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By the United States’ tricentennial, the country had reaffirmed the concept of states’ rights. If the constitution did not allow the Federal Government to do something, it could not. Therefore it was up to the states to decide what they wanted to do if it did not violate what the constitution allowed the federal government to do.

Several states banned the death penalty while some greatly expanded its scope and how it would be conducted.

In Georgia, Chrissie Haynes found out the what the cost could be for what was once a traffic violation that would have been a substantial fine and maybe a loss of her driver’s license.

Chrissie was caught doing 62 miles per hour in a twenty miles per hour school zone. Because it was a school zone, in addition to charges of excessive speeding, she was tried for reckless endangerment and attempted murder of the hundreds of students that were in the school at the time.

Chrissie was tried and found guilty of attempted murder of the students in school at the time.


To her horror, she was condemned to death and would be executed on the state’s electric chair the first Saturday of the following month, giving her attorneys time to file any appeals which would all be denied.

The idea of being put to death on the state’s electric chair was oddly erotic to Chrissie. In her life she had experienced small electric shocks and had found them quite stimulating. She could only imagine what it would be like to have a huge jolt race through her body with a dozen strangers, the state’s witnesses, watching as the electricity contorted her body.

Chrissie was masturbating as she imagined the voltage jarring her body when the prison matron called through the bars “Haynes, get up. We have to ready you for the chair.”

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“What do you mean, ready me for the chair?” Chrissie asked.

“You have to be naked when you are juiced” the matron said. “Your uniform is state property, and we can’t have you sweating in it when you’re strapped to the chair. Besides, we have to cut your hair so we can properly zap you.”

Chrissie underdressed and was handcuffed and led to the prison’s barber. There, an electric razor sheered her long locks from her head.


This really wasn’t necessary as her hair would not have kept her from being electrocuted but if the guards could do anything to humiliate a condemned prisoner, they would not let the opportunity pass. Chrissie shed a few tears as she watched her hair fall in clumps from her head but her ordeal before her execution is hardly finished.

The matron lathers Chrissie’s newly bared head with shaving cream. The male guard begins shaving her bald skull. With anger, Chrissie asks “Is this really necessary?”

It is of course not necessary. The electricity would easily deliver the fatal jolt to Chrissie but there are cameras recording her preparations. The guard says “You don’t want to feel the headpiece rubbing on the stubble, do you? And we are going to need to take your earrings. The current might melt them when you are electrocuted.”


With Chrissie’s head now cut and shaved, the guard moves down to shave her loins. Chrissie says “You aren’t going to put contacts there. You don’t have to shave there!”

“Have you ever been on the electric chair” the guard asks. Getting no answer he tells Chrissie to spread her legs. Reluctantly Chrissie spreads her thighs, draping her calves over the chair’s armrests. The guard spends more time feeling her exposed sex than he does shaving her pussy bare.


The guard marches Chrissie down the halls of the prison. When they get to the closed door of the execution room, he sits Chrissie on a cold metal folding chair sitting by the door. Chrissies naked skin is uncomfortable on the steel seat. She asks the guard how long she will have to sit there. He says “Till they call for you. They want to make sure the chair is ready to… um… do its job. We take care our executions occur faultlessly.”

“All this because I was speeding” Chrissie says without hiding her anger.

“Speeding would have gotten you a fine. You were found guilty of attempting to kill the students” he replies.

“Fine- fuck it. Do you have a cigarette?” Chrissie asks. The guard gives her one and, after she lights it, he says “You know smoking can kill you.”

Chrissie looks up at him and says “I think your chair will kill me before cancer does!”


The door to the room finally opens and the guard and the matron leads Chrissie into the dark room. She pauses and looks at the heavy wooden chair adorned with straps and thick wires. Hairless and naked except the cuffs locked around her wrists, Chrissie stares at the inert object waiting to take her life. The matron softly reminds her “Chrissie, we have a schedule to keep.”


Chrissie is more forced into the chair instead of being a willing participant. The reality that they are about to end her life hits her. Sweat pours from her body as the thick leather straps are fastened around her limbs and body.


Once Chrissie is strapped to the chair a rubberized cloth is pulled over her head until it blindfolds her eyes. Another part of the cloth is pulled down towards her mouth. The guard squeezes her jaw, and the matron stuffs an attached hard rubber plug into her mouth before finishing placing the cloth over her mouth. Chrissie tries to protest but is incomprehensible with the plug in her mouth. As the guard straps the contact around her ankle, the matron explains to Chrissie “It’s to keep you from biting your tongue when the current hits.”

