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A thread for Kathrin's crux fantasies?

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Hello dear members of the Crux community. Someone wrote under my thread that it hadn't been continued for a long time. That's true. Somehow I've lost touch. I actually had a lot of fun sharing my fantasies with you. That's why I'm putting one of my fantasies online again. I hope you enjoy it.

LARP-Girl - Kopie2 - Kopie - Kopie.jpg

The LARP-Girl

Sometimes I find pictures on the internet that trigger certain feelings in me and that immediately make me think of a nice crucifixion fantasy.

This is the case with the girl in the photo.

It's been a while since I found this fascinating photo. I liked it very much right away. I thought the costume was absolutely great. The girl is only wearing the bare essentials. She's almost naked. She's more naked than dressed. However, I wish she wasn't wearing long gloves. Her arms and hands should be naked, as should her legs and feet. The mask takes her her identity awayand makes her a stranger. She can hide a little behind this mask.

I often imagine myself as this girl at a LARP event. I walk barefoot across the soft grass in this very skimpy costume and look around the camp. It feels very exciting to walk around almost naked among all these people. I'm a little ashamed, but it also turns me on a lot. It arouses me to walk around the grounds almost naked.

Then I come to the barbarian camp. There is a large wooden cross. I'm totally into crucifixions, so I stop and take a closer look. There are four leather cuffs. My heart starts beating faster and I get pretty hot. It looks like it's possible to attach a person to this cross. Wow, I think.

A barbarian girl steps up next to me. She's wearing a similar costume to mine: only tiny triangular pieces that just cover her nipples and a tiny linen cloth that just covers her pussy. Her hair is braided with small bones and bird feathers.

Her arms, hands, legs and feet are bare.

“Do you like our cross?” the girl asks and smiles at me. “We take this cross with us to every meeting.” She points to the leather cuffs on the crossbar: “You can adjust the cuffs, see? This means you can adjust the cross to any body size. I have been tied to this cross many times. It feels cool to be crucified.”

My heart is now beating much faster and I feel a tingling sensation in my lap.

“You crucify people?” I ask in disbelief.

The barbarian girl nods: “Of course! Anyone who wants to try it can be crucified. The leather cuffs are absolutely stable. They can even hold a heavy man.” She smiles at me. “It looks like you want to try it. That’s fine. Lots of people do it. At first they don’t dare to admit it, but then they do it anyway. You can admit it. You would like to be strapped to this cross, right?"

I hesitate. But I know that if I don't say yes now, I will never dare and I want to go to this cross. Absolutely!

So I say yes.

The barbarian girl puts her arm over my shoulders. "I knew you would say that. I could see right away that you are fascinated by the cross. Don't worry, you are not alone. Lots of people are interested in it. When we are at a LARP event, our cross is rarely empty. On the contrary, people sometimes line up to experience a crucifixion. Nearly everyone wants to try it. Wait here, I'll get a few people. Don't run away!"

I shake my head. "No," I say. "I'll wait here." I blush. No, I definitely won't run away! O no!

After a short while, the barbarian girl comes back. She has a few strong men with her.

"They are here to raise the cross," the barbarian girl says cheerfully. I can see that she is enjoying it. She looks me up and down and looks up at the cross: "It is adjusted to your height. Great. That saves us time and work."

Meanwhile, the men have lowered the cross. It is lying in the grass. Long ropes are attached to the ends of the crossbeam.

"Lay down on the cross," the girl asks in a friendly voice. She looks me deep in the eyes: "How long do you want to be crucified? It should be at least an hour. Anything less is boring because you won't experience the full range of feeling sensations."

"Yes," I say. I can't get any more word out. I'm shaking with excitement.

Meanwhile, a number of spectators have noticed us. People are gathering from everywhere.

I swallow. I wasn't expecting this. There must be three dozen people who want to watch me being crucified.

I almost give up, but I can't go back now. I'm too crazy about the cross for that. Haven't I dreamed of such an opportunity for years? Haven't I fantasized about being crucified over and over again? Here and now I have the chance. So I have to take it.

I go to the cross lying in the grass and lie down on my back on it. My heart is beating so hard that it feels like a hammer in my chest. I slide around on the cross to get into the right position.

The barbarian men help me. Finally, my wrists and ankles are in the open leather cuffs.

The barbarian girl turns to the spectators: "This LARP girl will be crucified for an hour. Watch her experiencing her first crucifixion. Don't miss this sensation! Come closer! Watch! Enjoy the sight of the young beauty on the cross, ladies and gentlemen."

Two men close the leather cuffs around my wrists. My arms are spread wide. Below, the soles of my feet are resting on a slanted wooden support platform. The barbarian girl fastens my feet to the upright cross post. Then she steps back and looks down at me.

I am lying on my back and am inseparably connected to the cross, an incredibly exciting feeling. I cannot get away on my own. I am shaking with excitement. I see the barbarian men on the right and left grabbing the ropes at the ends of the crossbeam. They step forward, past my bound feet and pull the ropes tight. Now more men come over. They grab the two ropes and on command they start to pull.

