bodies on them, they were turned like me towards the sun. She must be suffering agonies equal to mine – surely they couldn't be worse? I even envied her - at least she knows she's going to die, pretty soon. Laura and I are condemned to be kept alive, so that these monsters can squeeze every last drop of pleasure from our degradation and suffering, from their total triumph over our parents, their ideals, and their daughters' bodies.

From time to time, Medical Inspectors came and checked me. It seemed incredible that I was not receiving urgent medical treatment, but they complacently entered notes on their iPads and left me to continuing suffering. Occasionally I heard a clink of chain, a little gasp or moan as poor Laura moved on her Scaffold. I hoped she was lapsing into unconsciousness, but of course our Torturers are expert in ensuring that even their youngest victims remain alert and aware of their agony throughout their ordeals.

At last the sun sank towards the horizon, crows began to flock for their evening feed over the Crosses on Death Hill. Only then was a slave-girl sent with a baby-bottle of water for us to suck from. She was a pretty young Torturers' "pet", with long fair hair and blue eyes that showed real care as she offered the teat to my parched lips. I admired her – to be a Torturers' slave, she must have experienced torture herself, yet she had not yet been hardened to the endless spectacle of suffering that is the life of a Killhope girl.

The water and the evening cool brought only small relief, this was the time of day when the little biting insects swarmed in their thousands, finding every sensitive weal on my whip-reddened skin, while my whole body was now tossed by continual waves, no longer of sharp pain, but of a deep, dull ache.

At last the hooter summoned the girls for the evening shift-change. Eight hours must have passed since the climax of my ordeal, perhaps twelve since it began – just half-way through!

When all was ready, the Director announced that Laura and I were going to receive a further instalment of our Punishment. I gasped in horror, I could not believe that they would inflict yet more blows on my ravaged body. Indeed, they attended to Laura first. As they lashed her, she screamed vigorously – it distressed me, of course, yet I felt some gladness that her cries still sounded so strong and, yes, angry! "Go on, kid!" I muttered through gritted teeth, "Show them what you're made of – don't let them win!"

But soon they'd got her yelling and shrieking like a banshee, then they crossed the dais and came to me. The Medical Inspector felt my body, checked my heartbeat and blood-pressure. I heard the Director say, "Well? How many more can she take? She's got to have at least twenty more than her sister, she's only ten ahead now!" "Oh yes, Sir, she can take a good dozen more, but not on her abdomen." "Okay, let's make her dance – Torturers, give her twelve on her legs!"

They didn't bother to shackle my ankles, I was too weak to kick hard, and they wanted to enjoy my skipping and cavorting. I closed my eyes and bowed my head. The strokes around my thighs, the backs of my legs, my shins and calves, made me gasp and sob, I hadn't the energy to scream like Laura.

In spite of their orders, they laid the occasional cut across my breasts, my pudenda and in my groin, and these drew especially sharp squeals. And I danced, just as they wanted, throwing my legs back and forth, twisting my hips, swinging from the chains, using up what little reserves of energy remained. The Director of Punishments urged them on, "That's good! Real sexy, keep her swinging!"

At last it was over. The Parade was dismissed. When the incoming girls were lined up, they were treated to a repeat performance, both from Laura and from me. After that, we were examined again by the MI, and left, exposed...

Laura was released about midnight. Half-conscious, I heard the sounds of her shackles being unlocked, her Guards bullying her as she shuffled, sobbing, past my Scaffold. They kept me up all the night, through the early morning shift-change, and until the sun rose again. Only after I'd been exposed for well over twenty-four hours did Guards come and unlock my wrists.

I flopped to my knees, they kicked me and hauled me to my feet, dragged me down the steps, around the side of the Punishment Gym, and across to the Medical Care Unit. In there they swung me up and tossed me onto a trolley, handcuffed me to the end-rail, and left me to be attended to by uncaring military medics and half-qualified orderlies, until they bring me to a state when I can endure the next descent in my long pilgrimage through the depths of Hell...
I'm just about to post the next bit of IPCG,​
and think I'd better tell readers that it is likely to shock them -​
perhaps even more than this last chapter.​
If you feel I'm going too far, that I ought not to be posting such stuff here,​
I shan't mind being told that.​
Nobody has to read it, of course,​
but there are some kinds of stuff I don't want to see on Crux Forums,​
and it might be that others would take the same view of my most "raw" writings.​
But let me give a couple of assurances:​
First, while my journey through the hell of IPCG still has a good way to go,​
and I'm going to experience plenty more cruelty and torturous challenges,​
in terms of sheer horror, this chapter, especially the first bit, will be the worst.​
Second, please believe me when I tell you I'm really quite a nice, fairly normal person,​
I've got no criminal convictions, no mental health issues,​
I hate violence and cruelty in real life and just enjoy helping people.​
But for some reason I do have this vivid imagination for the depths of evil of which humans are capable.​
the darkness close beneath the surface of 'normality' and 'civilisation',​
and the urge to try to explore imaginatively how a girl like me caught up in such evil might respond and even cope.​
So, only if you want to share that exploration right to the darkest depths, read on ...​
Chapter VII
Dancing in the Lowest Depths

Waves of pain surged through my body from my groin to my chest and my throat, surfing me on through brief interludes of lucidity, then crashing me into the confused darkness of nightmare. I became aware that my arms were stretched and shackled, my legs strapped wide apart to bars alongside the bed. There were tubes and cables attached to all parts of my anatomy, above me I could see a plasma bag feeding blood.