Unseen hands place a metal cap om Chrissie’s bare head and tightly fastens a leather strap under her chin. Chrissie can neither speak nor spit the plug out of her mouth.

A voice comes over the speakers. “Fifteen seconds.”

Chrissie fights the urge to piss. To her left, she hears the ‘click’ as the guard pulls the switch towards the ‘on’ position. Just before the current is turned on, he says “Good-bye, Chrissie.”


The initial jolt lasts fifteen seconds. Usually this would render the convict at least unconscious, but Chrissie still moved within the straps. She managed an unintelligible moan past the gag in her mouth. The second jolt lasted a full minute.


It was more than adequate to end Chrissie Haynes’ life.

The notorious speeder has been executed…
Georgia seems to have gotten a bad rap from this tale’s opening, but it is not the only state where state’s rights has made life more difficult for people that did not ‘fit in the mold’.

In Greene County, Missouri, known as the ‘Buckle of the Bible Belt, sits the county seat of Springfield. Numerous private schools with religious affiliations make their home there. There are plenty of attractive women that are students at those universities. Interestingly, Springfield also has the largest number of strip clubs that are more than willing to hire those women students.

One of those students is Joyce Watson, a senior at the University of the Holy Cross. Joyce is a good student with a very appealing body.

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While she does well at the school, she has a rather liberal view of how she should appear to attract the best tips at the club she strips works at.

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Joyce supplements her income by providing special services for her boss’ special customers.

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For working only a part-time job, Joyce seems to be living quite comfortably college senior. This drew the attention of the MBI, the Missouri Bureau of Investigation. They sent an undercover agent to investigate Miss Watson’s extravagant lifestyle that seemed impossible to have in light of Joyce’s reported income.

The undercover agent, Helen Glennon, is 31 years old but can easily pass as a college student. She goes under the name of ‘Lily Fastfingers’ which makes her fit in with the students working at the strip clubs. She became good friends with Joyce Watson. She uses skills she has developed in her years of working under cover to gain Joyce’s trust.

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Some may think Helen is bisexual at least, and there can be no denying she uses her skills very naturally. Joyce makes the mistake of confiding to Helen about her extra activities that are always paid for in cash.

‘Lily Fastfingers’… um… Helen Glennon arrests Joyce Watson, handcuffing her as she lays on the bed, not even allow her dress. Joyce at first thinks another of ‘Liliy’s’ odd games but when Helen begins to read her her rights, Joyce asks “Are you really arresting me?”

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Helen triumphantly says “I certainly am. Joyce Watson, you have operated an illegal business operation, engaged in sexual acts for profit, and failed to pay income taxes on your illegal activities. I’m sure the courts are going to send you ‘up the river’ for your crimes.”

Helen’s statement was a very nice way of saying Joyce was in a shitload of trouble.

In 2076, trials happen very soon after a suspect is arrested. Months of delays are not acceptable whether requested by the prosecution or the defense. Joyce is brought before the Greene County prosecutor who lays out an airtight case against her. He is followed by the defense attorney who does his best to punch any holes in the state’s case.

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But the attorney is no better than his grandfather, and T. H. Tree III’s case goes as well as any of his grandfather’s presentations did.

Solemnly, the judge reads the verdict of Joyce Watson’s guilt. Was there a touch of glee in his voice as he said “I sentence you to state penitentiary in Jefferson City, where you will be held until you are executed by the state’s electric chair. Barring any unlikely successful appeal, You shall be put to death Monday, August 31 of this year at ten PM.”

Joyce is loaded in a State Highway Patrol car for the three hour trip to Jefferson City. A half hour into her ride, Joyce comments she is rather warm. The patrolman pulls the cruiser over. He reaches over the seat and opens her blouse before continuing.

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There is not a touch of sympathy when he calls back to her “I’ll bet you’ll be a hell of a lot hotter when they put the juice through you!”
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But the attorney is no better than his grandfather, and T. H. Tree III’s case goes as well as any of his grandfather’s presentations did.
The Tree family, for now going on three generations, continues to astound the legal profession with their courtroom incompetence drunkrness prowess. :rolleyes:
Joyce Watson was indeed sent up the river for her crimes. She was sent to the old Missouri State Penitentiary overlooking the Missouri River. It had long been retired but the death row section had been reopened since the state reinstituted the electric chair as a its method of execution. Since the only electric chair the state owned was in the prison’s display room, instead of building a new chair, it was decided to use what the state already had. Of course, it the spirit of being green, the chair’s generator had been long sitting unused and instead of rebuilding it and using diesel gas to power it, the electricity would come from Bagnell Dam less than fifty miles away. It certainly could provide the juice to end Joyce’s life.

