I chose "sub and then crucifier", but as noted by Phlebas and others, it really isn't that simple. I was also one of those smart, non-athletic, imaginative kids that got bullied a bit in school. I didn't really like being submissive, I don't think, but I did act it out in solo self-crux fantasies, sometimes with a real full-size cross (parents had a cross from a church that they were storing in the garage for some unknown reason). As I grew older, I started filling out, playing football (soccer), and got a bit more assertive. I'm still quite introspective. My current lover/partner is more assertive in ordinary life, but likes to be submissive and "taken" in the bedroom. While she doesn't share any crux fantasies, this is not too big a deal. We share more than that. I no longer seem to fantasize about self-crux, nor do I have any particular submissive tendencies. I am a senior manager at my workplace, and I like being assertive and decisive. (As my personality at CF likely suggests, I'm not exactly a tyrant at work either, but I do take decisions and responsibility.) It's all rather complicated, when you try to write it down coherently. I don't really fantasize about hurting women, but I am fascinated by the fantasies of others, and like to imagine the scenarios and put characters in situations that meet those fantasies. I find arousing a woman in that way tremendously arousing myself.