The medical attention I received was a good deal more thorough and intensive this time than in my previous sojourns in the Medical Care Unit, white-clad men constantly checking various monitors, entering data, replenishing drips, I was rarely left alone. Not that there was any kindness in their eyes as they scanned my pulsating nakedness, just a cold, contemptuous disinterest, merely obeying their orders to compel me to remain alive.

As periods of consciousness became gradually longer, I sank into deep depression, conquered by pain, resenting their determination to force life into me. What they had done to me on the Scaffold had revealed, had forced into awareness in the most intimate parts of my body and soul, the dark depths of their vicious hatred and savage sadism. The bleak future of 'rigorous and punitive hard labour' was a torture even to think of, there was nothing I could do to protect myself from their cold, relentless cruelty, nothing I could do to save Laura, Marie, Julia, Carina, all those girls close to me who are now in their clutches...

I turned my head, tried to lean across to bite at the tube that was feeding blood into my arm in the wild hope of stopping my life-support and provoking a fatal haemorrhage. Immediately an alarm screeched, two men were seizing me, forcing a clamp on my head, which they locked by a short chain to the bed-head, restricting my movement even more. I moaned softly, trying to accommodate the increased discomfort and restraint.

Yet, as the blood continued to pump, lucidity grew, I experienced a strange transformation. First, a profound calm. Not that the pain had subsided, it was still kneading my innards with a rhythmic pressure, but the body that was suffering was somehow not mine. My very helplessness, the fact I could do absolutely nothing, permitted me to cease struggling, to simply accept my situation.

As my condition, in the cold eyes of the medics, 'improved', the tubes and cables were gradually withdrawn, the clamp was taken from my head, the restraints on my limbs were relaxed though not removed. I was able to sleep more deeply, and must have done so for long, long stretches, even days. And when I woke, I felt a new excitement - I could not believe it, I could only guess they'd filled me with mind-altering drugs, or else I simply must have been driven mad – but I was actually feeling curious, eager to find out, what further horrors they had in store for me!

It was not long. A pair of Guards arrived, a male nurse removed the remaining monitoring wires, the Guards unlocked my wrists and legs. I pulled myself round, put my feet on the floor, and got to my feet, swaying and reaching out for support. My arms were grabbed, I was swung round and made to walk, though my legs were constantly shaking and barely supporting me.

Out of the Medical Care Unit, along a passageway that brought us to the corridor between the cages where nude girls were awaiting trial like I had done, and so to the Stripping Room.

The Director of Punishment was awaiting me there, the officer who had supervised my flogging, tall, black-haired with dark, piercing eyes and a thin-lipped smile, big ears – a shock of recognition threw my mind back to that hot afternoon in the Coffee Shop, could it be him? His black MSC uniform, crisply ironed with polished badges and buttons like stars in a black sky, a long, smart whip tapping his gleaming leather boot, he clearly revelled in his role. I bowed low to him, as I knew I must.

"Up!" I watched his eyes patrolling my nakedness, inspecting the traces still vivid from the chastisement he'd overseen. "Time for you to get to work, you lazy bitch, Eulalia Merida – you've been spared execution, at least for the time being, haven't you, cunt?" As he spoke the c-word, he suddenly jabbed my pussy with the whip-handle. "Y-yes, Sir...." "Well, I'm going to make sure your life is a lot worse than death, even Crucifixion – understand?" He flicked my girl-part again. "Yes, Sir."

I understood, I knew all too well that was their intention. Instinctively, my loins quivered, my thighs parted slightly wider, as if anticipating, even inviting, further attentions from his whip. I stood upright, mirroring his smartness with my own ready posture, head up, eyes meeting his gaze, shoulders back, presenting my bare breasts to best advantage. Instinctively, my body was accepting its fate, acquiescing but not shrinking, focused on the fight, on playing the game by his rules.

"You're going straight to work in the body-boilers. You won't need any thong, your oppo will give you hers at the shift-change, you know the system." I nodded. "You've just got to get your squad number changed on your leg –" he cut the whip across my thigh where it was branded – "then you go straight to the Human Body Processing Plant, report to the office, they'll set you to work. Got it, turd?" He gave my pudenda a final sharp sting, I staggered back a step but righted myself and responded crisply, "Yes, Sir!"

The Guards took me along through the Store to the Branding Area. I knew the routine, held out my wrists for the manacles to be tightened, lay down on the slab, legs wide, arms stretched. They soon had me locked and ready, I smelt the acrid smoke from the heating metal. The men positioned themselves over me, one kneeling to hold my right leg at the knee, the other knelt across my waist, clutching my hip with one hand, my groin with the other.

The Sergeant in charge of branding performed the operation. My former squad number, M68, was obliterated with a pattern of dots, burnt into my skin like a waffle-iron. My shriek of pain confirmed my lungs had regained their strength. The new number, P41, was pressed in immediately below – my thighs are quite long, there's room on them for several rebrandings!

When they released me, I naturally wanted to nurse my burning skin, long to pour cold water on the still sizzling inscription, but of course I was ordered "Up!". I staggered to my feet, still unsteady. "You know where to go?" "Yes, Sir!" "Right!" He pointed to the open door out to the Parade Ground, I obeyed.

In the open air, the warm, dusty wind made my burning thigh torment me, and my whole skin tingled, my whip weals still raw and sore. I walked briskly, though still reeling unsteadily, so unready were my legs to obey me. Out through the gate, checking my identity code at the Guard-Post, down the roadway where heavy lorries trundled past, I crossed at the junction with Death Hill.