The night before Joyce’s execution, she is visited by the state’s attorney general. He explains to Joyce her limited allowed appeals had all been denied. He says “I am obliged to tell you your execution will take place at… (he had to check his notes before he continues…) ten o’clock tomorrow evening.”

The attorney general looks down at Joyce lying naked on her cot. He was unable to hide the bulge growing in his trousers.

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Joyce, while not thrilled at the idea of her life being ended because of her ‘crimes’, is resigned to the fact tomorrow she will experience the finality of the electric chair. She notices the obvious arousal in the attorney general’s pants and says “Since you are killing me, do I get a last request?”

The attorney says “Within reason, of course. What do you wish?”

“I’d like to get laid and I notice you seem ready to do so” Joyce says.

Usually never short of words, the attorney general is almost speechless. He stammers “I am a state official. I cannot fuck a prisoner!”

“What’s the matter? You afraid you’ll lose you’ll lose your hard-on” Joyce taunts.

It is said any politician can be bought and Joyce seemed to have met him. He drops his pants and proves to Joyce she was appealing enough to keep the guy more than twice her age hard enough to give her a fuck she would not forget as long as she lived- however short that would be.

She was impressed that he was a better lay than most of the men she had at the club. So good in fact, she came before he did. He pulls out of her and rolls her onto her hands and knees. Before Joyce could ask what he was doing, he growled “Now I will give you the fuck you should have had!”

Joyce squealed as his hard shaft split the cheeks of her ass. She shrieked as his fat cock pierced her rectum. Though not a virgin to this kind of sex, the attorney general was like a wild beast as he shove his swollen shaft deep into her bowels. As he rammed her ass, he grunted “This is the kind of fuck a convict like you deserves!”

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Eight-forty-five PM, Monday, August 31 in Joyce’s cell…

A guard and the women prisoners warden come to Joyce’s cell. The warden tells Joyce to stand and place her hands behind her back. As the guard cuffs Joyce’s wrists, Joyce says “This is not necessary, anymore than electrocuting me is!”

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The guard says “Just doing my job. You should have considered the penalties before you broke the law.”

The warden leads Joyce through the damp, dark corridor to the death chamber. Joyce does her best to exhibit poise and grace as she is being taken to her execution. The warden apologizes for the conditions. She says “This building is 240 years old. It should have been torn down years ago but because of politics and the old chair being here, this as where your execution will take place.”

The warden looks down at Joyce and says “You are being very brave. Doesn’t being put to death scare you?”

“There is nothing I can do about it. There is nothing I can do to stop you” Joyce says.


She is lying. The thought of being electrocuted scares the hell out of her. She is doing everything to keep from pissing and if she’d have been feed today, she probably would be struggling not to shit also.

The warden opened a heavy door and leads Joyce into the execution room. The room is lit better than the corridor had been. Against the far wall stood the electric chair, a large device that only the heavy straps and electric cables betrayed it was not just a piece of furniture. The warden says “Cooperate and this will be quick and over quick. If you resist, I’ll have Bull and Gunner put you on the chair.”

Naked but for the cuffs binding her wrists behind her, Joyce knew her best choice was to do what the warden told her to do.


Joyce sits in the chair, surprised to find the wood smooth and polished. As she was buckled to the chair. The warden smiles and says “It’s been a museum piece for more than seventy years. All the roughness has been rubbed out of it.”


Joyce’s arms and legs are strapped to the chair. A leather belt with an electric cable is fastened around her leg and a metal band is tightened around her head. With wide-open eyes, Joyce asks “Are you going to… do… me now?”


The warden says “There are a few things that happen first…”
Joyce has been strapped to the chair, seemingly ready to have the electricity turned on and terminate her life, but the are other obligations that must be taken care of before her execution. She sits with her arms bound to the armrests and her ankles fastened to legs of the chair. The terminal strap is bound to one leg and a metal hat sits on her head. She is well displayed as she sits bound to the chair.

She looks out at the camera recording her in great detail. She asks “Are you going to film me being electrocuted?”

The warden says “Of course we are but that camera is from the Crux Chronicle. They paid quite a bit to film your execution. Besides the witnesses here, they estimate over a million viewers will pay to watch your electrocution.”

Joyce grabs the armrest. She is amazed not only is she about to be put to death, there will be millions looking at her naked body as they fry her.

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Joyce is filmed for a quarter of an hour with the camera zooming in on her face, her heaving tits, and obscenely on her exposed pussy before the guards pull the hood over her head and put the last strap around her chest just beneath her breasts. One of the guards take a gratuitous grab of one of Joyce’s tits.