The cross rises. Wow! What a feeling! I raise up with the cross. It feels absolutely fantastic. It is absolutely authentic and it is arousing. It feels heavenly. A dream comes true. Then the cross is upright. The men somehow fasten it to the ground at the bottom so that it stays upright.

I have to take a deep breath. I am almost dying of excitement. It is an absolutely incredible feeling to be hanging half-naked on the cross. I am wearing almost nothing on my body and am hanging stretched out on the crossbeam in front of all these people. I am ashamed, but even this shame is arousing to me. My breasts and my pussy are just about covered. The only thing that covers more is the mask I am wearing. It protects me from being recognized. It covers my face almost completely.

I let myself sink into the bonds. I can clearly feel the tension in my arms and shoulders. This tension extends to my chest muscles. My legs are slightly bent. At first glance, this is actually a fairly comfortable position. But I have read about crucifixions. I know that it will soon become uncomfortable and that is exactly what I want. I want to really feel my first crucifixion. It should be uncomfortable. That is part of it. That is what I have always wanted.

I let my head sink and look down at the meadow in front of the cross. Even more spectators have gathered there. I have to swallow. There must be at least 60 people by now, maybe even more. I feel shame rising again. I am ashamed to be tied to this high cross almost naked in front of all these people. But at the same time, it also excites me very much. I feel something tingling between my legs.

I hang very still on the crossbeam for a while. I listen to my body and give myself over to the exciting feeling of being crucified for the first time in my life. I am stunned. I am really and truly crucified! I am hanging almost naked, helpless, on this cross, high above the heads of the crowd, in front of a large crowd of spectators.

Several minutes pass. I feel the strong tension in my arms. I try to push myself up a little with my legs. It is possible. The way I am tied up allows me a little bit of movement. I start to test this freedom of movement. I push myself up with my feet, then I let myself sink down again. I try to move my lower body on the cross. That works too. I can move my hips a little to the right or left, but not very far. All in all, I am strapped to the cross almost motionless.

It feels great. It is the greatest thing at all. I experience what I have always wanted. Some people in the audience have pulled out their smartphones and are taking pictures or filming me. I immediately feel ashamed again. But deep down inside my soul I enjoy it too. Because that is part of it too: being on public display.

It excites me to be on display almost naked in front of all these people. I feel completely helpless. I am defenselessly exposed to the gaze of these people. I am ashamed and yet it arouses me. I start to writhe lazily on the cross so that the people down there who are filming me with their smartphones can also see something.

The tingling in my lap gets stronger. My excitement is so great that I'm dripping wet. I slowly writhe on the cross. Moving like this in front of all the spectators makes my excitement grow more and more. My heart is pounding. I feel great. How often have I imagined being crucified and now I'm experiencing it in reality. It's even more beautiful than I always imagined. It's a very intense experience, both physically and mentally.

Being completely defenseless and exposed to people's gaze excites me to the extreme. I'm still glad I'm wearing a mask. The mask protects me to some extent. But the whole time I'm hanging on this cross, I'm thinking about how it would feel if I weren't wearing anything, if I were crucified completely naked in front of all these people. Just the thought makes my ears hot and my heart pound.

The barbarian girl is standing down in front of the cross. She looks up at me and smiles knowingly. I think she knows exactly how I feel. Maybe she even knows that I'm thinking about what it would be like to be completely naked and stretched out on the crossbeam in front of the crowd. Maybe I should ask her later if anyone has been crucified naked. The event lasts a whole week and today is only the Saturday of the first weekend. I think if I felt like it, I could be crucified again even several times in the following days.

And then maybe try it completely naked. Oh, what an idea! Just thinking about it makes me hot. With a sigh, I sink into my bonds. I plan to enjoy my first crucifixion until the last minute. And when I've taken down from the cross, I'll ask that nice barbarian girl if it's possible to be crucified naked. I just have to find the courage to do it.

So I hang completely still above the crowd and let everyone stare at me. It feels good. Just as good as the crucifixion. I'm fine. I'm happy. I've never experienced anything so overwhelming. I give myself over completely. I feel indescribably good. I love the cross.

This was another one of my fantasies that I'd like to share with you. I hope you enjoyed it.
Nice fantasy. It could have gone further, with ste crux-group suddenly getting hammer and nails...... I like this story.

Cool fantasy of your crucifixion at the live action event. I sense the possibility of you doing it again, this time nude and vulnerable, exposed to the 'audience.' The cosplay barbarians might lead you bound and naked through the event grounds before crucifying you again (and again?). I do prefer binding to the cross rather than nails, but that's just me.

The fantasy of torment combined with exhibitionism, and in real public scenarios is a very powerful fetish. You express the sense of embarrassed excitement while on display very well. The fantasy of suffering on the cross, and doing it as a spectacle is well presented. One can almost feel the butterflies in your tummy. :cool:

I like your writing. Using the 'first person' method gives an impression of actual experience, and the narrative flows to express excitement over what is happening. Well done.
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