So, when the time came and it was dark and cold outside, Ingar tapped on our doors and with a finger over her lips led me to Miri’s room, where the candle and the cushions were waiting for us. She asked us to sit down and to hold hands and to close our eyes while she told us the next part of the story.
After the justices had given their sentence the girl was led out of the great oak-paneled council room and along a passage, then through a heavy, iron-bolted door and down a gloomy spiral staircase to the cells beneath the town hall. This was a different place in the building than the torture chamber and was for holding the condemned before execution. A row of four small cells, each with an iron barred door, bare but for straw on the floor, a palliasse for sleeping and two earthenware bowls. And an iron ring fixed to the wall with chains hanging from it. There was no natural light, just the flickering orange glow of the torch fixed to the wall of the passageway.
She was still naked and stood, frightened, as the two guards led her into her cell and told her to remain standing and to wait. She stood as still as she could, trembling slightly, her arms folded over her breasts as if to hide herself. She was conscious of her own breathing, and snuffled back a few tears.
Minutes later, although it seemed to her like an eternity, an old woman entered. At least she seemed old to the girl. She came with a few things and a bowl of water and bid the guards to leave them alone. They did as they were asked and stood, one either side of the doorway, trying to defeat the temptation to look inside. The woman seemed kindly and spoke quickly but softly to the girl. She gently eased her arms to her side and explained that she was here to tidy her and make her ready. She turned the girl and held out her broken hands and tutted, saying that they’d made a bit of a mess of her but that she had seem much worse and she’d soon have her better.
With care and patience she slowly wiped the girl’s battered back with warm water from her bowl, using her finger tips to clean the cuts where the whip had bitten through the flesh. The girl grimaced as the task continued, and the old woman soothed her, stroking her brow. Next she moved to her hands, unwinding the bandages and washing the wounds, applying some strange ointment that stung, then cooled her fingers.
Gradually the girl gained enough composure to look up at the old woman, and even to smile a little. The woman spoke to her and told her not to be afraid of her, because she was here to make her more comfortable. The girl asked what would happen to her, although of course she knew what would happen, in the end. Without pausing from her work with the warm, wet cloth, as she wiped the girl’s legs clean, she explained that her job was to make her ready. That she’d come again before the end of the week to dress her wounds if it was needed and that she’d bring her food each day. She told the girl that it was a Monday and that her execution was to take place on Friday in the big square in front of the town hall and that they would be preparing the scaffold for her as she was talking. But she said all of this without malice of any sort and in a matter-of-fact way that made the girl feel calm. She said that she was sorry, but that she would have to cut the girl’s hair because that was the rule, and that she would shave her body, but that she shouldn’t mind that too much, and while she was here in the cell she shouldn’t be afraid because she would be looked after and would be safe and that no-one wanted to be cruel to her. It was just how things had to be because of the law, and she should understand that, and the girl nodded her head.
As she chopped the girl’s golden locks short, the cuttings lay around her feet on the stone floor, and became lost in the straw. The girl cried a little at her loss and the old woman said something soothing to her. Then from her bag she took a razor and some soap and lifted first one arm then the other and shaved away the fair curls and then parted her legs and soon the girl was as naked as the day she had been born. The old woman said she was nearly done, and unrolled a thin grey cotton shift from her bag and asked the girl to put it over herself, and she tightened the little draw string that held it in place over her shoulders and then stood back and looked at the girl and said she was all done for now and that she looked much better.
As she left, the two guards entered again, this time with another rough-looking man who held a hammer and some metal rings in his hand. He asked the girl to sit down with her legs apart, and quickly set to work, attaching two heavy manacles one to each ankle and fixing a chain that connected each, then, testing the length, hammering them shut. He led the chain back over the girl, who was leaning now against the stone wall of the cell, and allowing enough for her to move from the palliasse to the bowls, broke a link of the chain at the right point and hammered it closed onto the iron hoop in the wall. Then tidying his things and wiping his hands on his leather apron, he too left, as did the guards, and the iron door was pulled shut with a heavy clang and everything became silent.