Hi, i'm open for suggestions and many of the ideas fits in my own projects. So i can realize some ideas of the community member if i had the time. But actualy, i'm in Austria for snowboarding.
Hi, I just discovered your work yesterday and I'm really amazed! Thanks for your work, it fascinates me and I like when you say it's only imaginative, it help us to be normal and nice persons in real life. As you say you are open to suggestions, I transcribe here (in English and original French) a marquis de Sade text that has always haunted me. Thanks again for your magnificent work.
Zelmire’s turn: they roast her clitoris, sear her tongue, brake her gums, extract four of her teeth, burn her thighs in six places before and behind, snip away her nipples, unfinger both her hands and when she is thus prepared to afford pleasure, Curval embuggers her. But he does not discharge.
Up steps Fanchon. Their attentions cost her an eye.
Escorted by Desgranges and Duclos, the Duc and Curval make a journey to the cellars with Augustine in the course of that night; her ass has been preserved in excellent condition, 'tis now lashed to tatters, then the two brothers alternately embugger her, but guard their seed, and then the Duc gives her fifty-eight wounds in the buttocks, pours boiling oil into each gash. He drives a hot iron into her cunt, another into her ass, and fucks her wounded charms, his prick sheathed in a sealskin condom which worsens the already lamentable state of her privities. That accomplished, the flesh is peeled away from the bones of her arms and legs, which bones are sawed in several different places, then her nerves are laid bare in four adjacent places, the nerve ends are tied to a short stick which, like a tourniquet, is twisted, thus drawing forth the aforesaid nerves, which are very delicate parts of the human anatomy and, which, when mistreated, cause the patient to suffer much. Augustine's agonies are unheard-of.
She is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then Messieurs resume work, but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife. The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back, down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel, the Duc thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina; he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails, forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance, he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears, burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair, attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Duc encunted her in this sorry state; he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her, and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the President burrows in her chest and harasses her heart, puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body
Arrive Zelmire: on lui brûle le clitoris, la langue, les gencives, on lui arrache quatre dents, on la brûle en six endroits des cuisses par-devant et par-derrière, on lui coupe les deux bouts des tétons, tous les doigts des mains, et Curval l'encule en cet état sans décharger.
On amène Fanchon à qui on crève un oeil. -
Pendant la nuit, le duc et Curval, escortés de Desgranges et de Duclos, descendent Augustine au caveau. Elle avait le cul très conservé, on la fouette, puis chacun l'encule sans décharger; ensuite le duc lui fait cinquante-huit blessures sur les fesses, dans chacune desquelles il coule de l'huile bouillante. Il lui enfonce un fer chaud dans le con et dans le cul, et la fout sur les blessures avec un condom de peau de chien de mer qui redéchirait les brûlures. Cela fait, on lui découvre les os et on les lui scie en différents endroits. Puis l'on découvre ses nerfs en quatre endroits formant la croix, on attache à un tourniquet chaque bout de ces nerfs, et on tourne, ce qui lui allonge ces parties délicates et la fait souffrir des douleurs inouïes. On lui donne du relâche pour la mieux faire souffrir, puis on reprend l'opération, et, à cette fois, on lui égratigne les nerfs avec un canif, à mesure qu'on les allonge. Cela fait, on lui fait un trou au gosier, par lequel on ramène et fait passer sa langue; on lui brûle à petit feu le téton qui lui reste, puis on lui enfonce dans le con une main armée d'un scalpel avec lequel on brise la cloison qui sépare l'anus du vagin; on quitte le scalpel, on renfonce la main, on va chercher dans ses entrailles et la force à chier par le con; ensuite, par la même ouverture, on va lui fendre le sac de l'estomac. Puis l'on revient au visage: on lui coupe les oreilles, on lui brûle l'intérieur du nez, on lui éteint les yeux en laissant distiller de la cire d'Espagne brûlante dedans, on lui cerne le crâne, on la pend par les cheveux en lui attachant des pierres aux pieds, pour qu'elle tombe et que le crâne s'arrache. Quand elle tomba de cette chute, elle respirait encore, et le duc la foutit en con dans cet état; il déchargea et n'en sortit que plus furieux. On l'ouvrit, on lui brûla les entrailles dans le ventre même, et on passa une main armée d'un scalpel qui fut lui piquer le coeur en dedans, à différentes places. Ce fut là qu'elle rendit l'âme.