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Rustius saw how the muscles in her arms took the weight. He saw her terror. On horseback, he was almost at eye-level with her. Her chest was heaving, her breasts quivering. The stipes slipped neatly into the shaft they’d dug. The cross dropped, suddenly, and hit the bottom with a thump. She was thrown forward, off the sedile, so she hung with most of her weight taken by her arms. A spray of sweat and blood was flung from her body, splashing Caiaphas, who had – of course – got himself into the front row. Rustius caught Mommius’s eye and they smiled at the priest’s startled disgust.

Aelia screeched desperately, back arched, thigh muscles tight, great pressure on her knees, teeth bared. She pushed herself up in a panic, roaring with pain and effort and found some comfort on the sedile. But a rusted length of metal four inches long between your legs is no real comfort. She panted, breathing through gritted teeth, eyes bulging.

They hammered wedges into the shaft, shaking the cross, torturing her further, then packed the earth tight around it. A little before noon, the carnifices had completed their task and all that was left was to wait for her to die.

She pushed her head back and for a minute or two she was still, long arms inclined at perhaps 30 degrees, legs bent so her knees were only just above the level of her toes. But then she began the familiar dance of the crucified, the endless search for relief. She dragged herself up so her head almost reached the patibulum. She drew two deep breaths, but then her strength failed her and she fell, sedile just flicking her buttocks so she hung by her wrists, long arms straining, breasts thrust out in a most provocative way.

There was horror written across her face. She understood now what crucifixion was. Rustius had seen it before, each stage worse than the last, the victim never quite understanding how bad it could get until this point. Weight on the nails in your wrists or weight on the nails in your feet? It was a hideous choice, even with the sedile to take some of the pressure. Rustius looked on, pitiless. Brave she may be, but she’d brought this on herself. He’d executed slaves guilty of tiny infractions: she deserved it. He’d executed men, and fat women and old women and ugly women, staring at their unappealing nakedness as the life slowly drained from them. He was going to make the most of this one: her, he could watch forever, even in this infernal heat.

The strange thing was, Mommius reflected, that from the front, there didn’t look that much wrong with her. There was the crown, of course, and the nails, and the skin had been torn from her knees, but her breasts and her belly and her thighs were all as glorious as they’d been when they’d first stripped her a week earlier. Only when you moved to the side and saw the marks of the rods and the scourges was it obvious how she’d been abused. And her teeth. She had the most perfect white teeth, which now she was gritting, her lips pulled back in agony. She would perch for a time on the sedile and then, when the strain on her arms and her chest and the pressure in that most intimate of areas was too much, she’d push herself up. The effort and the pain was clear, her thighs trembling, raw back scraping on the wood, and then she’d lower herself again, sometimes losing control and sliding, jarring hideously as her fall was broken by the nails. Her screams already were less frequent, but her agony was obvious.
For a few seconds, Aelia was able to sink into numbness. It hurt, it still hurt horrendously, in her arms, her legs, her wrists, her feet, her head, her back, her shoulders, her chest, between her legs, but it was a numb pain, a pain that threatened to submerge her. And then she’d be dragged back to full awareness of her situation. How long had gone? How near was she to death? The clouded sky offered no clues. She could feel a band tightening around her chest. She would have to pull herself up soon to breathe. She should hang. She should let death take her. But the urge was too great. She had to do it in one clean movement, pull herself up, take air in. She pushed with her feet, against the nails, pain shooting through her. She pulled on her wrists and the agony ripped up her arms. There was a moment of blackness and then she was up, the pressure off her cunt. She took a breath, a glorious breath even as stars exploded in her head. She took another breath and then she fell. The jolt through her shoulders brought a white light through her head and she heaved, the spasms shuddering through her. But her mouth was dry, so dry she couldn’t even spit. She hung forwards, face taut with agony, eyes wide. She had to get back, had to get to the sedile but she had no strength and the nails burned in her wrists and her shoulders howled and the mob laughed.

The mob laughed. She saw them pointing and staring and jeering and she realised from their gestures that her breasts had jiggled on her chest and she was aware of her nakedness and she was ashamed. She saw Caiaphas, fucking Caiaphas, smiling to one of the other priests and Rustius on his horse, face grimly set like this was some great battle won, and Mommius who’d raped her chuckling to another man in a toga, and she saw the soldiers and she saw the crowd and she had to get back onto the sedile and ease this torture. Summoning all her energy, all her strength, she pulled and dragged herself up. The sedile dragged on her spine and poked her painfully in the arse and then she was on it, feeling its familiar firmness on the ravaged skin of her perineum. She took a deep breath and tried, in this world of slightly lesser pain, to compose herself and then she saw Clemens and her world collapsed.

She knew how he’d adored her. She’d seen him moping around after her. He was a kid. She hadn’t bothered to discourage him. He would grow out of it. He was an innocent. And he was brave and decent and reliable. He shouldn’t have to see this. She was humiliated by her nakedness in front of him. Great sobs racked her body. She tipped her head back and looked at the sky by she couldn’t stop the tears. She’d caught him often staring at her legs or gazing at the swell of her chest beneath her leather armour. She knew he must have imagined her naked. And now in the most degrading way he was seeing her nude. Like the whole world. She was naked to everybody: friend and foe, man and woman, priest and soldier. Stripped to die, stripped of her clothes, stripped of her dignity. She had lost and she had brought others down with her.

