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What Did I Do To You?

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Chronicler of Crux
Staff member
What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
Oh, will I ever know?

You ambushed me today
Upon my journey home
Six soldiers barred my way
And I was quite alone!

Although my fight was brave
My sword flashed in the air
Though two went to their grave
I never had a prayer.

And then, with swearing crude
You pulled my clothes from me
Soon I was in the nude
For everyone to see.

You dragged me to a post
My wrists in iron grips
“Take this!” I heard you boast
And then I felt your whips.

A heavy beam of wood
You placed upon my back
And, though I barely could
I brought it up this track.

To where an upright beam
Was planted in the ground
And then, with fear, I screamed –
You roughly turned me round.

With force you pushed me down.
My pain, already great
I lay there on the ground
And waited for my fate.

You stretched my arms out wide
I saw your cruel nails.
As I was crucified
I screamed and gasped and wailed.

You lifted me up high
You nailed my feet in place
Just hanging, till I die
With pain etched in my face.

What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
No, I will never know.

Wragg - 2014
What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
Oh, will I ever know?

You ambushed me today
Upon my journey home
Six soldiers barred my way
And I was quite alone!

Although my fight was brave
My sword flashed in the air
Though two went to their grave
I never had a prayer.

And then, with swearing crude
You pulled my clothes from me
Soon I was in the nude
For everyone to see.

You dragged me to a post
My wrists in iron grips
“Take this!” I heard you boast
And then I felt your whips.

A heavy beam of wood
You placed upon my back
And, though I barely could
I brought it up this track.

To where an upright beam
Was planted in the ground
And then, with fear, I screamed –
You roughly turned me round.

With force you pushed me down.
My pain, already great
I lay there on the ground
And waited for my fate.

You stretched my arms out wide
I saw your cruel nails.
As I was crucified
I screamed and gasped and wailed.

You lifted me up high
You nailed my feet in place
Just hanging, till I die
With pain etched in my face.

What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
No, I will never know.

Wragg - 2014

Excellent Wragg!!!! It reads so beautifully!!!! But such a horrible fate! Is this Tara?
What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
Oh, will I ever know?

You ambushed me today
Upon my journey home
Six soldiers barred my way
And I was quite alone!

Although my fight was brave
My sword flashed in the air
Though two went to their grave
I never had a prayer.

And then, with swearing crude
You pulled my clothes from me
Soon I was in the nude
For everyone to see.

You dragged me to a post
My wrists in iron grips
“Take this!” I heard you boast
And then I felt your whips.

A heavy beam of wood
You placed upon my back
And, though I barely could
I brought it up this track.

To where an upright beam
Was planted in the ground
And then, with fear, I screamed –
You roughly turned me round.

With force you pushed me down.
My pain, already great
I lay there on the ground
And waited for my fate.

You stretched my arms out wide
I saw your cruel nails.
As I was crucified
I screamed and gasped and wailed.

You lifted me up high
You nailed my feet in place
Just hanging, till I die
With pain etched in my face.

What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
No, I will never know.

Wragg - 2014

Intense, erotic, extremely well-crafted. Loved every verse. Prime candidate for the archive. Well done Wragg!!!!

What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
Oh, will I ever know?

You ambushed me today
Upon my journey home
Six soldiers barred my way
And I was quite alone!

Although my fight was brave
My sword flashed in the air
Though two went to their grave
I never had a prayer.

And then, with swearing crude
You pulled my clothes from me
Soon I was in the nude
For everyone to see.

You dragged me to a post
My wrists in iron grips
“Take this!” I heard you boast
And then I felt your whips.

A heavy beam of wood
You placed upon my back
And, though I barely could
I brought it up this track.

To where an upright beam
Was planted in the ground
And then, with fear, I screamed –
You roughly turned me round.

With force you pushed me down.
My pain, already great
I lay there on the ground
And waited for my fate.

You stretched my arms out wide
I saw your cruel nails.
As I was crucified
I screamed and gasped and wailed.

You lifted me up high
You nailed my feet in place
Just hanging, till I die
With pain etched in my face.

What did I do to you?
That you should hurt me so?
Please say – what did I do?
No, I will never know.

Wragg - 2014
It's simply great !
An agony from a poor woman. Poor while she got powerlessly.
The language is also from a women, a man should nor speak so.
The poet can very good understand the feelings of a women.
(I cannot speak for a women, thus all admiration.)

Thank you, Fox. :)

Unfortunately, I am not a woman, either :eek:

But there are some amazing women on this site who have taken me on THE most incredible journey of discovery of what it means to be a woman on a cross. :bdsm-heart:

But let's not be sexist, there are also some blokes on here who completely understand the gut wrenching power of two wooden beams and four nails. :very_hot:

Crux Forums is an amazing community, and that includes you, Fox :beer:

Empathize as man, with a woman's mind, her feelings and physical pain, is a litteraite quality.

I now, after my several reactions last month, must think we are end up in a think tank of original writers!
Perhaps do we make history.
Perhaps we change the law.
I think there's a masculine and a feminine side in all of us,
and being able to imagine yourself into the mind of someone of different sex/gender
isn't necessarily bounded by your physiology, or even by your sexuality -
being able to empathise and to express the personality of another
is a kind of creative gift that some writers possess.​
I think there's a masculine and a feminine side in all of us,
and being able to imagine yourself into the mind of someone of different sex/gender
isn't necessarily bounded by your physiology, or even by your sexuality -
being able to empathise and to express the personality of another
is a kind of creative gift that some writers possess.​

Well said Eul.....so true.
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