As I passed the endmost cross, a sepulchral moan startled me, I glanced up at what I'd thought was a long-dead cadaver hanging there, once beautiful, long dark hair still drifting in the breeze, but the crows had already gorged on her eyes. The torso twitched, a slow, laborious movement slightly straightened the muscles in her long, flexed legs, then she slumped still again – still alive!

I turned down a pathway that led to the deceptively bland entrance of the Human Body Processing Works, it could have been any office or factory, but its name now revealed to me the full horror of its function. I'd learnt from Caterina, the youngster renditioned with me now slaving on the Tip, that waste meat goes there to be 'processed', but it's not just animal meat, and it's not just from the Tip, what those trucks are rumbling in with day and night, what is producing the smoke, steam and constantly sickening smell is human flesh and bone!

I passed through the glass-doored entry and reported to a reception desk, where a hard-faced woman checked my barcode on my wrist-iron. She looked at her computer screen. "381152?" "Yes, Ma'am." "You're down to work in the body-boilers." "Yes, Ma'am, the Director of Punishment told me." She eyed me sourly, weighing up my body as if she were judging how long the new slave would last – she probably runs bets on it! "Through that door, down the passage, keep straight ahead through the work areas, then through the double doors at the far end. The other girls will show you what you have to do."

I followed her instructions. There was a dense, clammy heat in the building, which increased as a walked through. The passage passed a few offices, then opened into a large, barn-like space where the heat, humidity, stench and noise threw me back for a moment. To my right there was activity going on, naked girls moving about in steam, rumbling machinery, barrows being trundled.

I kept on as instructed, straight ahead, along by the wall. At the far end, through a pair of swing doors, I entered a smaller space where the turkish bath clamminess was even more oppressive. I stood for a few moments, taking in the sight of more nude girls, some moving about, several squatting on the floor working away at large chunks of what appeared to be cooked meat, a few smaller ones were pushing trolleys, others were moving briskly back and forth.

Soon a big, sturdy blonde spotted me. "Hey, you!" I crossed to where she was, "You new?" "Mm" I was still trying to get enough air to speak. "Good, I need help. Follow me."

She led me across to the far side of the area, where a wall was divided into three sections, each with a massive metal shutter. The right-hand one was open, there was activity around it, girls with barrows coming and going, but I did not pay attention to that. The central one was closed, but the left hand one open. The space behind it was illuminated with bright neon lamps, but was so full of dense steam I could not make out anything in there. The girl took me to the entry and I saw then that the steam was swelling up from some kind of tank, though I still could not see the bottom or what was in it. She turned to step onto an iron ladder down into the tank, saying "Follow me down!"

When I reached the bottom, I came down into thigh-deep, very warm, greasy, water, filled with bodies – yes, human bodies, some whole, some in pieces, cooked to a stew.

Above us, a pair of heavy chains swung with big, sharp hooks on them. My companion stretched up and grabbed one of the hooks, nodding to me to do the same, we both tugged and the chains came lower. Then she plunged her hook into one of the bodies that we were now crawling over, half kneeling, half straddling. Closing my eyes and trying not to be sick, I did the same, the very feel of what I had to do made me retch.

Next, I had to help her move and lift the body we'd hooked until it was floating free of others on the surface of the foul pool. We climbed back up the ladder, and she pointed me to a large winch-handle at one end of the entry, she went to a similar one on the other end. It was hard work turning, in the tropical heat I was already panting, but we managed to haul the body up so it swung, ghoulishly, above the tank.

A pair of poles with hooks on them enabled us to bring the corpse where we could haul it onto the floor and remove the pulley-hooks. We dragged it by the legs to an unoccupied part of the floor. From a rack in a side wall, we each took a rough wooden scraper – obviously no sharp tools are allowed in the hands of us slavegirls! – and squatted down to begin our task of separating flesh from bone.

In time, I learnt, or worked out for myself, the routine of Human Body Processing. Day and night this goes on. Bodies are constantly being delivered. In the big work area, they are checked for any items like rings, fitted jewellery or gold teeth fillings that might have been overlooked, though these are rarely found. Hair is removed, a very marketable commodity, then the cadavers are skinned, the hides taken to the IPCG Whip works for tanning. Human skin isn't ideal for whips, but in great demand for decorative bindings, accessories, even toys - especially soft, fine girlskin, as I'd witnessed in the gifts given to general Piniero and his horrible family.

The flayed bodies are then taken to a boiler. In any shift, one boiler is being filled with bodies and water, and being heated up. A second one is kept shut, still heating for four hours, then very slowly cooling down. The third one is opened up and slaves like me have to get to work on the stewed bodies.

I couldn't bear to think about what I was doing, I deliberately avoided asking myself had "it" been male or female, adult or child. Best not to remember it had once been a human. The very word 'Human' in the name of the plant was an obscenity, nothing of humanity can exist in this place, nor in the minds of the monsters who conceived and operated it.

Flesh goes into one trolley, bone into another. When we'd filled a trolley, we had to take it to a checkpoint by the double-door entrance, show our wrist-irons to an automatic reader to register our identities, and park the trolley on a weighbridge to record our work. All self-service, no Guards or Cadets could be expected to work in this hell-hole, only slaves. But of course we were being watched, our labour monitored, all the time.