Shudders of grief and shame tormented her. Each movement sent pain exploding from her wrists and her feet, from her whipped back and her raw cunt. They had broken her utterly. Don’t cry, she told herself, but she was powerless. She’d cried after they’d rubbed salt onto her back but this was worse. These were sobs from the depths of her soul, tears that spoke of the scale of her defeat. She thought of being stripped before them and running the gauntlet. She thought of being stripped and caned before the temple. She thought of being raped by Quintus and his betrayal. She thought of last night, of kneeling there naked in her crown and her robe, she thought how bad that had been, of choosing which of her friends they flogged, of being made to watch as they raped her people, of Esther and Naomi and Ruth and Shena, of all of them, held down, shouting, bare limbs thrashing beneath laughing soldiers – and yet this was worse. She’d been scourged, paraded, mocked and all that had just been foreplay for this, this shame, this disgrace, this agony. She prayed for death.
Rustius looked on with grim satisfaction. This was his triumph. There was nowhere lower for her to go. He had broken her physically, emotionally and morally. All that was left now was for her long slow descent into unconsciousness and death. He wondered what had caused that final crack, what thought had passed through her head? Slowly, exhaustion got the better of sorrow and she fell still, slumped low on the cross, weight taken uncomfortably by the sedile, head bowed. He gestured at a soldier to give her drink and was watching as he soaked a sponge in the herb-infused water when he saw Mommius approach.

“Hail the queen!” he shouted cheerily.

“Hail her!” Mommius replied.

“Quite a show she’s putting on.”

“Couldn’t be better,” Mommius replied, glancing at her sweat-soaked nakedness. “If only it weren’t so infernally hot.”

Rustius thought he could stare at those breasts all day, the gentle sweep from firm shoulder into their round softness. Imagine to rest your head there, rather than just pushing down their with your hands as you pounded away. He adjusted the kerchief he wore to prevent his armour chafing. It was damp with sweat and the humidity of the day.

“Could I have a word?” Mommius asked.

“Of course,” Rustius said. An alliance, perhaps. Or had he thought of some refinement to intensify her torment?

“A quiet word,” Mommius said.

Rustius looked at him and at the crowd and at the cross and decided there was nothing to fear. He leapt from his horse.

“Did you see what sparked her tears?”

“No,” Rustius admitted reluctantly.

“She was looking at the crowd and she had that sort of blank expression, you know, trying to avoid the fact that they’re all staring at her tits and she saw somebody, somebody she recognised. She turned away and started crying so I tried to work out who it was. There was only one person in the front couple of rows who was paying her attention who wasn’t pointing at her or shouting insults or laughing.” He turned and pointed at a runtish lad in a ragged tunic who was staring at her with an expression of profound sadness.

Rustius began weighing up possibilities. “Should we arrest him?” he said. “Make her see we have him? If there’s some bond between them. Crush her spirit even more? Flog him at the base of her cross?”

“We should have him followed. If there are any more of them he might lead us to them.”

Mommius was right. It was a shame. Rustius would have liked to have augmented her distress, but following him was the right thing to do. And perhaps they’d pick up more women. He wanted another fuck. He should have kept a couple back for tonight. He didn’t want to have to queue at the whorehouse. It would be busy tonight, he knew. It always was after a woman had been crucified. What he really wanted was her, of course. He feared no other woman would ever quite match up.
The governor wearily rode up out of the city gates. His was a duty he had to perform, but it filled him only with reluctance. And it was unbearably hot. He looked up the road and saw the high cross on the top of the hill, Aelia pinned out upon it. And beyond that, the dark grey of an approaching storm. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people surrounding her. Even from half a mile or so away, he could hear the hubbub. He had no great desire to witness this but he knew he had to be seen to inspect her, in part to legitimise the process and in part to ensure the possibility he would visit hung over every crucifixion so they would execute them properly. He still had to decide what to do with her body. He would leave it for a while, of course, as an example to others but he felt he owed her father more than leaving her to rot.

His guards cleared a path for him. People fell back as he rode up. More and more he felt regret that this had been necessary but really, there was no other way. Rustius ride over to greet him.

“How long has she been up here?’ he asked.

“Just over two hours, sir.”

“How long left, do you think?”

“A while yet, sir. Her shoulders haven’t even dislocated yet and she’s got a sedile.”

“So we’re talking tomorrow sometime?”

“Probably, sir. If we keep her well-watered.”

“Yes,” the governor said. “Do that.” He could have ordered them to break her legs and she'd have been finished in an hour or so but he couldn’t seem weak.

Together they approached the cross, passing Caiaphas and the other priests. What ghouls they were, taking such obvious pleasure in her death nine years after some absurd assumed offence. The governor paused seven or eight feet from her. Her body, gleaming with sweat, trembled with the strain, her long arms taut, the muscles in her thighs standing out like ropes. He saw how they’d humiliated her with the crown and the claim she was a corpse-fucker, saw the savage marks of the whips on her ribs, saw how the cross was stained red with her blood. He saw the blood on the inside of her thighs from where the sedile had chafed, he saw the magnificence of her breasts and the hollow smoothness of her belly. Nobody should have to go through this. Slowly, with great effort, she raised her head to look at him and the beauty of her face pierced him. She had her mother’s eyes but she had none of her spark. Not any more. All there was here was pain and sorrow and resentment, the fresh cheeks grey and haggard. Her dark hair, lank and damp, matted with sweat and blood, framed her face, gathering at the shoulder where loose tendrils interlaced the marks of the lash. He wished he’d known her in another life.

