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111jack's Dungeon Pics

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Hello friends
Thanks so much for your comments very kind of you..
Today instead I will show you the other side of the coin. Zoey before being dismissed ,went through a long period of tribulation.

Let me explain something. I once read a book about "Convents for Orphans". There were in Italy and in England too, those places that were basically a prison. Girls were fed very little and had to go to school during the year, according to the story of an Italian woman. During summer time she was sent to some family to work for them all summer.
This girl recalls that she was sent to a rich family whith 3 children. They lived in a very big house on the sea and often had parties etc. What is incredible is that the girl wasn't given anything to eat at all.
She has to cook, clean, work all day and the "Madam" never considered to give her any food . She learnt how to survive this hell, thanks to another girl, who explained to her that the only way to eat something was by devouring scraps while not being seen, or stealing food, but in small quantities so the house owners would not notice it.
Also when she was brought back to the convent she hadn't being paid, because she broke a plate while washing it.

See we create stories as fantasies but the true facts are often much worse than our darkest imagination.

Here is Zoey after serving in my House unlike the poor girl in the story i told you she will be given a lot of money so don't worry for her.
going home.png
Hello Friends
Today is "slave women abuse day" we can see the first job was givcn to Zoey she has to do the tea table for all day long in the new shining beach patio.
Her work begin at 6 AM and ends at 2 AM on this period she don't have to do anything except wait for mistress and master coming and going and of course she is not fed a crumb food.
The pic is around 4 PM, the two lovely Mistress are chatting and having fun, Zoey is starving and she just lissent from mistress that during the night there will be a party so she have to stay like this, till the end of party wich will be around 6 AM, it means that her work shift will be 24 hours whitout any food she don't look so happy.
Slave table.png
Where do the girls sleep when they are not working?
Dear Bozzly you made a good point !
Your question give me the opportunity to explane what i would like to do in my story
The slave girls are basically maids, they have to serve masters and mistress, they are invisble to them , they have to clean and do all cores every serant have including take care of garden etc.
Slaves also can be abused as Master or Mistress want.
This is an an exemple, in this pic you can see Jack and Eulalia on them bed doing them business without even notice the slave on the back.
She is there ready to serve them, she is sleeping standing up against the wall this is what is allowed to her for tonight.
Here instead we have two alredy thin slave, they just finish to clean the pool and they collapsed on the floor, in the morning they will work there again, so no need to go to to sleep in the dungeon, they are too exausted even to walk, they just hope that tomorrow there will be more scraps of food to eat.
Here instead we have two alredy thin slave, they just finish to clean the pool and they collapsed on the floor, in the morning they will work there again, so no need to go to to sleep in the dungeon, they are too exausted even to walk, they just hope that tomorrow there will be more scraps of food to eat.
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are they one another angry
Your pics are getting better jack and your English is also improving by leaps and bounds.
Dear Mel thanks so much :oops:
About pics i may belive you, i added new materials and trying to learn others things better, about English i don't belive you at all :p i know i will never being able to write a story...
Hey Jack
Do you think your girls are anything like the girls that worked for Elizabeth Bathory?
Dear Bozzy
I have in mind some plots so now i'm trying to make some pics the stories will be differents i need harsh things and mild things.
The first story i have in mind wich is as you said "girls are nothing" came from books and articles i read an i stduy i'm doing for UNHCR.
There is a balck market of women that is basically a slave market right now i writing, those woment are employed as maids, because there are agency who keep them Visa and documents they have to work against them will, many of this girls work as slave , and many are not given food from the home owner.
Also as i said before there are orphanages usually run by nuns who during the year starve the girls inside the convent , and in summer send them to work for reach people.
Those are the books i read : "Childhood Interupped" "Suffer the littel Child" they are accounts of the life inside those placese , from the voice of two girls, all i can say it's that in prison you live much better, i also read an account of an italian women who was sent to work and was given nothing to eat from the family.
My first story i have in mind is based on those true facts "Invisble maids" the girls are over 18 and sent to work being starved and wipped there will be some fantasy scene just to put the story on fiction side even if the core of it is true , the girls would be protagonists in the story.
The second story instead is pure sadism and once again based on a true story "3096 Days" Natasha Kampush account of her years of captivity, she was starved and make to work for from her abducer.
My version will be whit over 18 woman and in this case in may have sense the insanity of the master who is against the vanity of girls and try to punish them