Once our trolley had been weighed, a small, tough-looking urchin wearing the kind of hauling harness I'd worn when I worked on the ramp, hitched herself to it and dragged it away. Flesh, I learnt in due course, goes to the huge sewage plant to be mixed in with slurry, ground down then filtered into various grades of organic fertiliser and compost; bone, likewise, goes to a mill to be crushed and ground down to bonemeal. All the energy is supplied by slaves on treadmills. Nothing is wasted.
Second, please believe me when I tell you I'm really quite a nice, fairly normal person,
I've got no criminal convictions, no mental health issues,
I hate violence and cruelty in real life and just enjoy helping people.
But for some reason I do have this vivid imagination for the depths of evil of which humans are capable.
the darkness close beneath the surface of 'normality' and 'civilisation',
and the urge to try to explore imaginatively how a girl like me caught up in such evil might respond and even cope.
I am so disappointed to read this about you....​
But really the miscarrage segment was more, ummm, raw than this. Again I find the writing brilliant. At some point does a girl quit trying 'to cope' and surrender the will to live to escape the living hell or does she hold onto the thread of life no matter how painful and degrading it is?​
But really the miscarrage segment was more, ummm, raw than this. Again I find the writing brilliant. At some point does a girl quit trying 'to cope' and surrender the will to live to escape the living hell or does she hold onto the thread of life no matter how painful and degrading it is?​
Thanks for that feedback, Tree,​
I guess you may not be the only one who sees it that way,​
both chapters are the 'heart of darkness' in the story.​
Not that it will be a stroll through sunkissed Alpine meadows later on!​
A few ideas for the interrogators.


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The blonde girl and I didn't talk much, the pressure to fulfil quotas, the sense of constant surveillance, condition us slavegirls to a life of silence punctuated only by brief whispers of warning. We exchanged names, hers was Gaby, and from time to time she showed me the tricks for ensuring I left no fragment of flesh clinging to any bone – a fault for which we'd both be punished. By the time the shift finished, I'd got the knack of scraping, gouging and tearing the greasy meat away from the still hot bones using the wooden scraper, my fingernails, even my teeth.

We carried on working doggedly until the replacement girls arrived. I stood up, wondering how I'd identify my oppo, soon heard a high voice calling "Lalia! Lalia!" She was a lithe, shapely young black girl, gave me a bright-eyed smile that lifted my spirit even through the foul reek of the boiler-room. "I'm your oppo, Lalia, I'm Afra," she told me, as she pulled down the little red thong we would be sharing.

As soon as she'd handed it to me and taken the scraper, she scuttled off to get to work on the corpse Gaby and I had left. I pulled on the tiny scrap, my badge of shame – too minimal to hide even my pubic tangle, it was simply a bright signal to every male in the IPCG that I am among the lowest of their wretched victims, they can do what they like to me so long as they take care not to release me too soon from my life of degradation.

I followed the other girls out, not along the passage through the offices, but by a side door that took us past the ramp where truck were unloading the constant supply of bodies, brought from the archipelago of Interrogation and Punishment Centres extending across the uplands of Elmeda, and from the many similar facilities operated in other satellite countries under the auspices of our big, friendly neighbour, the Union of Civilised States.

We sprinted up the road, past the end of the row of crosses on Death Hill, and onto the Parade-Ground to stand at the ready on the area marked out for squad P41. The routine was familiar, an ill-favoured slob of a Guard prowled along our three rows, prodding and flicking bare bodies with his Keeper Whip.

When he got to me, he jabbed the handle under my chin. "Merida, eh?" "Yes, Sir." "You're the one. Listen – after you're dismissed, you don't go to the Canteen, you go across there –" he pointed with his whip to the far corner, at the right-hand end of the main building, "report to the Other Ranks' Mess, you'll be given your orders, right?" "Yes, Sir!"

He thwacked my right thigh just where it had been branded a few hours earlier, I stifled a squeal as the Officer commanding the parade called "Order!" through the speakers. After watching a lively dark youngster dance to a vigorous lashing on the Scaffold – a Gipsy girl, so naturally a 'terrorist' in the eyes of the MSC – we were dismissed, and I ran as instructed, weaving through the crowd heading for the Canteen, to a doorway by the wing housing V-Section girls.

Down some steps, I came to a desk where a Guard checked my ID, then told me what I had to do. I followed his orders. First I went along a passage to the right which soon brought me to the entrance to a kitchen. A metal bowl with some soup and a chunk of bread in it was already waiting for me on the floor, the Guard has signalled to the staff that I was coming. Carrying my meal, I then made my way down a long corridor with a restaurant on one side, a club bar on the other, to toilets (men's, of course) at the far end.

In there, I had to squat in the corner out of the way of men using the facilities and quickly eat my food – I kept the chunk of bread, warned that I'd be getting no more to eat before the next shift. I was allowed to take a quick drink of water from a tap in a water-pipe on the wall, then I had to park the bowl in the corner and set to work on cleaning the toilets. In a cupboard I found a pile of rags, that was the only equipment I'd get for the task.

This was to be my duty, over and above my slavery in the Human Body Processing Plant. That's what 'Rigorous and Punitive Hard Labour' means, this is the 'Punitive' bit. Generally, toilet-cleaning is a short-term punishment fatigue for P-Section slaves who've annoyed their captors, but for me, Merida's brat, it was to be permanent. That's what 'big-ears', the Director of Punishments, meant when he said "I'm going to make sure your life is a lot worse than death".