At Rustius’s instruction a soldier held up a sponge on a spear for her to drink. Cruelly, he held it six inches from her face, the water dripping just out of reach. She strained for it, the pain obvious and the soldier drew it further away. Her eyes closed in resignation and then, to widespread laughter, the sponge was shoved into her face so she coughed, water spilling over her chin and dripping on her breasts. She drank, eyes closed, as though that could hide her degradation.

“Good,” the governor said, nodding and turned his horse away. “Keep her going.”

He didn’t look back as he rode away. He couldn’t bear to see any more.
The governor wearily rode up out of the city gates. His was a duty he had to perform, but it filled him only with reluctance. And it was unbearably hot. He looked up the road and saw the high cross on the top of the hill, Aelia pinned out upon it. And beyond that, the dark grey of an approaching storm. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people surrounding her. Even from half a mile or so away, he could hear the hubbub. He had no great desire to witness this but he knew he had to be seen to inspect her, in part to legitimise the process and in part to ensure the possibility he would visit hung over every crucifixion so they would execute them properly. He still had to decide what to do with her body. He would leave it for a while, of course, as an example to others but he felt he owed her father more than leaving her to rot.

His guards cleared a path for him. People fell back as he rode up. More and more he felt regret that this had been necessary but really, there was no other way. Rustius ride over to greet him.

“How long has she been up here?’ he asked.

“Just over two hours, sir.”

“How long left, do you think?”

“A while yet, sir. Her shoulders haven’t even dislocated yet and she’s got a sedile.”

“So we’re talking tomorrow sometime?”

“Probably, sir. If we keep her well-watered.”

“Yes,” the governor said. “Do that.” He could have ordered them to break her legs and she'd have been finished in an hour or so but he couldn’t seem weak.

Together they approached the cross, passing Caiaphas and the other priests. What ghouls they were, taking such obvious pleasure in her death nine years after some absurd assumed offence. The governor paused seven or eight feet from her. Her body, gleaming with sweat, trembled with the strain, her long arms taut, the muscles in her thighs standing out like ropes. He saw how they’d humiliated her with the crown and the claim she was a corpse-fucker, saw the savage marks of the whips on her ribs, saw how the cross was stained red with her blood. He saw the blood on the inside of her thighs from where the sedile had chafed, he saw the magnificence of her breasts and the hollow smoothness of her belly. Nobody should have to go through this. Slowly, with great effort, she raised her head to look at him and the beauty of her face pierced him. She had her mother’s eyes but she had none of her spark. Not any more. All there was here was pain and sorrow and resentment, the fresh cheeks grey and haggard. Her dark hair, lank and damp, matted with sweat and blood, framed her face, gathering at the shoulder where loose tendrils interlaced the marks of the lash. He wished he’d known her in another life.

At Rustius’s instruction a soldier held up a sponge on a spear for her to drink. Cruelly, he held it six inches from her face, the water dripping just out of reach. She strained for it, the pain obvious and the soldier drew it further away. Her eyes closed in resignation and then, to widespread laughter, the sponge was shoved into her face so she coughed, water spilling over her chin and dripping on her breasts. She drank, eyes closed, as though that could hide her degradation.

“Good,” the governor said, nodding and turned his horse away. “Keep her going.”

He didn’t look back as he rode away. He couldn’t bear to see any more.
Thank's for yet an intense part of this fantastic story!
What will happen next in order to break her even further?
Clemens and or a few of her female friends crucified beside her?
Aelia had been on the cross about four hours when the storm broke. The mob had slowly tired of taunting her and gawping at her nakedness. For minutes at a time, she hung almost still, only the fluttering of her chest and the occasional agonised moan showing she was still alive. But then she would drag herself up, face contorting with pain and effort, long legs straining, to draw in a breath. Sometimes she managed to control her slide, perching uncomfortably on the sedile, other times she fell, jerking painfully as the nails stopped her descent before hanging grotesquely, tipping forward, all her weight on her slender arms until she could summon enough strength to drag herself back onto the sedile. The crowds would cheer her movement, laughing at the sudden jerks when she fell, relishing the dance of her breasts, the exposure of her most intimate areas. By the time the rain came there were only a few hundred left to watch her slow descent into death.

First there was a breeze, then some large spots of rain, then a great rumble of thunder. The crowd began to scatter. Mommius decided he’d seen enough and left with Ligarius. But Rustius stayed and the priests stayed and Clemens stayed with a group of perhaps three dozen others, most of them taking advantage of the disappearing crowd to get closer to the dying girl. Lightning flashed and the rain hammered down. The temperature dropped and the wind got up, shaking the cross and lashing Aelia’s naked body with sheets of rain. Whatever numbness she’d slipped into was over. She roared in pain as the rain woke her and delivered her into fresh agony. She pulled herself up, desperate for breath, and then fell, heavily. There was a pop and a tear and a surge of fire though her shoulder.

