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Late Friday, September 18, 2076… Brenda Moore is visited by a shabbily dressed man. He carries a drink and smokes a Marlboro cigarette. Brenda figures he is ignoring all the signs that say ‘no smoking’ or he’s too dumb to read. In a chipper voice she says “I’m not buying anything. Some French ladies already got me a fine rope.”


“Just came by to see who’s getting hanged tomorrow” the man says.

“That would be me, Brenda Moore” she says almost proudly.

“You look just like your aunt they hanged fifty-some-odd years ago” the man says as he puffs out a cloud of smoke.

“You saw my great-aunt hanged?” Brenda asks wide-eyed.

“Yeah, I was just a boy back then. Funny I’m going to hang you just like my grandpa did your aunt back in Paris” the man says.

Her voice rises in surprise as Brenda squeaks “You are going to hang me?!?!?!”


“That’s what they pay me to do” the man says as he takes another drag from his smoke.

“WHO ARE YOU” Brenda demands.

“Name’s Tree, T. H. Tree” the man says matter-of-factly.

“That’s who hanged my great-aunt” Brenda exclaims.

“That was my grandfather, The Hanging Tree” the man says proudly.

“Is that what the ‘T. H.’ stands for” Brenda asks.

“Nope, just stands for ‘T. H.’. My dad was The Hanging Tree, Junior. He didn’t want to make me ‘the third’ so I’m just T. H. Tree, but feel free to call me ‘Tree’. Most people do.”

Glaring though the bars, Brenda snarls “And you make a living hanging people?”


“It’s steady work and pays well. Besides, there ain’t a lot of people that have the stomach for it” Tree says. “And what the hell did you do to piss the warden off so bad?”

“He’s mad? Probably because I wouldn’t suck the bastard’s cock” Brenda says. “Why what did he say to you?”

“Told me to do the shortest drop possible when I hang you” Tree explains. “He wants you twistin’ and thrashing as long as possible while you hang by your neck.”


Tree adds “Whose record does he want you to break, anyway?”

Brenda softly says “My Aunt Barbara Moore’s.”

Tree shakes his head and says “You are in for a fucked up day tomorrow”.

Tree drops the cigarette on the floor and finishes his drink as he walks towards the door…
“You saw my great-aunt hanged?” Brenda asks wide-eyed.

“Yeah, I was just a boy back then. Funny I’m going to hang you just like my grandpa did your aunt back in Paris” the man says.

Runs in the family. His and mine. :p

“Nope, just stands for ‘T. H.’. My dad was The Hanging Tree, Junior. He didn’t want to make me ‘the third’ so I’m just T. H. Tree, but feel free to call me ‘Tree’. Most people do.”

Niw that we have that mystery cleared up … ;)


Tree adds “Whose record does he want you to break, anyway?”

Brenda softly says “My Aunt Barbara Moore’s.”

sorry, not a chance :rolleyes:
Early Saturday morning, September 19, 2076…

Spike Sharp meets with the prison’s warden. He is a less than pleasant man and it shows as he discusses the arrangements he has made with him.

“Warden, I paid a lot of money to cover Moore’s execution and that doesn’t count how much I spent getting my crew here. Hanging Brenda better be a damn good show for what it is costing me” Spike says.

“It will be worth your time and money” the warden assures him.

“Yeah? I thought Arkansas law says you have to drop her three feet. That could stun her, and it won’t make good television” Spike says.

“You are mistaken. I am only required to drop her a foot and a half. We weighed her and she’s only just over 110 pounds naked, which is how she’ll be hanged.


“She’s a healthy woman. That won’t knock her out. And she’s only 5’4”. She should kick quite a bit before she croaks.”


“She damn well better” Spike says. “I don’t cover women in front of a firing squad because it is over too fast.”


“That’s why we are marching her to the gallows. You can film the whole show. Hell, she might even shit before she is hanged” the warden proudly tells Spike.

Around eleven in the morning Tree visits the warden. It is still early for Tree, but he has concerns about Brenda’s execution that he wants to discuss. He goes into the office smoking his Marlboro even after he passed countless ‘No Smoking’ signs. The meeting does not get off to a friendly start as the warden makes a snide comment about Tree’s smoke. Tree points to the warden’s cigar smoldering in his ashtray. Tree asks if he smoked a Cuban cigar would it be allowed.

Tree gets to the points of his visit. “I understand you are not going to use the regular Arkansas rope for Moore’s noose.”

“That is correct. A pair of women from France offered one of their ‘premium French nooses’. It was free as long as Brenda has it around her neck when her body is laid out after she is hanged.”

“A French noose… are you sure it will hold her” Tree asks.

“These nooses have been distributed by Nailus Martyrs this whole century and there hasn’t been any complaints” the warden assures Tree.

