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A Toy Story – The Crucifixion of Barbie Chapter 09

Barbie could feel the little trickles of melting plastic as she sweated under the overwhelming stress and fear in this dusty, remote corner of the Toy Box.

She just closed her eyes and waited as Torog stretched and wind-milled his arms around to warm up.

The model of the evil torture God stood by Barbie’s right side, grabbed her by the synthetic hair and yanked her head around like she was a disobedient child, forcing her to look at the whip. It was long, made from several splinter-like slithers of bamboo brought into the Toy Box at some point in the past when the evil one was taken to play outside, compounded with a weave of thick leather from old shoelaces and then bound together with small lengths of twine. The bamboo sand leather shards were laced with metal and wooden slivers and Torog had somehow secured a dildo shaped handle to the lash, it’s intention obviously clear.

"Now, you are going to hell," he said to his bound captive as he moved into position.

The watching Toys held their collective breath and then with a powerful swing of his right arm, Torog hit her hard on the shining smooth plastic of her exposed buttocks. The whip whistled through the air and landed with a loud 'smack' across both of Barbie’s ass cheeks.

The blow blazed a bright hot red mark across her rump, down low and the Monster High dollies leapt into the air with a loud whoop to begin their debauched cheerleading. Barbie's hair flew around her head as she clenched her buttocks, and then relaxed them trying to absorb the strike.

With barely a pause, Torog whipped her again, only harder this time, scraping the shards over her left ass cheek and gouging out small pieces of her plastic torso as Barbie smashed her perfectly made body against the post with a cry.

“Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, STOP!!!!!!” The captive doll cried for mercy, which she was certain not to receive.

Regularly shifting position, the evil torturer, relishing his work, beat the poor bound dolly, slicing her body, wrecking her, destroying her … Barbie knew, as she felt the metal and wood dig into her mould, that she would no longer be a favourite toy and could never be played with again.

Much to the depraved delight of the crowd, Torog soon made the excruciating shards land in the shadowy crack of her ass, making her yell anew and smash her body once more into the hard plastic post.

A loud roar of model motor-bikes whisking up clouds of dust into the Toy Box air could be heard as the Biker Mice from Mars arrived, with Vinnie, Stoker, Modo and the guys determined not to miss any of the fun, and they immediately joined in with the laughing, clapping and hollering of crude remarks every time Barbie was struck.

More whip lashes as the scourging left behind long rivulets of Barbie blood in streaks across her scorched body, which was now criss-crossed with rough edges of torn plastic.

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Barbie moaned and involuntarily humped the post, much to the delight of the crowd and in particular the Biker Mice, who were now getting to grips with the Monster High Girls in a very intimate manner …

“Tear the little cunt apart,” Stoker Mouse yelled, recalling how the plastic princess had ghosted him just the other week when she was outside driving in her open top red sports car.

Another blow and more post humping … It looked like she was fucking the solid pole and appeared wonderfully obscene.

Then the torturer went to town … striking without pause across Barbie’s ass, thighs, back and in between her smooth moulded thighs. In her efforts to contain the unbearable agony the hapless dolly pushed her body away from the post, a lewd action inviting more lashes, but the Biker Mice saw something different.

“Fuck her ass,” Vinnie yelled.

Torog whipped the doll as more Barbie blood flowed and her plastic mould became even more rutted with shard gashes and rips.

But her pain and humiliation was not over … The crowd cheered remorselessly as, in a moment of pause while Torog regained his breath, the torturer slid the whip’s phallic shaped handle along the entire length of her ass crack. Lining up the enlarged cock-like head, he positioned the priapic invader and simulated penetration with it, playing to the lust and blood fuelled mob.

The catcalls, whoops and shrieks this drew from the multitude all added to Barbie’s insufferable humiliation. The wretched dolly, gasping for breath, leaning her face onto her left bicep, looked over her shoulder at the Torturer as if begging for his mercy. He had given her countless strokes, and the poor dolly shook and trembled uncontrollably.

The torture paused.

Was it over?

To Be Continued …
A Toy Story – The Crucifixion of Barbie Chapter 10

The metal models unfastened the battered Barbie and then rebound her so that her arms remained over her head, the exposed front of her body now ready and waiting to be whipped.