Rustius saw the dislocation and her knew her other arm would soon go. There was no way back for her now. The rain pummelled her for about half an hour, the constant rattling of the cross drawing regular screams. As the rain eased and the wind dropped, she was left shivering, mouth open as she gulped in air, eyes radiating anguish. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, drops of water glistening on her naked body as the sun, at last, emerged. Her nipples stood erect in the cool air. Urine dribbled between her legs. “See!” Caipahas gloated. “See how she thought she could control the city when she can’t even control her bladder.” His priests laughed. The small group of young men, with which his suspect had now merged, jeered. A couple threw small pieces of gravel at her but soldiers moved in to calm them down. She had to die the official way.

Rustius still thought she had several hours left. He was surprised the priests had stayed, but they hadn’t moved throughout the rain, Caiaphas gazing up at his victim as the weather added to her torment. Was this just seeing a naked woman tortured, he wondered, or was there more to it? Had there been something between Caiaphas and her mother? Why was he so determined to watch her suffer?
Aelia watched night falling over the city. Her head hung limp. Her mouth sagged open. She was exhausted. She couldn’t remember what life was like without agony, constant, everywhere. They teased her with a sponge, holding it just out of reach and then thrusting it into her face, but she drank when she could. She knew it would prolong her suffering but the instinct was animalistic: she was thirsty so she drank. Flies crawled on her, feasting on her blood and her sweat. She was too tired to shake them off. Crows circled, waiting their time. She’d all but lost control of her muscles. They felt numb, indifferent to her brain’s instructions. Every now and again, cramps would overwhelm her and great shudders would pass through her. Still, at times, she forced herself up, using her legs mostly now, pushing against the nails in her feet, her arms as good as useless, but mostly she just sat, a nail digging in to her tenderest flesh.

Her strength had been her greatest asset. It had overcome soldiers and inspired her people. But now it was just prolonging the torture. She’d ever given death much thought. What was it? Whatever it was, it couldn’t be worse than this. They began building a fire near the base of the cross. Was this more torture? She’d almost welcome it if it ended her life sooner. But they were just building it to keep warm. Rustius rode up to her. When he stood in his stirrups, his head came level with her breasts. He reached out and weighed her right breast in his left hand, teasing the nipple with his thumb. He smiled at her. “They were lovely,” he said. “What a whore you’d have made.” She barely had the strength to lift her head. She wanted to spit at him, but her mouth was dry. She wanted to say something but her brain was empty and she wasn’t even sure she’d have had the strength even if she had thought of something clever. He rolled the nipple between thumb and forefinger. “If my men had had their way,” he said, “we’d have taken you down a couple of hours ago, tidied you up, let them all fuck you and then crucified you again in a month. That’s what you deserve.”

She gazed at him resentfully. He slapped her breast with a smirk. “Defeat carries a terrible price,” he said. “And by the way, we know your boy is in the crowd. We’ll have him followed and catch any survivors of your little rebellion. And they’ll be whipped and sold into slavery. Fucked if they’re pretty enough.”

Not Clemens. She wanted to warn him, but how could she even if she had the strength, even if she could get her mouth moist enough to speak, they would hear her and they would do something terrible to him. “You’ve lost, Aelia,” he said. “Your people are at the slave traders because of you. They’ve been whipped because of you. They’ve been raped because of you. Because you failed.”

It was true. She looked at him with blank eyes, but she felt despair. She wanted to cry, but she hadn’t the energy.

“Good night, your highness,” he said. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


Mommius slept badly. He wanted a fuck but his wife had seemed plain and lumpen when compared with Aelia. He wanted again to feel the firmness of her breasts pushing back against his chest, to trace the wiry muscles of her thighs. It wasn’t an hour after dawn when he arrived back at the summit of Golgotha. Rustius was already there and so too was Caiaphas and his priests. She was still alive, that was the main thing, but she was weakened terribly. Smoke drifted from a dying fire nearby, where the soldiers had kept themselves warm overnight. Mommius drank in her nakedness, the smooth skin, the long legs, the beautiful round breasts, tendrils of her damp hair just playing across the tops of them. But her breathing was shallow and she seemed barely able to lift her head. The round cheeks that had once been such a part of her appeal now seemed sunken and grey. Flies gorged on the dried blood around the crown.

“Hail,” shouted Rustius. “Here to see our queen’s final hours.”

“Hail,” he replied. “Much longer?”

“A few hours, I’d say. She’s a tough one.”

There were only 30 or 40 spectators there on the hill-top, a handful who looked to have stayed overnight: friends, perhaps, or just those determined to witness every second of her execution, a few Mommius had seen on the road just after dawn, and a small party of merchants who looked as though they’d taken the long way round to catch a glimpse of the fabled Bandit Queen.

Rustius turned to the night guard, who were preparing to be relieved. “Give it a shake,” he said. “Wake her up for her friends.”

