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Virginita's Dream

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Finally the torturers complete their punishments and Queen Virginita is taken to a deep dungeon to contemplate her execution. She is chained up by her neck with her toes just touching a wooden post. Her hands are tied and she perches on tip toe. The wooden post is the upright of her cross which is laid on the floor so she can see it and imagine the horror of being nailed to it on the following day.

The table next to the cross has all the tools required to crucify her; nails, mallet and the wedges to hold the cross upright in the ground. Virginita gazes longingly at them, patiently waiting for them to be used on her nubile body.

She thinks: “They torture my mind by making me stand on my cross and showing me the nails they will drive through my hands and feet tomorrow.

They think I am terrified but in fact I am so looking forward to being displayed helpless to all the people of the city, the soldiers and my torturers.

I shall be high up on my cross but victorious over my evil interrogators. All the men will lust over my tits and trim physique and have erections. All the women will be angry and jealous of my effect on their men.

If I am to be put to death, what better way to be executed than this?”

Q_070_010_L.jpg and in 3D: Q_070_020_3D.jpg
Henry too................
I shall be high up on my cross but victorious over my evil interrogators.

A great thought, Pooper! And I make it mine too!;)
just like jedakk's Sabinaclap.gif
The soldiers force Queen Virginita down onto the cross, position the nails over her wrists and hammer them through into the cross bar below. The rough, rusty nails rasp her flesh with each blow and the extreme pain makes the beautiful victim arch her back as the nails are driven deeper into the wood beneath.

Queen Virginita:“Aaaaaaaaaaoooooow . . . . . Oooooooooooooh”

Torture Twin 1 pointng to the victim: “Crucifixion! I would have preferred to kill you in my torture chamber by roasting you on the grid iron for a day and then slowly tearing off your limbs ”

Torture Twin 2: “But the Governor would not let us because he wanted her executed publicly”

Soldier: “She will suffer enough today. Be satisfied with that!”


The soldiers hammered the nails further through the beautiful Queen’s wrists deep into the timber beneath

Torture Twin 1 to soldier menacingly: “Sounds to me that you have some sympathy for this enemy of Rome”

Soldier: “Although she is our mortal enemy, she has our highest respect because she has been severely tortured for months by you, the most skillful inquisitors in the empire and she has not been broken. She has fought to the end and won. Not many of us could be that brave, to resist entirely alone against the power of the Roman Empire. She is a woman in a million!” and he thought to himself: “And she’s far better looking than any Roman woman I have seen”

Queen Virginita:“Ooooooooooooooooow . . . . .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah . . .”

Torture Twin 2: “Oh yes! She’s a brave bitch all right. Tough as those nails you are hammering through her wrists!”

Through the pain, Queen Virginita is thinking: “And there are many more brave souls in my army. Eventually they will defeat you cruel monsters and drive you all into the sea and rid the world of your evil empire” and screams: “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooow” as they complete their pinning of her slender arms to the cruel cross bar.

So in spite of the searing pain, Queen Virginita was satisfied, confident that her long resistence to their devilish tortures would not be in vain

tree would like to put a bid of $25 US and Eul's, Messa's and L'ilSiss' sorry asses (whish he has custody of on another thread) for the gold pasties and panties...


..If you need help lifting this arogant cunt's cross THT Inc stands at the ready...
tree would like to put a bid of $25 US and Eul's, Messa's and L'ilSiss' sorry asses (whish he has custody of on another thread) for the gold pasties and panties...
..If you need help lifting this arogant cunt's cross THT Inc stands at the ready...

Thanks THT, bid accepted! Girls to be delivered, hands bound and dressed in loin cloths to the execution hill for flogging, branding and crucifying.

Your help with nailing would be appreciated . . . . I will deal with Messa :rolleyes:and you nail Eul and L'ilSiss :p
Thanks THT, bid accepted! Girls to be delivered, hands bound and dressed in loin cloths to the execution hill for flogging, branding and crucifying.

Your help with nailing would be appreciated . . . . I will deal with Messa :rolleyes:and you nail Eul and L'ilSiss :p

On second thoughts I think we should tie the girls to the whipping posts on the punishment platform in the town square and flog them for a few hours before branding them :cool: . Then make them drag their crosses out to execution hill. We will use the whips to encourage them to keep moving . . . :p
We should be exposed in pillories in the Marketplace all day long,​
with posters advertising the evening's entertainment,​
as targets for pelting with assorted waste matter,​
and being whipped from time to time,​
then branded.​
must be careful how you bind them. I wouldn't put it past these little devils to turn and rub their cunts on the posts. The feign fearing being exposed, whipped, and branded, but me thinks the secretly desire the spectacle...

We should be exposed in pillories in the Marketplace all day long,​
with posters advertising the evening's entertainment,​
as targets for pelting with assorted waste matter,​
and being whipped from time to time,​
then branded.​

. . . . with the added spectacle of regular applications of the spiked jaw breast pincers, cold to start with and then warmed on the branding brazier. :p

We can then compare the loudness of Eul's, Messa's and Lil'Siss's screams and select the quietest (and therefore the bravest) for a session on the rack :rolleyes: to see if we can bring her screams up to the same volume as the others.

Since we almost certainly be unable to tell which was the quietest we may regrettably have to rack all three girls. . . . . ;)

An added treat is the availability of a female torturer who specializes in pussy torture. For this work she has the obvious advantage of 'inside knowledge' so to speak (I just had to say that! :D )

Any girls who would like to attend a practice session, please contact me . . . . :)
The soldiers moved to Queen Vrginita’s feet and nailed through her left foot and then through her right. Each hit of the hammer pushed the rusty nail further through her feet and was agony for her as the rough surface rasped her flesh. She arched her back with the pain from her wrists and now her feet

Queen Virginita screamed:(hammer blow)Aaaaaaaaaaaooooooow . . . . . . . (hammer blow)Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh . . . . .”

Torture Twin 1: “These are your last few hours. We hope you enjoy them!”

Torture Twin 2: “You won’t be needing these breast cups any more. Besides you will be further humiliated by all the men ogling your naked breasts ”

Queen Vrginita was aware that her nipples were standing proud and the thought of her body being displayed for all to see was strangely comforting to her.

Tree approves of the three nail format... and I still have top bid on her gear...
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