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Acorn Cafe and Asylum

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1. Thou shalt have no god before me.
2. Remember the Cat's day, and keep it holy.
3. Honor thy cat with gratitude for whatsoever he bringeth in from thy garden.
4. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's cat.
5. Thou shalt not take the name of thy cat in vain
6. Thou shalt not blaspheme the name of thy cat, even when thou trippest over him.
7. Thou shalt not kill - thou shalt leave that unto me.
8. Thou shalt never overlook the appointed times and seasons for feeding thy cat, neither shalt thou procure the cheap stuff from the bargain store.
9. Thou shalt count it a blessing when thy cat sharpeneth his claws on thy new sofa.
10. Seven days shalt thou labor in the service of thy cat, without a day off. Ever.

Here endeth the lesson, this is the Word of thy Cat.
Why doesn't anyone know that it's actually us squirrels painting these eggs?
Happy Easter!
Easter Sunday was yesterday, but we still found eggs.
Easter-Cat.jpg Easter-Squirrel.jpg
It's warm inside here, so it is mine.
Finally Friday! Today I'm going to take a short ride on my motorcycle again.
Oh, die Eichhörnchen-Polizei beobachtet den Eichhörnchen-Biker.
Oh, the squirrel police is watching the squirrel biker.
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Happy Caturday!
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