Two soldiers wandered slowly over to the cross. They looked tired and keen to get home. Mommius saw her eyes flick down. She was still aware, then, of what was happening to her. He fancied he saw a slight tightening of the curl of her fingers, a tremor of the legs as she prepared for this new assault. One soldier stood to her left, the other to her right. They set themselves against the stipes and shook, back and forth, back and forth. Her head rolled back, her eyes wide with pain. The flies that had settled on her rose up and buzzed around the top of the cross. She gave a low rasping moan that went on long after they’d stopped shaking.

“Good,” Rustius shouted. “You’re still awake and alert. Breakfast?”

The sponge was raised on the spear again, but the soldier this time decided there was more fun to be had. He poked first at her breasts and then between her legs, thrusting it into her blood-stained crotch. By the time he lifted the sponge, still dripping with water, one side was stained red with her blood. And yet she drank. The soldier pulled the sponge away, making her stretch for it. “See how she lusts for the juice of her own cunt,” he shouted, the rammed the sponge into her face, knocking her head back against the cross, driving the thorns into her scalp.


The sun was still a couple of hours from its zenith. Aelia felt its warmth but it couldn’t reach the chill inside. She hung still, too weak even to raise her head, which fell forward so her chin brushed her collar bone, the spikes of the crown pressing into her armpit. Her lips were dry and cracked, her eyes crusted. Flies crawled over her face and she lacked the will to shake them off. She waited for death, for an end to her suffering, but it remained cruelly distant.

She was vaguely aware of the sponge being soaked again and loaded on the spear. It was raised three or four inches from her face but she couldn’t move towards it. The soldier lowered it and shoved it against her cunt. She felt the pain as raw flesh was scraped on the sedile but she couldn’t react. It flicked her breasts and drew laughter from a crowd that now numbered perhaps a hundred again, and then was pushed into her face. Her head rolled back painfully but she sucked. She couldn’t swallow but at least it wet her parched mouth. She shuddered. A crow handed on the cross, just above her left elbow, squawked and flew off again. Soon she would be food for birds as she was already food for the flies.

Was the pain lessening? Had she grown used to its constant nag? Or was this death, taking her slowly, shutting down her systems? She pulled on her useless arms and pushed with her legs. Another breath, maybe, to ease the sickening pressure on her chest? There was pain, but in her agony she couldn’t calibrate it, and mainly there was weakness. She couldn’t move.

Rustius knew she didn’t have long left, not while she could still understand what was going on. Her body was almost motionless now, hanging limp. What, he wondered, would it be like to fuck her now, half-dead, shoulders dislocated? Would she still have the firmness, the vitality she had had before?

Clemens felt faint. At some point during the night, he’d been left alone. Even teenagers eventually tired of gawping at a naked woman. One man, wild-eyed and deranged, had kept up a barrage of constant abuse before he too had finally returned to the city. But Clemens had remained, silent in the moonlight. It had been a cool night and he’d thought a few times of joining the soldiers by the fire, but he knew that would have raised questions and he was conspicuous enough as it was. Eventually, exhausted, he’d fallen into a fitful sleep in the lea of a rock, his dreams haunted by ghostly images of crucified corpses. By dawn there’d been a new crowd, laughing, enjoying her nakedness and her shame. He’d hidden himself among them, but each word they uttered, each comment about her long legs or her beautiful breasts, cut through him. Couldn’t they see what they’d done?

He’d moved closer to her, away from the mob, and she’d seen him, he knew. He gazed up at her, trying to see the smooth cheeks, the fresh white teeth, the laughing eyes, the gloriously toned shoulders, the pure golden skin that had once characterised her, but seeing instead her exhausted grey face, eyes red-rimmed, naked body broken and bloodied. And her legs, those long muscular legs that once he’d gawped at as he followed them on long treks, now twisted cruelly beneath her, knotted by cramps.

So he’d stood in silent grief, waiting for the end.


Mommius wondered how much longer he should stay. It was noon and very hot. He wanted to see the end but this was dragging. She still responded when they pushed the sponge into her face, still moaned occasionally, but otherwise hung lifelessly. A couple of hundred people still lingered, but the viciousness had gone out of them. They were just watching now, waiting.

But then there came a commotion. He could see a party travelling up the road from the city. As they drew closer, he saw the temple guard and, surrounded by them, wrists bound behind them, linked by chains fastened around their necks, four young women, each clad in just a shift. A small crowd followed them. There was ribaldry and joking, the odd shout of fear from one of the prisoners. The temple guard dragged them before Caiaphas.

Rustius looked on in surprise. He had no idea what the priests had planned. The four he recognised as prisoners held sent to the slave market the previous morning. There was the feisty mixed race one with the rippling stomach muscles whom he’d fucked after they’d whipped her. And there was the slight one Sextus had chosen. Had Caiaphas bought them?

Clemens, of course, knew them instantly: Shena, Ruth, Rachel and Rebecca, all women of the community, although Rebecca was barely more than girl. The sense that this was about to get even worse sickened him. He avoided eye contact, but looked up at Aelia. She was near death, but he saw fresh horror on her face.

Caiaphas ordered the first of them brought before him: Shena, tough, a fighter, but weakened by her flogging. She was thrown at his feet, wrists still bound, and looked up, furiously. “Aelia,” Caiaphas called. “This woman is charged with blasphemy. Have you anything to say in her defence?”