As the warden reads the charges Joyce has been found guilty and what her sentence is, Joyce breathes deeply while she struggles not to piss. Her breasts heavy as the warden reads of her impending doom. As the warden concludes saying “…and Miss Joyce Watson she be put to death at ten o’clock tonight by electrocution.”

Joyce grabs the chair as she hears the lever click as it is pulled from it ‘off’ position. Across the room, Spike Sharp lights up a cigarette and glances at his camera men.

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He has paid the state extra so the first jolt would be a lower voltage. It would certainly shock her but would not kill her. It would take a second jolt at least at full voltage to kill her. Spike was charging a lot of money for people to see her execution. He knows you have to please the customer if they are going to buy again.

The switch completes the circuit and a hundred and ten volts flow through Joyce’s body. For thirty seconds she squeezes her fists and pulls against the leather straps restraining her.


The guard next to her seems uninterested in what Joyce is feeling as he stares straight ahead. He is actually watching Joyce’s gyrations on the large screen television across the room.

Joyce is shocked by the electricity but is not killed by the current. The switch is opened and she lets out a moan as a river of her urine runs between her legs.

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The warden turns to the head guard and says “Do her again but use full voltage this time. I don’t care what kind of show Spike wants. I don’t need any of ASPCA’s shit for being cruel or inhumane to that bitch.”

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ASPCA is the America Society of Prisoner Cruelty Act. Since they couldn’t prevent the states’ execution of prisoners, they can be hell to deal with if they feel a prisoner is not executed humanely. The voltage is turned to 480 volts and the switch is thrown again.

Joyce is literally stunned by the jolt. Her fists clinch tightly and her sweat steams off her flesh.


The current is left flowing through her for a full minute. Her jerks are from the current flowing through her. Joyce is completely unaware of the electricity boiling her organs.

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After the current is shut off, they left Joyce in the chair until her body stopped steaming and smoking. The prison’s nurse puts a stethoscope on Joyce’s chest. She finds no heartbeat.


The nurse stands up and faces one of the cameras and says “Prisoner Joyce Watson has been executed. Her time of death will be recorded as 10:02 PM, August 31, 2076.”

Thus ends the successful execution of Joyce Watson. But there is more to this story as we have not looked into the practices of the state of Arkansas…
In the early 2070s, Miss Brenda Moore enrolled at the University of the Virgin Martyrs in a blue northern state. Please do not take this as a topographic error. Brenda Moore is the great niece of Barbara Moore, a lovely woman with a wonderful demeanor who met her untimely end hanged by her neck in Paris… that’s Paris, Arkansas… after she was tried and condemned for crimes she swore she never committed. Barbara Moore was hanged by (the infamous) T. H, Tree in front of the Logan County Courthouse back in 2020s.

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Barbara died claiming her innocence, even though Little Rock’s liberal Arkansas Democrat-Gazette noted she must have been guilty of something if they hanged her on the main street in front of the courthouse.

But the author is covering the story of Brenda Moore. Though she attended the UVM, she hardly lived a life that lived up to the school’s standards. She was quite popular with the students of the nearby University of the Majestic Erection, using skills she had acquired over time to please the all-male student body.


This of course got Brenda in a bit of trouble with the school’s disciplinarians. It is sort of difficult to keep a secret about how good you are with the guys from the neighboring school when the only ones who know are your sister students. Brenda spent several weekends in detention with other students who had more minor student violations.


This did not break Brenda’s sexual cravings. She soon was subjected to punishments such discipline in front of the faculty where she was stripped and spanked before her teachers.


Most students would have been humiliated by such treatment but Brenda found that she would attract the attention of the dean of student behavior. Brenda soon found what it meant to be flogged with a paddle across her bare buns.


Sure, it hurt but Brenda found she always had the finest orgasms. This hardly corrected Brenda’s dark desires. She plotted ways to be sent to the dean’s office to experience his special touch.


Soon she would be brought to the dean’s office for ‘preventive discipline’.


Brenda looked forward to such meeting as the dean would treat her ‘like the whore she is.’


Brenda thought the dean was quite a good lay (as the dean thought the same about her) but all good things come to an end. Brenda graduated from the University of the Virgin Martyrs with a surprisingly good Grade Point Average and moved back to her mother’s home.

One morning while Brenda was sipping her coffee, she said to her mom she wanted to do something different. Her mother asked what that might be. Brenda smiled and says “I’m going to Arkansas to stop the persecution of women.”