“Please, please forgiveness makes you fly, and I forgive you, please just …” A resounding slap to the side of her head silenced the perfect pink princess’s words of wisdom.

Facing her tormentors, she could see the scourge coming. Torog took up position and let loose.

Cheered on by the Biker Mice, the Monster High Chicks, Ted bear et al, he whipped her systematically up and down the shiny front of her perfectly precast body, ripping pieces of plastic away and leaving deep gouges from which poured rivulets of Barbie-blood.

Her breasts were soon scored with marks and stripes everywhere, as the evil torturer paid special attention to the small reddy-brown nipples, and the small hard teats. Every last toy watching found it mesmerising to see a beautiful dolly whipped liked this, especially on her breasts.

Then he moved to her cunt.

With her legs spread, he was able to make the knotted tips land on Barbie’s already split labia

“Hurt the bitch!” It was Ted bear’s gravelly voice that sounded, but Ken, at his side, had been shocked into silence. He hadn’t imagined this in his wildest dreams, and as he watched his former girlfriend’s torture evolve, he found it appalling, enthralling and very, very stimulating!

Whenever Torog hit her clitoris, Barbie screamed and bucked her sculpted hips so hard that the miniature leather cuffs and chains creaked and groaned with the strain as the back of her beaten body smacked against the hard plastic ranch post.

Eventually, beaten, battered and bleeding Barbie hung with her back against the post. She was barely conscious, her plastic chest heaving, tortured nipples dripping blood.

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“You're done,” he said to the hapless toy as he grabbed a handful of her wet, tangled hair and shook her head with glee.

But the doll’s agony was not over yet, as she would be left on the post for another hour. The bondage would soon become a terrible torment by itself. Her arms and shoulders ached and her wrists were abraded by the cuffs.

“Please someone help me,” she finally found the strength to cry out.

But the crowd had dissipated for now, and the poor doll hung alone in her humiliation and pain until the Centurion and his soldiers came for her, took her down, threw the soiled lace blanket over her and took her back to the Governor.

The pathetic little dolly was a broken mess. Her hard body was torn and ripped. Chunks of her torso were hanging loose. She already knew that her days of being a favourite toy were well and truly over. Her head drooped down to her chest. She could barely walk unaided. The Patrician looked at her, slowly shaking his head.

"Has your lesson been learned Miss Roberts?” He said.

“Y ... yes,” she mumbled,

"Will you ever deal drugs again?”

Barbie's head dropped even further down lost in the pain of her addled mind. Then, despite being innocent of any charges in the first place, she slowly raised her head and mumbled, "I ... I ... no ..."

The Governor nodded. “A lesson has been well and truly learned then Miss Roberts, but I’m afraid an example must also be made. For dealing Grade A drugs in the Toy Box, I must now impose the maximum sentence permissible and that is for you to be crucified on the cross, on the plastic grass hill behind the My Little Pony ranch back in the far side of the Toy Box.

As Barbie, defeated and beaten, sunk to her battered knees the roar from the crowd of toys that had once more assembled, was deafening!

To Be Continued …
She already knew that her days of being a favourite toy were well and truly over.
I find that a tear springs, unbidden, to my eye :(

the maximum sentence permissible and that is for you to be crucified on the cross, on the plastic grass hill behind the My Little Pony ranch back in the far side of the Toy Box.
Not.... the plastic grass hill behind the My Little Pony ranch in the far side of the Toy Box! :eek:

Utterly and completely hilarious, Fossy!
A Toy Story – The Crucifixion of Barbie Chapter 11

Scourging was punishment in itself, but For Barbie, her ordeal was only just beginning. She had already been brutally cut down from her perfect pink pedestal and reduced to an "object", a plaything, but worse was still to come.

Since she had ‘confessed’ to dealing Class A drugs in the Toy Box, she had sealed her own fate. The Asterix Model Lucullus, the Patrician, the Governor, was a Roman and knew only one way of assigning punishment … though Crucifixion is more than that, hanging from the cross is a death sentence and Barbie knew that.