Mommius stared. Would she say anything? Could she say anything? Aelia’s head moved. An inch, no more. She understood what was going on. Her lips twitched, but she could saying nothing. “A word form you, great queen, and I will pardon her.”

He waited. “Nothing?” he shouted. “Then I find her guilty.” He paused and smirked at the young woman at his feet. “39 lashes in public tomorrow and then service in the temple.”

As Shena was pulled up he looked her up and down with an obvious lasciviousness. “Your queen would not save you,” he said. “Perhaps the discipline of temple life can.

The other three followed. The same process. Ruth, pale, thin and terrified. Rachel, strong, tanned and bristling. Rebecca, young, dark and delicate. All thrown down before the cross. All offered mercy if Aelia could but speak. All sentenced to 39 lashes and a lifetime of serving in the temple, with the implicit promise of further indignities and beatings to come.

Mommius was stunned by the cruelty, but he knew he would go to witness the floggings. He saw Aelia’s head bob. He saw her lips flutter. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw thrust slightly forward, but then her head fell again and she gave an agonised groan.

“Strip the blasphemers,” Caiaphas ordered. To Rustius the relish in his voice was obvious. This was about his power, not about Rome’s. The temple guard ripped away their shifts and to hoots and jeers from the crowd the four were left naked. The lash marks on Shena’s back stood livid against the cinnamon skin as she glared furiously at those who leered at her. Rachel stood silent, hers a mother’s body hardened by the life she had lived, but the two younger women cowered in fear and humiliation. Virgins until the legion had got hold of them, Rustius suspected.

Caiaphas had his slaves coffled together again, then paraded them round the cross. He made them kneel before Aelia. “Bow before your queen,” he commanded. The temple guard forced even Shena comply, shoving her beaten body into a position of prostration, naked on the flinty earth. Eventually, when Caiaphas had had his fun, he sent them back down to the city.

Clemens blinked back the tears to look once again at Aelia’s tortured body, his throat aching with sorrow. How could they do this? How could they take one so young, so bright, so adorable and strip her naked and flog her and humiliate her like this? How could they torment four of his friends to hurt his love? How could the public watch with relish an agonising execution that lasted over a day? How could they do this to his Aelia, his beautiful Aelia?

Rustius, feeling he had to reassert himself, ordered the cross shaken again, but Caiaphas again took centre stage. “Your doing,” he said. “You Aelia, a whore like your mother, did this to them.”

But Aelia didn’t feel the pain or hear the taunt. Her head lolled on her chest. Death had taken her at last.
Aelia watched night falling over the city. Her head hung limp. Her mouth sagged open. She was exhausted. She couldn’t remember what life was like without agony, constant, everywhere. They teased her with a sponge, holding it just out of reach and then thrusting it into her face, but she drank when she could. She knew it would prolong her suffering but the instinct was animalistic: she was thirsty so she drank. Flies crawled on her, feasting on her blood and her sweat. She was too tired to shake them off. Crows circled, waiting their time. She’d all but lost control of her muscles. They felt numb, indifferent to her brain’s instructions. Every now and again, cramps would overwhelm her and great shudders would pass through her. Still, at times, she forced herself up, using her legs mostly now, pushing against the nails in her feet, her arms as good as useless, but mostly she just sat, a nail digging in to her tenderest flesh.

Her strength had been her greatest asset. It had overcome soldiers and inspired her people. But now it was just prolonging the torture. She’d ever given death much thought. What was it? Whatever it was, it couldn’t be worse than this. They began building a fire near the base of the cross. Was this more torture? She’d almost welcome it if it ended her life sooner. But they were just building it to keep warm. Rustius rode up to her. When he stood in his stirrups, his head came level with her breasts. He reached out and weighed her right breast in his left hand, teasing the nipple with his thumb. He smiled at her. “They were lovely,” he said. “What a whore you’d have made.” She barely had the strength to lift her head. She wanted to spit at him, but her mouth was dry. She wanted to say something but her brain was empty and she wasn’t even sure she’d have had the strength even if she had thought of something clever. He rolled the nipple between thumb and forefinger. “If my men had had their way,” he said, “we’d have taken you down a couple of hours ago, tidied you up, let them all fuck you and then crucified you again in a month. That’s what you deserve.”

She gazed at him resentfully. He slapped her breast with a smirk. “Defeat carries a terrible price,” he said. “And by the way, we know your boy is in the crowd. We’ll have him followed and catch any survivors of your little rebellion. And they’ll be whipped and sold into slavery. Fucked if they’re pretty enough.”

Not Clemens. She wanted to warn him, but how could she even if she had the strength, even if she could get her mouth moist enough to speak, they would hear her and they would do something terrible to him. “You’ve lost, Aelia,” he said. “Your people are at the slave traders because of you. They’ve been whipped because of you. They’ve been raped because of you. Because you failed.”

It was true. She looked at him with blank eyes, but she felt despair. She wanted to cry, but she hadn’t the energy.