“Are you crazy? That’s where they hanged you great aunt Barbara years ago” Brenda’s mom exclaims. “They still hang women down there.”

“And I am the one who can stop that” Brenda declares…
Please do not take this as a topographic error. Brenda Moore is the great niece of Barbara Moore, a lovely woman with a wonderful demeanor who met her untimely end hanged by her neck in Paris… that’s Paris, Arkansas… after she was tried and condemned for crimes she swore she never committed. Barbara Moore was hanged by (the infamous) T. H, Tree in front of the Logan County Courthouse back in 2020s.

I think Tree meant Typographic rather than topographic error, although he might argue that it was naked Brenda’s “interesting” topography he had in mind when he wrote this. :tits:

Barbara died claiming her innocence, even though Little Rock’s liberal Arkansas Democrat-Gazette noted she must have been guilty of something if they hanged her on the main street in front of the courthouse.

Hard to believe any newspaper in Arkansas can rightly be described as “liberal”. I suppose Tree thinks it is because they tastefully left out the word “naked” in describing how she was hanged in front of the courthouse. ;)

the nearby University of the Majestic Erection

Giggle snort. How does Tree ever come up with these funny names?


One morning while Brenda was sipping her coffee, she said to her mom she wanted to do something different. Her mother asked what that might be. Brenda smiled and says “I’m going to Arkansas to stop the persecution of women.”

Yep. There it is, folks. No doubt about it. Brenda was a true “liberal” blue state Moore.;)
In 2076, there were protests against the Arkansas government. The protests were largely ineffective, as the protesters had to get permits in order to hold their events in public.


Additional their activity was heavily regulated to insure their actions would not disturb the general population.


This greatly frustrated Brenda. How could you protest the government’s actions if you needed their permission to do so. In the spirit of her great-aunt, Brenda began her protests soon after she arrived in Little Rock. She did not bother to get a permit and ensued wearing any clothing. She protested carrying her sign stark naked in the capital.


To say the least, Brenda gathered a lot of attention. Soon uniform police shadowed her protests.


When enough officers had gathered, they confront Brenda and demand to see her permits allowing her actions. Brenda belligerently says “I am protesting the state government. Do you think I need a permit to do that?”


The police explained that she indeed needed a permit and, in the spirit of her great-aunt Barbara, Brenda told the cops to fuck off and put up a good fight when they tried to take her to the station.

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The police arrested her before the citizens watching. The police told the crowd to move along, that they would take the rabblerouser to the police station.


At the police station, Brenda was uncuffed and she demanded to know what the fine would be and how soon she could be on her way. The woman in charge admonished Brenda. “You have committed multiple felonies. You are going nowhere until you are tried and I doubt the courts will free you once you are convicted.”


Brenda was marched to a cell where she will be held until her trial. Being locked naked in a cell did not bother Brenda.


It has been over fifty years since her aunt Barbara had been hanged in Arkansas. She was sure her public trial would go much better. Change was coming Brenda thought…

It has been over fifty years since her aunt Barbara had been hanged in Arkansas. She was sure her public trial would go much better. Change was coming Brenda thought…
Heard your Aunt’s advice Brenda. Tell them all to go fuck themselves and don’t hire anyone named Tree to defend you in court. Proud of you for upholding the family tradition! Go Blue!
By the United States’ tricentennial, the country had reaffirmed the concept of states’ rights. If the constitution did not allow the Federal Government to do something, it could not. Therefore it was up to the states to decide what they wanted to do if it did not violate what the constitution allowed the federal government to do.

Several states banned the death penalty while some greatly expanded its scope and how it would be conducted.

In Georgia, Chrissie Haynes found out the what the cost could be for what was once a traffic violation that would have been a substantial fine and maybe a loss of her driver’s license.

Chrissie was caught doing 62 miles per hour in a twenty miles per hour school zone. Because it was a school zone, in addition to charges of excessive speeding, she was tried for reckless endangerment and attempted murder of the hundreds of students that were in the school at the time.

Chrissie was tried and found guilty of attempted murder of the students in school at the time.

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To her horror, she was condemned to death and would be executed on the state’s electric chair the first Saturday of the following month, giving her attorneys time to file any appeals which would all be denied.

The idea of being put to death on the state’s electric chair was oddly erotic to Chrissie. In her life she had experienced small electric shocks and had found them quite stimulating. She could only imagine what it would be like to have a huge jolt race through her body with a dozen strangers, the state’s witnesses, watching as the electricity contorted her body.

Chrissie was masturbating as she imagined the voltage jarring her body when the prison matron called through the bars “Haynes, get up. We have to ready you for the chair.”