She felt sick, but also suddenly a weird sense of calm overwhelmed her. Her prospects as a favourite toy were already in ruins, and so now, thinking about her future as a torn, ruined dolly was no longer an issue for her …

She would be dead and gone …

Momentarily she thought of her friends; Skipper and Chelsea and yes, even Ken. They had enjoyed good times, created memories which hopefully would travel with her when she was tossed in the plastic recycle incinerator. A smile came briefly to her lips as she recalled all the fun she had enjoyed with family and friends, and those Dreamhouse Adventures … but a slap to her face brought her back to the here and now

“So, are you, you little cunt?”

“Huh, sorry, what?” The poor befuddled dolly replied.

“Guilty as charged …”

Barbie felt that it was the toys who degraded her who were really guilty ... But it was pointless to think this way. Ever since she had been arrested, fate had delivered her over to humiliation, rape and torture. Now she was condemned to execution.

Head down, Barbie nodded and whispered. “Y … yes.”

“Speak up slut.”

“Please, please don’t call me that, I’m not a …” Another hard slap silenced her words.

“Are you guilty as charged? Speak clearly when you respond, for the record.”

“Yes I am,” Barbie admitted, now totally crushed and beaten down.

“Then let the sentence be carried out.”

His words were greeted with a vigorous cheer from the reassembled crowd, as the condemned dolly fell to her knees and prayed for the strength to be able to bear up to the horror of crucifixion.

“Get her up,” The Metal model Centurion ordered his die-cast men. As the PVC princess was pull to her feet everyone could see how she wept bitter tears and mumbled words of prayer as her feet were pulled back along the path to the My Little Pony Ranch.

“Crucify the plastic cunt!”

“Fuck her ass on that cross!”

“Make her suffer!”

The hapless dolly’s guilt, and of course she was actually entirely innocent, was becoming irrelevant. The occupants of the Toy Box literally had blood-lust fever. They wanted to see the crucifixion whether it was justified or not.

When they reached the ranch and the small hill behind it, Barbie began to weep softly again. There was a small knot of spectators already waiting. Standing there, mesmerised by the impending scene.

Then her small retinue stopped. There was a wooden cross laying on the ground, a crucifix that had been on the big house wall at some point, but had found its way into the Toy Box at some point. Today that cross would be Barbie’s execution device.

The stipes of this small wooden ornament had become separated from the patibulum and the two parts lay separated. Barbie was pushed to her brutally cut plastic knees and she grunted with the strain when they put the heavy patibulum on her shoulders and lashed it secure.

It would prove to be a torment to carry.

They force-marched her the short distance to the synthetic foothills, and the short, single garment that she wore was wet with Barbie blood and leaking pvc secretions oozing from her torn torso and pasted to her body.

Her sensually shaped breasts, with their protuberant nipples, smooth moulded mound and her pre cast peachy ass, were all visible to everyone through the wet cloth-made cloak as the poor dolly struggled to walk. Soon, of course, she would be completely naked once more.

The patibulum beam was heavy for a small lightweight dolly, and Barbie stumbled a few times as she was herded towards where the metal models had carried the stipes, which was now glued heavily to the artificial hill, ready for her, and the doomed dolly knew then that this was the place of her crucifixion.

The soldiers removed the beam from her shoulders and then stripped off her paltry covering as an eerie silence fell over the crowd, all except for Frankie Stein the Monster High who had just been fingered to an orgasm by Vinnie from the Biker Mice and who couldn’t help herself from crying out.

“Make her suffer the little plastic cunt!” The voice was anonymous, the words crystal clear!

As a group of metallic legionnaires on model ladders fitted the patibulum to the stipes, other soldiers fixed a curved rod with a knob at the end, a sedile for Barbie, to the plastic plank at what would be her hip height. Torog had selected a particularly cruel version, moulded from the hardest plastic. It featured an exaggerated curve so that it would reach and then fully penetrate the victim's pussy, and it was crowned with a huge swollen knob-head so that once inside the condemned it would not slip out. The shaft just below the knob was very slim, but further down it widened alarmingly so that at the base it was as thick as Action Man’s fist.