“Good night, your highness,” he said. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


Mommius slept badly. He wanted a fuck but his wife had seemed plain and lumpen when compared with Aelia. He wanted again to feel the firmness of her breasts pushing back against his chest, to trace the wiry muscles of her thighs. It wasn’t an hour after dawn when he arrived back at the summit of Golgotha. Rustius was already there and so too was Caiaphas and his priests. She was still alive, that was the main thing, but she was weakened terribly. Smoke drifted from a dying fire nearby, where the soldiers had kept themselves warm overnight. Mommius drank in her nakedness, the smooth skin, the long legs, the beautiful round breasts, tendrils of her damp hair just playing across the tops of them. But her breathing was shallow and she seemed barely able to lift her head. The round cheeks that had once been such a part of her appeal now seemed sunken and grey. Flies gorged on the dried blood around the crown.

“Hail,” shouted Rustius. “Here to see our queen’s final hours.”

“Hail,” he replied. “Much longer?”

“A few hours, I’d say. She’s a tough one.”

There were only 30 or 40 spectators there on the hill-top, a handful who looked to have stayed overnight: friends, perhaps, or just those determined to witness every second of her execution, a few Mommius had seen on the road just after dawn, and a small party of merchants who looked as though they’d taken the long way round to catch a glimpse of the fabled Bandit Queen.

Rustius turned to the night guard, who were preparing to be relieved. “Give it a shake,” he said. “Wake her up for her friends.”

Two soldiers wandered slowly over to the cross. They looked tired and keen to get home. Mommius saw her eyes flick down. She was still aware, then, of what was happening to her. He fancied he saw a slight tightening of the curl of her fingers, a tremor of the legs as she prepared for this new assault. One soldier stood to her left, the other to her right. They set themselves against the stipes and shook, back and forth, back and forth. Her head rolled back, her eyes wide with pain. The flies that had settled on her rose up and buzzed around the top of the cross. She gave a low rasping moan that went on long after they’d stopped shaking.

“Good,” Rustius shouted. “You’re still awake and alert. Breakfast?”

The sponge was raised on the spear again, but the soldier this time decided there was more fun to be had. He poked first at her breasts and then between her legs, thrusting it into her blood-stained crotch. By the time he lifted the sponge, still dripping with water, one side was stained red with her blood. And yet she drank. The soldier pulled the sponge away, making her stretch for it. “See how she lusts for the juice of her own cunt,” he shouted, the rammed the sponge into her face, knocking her head back against the cross, driving the thorns into her scalp.


The sun was still a couple of hours from its zenith. Aelia felt its warmth but it couldn’t reach the chill inside. She hung still, too weak even to raise her head, which fell forward so her chin brushed her collar bone, the spikes of the crown pressing into her armpit. Her lips were dry and cracked, her eyes crusted. Flies crawled over her face and she lacked the will to shake them off. She waited for death, for an end to her suffering, but it remained cruelly distant.

She was vaguely aware of the sponge being soaked again and loaded on the spear. It was raised three or four inches from her face but she couldn’t move towards it. The soldier lowered it and shoved it against her cunt. She felt the pain as raw flesh was scraped on the sedile but she couldn’t react. It flicked her breasts and drew laughter from a crowd that now numbered perhaps a hundred again, and then was pushed into her face. Her head rolled back painfully but she sucked. She couldn’t swallow but at least it wet her parched mouth. She shuddered. A crow handed on the cross, just above her left elbow, squawked and flew off again. Soon she would be food for birds as she was already food for the flies.

Was the pain lessening? Had she grown used to its constant nag? Or was this death, taking her slowly, shutting down her systems? She pulled on her useless arms and pushed with her legs. Another breath, maybe, to ease the sickening pressure on her chest? There was pain, but in her agony she couldn’t calibrate it, and mainly there was weakness. She couldn’t move.

Rustius knew she didn’t have long left, not while she could still understand what was going on. Her body was almost motionless now, hanging limp. What, he wondered, would it be like to fuck her now, half-dead, shoulders dislocated? Would she still have the firmness, the vitality she had had before?

Clemens felt faint. At some point during the night, he’d been left alone. Even teenagers eventually tired of gawping at a naked woman. One man, wild-eyed and deranged, had kept up a barrage of constant abuse before he too had finally returned to the city. But Clemens had remained, silent in the moonlight. It had been a cool night and he’d thought a few times of joining the soldiers by the fire, but he knew that would have raised questions and he was conspicuous enough as it was. Eventually, exhausted, he’d fallen into a fitful sleep in the lea of a rock, his dreams haunted by ghostly images of crucified corpses. By dawn there’d been a new crowd, laughing, enjoying her nakedness and her shame. He’d hidden himself among them, but each word they uttered, each comment about her long legs or her beautiful breasts, cut through him. Couldn’t they see what they’d done?

He’d moved closer to her, away from the mob, and she’d seen him, he knew. He gazed up at her, trying to see the smooth cheeks, the fresh white teeth, the laughing eyes, the gloriously toned shoulders, the pure golden skin that had once characterised her, but seeing instead her exhausted grey face, eyes red-rimmed, naked body broken and bloodied. And her legs, those long muscular legs that once he’d gawped at as he followed them on long treks, now twisted cruelly beneath her, knotted by cramps.

So he’d stood in silent grief, waiting for the end.


Mommius wondered how much longer he should stay. It was noon and very hot. He wanted to see the end but this was dragging. She still responded when they pushed the sponge into her face, still moaned occasionally, but otherwise hung lifelessly. A couple of hundred people still lingered, but the viciousness had gone out of them. They were just watching now, waiting.