When I'd thoroughly wiped out every toilet pan and urinal, and the whole of the tiled floor – men don't take much care with their aim! – and pushed the soiled rags down a rubbish chute, presumably for another slavegirl to deal with, I was allowed to collect a few more rags to rest my head on, curl up in a corner out of the way of the men, and sleep until an alarm screeched to tell me I must get up and clean the whole place again, using the rags that had been my pillow. I had to finish the job before the second signal, when I must return my bowl to the kitchen and hurry out to the Parade Ground for the next stint in the HBPP.

And all the time I was trying to work, even while I was lying in the corner utterly exhausted, trying to sleep, men were coming in, big, rough, burly men, Guards and Cadets, mostly drunk. The sight of a naked girl was, of course, too much of an attraction for them to ignore. Again and again I had to suspend my cleaning and gratify their desires.

Rather few actually fucked me, by the time a girl's been trampled down to this depth, god knows how many men have been in her and what infections they've left, and they've other, carefully screened and monitored, girls from the V-Section, to provide that service. Sucking was in much greater demand, I was getting well-practised in using my lips and tongue to bring to hardness even cocks overloaded with booze. Worst of all were those who made me a human lavatory, kneeling with my head back, mouth wide, swallowing whatever came out of them, then licking them clean.

It was indeed a living death, this alternation between the ghoulish horror, foul stench and energy-sapping steam of the body-boiler room and my abject humiliation and constant abuse in the lower ranks' toilets. Hauling on the Ramp had forced my body to its limits, the sheer monotony had deadened my mind, but the moments of brief communication with Marie and other girls as we ate, and the intimacy of our sardine-tin sleeping arrangements in the dormitory had kept me in touch with my humanity, and three meals a day and minimally adequate sleep had enabled my body to cope.

In this new degree of enslavement, I was constantly tired, constantly hungry, there were moments when I was sorely tempted to devour the cooked human flesh I was tearing off the bones between my teeth, but I resisted, I knew all too well that my tormentors were waiting to witness my enforced breaking of that final taboo.

There was a mirror on the wall of the toilet, I tried never to look at it, the sight when I did shocked me so – a skull tightly covered in a thin layer of white skin, cheeks hollow, eyes sunk in deep, dark caves, long, lank strands of lifeless hair, a skeletal body patterned with weals and bruises across prominent bone-ridges and shrunken paps. Surely only the most perverted of males could have any taste for this hideous caricature of girlhood? Yet still they came ...

Well, it was different! A boot in my bum, I dropped the rag and instantly knelt up, hands behind buttocks, breasts up. What will this one want me to do? He grabbed my air and twisted my head so I was looking up at his brutish face. The smell of beer was pungent.

"Can you dance?" His voice was slurred. I was taken aback. "Eh? Can you dance, shlut?" "Y-yes, Sir." I answered truthfully – at least, I could dance before all this stuff started, not much chance since I was arrested! He jerked me to my feet, tugging me up by my hair. "Show me, churd!"

I breathed in, straightened my legs, imagined myself back in the State Ballet School. I moved through the five positions, lifting my arms for the last two, then began to sway and twist. My torture-stiffened muscles resisted, my lungs strained to take in the air they needed, the patterns of movement embedded in my body's memory were rusty and slow to return to me.

Yet as I began to move around, stretching my legs to point as far and wide as the tiled bog-floor would allow, bending and stretching my torso, turning my hips and sweeping with my arms, this way and that, I began to feel lifted away from that place of filthy degradation, as if I was taking wings and swimming through the clear air.

I closed my eyes, my movements became stronger, more confident, gradually speeding. I could hear remembered music, no particular tune, just sweeping phrases of melody, pounding rhythms urging me on.

I was scarcely aware of my audience, the drunken sergeant who'd commanded me to dance, a growing gaggle of other Guards and Cadets. Some sniggered, snorted loutishly, there were a few whistles, but most were quiet, soon all fell silent.

After what seemed to me a lovely long time, though probably no more than two or three minutes, my body told me to slow down and gradually sink to a graceful, dying pose of total surrender, head bowed, arms stretched out before me, legs pressing the damp floor.

There wasn't applause, but a kind of collective gasp, of men who'd seen something quite different from the scenes of girl-torment and abuse they witnessed and directed every day and night. "Yeah," drawled the Sergeant, "Thought you looked like a dansher – not bad, cuntch!"

He booted me again, I picked up the rag and resumed my task, knowing I needed to hurry before the signal summoning me to the Parade Ground and the night shift in the body-boiler room.

The following evening, when I came down to the toilet from the end-of-shift parade, the Sergeant was waiting outside, with a few other men. He was still beery, but a little more sober. "Hi, cunt!" he greeted me, "We want to see you dance again!" I bowed my head politely, giving him a little smile. We entered the washroom, they formed a semicircle in the space between the urinals and the washbasins, I stood, feeling momentarily like a little girl in the middle of a ring-game, and began to dance again.

This time it came a little easier, I felt it flowing more smoothly, my instinct to move delectably was reawakening. By the time I finished, a good many more men had arrived, and they'd come to watch me, not just to pee. Some of them even clapped.

After I'd given this impromptu performance in the strangest of theatres on a couple more evenings, before or after shift, the Sergeant decided I should "show the boys what I can do" on a more suitable stage. I was led into the mess bar, well-filled with drinking men, and ordered up onto a small platform at one end. It was festooned with coloured bulbs, and a bright spotlight shone on my nakedness.