The pièce de resistance were the studs and bumps that covered the surface of the phallic length. It would support Barbie’s body, granted, but such a deep and painful penetration of her precast pussy would be a torment indeed.

One of the soldiers, grinning as he worked, greased the fearsome sedile with lamb’s tallow as everyone watched … Little Bo Peep stood by his side holding the tin of greasy substance.

Barbie was thrown easily over the shoulder of one of the biggest model soldiers and carried up a plastic ladder so that the die cast devils could position her naked body and spread her to the beam.

Then the poor dolly looked upwards to the great Toy Maker in the sky and said …

“Forgive them all for they do not know what they are doing …”

She saw the nails. A box of picture frame hanging tacks, the smallest one’s that would be hammered into her wrists and ankles by small metal hammers …

“Please, please, pleeeeeeease …”

The tacks were positioned and the helpless, hapless dolly was powerless to stop what was about to happen.

Then a swing of a die-cast arm.

A strangled cry.

A huge cheer.

All of the above happened simultaneously as Barbie’s pre cast plastic arm was pierced and then breeched and the dolly’s left wrist was nailed to the wood.

“Ohhhhh my good God, help me please!” Her groin pushed away from the wood as she arched upwards, but the condemned toy was immediately pushed back into position and her right wrist duly secured.

“Her fucking plastic moulded leg won’t bend Sir,” one of the soldiers shouted to the centurion.

“Then break it, get her ankles nailed as well.”

Barbie’s scream when they bent her leg and tore the limb was heart-rending. But even that was not as loud as the yell that she issued forth when two of these tormenting tacks were hammered through both feet and into the wood.

Torog then took charge, guiding Barbie’s hips so that she sat on the greased rod, with the big knob pressing against her cunt.

Then they let her go and gravity did the rest forcing her slit to be opened painfully allowing the shaft to slide deep all the way to the deepest recesses of her cunt.

“Ohhhh myyyyy Goddddd!”

As Barbie grunted and then groaned at the brutal invasion of her dolly-hood. She closed her eyes, felt her consciousness slipping, and turned her head away from the ravenous crowd.

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To Be Continued …
A Toy Story – The Crucifixion of Barbie Chapter 12

Wrists tack-nailed to the wood ... her arms stretched wide and her feet similarly secured, Barbie’s range of movement was extremely limited, and whenever the poor dolly did attempt to adjust her position, she succeeded only in wantonly fucking herself on the tortuous sedile.

For a brief moment the watching crowd had fallen silent. Awestruck by the sight before them.

In their wildest dreams Ted Bear and Ken had not imagined a scene like this. Ted pawed his baculum, wishing that he could slide it inside the sexy little slut, while Ken, her erstwhile beau simply stood and stared open mouthed.

Barbie's thighs, cleaved by the phallus, were supported, but it was a hard, invasive perch with the fake cock impaled deep inside her perfect plastic pussy. When the dolly sagged the rutted and studded surface of the sedile had its way with her, remorselessly raping her cunt. And the more Barbie sagged the more that the tormenting width of the rod stretched the sensitive opening to her body.

The Toys moved in closer. The Biker Mice had eyes on stalks and even the Monster High Chicks looked mesmerised. Only the Bratz Dolls were hiding just a little behind their hands.

“Please stop, let her down …” It was the loan voice of Skipper, Barbie’s younger sibling.

“Shut up little cunt, or you’ll be next ...” Came the growling response.

Barbie’s consciousness was rapidly fading, and she heard none of these words and she was soon enduring total, mind-numbing agony, hardly able to breathe, forcing her to pull herself upwards the best she could. But that movement created a pressure on her limbs which the poor dolly could only stand for a short while. Then, when she slipped back down, the plastic phallus slid deep inside her body once more.

The crowd loved it …

"Help me... help me," the nailed dolly begged helplessly, her eyes still looking upwards.

Again, Barbie pushed upwards, to take in a breath. But now, when she sank back down the lubrication inside her labia made the angle of penetration such that she was now being breached in a way that pushed the phallus up against her most sensitive little plastic spots.