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“What do you mean, ready me for the chair?” Chrissie asked.

“You have to be naked when you are juiced” the matron said. “Your uniform is state property, and we can’t have you sweating in it when you’re strapped to the chair. Besides, we have to cut your hair so we can properly zap you.”

Chrissie underdressed and was handcuffed and led to the prison’s barber. There, an electric razor sheered her long locks from her head.

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This really wasn’t necessary as her hair would not have kept her from being electrocuted but if the guards could do anything to humiliate a condemned prisoner, they would not let the opportunity pass. Chrissie shed a few tears as she watched her hair fall in clumps from her head but her ordeal before her execution is hardly finished.

The matron lathers Chrissie’s newly bared head with shaving cream. The male guard begins shaving her bald skull. With anger, Chrissie asks “Is this really necessary?”

It is of course not necessary. The electricity would easily deliver the fatal jolt to Chrissie but there are cameras recording her preparations. The guard says “You don’t want to feel the headpiece rubbing on the stubble, do you? And we are going to need to take your earrings. The current might melt them when you are electrocuted.”

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With Chrissie’s head now cut and shaved, the guard moves down to shave her loins. Chrissie says “You aren’t going to put contacts there. You don’t have to shave there!”

“Have you ever been on the electric chair” the guard asks. Getting no answer he tells Chrissie to spread her legs. Reluctantly Chrissie spreads her thighs, draping her calves over the chair’s armrests. The guard spends more time feeling her exposed sex than he does shaving her pussy bare.

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The guard marches Chrissie down the halls of the prison. When they get to the closed door of the execution room, he sits Chrissie on a cold metal folding chair sitting by the door. Chrissies naked skin is uncomfortable on the steel seat. She asks the guard how long she will have to sit there. He says “Till they call for you. They want to make sure the chair is ready to… um… do its job. We take care our executions occur faultlessly.”

“All this because I was speeding” Chrissie says without hiding her anger.

“Speeding would have gotten you a fine. You were found guilty of attempting to kill the students” he replies.

“Fine- fuck it. Do you have a cigarette?” Chrissie asks. The guard gives her one and, after she lights it, he says “You know smoking can kill you.”

Chrissie looks up at him and says “I think your chair will kill me before cancer does!”

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The door to the room finally opens and the guard and the matron leads Chrissie into the dark room. She pauses and looks at the heavy wooden chair adorned with straps and thick wires. Hairless and naked except the cuffs locked around her wrists, Chrissie stares at the inert object waiting to take her life. The matron softly reminds her “Chrissie, we have a schedule to keep.”

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Chrissie is more forced into the chair instead of being a willing participant. The reality that they are about to end her life hits her. Sweat pours from her body as the thick leather straps are fastened around her limbs and body.

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Once Chrissie is strapped to the chair a rubberized cloth is pulled over her head until it blindfolds her eyes. Another part of the cloth is pulled down towards her mouth. The guard squeezes her jaw, and the matron stuffs an attached hard rubber plug into her mouth before finishing placing the cloth over her mouth. Chrissie tries to protest but is incomprehensible with the plug in her mouth. As the guard straps the contact around her ankle, the matron explains to Chrissie “It’s to keep you from biting your tongue when the current hits.”

Unseen hands place a metal cap om Chrissie’s bare head and tightly fastens a leather strap under her chin. Chrissie can neither speak nor spit the plug out of her mouth.

A voice comes over the speakers. “Fifteen seconds.”

Chrissie fights the urge to piss. To her left, she hears the ‘click’ as the guard pulls the switch towards the ‘on’ position. Just before the current is turned on, he says “Good-bye, Chrissie.”

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The initial jolt lasts fifteen seconds. Usually this would render the convict at least unconscious, but Chrissie still moved within the straps. She managed an unintelligible moan past the gag in her mouth. The second jolt lasted a full minute.

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It was more than adequate to end Chrissie Haynes’ life.

The notorious speeder has been executed…
Delicious. Love to see victims' heads shaved before they are executed. Just that bit of extra humiliation
Brenda’s trial comes swiftly. Everyday a suspect is held before her trial costs the state money boarding her, guarding her, and feeding her. Brenda is brought to court where the prosecutor lists the charges against her- protesting without a permit, failure to purchase a permit, protesting in unacceptable outfit, indecent exposure, corruption of minors, failure to follow police instructions, resisting arrest, and inciting a riot- and presents a stack on evidence against her. He makes a case that Brenda must be punished severely for her crimes. In the too small dress Brenda wears she is concerned she will be spending a considerable amount in an Arkansas prison.