I performed the dance I'd nourished in the confined space of the washroom, taking advantage of the greater space to make wider movements, stepping and skipping back and forth to the four corners, adding in some little leaps. There was loud, enthusiastic clapping and demands for "More!".

As I knelt to acknowledge their applause, I noticed there were three or four white-clad V-Section slavegirls serving the men with drinks, and no doubt in other ways too. One passing close to where I was gave me a vinegar look. I didn't need telling that a filthy P-Section slave-slut had no right to be here.

But the Sergeant put on music, some current pop-song, I'd been out of touch with the world of fun and fashion for months now, doubtless the music I was dancing to before they arrested me is all dead and forgotten. But I picked up the rhythm and started to jump to it, feeling excited at this reminder that there is still a world out there where girls laugh, sing and dance.

The men were pleased, they made me dance to a couple more tracks, one more soft and sentimental, another slinky and strangely sinister. My body responded, I didn't need to think, the music just flowed through me, turning into movement in my muscles. Tiredness, torture-pains still haunting me, anxiety about getting my cleaning done, all slipped away in this bliss of free, untrammelled movement.

So I acquired a new pattern of work. Slavery in the Human Body Processing Plant continued, as gruesome and soul-destroying as ever. And at the early morning and midday shift-changes, I worked at cleaning the mess toilet just as before. But at the evening change, whether it was before or after shift, I performed for twenty minutes of so in the Club Bar, before hurrying along to give the pans and urinals and muckiest patches on the floor a quick wipe-over.

It was tiring, I was still half-starved, though the guys in the Bar did slip me handfuls of crisps or half-eaten sandwiches as a token of their appreciation. Nor was my body in any less demand, far from it, the sight of my nude gyrations was enough to provoke an unseemly race to the toilet at the end, and not merely to relieve their kidneys!

But these minutes spent simply moving my body freely, not under stress of torture or the sting of the whip, were like a refreshing bathe in a cool, sunlit sea a million miles from the horrors of the IPCG – I even caught myself experiencing real pleasure when the men used me, especially those who gave me a real fuck!

Some of my "regulars" became, well, hardly 'friends', but sort of 'patrons', I was becoming a bit of a pet, a kind of mascot, in the lower ranks' mess. Which was not pleasing to the prim young ladies from the V-Section in their dazzling white shorts and miniskirts.

In the body-boiler, although Gaby and I spoke little to each other, preoccupied with fulfilling our shared quota and knowing in our very bones that we were constantly monitored, we shared brief muttered exchanges as we worked. I gradually pieced together the outlines of her story: she was from the UCS, but her parents were enthusiastic Libertarians who'd come to live and work in Elmeda during the time of freedom – that, of course, put them high on the target-list of the Military Security Police, and indeed the UCS Intelligence Bureau whose fingers were busy controlling the destabilisation of Libertarian Elmeda.

And she'd been a keen activist herself, taking a leading part even as a teenager in organising a trade union in a clothing factory where she was working with newly-freed slavegirls, helping them to stand up for themselves for the first time in their lives. As the destabilisation of Elmeda became worse, the MSP more arrogant, she'd been arrested taking part in a demo, and picked out for special treatment.

Her parents hadn't helped by complaining to the UCS Embassy, that was the last place they'd get any sympathy. It just meant an agent from the Intelligence Bureau was present while Gaby was being tortured, giving 'advice' to the allies, taking notes.

She'd experienced much the same barbarity as I had, including the tender mercies of Dr. Sheng, but what startled me most was learning that she, too, had eventually confessed to being an enemy of the State, and like mine, her sentence of death had been suddenly and inexplicably "suspended". Something strange is going on – is it just that they want us to die a slow death in this hellish form of slavery, or have they still more sadists' treats in store for us?

The atmosphere in the mess one evening was strangely subdued, the men silent or muttering quietly to one another, I could sense resentment in the air. As I mounted the little stage to perform my dance, I was shocked to see the reason – two officers, Zeta (now sporting major's flashes on his shoulders) and Big Ears, sat at a table in the front, with big glasses of whisky or brandy, Zeta puffing a cigar. As daughter of a Government minister, I'd learnt a bit about protocol – Officers never set foot in the Other Ranks' Mess!

I danced, finished in "submission" pose, here was applause, but none of the usual excitement. Zeta and Big Ears stood. "Not bad, Merida's cunt!" sneered my tormentor, tugging me up by my hair and puffing his cigar smoke in my face, bringing back throbbing memories of the Torture Chamber. "Thankyou, Sir." The Officers departed, I made my way to the lavatory to begin my usual duties.

Things gradually returned to normal, I cleaned the bogs, serving the needs of a few guys who demanded my attentions, slept on my pillow of rags in a smelly corner. For several more days, probably weeks, my routine remained the same, the significance of the Officers' intrusion remained a mystery.

Then one early-morning shift-change, when I was coming off-shift and expecting to run as usual to my punishment duties in the other ranks' mess, I was ordered to report to the front of the Parade. Never good news, I scuttled forward feeling a tight know of anxiety. Two other girls were called, I was too preoccupied to catch their names, but when I reached the back of the dais, I was surprised, and delighted, to see they were my cousins, Dad's niece Carina and Mum's niece Faith! We exchanged nervous little smiles, and stood at the ready, waiting.