Barbie groaned long and loud as Monster High’s Frankie Stein turned to Biker Mouse Vinnie and said simply, “Fuck me, you rampant rodent and fuck me hard …”

Barbie was being visibly violated by the brutal sedile before the eyes of every watching voyeur. On the occasions that the ill-fated dolly looked up, she found herself staring into the eyes of the lust-contorted face of the toys enjoying her defilement.

Up and down she writhed ... up and down she moved ... like a marionette. Barbie hung for as long as she could stand it; then pulled herself up; repeat over and over … It was excruciating... going up and down, up and down... as she fucked herself on the phallus.

The crowd, which had become a rowdy mob, now needed holding back by the die-cast defenders of the Toy Box. Voices taunted and mocked the crucified doll mercilessly, her nude body exposed to their lust fuelled glare as they watched transfixed by her agony.

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It was slow and excruciating. As time passed the wretched doll went, unbearably, from agony to more agony, and then dolly-dehydration began to set in. To give her something to drink would allow her to remain conscious so that the torture could be continued for as long as possible.

The model soldiers took out their metal dicks and urinated in a bucket, soaked a sponge in the pewter piss and then the Centurion held it up to her lips.

The smell was rancid but Barbie’s thirst was all-consuming!

To Be Continued …
A Toy Story – The Crucifixion of Barbie Chapter 13

Rancid urine … tasting even more metallic from the die cast dicks of the model soldiers, was as welcome as pure water to the parched throat of the poor crucified dolly. Barbie bit on the sodden sponge to wet her mouth. The Centurion let her drink for a while and then took the sponge away.

Barbie found herself hating and fearing everyone. Torog, The Centurion, Lucullus, the model legionnaires … It was so obvious that they enjoyed making her suffer. They were making an example of her … and so her anguish was far from over.

Grinning, Torog appeared below her wielding a stick with a sharp sewing needle mounted on the end.

"Guess what I'm going to do with his?" he asked her, his voice filled with menace.

“Pl … please, please … you’ll never get to Toy Heaven Torog, stop this now and you will be forgiven …” Even now, in her desperate state, Barbie was still finding the best in people.

But, of course, with the evil Toy God of Torture, her platitudinous pleadings were all to no avail. Torog pushed the stick towards Barbie’s exposed plastic nudity, and used it to methodically jab and stick it into the shapely synthetic mould.

He concentrated on her rounded breasts, especially the aureoles, the nipples, the flat surface of her stomach and the smooth skin on her inner thighs. Each cruel stab produced a cry or groan of anguish, and soon the already torn plastic torso was carved with dozens of tiny puncture wounds.

Barbie begged him to stop, "P... P... Please … no more … no more … it … hurts … so much …please … have mercy … have mercy … ahhhhhhhh … no more …”

Then the Centurion appeared with another similar pole, but this one had a brush on the end. With a cruel grin he too pushed it towards the poor girl and smeared her face, underarms and crotch with honey … immediately Barbie heard the sound of buzzing. Small flies, and fleas and even a misguided wasp were all trapped inside the Toy Box and all now smelled the delightful dessert.

The heartless model Roman used the brush to anoint their captive with the sticky sugary paste, paying special attention to her ears, nose, mouth, armpits, labia and clitoris, all impeccable body parts moulded to perfection on Barbie’s battered body.

"Time to let the flies have their fun!” As the crowd cheered Barbie felt the life draining from her.

She had been a favourite toy for several years now, always taken into the playroom to be a vet or a doctor or simply a big sister to Skipper. But now her time as a beloved plaything was coming to a brutal end.

Soon, those flies and fleas arrived. Just a few at first, but attracted by the honey, they began to swarm. It was amazing how many of these flying irritants were trapped in the Toy Box …

The flying insects were soon crawling all over the pitiable plastic princess, and began to invade wherever there was a bodily opening, and as they infested her face and ears, she nearly lost her artificial mind. Her dripping cunt and crotch were soon overrun too. This was one of the most distressing torments as it opened her to invasion into her most private orifices by some of nature's nastiest creatures.