“OK, but I am worried about the drop. You said you want the minimum allowed. You know it is going to take a while to do her. She’ll be kicking around the whole time she’s hanging by her neck” Tree says sounding somewhat concerned.

“I am quite aware of that” the warden says.

“She said something about lasting longer than Barbara Moore, her aunt. You sure you want to do that to her” Tree asks.

“I am damn sure I want to do that” the warden yells as he jumps to his feet.


“I am executing the bitch, not holding a fashion show. I can get a hundred guys that would love to hang her and watch her shake her naked body while she dangles by her neck and they won’t charge what I’m paying you! So are you going to hang her or should I scout the crowd for some amateur to string her up?”

Tree pulls a flask from his pocket, pours himself a drink, and says “It ain’t right, but I’ll do it. I’d hate for some idiot to hurt her when he’s killing her…”
4 PM, September 19, 2076

One of the prison matrons opens the cell door and in a cheery voice says “Let’s get you ready for your hanging.”

Brenda is hardly in the mood to be hanged or hearing the happy voice of the woman. She says “Let’s put it off for another day.”

The guard says “Everything is ready but you. Now stand up and put you hands behind your back.”

Brenda does as she is told, and the matron locks a cold pair of handcuffs around her wrists. Brenda finds the cuffs and the matron’s touch strangely stimulating. Not wanting to let on, Brenda asks if this is really necessary.

In a solemn tone the warden says “Oh, it is required! I hear one of the first women- sorry… prisoner they hanged begged to have her hands cuffed in front of her. They say she tore her neck up pretty bad while she hanged by her neck. Now we don’t hang anyone without their hands secured behind them.”

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With her hands bound, Sister Angel comes in and asks if there is any prayers or something Brenda would like to say. Brenda growls “I should have known the church would be in on this. Are you going to enjoy when the head guard makes me suck his cock on the gallows so I get a longer drop?”

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“Miss Moore, Tree is an honorable hangman. If the warden has prescribed a short drop for your hanging, I am sure he will not let Bull make you suck him off” Sister Angel says. “Besides, all the people who have come to see you hanged want to see your tits shake while you hang by your neck and try to free your hands.”

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Next, Brenda is brought to the side of her cell and told to relieve herself. Brenda pissed while the custodian watches her. She starts to get up when he says “I think you ought to shit. You’re going to be awfully embarrassed taking a dump in front of the people out there.”

Brenda forces out a small turd and asks for some toilet paper.

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The custodian says “You don’t need it. You’ll be hanged in a couple hours.”

An older man, one of the senior guards, walks Brenda down on of the corridors. She looks around and says “I won’t miss this place.”

He shrugs and says “You’ll think it was pretty nice compared to where you are heading.”

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As they approach a heavy oak door, one of the matrons takes Brenda’s arm. The door is opened, and Brenda is led outside. She is shocked to see the courtyard filled with cheering people with the gallows rising behind the crowd. In a weak voice, Brenda asks “What are they doing here?”

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“Brenda, they all paid good money to see you hanged” the matron replies…
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Two generations later, but definitely a Moore. She even looks like me.
The walk through the courtyard is only a hundred and fifty feet but the space is filled with a crowd whose only goal is to see Brenda hanged by her neck. Many of the crowd did not even know or care why she is going to executed. Still the warden has a large guard take her to the gallows. He does not want her harmed before he can hang her.

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The crowd get louder as Brenda nears the gallows.

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Brenda is not sure if it the loud crowd or the gnawing anticipation of what is about to happen to her. As she nears the gallows, she looks up at the structure towering over her. ‘They are fucking serious about hanging me’ she thinks.

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Brenda gets to the bottom of the stairs. One of the guards reaches for her arm to help her climb the steps. She snarls “I know how to walk. You just better be sure you know how to hang me.”

Defiantly she climbs the gallows’ stairs.

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To an observer one would think Brenda is cocky bitch, unphased by what is planned for her. In reality, she is grateful the custodian made her empty her bowels in the cell.

Brenda reached the top of the steps and looks over at the thick rope the noose is fashioned on. She struggles not to let the people see her legs tremble.

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She looks through the empty loop and her being hanged is no longer a bad dream- these people are really going to hang her!

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Brenda walks across the gallows’ deck towards the noose waiting for her neck. The knot hangs between her breasts with the loop down to her waist. It will be a short drop. She is surrounded by MPs of the Arkansas National Guard who glare at her naked body. They seem more aroused by the sight of her than concerned she is about to be hanged.

Brenda looks around and asked “Where is the hangman? Are you amateurs going to hang me?

Their captain says “No your executioner will be here in a minute. We here to make sure the crowd doesn’t hurt you before… um… they…”

Brenda looks at their commander and says “Your soldiers seem more interested in fucking me than they are hanging me.”