The Officer in charge of the Parade, a young Lieutenant, came down from the dais and gave us instructions. "You're all three assigned from now to a different punishment fatigue." We all looked at him, big-eyed – whatever horrors and degradations we were already we were already experiencing, the devils we knew were likely to be better than a new one. "Follow me!" he snapped, with a flick of his shiny black whip.

He led us under the arch that links the V-Section dormitory to the main building – in particular, to the Commandant's apartment – and round a corner to a part of the IPCG campus I'd not seen before, a wide, grit-surfaced area, in the middle of which was a modest building that looked much like a primary school. At the entrance, a board indicated the 'V-Section Training Centre'.

Led inside, we found that it was indeed a kind of school, though without the bright cheeriness we'd associate with a children's school, the windows were high, the walls bare, the polished wooden floors felt strange to our bare feet. There were classes going on, we could hear sounds of teacher-like speech from some rooms, and movement going on in others, but we were taken to a hall where a woman was waiting, a tall, athletic-looking woman in black MSC uniform.

"Here they are, Miss Geil!" I shuddered, looked at her iron-hard face, yes, it was her – the same Miss Geil we Ballet School girls had loathed as the most – indeed, really the only – hated instructrice. We'd always imagined her in high leather boots wielding a whip, evidently we'd read her right, and now she certainly looked the part!

"Thankyou, Lieutenant." Her ice-cold voice chilled my blood. She stared at me with cold contempt, obviously she knew me, but she said nothing, and I met her gaze without showing any sign of recognition or respect.

At last she broke the silence. "You three scumbags are going to learn to dance, to entertain the men who are the Masters now. You, five-two," (she just used my last two digits, not willing to acknowledge I once had a name that she knows perfectly well) "you've been cavorting like a whore for the other-rank scum, show me what you've been doing!" She flicked her whip at my legs, Carina and Faith stood back by the wall, I began my dance, dancing as I'd expected I'd be doing in the lower ranks' club.

Miss Geil watched with an expressionless face, then swung her whip to signal Carina and Faith to join me in the centre of the hall. She made me repeat my dance in short stages, getting the other girls to copy my movements. Both were good dancers, Carina probably better than me, she'd just not taken to the discipline of ballet training, but her movements were lively and expressive, Faith's smooth and delicate. The instructrice said little, just barked occasional short commands – "higher!", "turn more!", "flex your legs!", cracking her whip as she spoke.

We all finished together in "submission", felt the sting of her lash across our backs, then "Up! Follow me!" She led us out to the yard around the Training Centre, across to a vehicle parked at the side, not military one, judging by the faded and scuffed gaudy paintwork it had been commandeered from a circus, a lorry carrying an animal cage.

Miss Geil unlocked a door at the rear, ordered us to climb in, slammed the door shut and left without a word. We looked around, there were two troughs along the metal-barred sides, one containing some lukewarm stew and chunks of bread, the other water. We eagerly set to, hungrily lapping up like animals, just using our hands to scoop up the bread and more solid ingredients.

Then we arranged a pile of smelly, filthy, ragged blankets and huddled together, weary from our long hours of slavery and this final session with Miss Geil. We were too tired to talk then, but I saw that both my cousins were wearing the red thongs of P-Section girls, and their otherwise nude bodies showed the 'red bikini' of torture-scars.

I'd heard their agonised voices played back to me during my own interrogation, so I already knew they were in captivity and had been tortured – I never mentioned this to them, no point in bringing back unbearable memories.

When we did get to talk over the coming days, I learnt that Carina was actually slaving on the treadmill that drives the grinders crushing the bones I had to strip of flesh, and the blades that mince that flesh to mix with sewage slurry, bone-meal and sludge both destined to fertilise the land. She told me that she and Julia had fled on the day of the coup when they heard their parents had been arrested, they'd managed to get close to the Border, tried to get across, but been caught and brought to the IPCG. Again, I knew Julia was in captivity and had been tortured but didn't tell Carina, she said she'd not seen her sister since they were brought here, but she thought she must be in shift B. That would be right, just as I was sure they'd separated Laura from me by putting her into shift B.

As for their older sister, Erica, she'd been away on a Libertarian Students' camp at the time of the coup, they hadn't seen or heard anything of her, but Carina was gloomy about her chances.

Poor little Faith was very subdued, clearly traumatised by all she'd been through, she'd only talk in an anxious whisper, but revealed to my horror that she was now one of the slavegirls attached to a Torture Squad, spending her working hours in the presence of shrieking victims, wiping their blood and excrement with her little thong, continually witnessing sadistic cruelty and abuse.

I wondered why we'd been brought together now, why we were undergoing this bizarre training with Miss Geil. What's it all leading up to? No point in speculating, we'll learn in time. In the days of freedom, I'd won my scholarship to the State Ballet School, done pretty well, even been made Head Girl, but I'd decided a professional dancing career wasn't for me, there were other things important in my life, so I'd gone to University. But now it seems I'm fated to be a dancer, whether I like it or not!

It was good to be with my cousins, good to be able to give each other a little comfort and support in this purgatory, and even obeying Miss Geil's martinet commands and sleeping in a circus cage were one stage cleaner and less degrading than cleaning the toilet and sucking off the Guards and Cadets in the mess – and yet I felt a little sad, yes I actually missed the smell of their beery piss, the taste of their spunk, strange how you can get learn to get some enjoyment from anything!