“Please God of all Toys, help meeeeee!” Barbie sobbed out, her anguish so great that even the watching crowd were awed into silence as they watched the beaten, battered and abused toy writhe and squirm.

Barbie doll was left for what seemed like a tormented age while she writhed, squirmed and danced the dance of the crucified while the sedile fucked her raw.

“Dr … drink, please …” she finally uttered and so, with a gleeful grin on his face the Centurion once again dipped the sponge into the piss bucket and held it up on stick to the doll’s mouth. Poor abused Barbie was so parched she sucked the sponge dry.

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"Drink up little cunt," he said, once more enjoying her humiliation and agony.

The old wooden crucifix stretched the dolly’s limbs, tightened her stomach and thrust out her perfectly shaped breasts. Her plastic pussy, now torn and raw, was visible for all to see as she was continuously raped by her cross, as it fucked her, degraded her, making her squirm in agony and wallow in pain.

"Take me down … take me down … kill me, throw me away, break me up … please, please stop this ... I can't take any more!"

But she was left to suffer.

The mob dwindled, yet Barbie continued to writhe and suffer, grinding her torso up and down until finally she went deathly still.


The Fisher-Price Smart Teddy Interactive Educational Toy buzzed away. The expensive electronic bear sat in situ, the smile permanently fixed to his furry face, his expression placid, innocent … yet inside, the built-in camera was running in video mode. No doubt left on in error following the most recent ‘scholastic’ play session the errant recording now witnessed the large human hand dipping into the box.

The night was over and the day had once again begun. Smart Ted realised it must be the weekend given the hour during which the hand delved deep … his cam would no doubt remain activated for a couple of days because no one played with educational toys at the weekend.

Fingers rummaged. Who or what would be selected for the play room?

Then …

“What’s happened here?” An adult voice said.

The video-cam whirred away as a battered and broken dolly was plucked out of the Toy Box and into the open air.

“Who has done this? Barbie is one of your sister’s favourites, this is not good enough!” The human voice was angry. The grown-up couldn’t of course see the red Barbie-blood streaking the torso, or the permanent expression of agony etched into the dolly’s face, but they could see the broken limbs, the exposed nudity and the viciously gouged plastic body.

“Throw Barbie in the bin, she’s no good to anyone now.”

“But … but what about Ken?” Said a younger, more child-like voice.

“Well, you’ve got the Monster High dolly’s, he’ll have to play with one of them from now on.”

Somewhere in the inner recesses of the Toy Box Kenny’s mouth took on a smirk, and his eyes roamed upwards along the smooth nude leg of Clawdeen Wolf as she looked shyly downwards before smiling back.

Outside in the rubbish bin, laying in with the other trash, a broken, plastic dolly was ready for disposal.

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Thank you for bearing with this rather strange, maybe erotic-maybe not, story of mine. It was a little bit of an indulgence on my part but I thought that I would share it anyway ...

I’ve been busy writing again. And now that Fossy’s “Toy Story” has come to an end, it seems to me a good moment to announce the imminent debut of “It Happened in Hamburg”.

The story is a fast-paced (everything happens within the time space of 24 hours) “NS-Zeit” drama, in which young and beautiful Barbara Mohr, rebellious daughter of the powerful financier and armaments manufacturer, Joachim Mohr, along with her boyfriend, lover, and Red resistance cell leader, Rudy Weiss, take on the Gestapo.

Watch for it!
I’ve been busy writing again. And now that Fossy’s “Toy Story” has come to an end, it seems to me a good moment to announce the imminent debut of “It Happened in Hamburg”.

The story is a fast-paced (everything happens within the time space of 24 hours) “NS-Zeit” drama, in which young and beautiful Barbara Mohr, rebellious daughter of the powerful financier and armaments manufacturer, Joachim Mohr, along with her boyfriend, lover, and Red resistance cell leader, Rudy Weiss, take on the Gestapo.

Watch for it!
And I have had the privilege of a sneak preview so yes, definitely watch for it!
I think Barbie can be recycled. Well, not sure about that hair, but her body, arms and legs should go in the red bin for recycling. So maybe she'll be another CF cruxgirl who keeps coming back to be crucified in ingeniously new ways! :devil:
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