The captain says “The governor assigned us here to make the crowd stays back. Can’t blame the men if they are excited to see you. That’s all the extra pay they get.”

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Brenda feels warm and wet in her loins. She doesn’t know is she is excited more than she is scared by her situation. One of the soldiers comments Brenda has ‘nice jugs’ and gets a sharp glance for the captain.

There is a clatter on the stairs and Tree appears with a pretty blond woman. The woman grabs Brenda by her arms and says gleefully “I can’t believe I am here for this bitch’s hanging. It was fifty years ago since grandpa hanged her aunt.”

“Great-aunt” Brenda corrects. “Barbara Moore was my great-aunt!”

“Aunt, great-aunt, what does it matter” the woman says. “I can’t believe I am here to see you hanged!”

“Who the hell are you” Brenda asks.

Tree takes a sip of his drink and says “She’s my cousin, Joanne Tree. She’s from the Arkansas Department of Correction.”

“Joanne Tree? Is she a relative of yours” Brenda demands.

“Yeah, like a cousin or second one once removed” Tree says somewhat grudgingly.

Joanne pushes Brenda closer to the noose and yells to one of the cameramen “My grandmother was there when they hanged her aunt. Make sure you get great shots of her hanging by her neck!”

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A man from the state’s Health Department pushes Joanne aside and starts checking the cuffs on Brenda’s wrists. Brenda asks “What the hell are you doing?”

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“Just making sure you are bound humanely. We don’t cut corners just because we are executing you!”

A man in a blue shirt and khaki pants grabs the noose and say “Brenda, step forward, please.”

Brenda glares at his beady eyes peering through his dark mask. “What for?”

“We can’t hang you unless you are standing on the trapdoor” he replies.

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Without a single friendly face around her, Brenda slowly steps forward…
There is a clatter on the stairs and Tree appears with a pretty blond woman. The woman grabs Brenda by her arms and says gleefully “I can’t believe I am here for this bitch’s hanging. It was fifty years ago since grandpa hanged her aunt.”

“Great-aunt” Brenda corrects. “Barbara Moore was my great-aunt!”

We Moore’s are sticklers for accuracy!

anne pushes Brenda closer to the noose and yells to one of the cameramen “My grandmother was there when they hanged her aunt. Make sure you get great shots of her hanging by her neck!”

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The Moore family humbly requests copies for the family album as well as ones to frame and hang on the wall.
Brenda steps onto the trapdoor as the hood man prepares to put the noose over her head. She growls “Get it done. Don’t fuck around with me.”

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Preparing her to be hanged takes just a few moments.

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The noose is pulled over her head. She grimaces as the rope passes over her eyes the hooded man tightens the loop so she has no escape.

She looks at the hooded man and sees the bulge in his pants. She asks “Do you always cum when you noose a woman?”

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Then she turns to the guy from the health department and asks “Am I good enough to hang?”

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“You meet all the health codes. It’s up to the corrections department whether they stretch your neck or not.”

A pair of women from the Department of Corrections step up. One seems to supervise while the other loosens the loop around Brenda’s neck. In the background Tree calls out “Hey, not too loose! You don’t want her to fall.”

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The woman supervising says “The warden wants her to last a while before she dies. Don’t worry, she won’t fall.”

Brenda would have pissed right then if she hadn’t in her cell.

One would think Brenda has been prepared to be hanged but Spike Sharp has paid the warden a large sum of money to record her execution. To enhance the Crux Chronicle’s video of Brenda’s hanging (and to help concession sales, which the warden gets a cut of) Mrs. Purehart, the choir leader from the Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship, comes onto the gallows platform to read the crimes Brenda has been found guilty of.

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It is a lengthy list but, in many states, would have gotten Brenda a hefty fine and some prison time. The crowd has little interest in why Brenda is being hanged, they just want to see the naked woman’s fine body jerking and twisting as she hangs by her neck. More than half the crowd crowds around the concession tent while Mrs. Purehart reads Brenda’s crimes. Drink sales do very well.

When Mrs. Purehart is done reading what Brenda has been convicted of, she proudly (and very sternly) announces “…and at six o’clock this evening of September 19, 2076, the State of Arkansas will hang Brenda Moore from this gallows. She will hang by her neck until she is dead…”

A huge cheer rises from the crowd. Mrs. Purehart continues “Brenda Moore’s time of death will be noted as 6 PM, no matter how long it takes for her to die.”

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It does not cross Brenda’s mind it was a good thing the custodian told her to purge her bowels while she was still in her cell, or she would have right now. Brenda’s mind is filled with the thought of being hanged. She has no idea what it will feel like but figures if being hanged will kill her, it can’t be a pleasant experience.