Before the mid-day shift-change, a timid young V-Section girl in white shorts came and unlocked our cage. We had another session with Miss Geil, she had brought some music in her I-pod for each of us to dance to, developing solo routines – quite well-chosen to suit our different personalities – fiery and dramatic, vigorous and ebullient, quietly sensuous – but she nagged and flicked her whip with constant dissatisfaction with our performance, just like she ever was!

Then we hurried back to the cage for a quick snack from the food-trough which the slavegirl had replenished, a gulp of water, and off to the Parade Ground for our different forms of Rigorous Hard Labour.

After the evening shift-change Parade, we met again at the cage and found the little V-Sectioner waiting, having put food in our trough. We ate it quickly, then she beckoned to us to follow her, not to the Training Centre but through a door near the corner of the main building and up what seemed an endless staircase.

Our legs were aching by the time we reached the topmost floor, but we were clearly there to use them. This was the Officers' Mess, a much grander place than the Lower Ranks club, naturally – more like the cocktail bar of a grand hotel, the kind of place I'd sometimes been at posh dos with my parents and never felt at all comfortable. We only glimpsed its splendour through fancy glass doors, our guide ushered us along a corridor to a green room, where she just said "Wait, they'll call you."

There was a small washroom alongside the waiting space, and we eagerly took advantage of it to rinse a little of the sweat, grease and filth of eight hours' labour from our bodies. Then the door opened, I heard an all-too-familiar voice, "Eulalia!"

Zeta led me out onto a stage, a good bit wider than the one in the Lower Ranks' club, ornamented with potted palms and hanging baskets. He introduced me to a well-filled audience of men in black MSC gear, sipping expensive spirits and cocktails, "The elder brat of Santiago Merida, now she's going to show you what a whore she really is!"

My music began to play, I entered into my dance reluctantly, burning with loathing, tortured with the humiliation, yet knowing I dared not disobey, it would not be me they'd punish but Laura and my cousins. And as the music drew me on, I began to experience again the sense of freedom, of rising, for a few precious minutes, above the pain and degradation.

The Officers were pleased, they applauded, comments like "sexy slut" were spoken in appreciative tones. Carina and Faith performed well too, and there were calls for more. All three of us were summoned on stage, my cousins glanced at me anxiously for a lead, Zeta put on some upbeat music, I threw myself into an improvised jive, the other two followed my lead, and we got an enthusiastic cheer.

At the end, we flung ourselves on the floor, genuinely exhausted and so looking just the naked, conquered prey our captors wanted to see. "Up!" snapped Zeta, cracking his whip. He made us stand in line along the front of the platform, at the ready.

"Now's your chance, gentlemen!" he announced, "I'm inviting offers for thirty minutes use of each of these scrubbers – all proceeds for the MSP Welfare Fund – what am I bid for this one?" He raised Faith's arm, she was first on the block, he made her turn about, showing all angles of her bare, bruised body, while bullish voices roared their bids.

When they reached about the price of one of their smart cocktails, the bidding ceased, "Going, going, gone!" proclaimed Zeta, using his whip on Faith's bum as his gavel, a huge, black-haired monster of an MSC Inspector came forward and more or less carried poor Faith off into a room at the far end of the bar.

Carina glanced at me, knowing it was her turn next, just an instant her teeth flashed a smile, a mischievous wink – you've got spirit, I thought, good for you girl! She went for about the same price as Faith, I made a bit more for the Welfare Fund, that was because Zeta was bidding for me himself, and of course he won me!

The suite of rooms at the end of the bar were like well-appointed hotel bedrooms, luxuriously furnished, even a vase of flowers and a small drinks cabinet! I stood before my Torturer, eyes lowered submissively, awaiting his instructions.

He lifted my chin, peered into my eyes, "Well, my little victim, in my clutches again – how does it feel, eh?" His left hand was pulling at my thong, slowly moving it down my thighs. "Sir," I answered truthfully, "I know you can do whatever you want with me, that's how it is now, I accept it - I shall do all I can to please you."

At once, he flung me on the bed, a bed soft and silky yet firm and bouncy-springed – and started pawing, biting, slapping, kneeing, squeezing with such savage violence I struggled to breathe, just playing the ragged sex-doll, letting myself be tossed and twisted, letting myself be fucked with a volcanic force I'd never felt before in my woman-parts, through all my many rapings in the dungeons of the IPCG.

When he'd finished, he took me out and showed me to the corridor that led to the stairs. Carina and Faith were waiting, their faces glowing, bare skin glistening. "That was a good enough start," he said as he turned to go back into the bar, "But you'll be going a lot further, oh yes, a long way further!"

We were all sweat-soaked and breathless as we hurried down the stairs together and back to our cage. We let ourselves in, I pulled the door to and it locked automatically, so conditioned am I now to being a captive!

Things were becoming clearer – at least a bit clearer. Those jealous little bitches in the Other Ranks' Mess, the V-Section "pets", must have whispered tales about me dancing there, tales that had reached the ears of the Officers. That's why Zeta and Big Ears had come to watch me, and now we've been hijacked to entertain in the officers' Mess. It was probably that spiteful cow that gave much such dirty looks – well, if the Sergeant and his mates twig that she's responsible for them losing their "mascot", she'll wish she'd kept her nasty little mouth shut!

But is this all? Why have they brought Carina and Faith to join me? Why the strict training by Miss Geil? Why the circus waggon? What did Zeta mean, "You'll be going a lot further"? MSP Officers expect to live like lords, for sure, but there's something more to that sadist's plans than just putting on a sex-show and a slut-auction in the Officers' Mess.
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