By the way both stoires have an happy ending plot is still not refined i have all i mind but it's hard to put it on the paper
Thanks so much for your great support.
Your very welcome and I look forward to reading your stories.
Thanks so much
I noticed i make a lot of mistakes writing :oops: anyway i think you got very well.
Basically what i do, whit the help of some writers because i'm not able and i don't have talent, it's take true facts, and put them in a grotesque scenario, where girls feelings are more important that all others things.
As i said the real facts are worst that we can imagine, in the study i'm doing for UNHCR i found an account of a girl in singapore who was foced to work as a maid, she has been rescued by them neighbors, that spotted her begging for food from a small window, she explaned that her employer gave her a small amount of rice every two days and when he left house even for days he loked her insde whitout anything.
When neighbors rescued her she claimed that her employed was away from 5 days and she hadn't anything to eat.
In the account of orphans sisters they said that when the nun of the convent excorted the girls across a garden, they used to grab quikly blades of grass, while not being watched and eat them because they was starving, one girl said that at morning mass she fainted because of hunger almost every day, her only relief was that this way she was allowed to sit instead of kneeling like others.
This is an exemple
Night is coming down, the poor maid is clutching her empty stomach in pain, she has been all day there but nobody came to pool today, so she has not recived any food at all.
This is what it's happening also in realty , right now while i'm writing this post..
Sorry for double post it's because of edit time :(
I would like to answer Bozzly about Elizabeth Bathory he mencioned , it seam she murdered 600 girls , in different ways, there is also Marquise De Sade i found on a reserch i made that "he amused wacthing girls starve .." those things, may inspire in me a situation but as i said many times i never kill anyone.
To be more clear we all know Nazi crimes and i studied them in depth, i know facts that i don't want that pelople read, so what came to my mind was a story .
A realty show on a "Concentration Camp", this story is based on two main points.
First the spectators perversion, we all know about shows like "survivors" "cast away", well to be honest i think you all read news papers and the disaster happend in Italy whit cruis ship "Concordia" , do you think it has sense to create a show on desperate shipwrecked people ?
Second is the media and them way of make journalism, it's litteraly horrible and morbid to the point of skiness, i hate it, i can't stand a journalist interviewing someone who has just lost her family to make a scoop.
Mind you i know very well Colin MacKay (who interviewed Margaret Thatcher in 2010) and he is a real Journalist not thoes Brainless jurnalists, that in the middel of Aquila's hertquake asked to people how they feel whitout anything left ?? , some have being rightly beaten from populiation :) on top if it "them trucks" loked the only way for Rescured truck and equipment !!

So the "Conctration camp realty show" is something that show how people is became morbid , they will pay billions to see 10 woman 24/24 inside the camp.
Rules of the game are equal to the reals camps, except for beatings and shooting of course , there is a prize of 2.000.000$ for the winner, the girls can leve the game when they want.
So now is time for my questions how many people would watch a show like this in the world ?? and trought the net.
Is sombody aware that in Korera, while i'm typing this, there are forced work camaps full of inmates dying for starvation and suffering for the most incredible and brutal torture, take a look here : clearwisdom.net
Good night friends
Hello friends today pic !!
Mistress Eulalia at the pool , talking whit the "maid slave" who yesterday hadn't eat.
"Stay here and don't move , you didn't do anything yesterday, and you ask for food !! "
Have fun
Tecnical question do you like the shadows ?? i'm working hard on lights inside the program to give more realsim to scenes..
Thanks Bozzly unfortunatly it's not so easy to master them, and render time increas from seconds to around 20 min on my PC so if i apply wrong lights , i loose a lot of time because i have to do more renders to find out ,what works better.
Today a new torment for our slaves !!
Mistress decided to make a new game, for the joy of others guest at the beach party , the slaves have to keep the position and don't move.
The first who move a muscle or change espression will lose which means of course deprivation of food.
The winner instead will have a wonderful plate of fresh scraps an will be even allowed to sit and enjoy them !!
new game.png

(Sorry i deleted the original post because of edit time, i wans't happy whit the pic and i changed it, but render time could be more than an hour so i deleted the post. ) Hans quote should be after this post.
Yes Jack, I understand that it takes more time and effort to produce the shadow effect and if you choose not to use it I would still enjoy your stories pictures. As for your subject matter, it is more disturbing than what may be implied by the title of this forum, execution and torture by means of crucifixion are part of ancient history and other than pictures, stories and possibly some very safe and responsible play, that's just where it should stay. Your stories speak of things that are much closer to modern day reality and are therefore more disturbing.
In what most likely would seem a strange twist to those who don't understand what this forum is about, I believe the members here would be the frist to oppose needless torture and abuse of anyone.
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