But then there came a commotion. He could see a party travelling up the road from the city. As they drew closer, he saw the temple guard and, surrounded by them, wrists bound behind them, linked by chains fastened around their necks, four young women, each clad in just a shift. A small crowd followed them. There was ribaldry and joking, the odd shout of fear from one of the prisoners. The temple guard dragged them before Caiaphas.

Rustius looked on in surprise. He had no idea what the priests had planned. The four he recognised as prisoners held sent to the slave market the previous morning. There was the feisty mixed race one with the rippling stomach muscles whom he’d fucked after they’d whipped her. And there was the slight one Sextus had chosen. Had Caiaphas bought them?

Clemens, of course, knew them instantly: Shena, Ruth, Rachel and Rebecca, all women of the community, although Rebecca was barely more than girl. The sense that this was about to get even worse sickened him. He avoided eye contact, but looked up at Aelia. She was near death, but he saw fresh horror on her face.

Caiaphas ordered the first of them brought before him: Shena, tough, a fighter, but weakened by her flogging. She was thrown at his feet, wrists still bound, and looked up, furiously. “Aelia,” Caiaphas called. “This woman is charged with blasphemy. Have you anything to say in her defence?”

Mommius stared. Would she say anything? Could she say anything? Aelia’s head moved. An inch, no more. She understood what was going on. Her lips twitched, but she could saying nothing. “A word form you, great queen, and I will pardon her.”

He waited. “Nothing?” he shouted. “Then I find her guilty.” He paused and smirked at the young woman at his feet. “39 lashes in public tomorrow and then service in the temple.”

As Shena was pulled up he looked her up and down with an obvious lasciviousness. “Your queen would not save you,” he said. “Perhaps the discipline of temple life can.

The other three followed. The same process. Ruth, pale, thin and terrified. Rachel, strong, tanned and bristling. Rebecca, young, dark and delicate. All thrown down before the cross. All offered mercy if Aelia could but speak. All sentenced to 39 lashes and a lifetime of serving in the temple, with the implicit promise of further indignities and beatings to come.

Mommius was stunned by the cruelty, but he knew he would go to witness the floggings. He saw Aelia’s head bob. He saw her lips flutter. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw thrust slightly forward, but then her head fell again and she gave an agonised groan.

“Strip the blasphemers,” Caiaphas ordered. To Rustius the relish in his voice was obvious. This was about his power, not about Rome’s. The temple guard ripped away their shifts and to hoots and jeers from the crowd the four were left naked. The lash marks on Shena’s back stood livid against the cinnamon skin as she glared furiously at those who leered at her. Rachel stood silent, hers a mother’s body hardened by the life she had lived, but the two younger women cowered in fear and humiliation. Virgins until the legion had got hold of them, Rustius suspected.

Caiaphas had his slaves coffled together again, then paraded them round the cross. He made them kneel before Aelia. “Bow before your queen,” he commanded. The temple guard forced even Shena comply, shoving her beaten body into a position of prostration, naked on the flinty earth. Eventually, when Caiaphas had had his fun, he sent them back down to the city.

Clemens blinked back the tears to look once again at Aelia’s tortured body, his throat aching with sorrow. How could they do this? How could they take one so young, so bright, so adorable and strip her naked and flog her and humiliate her like this? How could they torment four of his friends to hurt his love? How could the public watch with relish an agonising execution that lasted over a day? How could they do this to his Aelia, his beautiful Aelia?

Rustius, feeling he had to reassert himself, ordered the cross shaken again, but Caiaphas again took centre stage. “Your doing,” he said. “You Aelia, a whore like your mother, did this to them.”

But Aelia didn’t feel the pain or hear the taunt. Her head lolled on her chest. Death had taken her at last.

Thank you for this magnificent, well written torture and crucifixion story! Poor Aelia had to pass a lot of stations on her way to the cross. I, a common crux pervert, has enjoyed following each of these stations.

Any possibility of an epiloge?

To you King D - thanks, we'll be proud to have it there.
If you've a picture you'd think suitable to go on the 'resource' page
(the cover picture as a jpg would be fine),
and/or a short 'blurb' describing the book,
those help to attract readers.
To you King D - thanks, we'll be proud to have it there.
If you've a picture you'd think suitable to go on the 'resource' page
(the cover picture as a jpg would be fine),
and/or a short 'blurb' describing the book,
those help to attract readers.

OK - here's a jpg

And a blurb:

"Aelia, a young and beautiful rebel leader in first-century Judaea, is betrayed and captured by the Romans. She is beaten and raped then sentenced to flogging and crucifixion. Before her agonising death, the legion takes its terrible and humiliating revenge."


  • Aelia.jpg
    68.2 KB · Views: 202
Thanks KD, apologies for being slow to pick these up
I'll get them into the Archive now! :)
King Diocletian,

Wonderful story - thank you very much for your labors with this. Literally a blow by blow account of the bitter sufferings and death of a proud woman. I enjoyed it all quite a bit. Aelia, however, deserved so much better, I believe, even if her sufferings took place basically for our enjoyment, although none of her tormenters would or could ever say that.
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