Joanne Tree turns to her cousin T. H. Tree and asks “Don’t you have to pull the lever and hang her?”

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Tree takes a swig of his drink and says “It’s only 5:59. Don’t rush her execution. Besides, I am only here as an advisor. They can only pay a hangman so much, but they paid me a lot more to be their ‘advisor’.”

Over the loudspeakers it is announced “Thirty seconds until Brenda Moore is hanged.”

The crowd grows silent and stares up at Brenda not wanting to miss her drop. Brenda tries to reach the noose around her neck, but the cuffs do not let her reach it. She fidgets her arms behind her back in the last seconds she stands on the gallows.

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She looks skyward and thinks “God, let this be quick…”

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15 seconds till Brenda is hanged…

The man from the Health Department calls down to the governor “The convict is ready to be hanged!”

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“NO, I am not” Brenda yells back, right as the governor calls up “Then string the bitch by her neck!”

The governor’s wife grabs her neck, unable to wait to see Brenda hanging naked by her neck

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The hangman grabs the lever and says to Brenda “The show is about to begin. You ready?”


Brenda answers softly “No, I am not” and takes her last deep breath.


The lever is pulled and Brenda starts to fall.


She opens her mouth to scream…
She opens her mouth to scream but Brenda’s fall is only a foot and a half.


The sudden stop straightens her body and stops the scream before she can make it.


Tree watches Brenda jerk. Though a short drop he thinks ‘She wasn’t expecting that.’

Brenda can still breathe but it is hardly as easy as normal. The coils if noose’s knot cocks her head sideways and each breath she takes draws in saliva and spit flies from her mouth when she exhales.


Arkansas state laws required any condemned prisoner be dropped 18 inches when they are hanged and care was made Brenda’s hanging would meet the letter of the law. However the weight of her body would tighten the noose around her neck and stretch the rope. Even is she straightened her legs her feet would still be more than eight feet above the ground. Brenda did not keep her legs straight. Her feet trashed about trying to reach footing they would not find.


‘Motherfuck, they hanged me’ Brenda thinks. She frantically tries to find something to stand on. ‘I’m going to choke to death!’


The prison staff casually watch Brenda thrash as she hangs by her neck. They have seen what Brenda is experiencing dozens of times before. The local newswoman cries out “She’s still alive! How long will it take to kill her?”

“Most don’t last five minutes” the Health Department says.


“But this was a short drop. She could break the record” the hangman adds.

Blow the gallows, the registered nurse on duty watches Brenda twist as she hangs by her neck. The nurse’s duties are over. She was there to provide first aid if Brenda’s hanging went awry and she fell and hit someone. She looks up at Brenda and says to the deputy “Shit, it is going to take a while for her to croak.”


Brenda tries desperately to escape the noose closing around her throat. The crowd cheers each time she jerks but with her ears ringing she does not hear them. It is far more important for her to take her next breath that is getting harder to draw in.


Five minutes after she has been hanged, Brenda can still draw some air but nowhere near what she needs to live on. Her legs twirl in lazier circles as she gasps her last.


At seven minutes, Brenda loses her fight with the noose.


Soon people in the crowd drift off to refill their drinks at the concession tent…
The story’s conclusion…

Brenda Moore was condemned to death for her numerous crimes. Had she committed them in her homes state, she would have been given a stiff fine and maybe some time in the state’s women’s prison. Her mistake was blatantly committing the in Arkansas as a protest to atrocities women suffer under the orders of the state’s courts. She had protested at the state’s capital. She thought the coverage by the media would protect her from prosecution. Little did she expect the videos of her protests would be used as undisputable evidence against her.

Brenda Moore was brought to gallows naked where the noose was placed around her neck. She looked defiant as Mrs. Purehart read the crimes she had been convicted of committing and that she would be hanged to death as punishment for them. She scanned the crowd as if she was thinking they couldn’t do this to her.


Indeed they could. The crowd took perverse satisfaction watching Brenda struggle as she hanged by her neck.


It took seven minutes for the noose to take her life. One of the cameras brought by Spike Sharp was fixed on her body dangling by her neck. She appeared to be staring out at the crowd, but it was a dead woman’s look.


On the gallows, Tree gazed at Brenda’s body hanging from noose. He took a drink and said “Her aunt Barbara would hated you filming her from that angle and I doubt Brenda would appreciate you doing her that way.”


Spike Sharp lit a Lucky Stripe and said “She ran out of rights once she was convicted. Besides, hangings go so fast that for what we charge for the video, our customers like looking at dead convicts’ pussies.”

Brenda was left hanging by her neck until sunset.


Tree took some of his ‘advisor fee’ to give Brenda a proper burial. It was the least he could do for all the money he made off her execution…

The end
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