She is found guilty on all counts- even the indecent exposure, though the judge had reservations about that- but since it was late and past when the judge is usually unwinding with an evening cocktail, Brenda’s sentencing is delayed till the following day.

Brenda is brought to court at nine in the morning, quite early by the court’s view. The judge is of advanced age, in his eighties. It takes him a while to work his bones up the steps and take his seat at the bench. Brenda wears a sleeveless dress that is still rather tight on her slender frame. She still sweats, both from anticipation of what her sentence will be and how warm the courtroom is.

The judge takes his time to flip through the documents of Brenda’s case. He finally looks up and says “Brenda Moore, you have been found guilty of numerous crimes, all considered felonies. I could send you to prison that some judge in the future would have pity on you and parole you as a harmless old lady, but I will not subject you to that.”

Brenda’s heart races. Is the old guy going to go easy on her?

He continues. “But the cost to the citizens of Arkansas would be an unfair burden to them.”

‘Damn, I am going to get a short sentence because the judge is cheap’ Brenda thinks.

“I am going to send you to Arkansas State penitentiary where you will be held until Saturday, September 19, 2076…”

The judge pauses and Brenda can’t believe she will be incarcerated just more than two weeks. Her hopes are dashed when he finishes “…when you will be put to death, hanged naked by your neck until you are dead.”

Brenda cries out “You can’t execute me for these crimes!”

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“Miss Moore, I certainly can. And it is somewhat ironic that some fifty years ago, as the newly elected judge of Logan County, I sentenced your great aunt Barbara Moore to be hanged in front of the courthouse there. I think I will be the only judge that hanged to family members over fifty years apart!”
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“Miss Moore, I certainly can. And it is somewhat ironic that some fifty years ago, as the newly elected judge of Logan County, I sentenced your great aunt Barbara Moore to be hanged in front of the courthouse there. I think I will be the only judge that hanged to family members over fifty years apart!”

Ah … something to be proud of. … I suppose … in Arkansas … but … well … I doubt it’s making Brenda feel any better about what’s going to happen to her. … on the other hand, it’s a golden opportunity to embellish a family tradition …
Brenda Moore is in shock that she has been sentenced to death for crimes that at most would carry at most only heavy fines and maybe some jailtime in her blue state. She cannot believe in a couple of weeks she will be hanged by the state for her transgressions but the cold steel cuffs around her wrists assure her they are not just kidding her.


Brenda can feel her bare nipples rubbing the inside of her jacket. Is it that or the peril she is in that has her wet between her legs?

She arrives at the prison in North Little Rock. She is taken to the infirmary. Out the window is a nice view of the Arkansas River. She doesn’t get to admire the sight as she is told to remove her ‘civilian’ clothes. She stands naked before a man in a white coat. Brenda covers her breast and asks “Do I get a uniform?”


The man laughs and says “You are in your uniform. Kids today wear strange clothing, but they don’t run around naked yet. We haven’t had a woman escape naked. Now we are going to inspect you for any contraband you might have.”

A guard takes Brenda into a patient’s room where a nurse puts on a pair of surgical gloves. She covers herself and asks “What is she doing?”

The guard grabs Brenda’s hair and says “We have to make sure you aren’t bringing anything into the prison. Stand up, lady. It’s time for your cavity search.”


The doctor stuffs his fingers into her pussy and ass. Leaning over the bench, Brenda huffily asks “Satisfied? Are you happy now?”

“Just beginning” the doctor says. Brenda is laid over a steel bench and her wrists are tied to it. Her nipples harden on the cold steel as her legs are spread wide and her ankles are tied to the bench. She gasps as a hard cock plunges into her pussy. There is no concern for her discomfort as the man pummels her cunt. He comes fairly quickly filling her with his cum.

Thinking her inspection is done, Brenda snarls “I am clean. Are you happy now?”

The man splits the cheeks of her ass and says “Only half way there.”

Brenda squeals as he rams his cock deep into her bowels.


Painful as his intrusion is, it takes several minutes before he comes. He pulls his cock out of Brenda’s ass and assures the doctor “She’s clean. Nothing up there but her shit and my cum.”

Brenda is taken to get her ‘mug shot’ taken. When that is done one of the guards tells her “The warden wants to see you. Treat him nicely. Your life is in his hands.”


Brenda is escorted into the warden’s office. A neatly dressed man reclines in his chair. He is in his late forties or early fifties. Brenda can’t really tell but he is at least twice her age. Very cordially he says “Brenda Moore, come in” but he does not bother to rise. After all he is the warden and she is but a short term prisoner gracing him with her presence until he executes her.

He admires her bare body, commenting she is the nicest looking woman they have sent to his prison in quite a while.

He says “Miss Moore, you have been sent here to be executed. As a state employee I have no sway on what the court has sentenced you. However, I will oversee your execution. I can make the experience far less difficult for you.”

“I don’t understand. You are going to hang me to death. How can you make that ‘less difficult’?” Brenda asks hardly hiding her contempt.

The warden lowers his voice and says “I have considerable leeway on how you are hanged. Most prisoners are hanged using the ‘short drop’. I can prescribe you receive a long drop. It will still put you to death but you won’t be dangling by you neck for around five minutes while you choke to death.”

“And what must I do to earn this favor” Brenda asks.


The warden’s voice lightens and he says “Just come over here. Kneel before me and suck my dick. If you do a good job, I’ll see you get a long drop. Of course it won’t break your neck but you will pass out and die very quickly.”

Brenda takes a deep breath and says “I’d rather strangle for a quarter hour and die choking on my own vomit than kneel before you and suck the cock of the man who is going to kill me!”

Somewhat pissed off the warden says “You have your aunt’s looks and temper. You know when they hanged her it is said she kicked and twitched for almost ten minutes before she died but I hear she was quite a fine-looking woman as she hanged from her noose.”


“I am sure I will look as good as she did when you hang me. Who knows, maybe I can break her record” Brenda sneers

“I will be sure to help you try” the warden growls…
Somewhat pissed off the warden says “You have your aunt’s looks and temper. You know when they hanged her it is said she kicked and twitched for almost ten minutes before she died but I hear she was quite a fine-looking woman as she hanged from her noose.”


Yep, she definitely has my “who the fuck do you think you are, asshole!!!” attitudinal glare. It’s all there in the Moore family genes.

And I bet she ends up getting the slow drop method and kicks and twitches for even longer than her great auntie Barb did!

If nothing else we Moores know how to put on a good show.;)
Brenda Moore had never learned to respect people who had authority over her. Her confrontation with the warden did not earn her any mercy. Her first week in the prison she was whipped for her insolence. Such treatment was not allowed by Arkansas law, but it was not specifically forbidden either. Her whippings were done in the sewer that ran under the prison and witnessed by invited guests of the warden. The guard who flogged Brenda took great joy in whipping her, reminding her that just over two hundred years ago, white women like Brenda took great pleasure in disciplining the guard’s ancestors owned by the rich privileged slave owners of Arkansas.


Being a prisoner of such a cruel warden does have its drawbacks. But there a people who have other views on capital punishment. We hear from Professor Tightrope who holds a generous opinion of this form of penal punishment.

Let us get this straight. Up until the 1800s, criminals who committed felonies faced the prospect of being executed for their actions. Why, in the late 1800s the electric chair was introduced as a more humane way to put a criminal to death. Think about that a moment. A person has been sentenced to death for a crime they committed and hanging them is considered an inhumane way to execute them.

Later the gas chamber was created so the criminal would not have to suffer the shock of being electrocuted. This was followed by the use of lethal injection because that way the prisoner just ‘goes to sleep’.

This was when the Supreme Court reviewed each prisoner’s death sentence. Some time around then some ‘intellectuals’ determined that the death sentence did not deter criminal activities.

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I guess it wouldn’t if the convict knew they could put off being executed for years if they go through all the appeals allowed. I tell you, you put a criminal like Brenda Moore on the gallows and hang her till she is dead, you will see a reduction in crime.

But I have gotten off on a rant. Even this bitch is shown unnecessary kindness leading up till she is hanged to death…

It is the Wednesday before Brenda is to be hanged. She is visited by a pair of women from France who seem relieved to see Brenda in her cell.

“Just look at her” the blonde woman says in her native tongue. “Can you believe they would hang such a beautiful woman using a rope from the harbor?”

Brenda looks out from her cell and says “I can’t understand you. Who are you and why are you here?”

The blonde woman takes a sip from her drink and say “I am so sorry! I am Messaline and this is my lover, Judith. We heard they are going to hang you so we came to see what we could do. And it is a good thing we came!”

“You got them to stop my execution” Brenda asks hopefully.

“No, these people would never do that” Messaline says. “But we got them to use a premium French noose when they do hang you!”

“A ‘premium French noose’… I don’t understand. Will it still kill me” Brenda asks.

“Of course it will- you have been sentenced to death” Messaline says.


“But look on the bright side” Judith says. “At least your neck won’t be chaffed like it would be if they used some cheap Arkansas rope!”
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