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Agony and orgasm

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Well am amazed at the depth of the information here on this topic. Its obvious that people here have taken the tyme to understand this and understand it well, most informative and thanks all for the input.
Actually Dr Frank Zugibe has shown that people suspended on crosses do not experience asphyxiation. Although as Jedakk has explained, they probably do experience a sensation of being asphyxiated... like someone who is waterboarded feels like they're drowning.
Mainstream science may never recognize him for it, but the dearly departed Makar may have put the whole ashpyxiation thing to rest. Not one of his models ever reported any difficulty breathing. Their time one the cross was limit by muscular endurance. Watching the videos that he & IM made makes this clear.
I seriously doubt that anyone, even a fetishist, would have experienced any kind of arrousal being crucified. No matter how much one might enjoy pain in an errotic situation, no sane person is going to enjoy the excruciating pain of being nailed to a cross when the end purpose is ones death. For this reason, I have always questioned the stories of Christian martyrs sufferring without complaint & even welcoming their torture. I'm sure they screamed just like everyone else. Those modern people who show their devotion by being "crucified" in places like the Philippines, are doing so under very controlled & unrealistic circumstances. And, of course, they know they aren't going to die & the people doing it aren't trying to kill them.
The one time when a victim might experience arrousal would be late in the process. After hanging on the cross for hours or days, dehydration, exposure & pain may have caused delirium that could include a physical response similar to arrousal. But, I don't believe this qualifies as true sexual arrousal.
Well I did a bit of looking into this and kind of find it hard to see how for such a cruel way to die there would be sexual arousal. I am sure that there would have been a very small amount of people who would have had some sexual arousal but the vast majority would not. Pain is pain no matter how its applied and most would not feel sexual feeling. Just my view.
Mainstream science may never recognize him for it, but the dearly departed Makar may have put the whole ashpyxiation thing to rest. Not one of his models ever reported any difficulty breathing. Their time one the cross was limit by muscular endurance. Watching the videos that he & IM made makes this clear.
While your thoughts are generally right, not all your conclusions are logical.
Evidently asphyxiation effects set in only if you hang from your arms, either because you are exhausted or because you deliberately do so.
Makar's models did a well choreographed "dance", that's a different thing.
For that reason muscle problems set in, and before those would have led to "reduced bbreathing" they came down from the cross.
I don't think this effect is really big, but it may add to arrousal, just the same way as a gag does.

And you should have outlined better that you mean "a real crucifixion", when saying that no fetishist ever would experience excitement.

Obviously "play crucifixion" has little to do with the real thing.
As our fantasies don't!

But that't the core element of fantasies: They needn't be realistic, it's enough if they are fun!

And "play scenes" mainly have two goals:
- weave in practices that do have an erotic effect (the whip comes to mind, forced exhibition, etc...)
- trigger the "mind cinema" for those things that nobody would really want to experience for real (because reality and fantasy are two completely different things)

And within such a play you very well may get to situations where the mental arrousal, combined with physical effects may cause real, physical excitement.
The whole BDSM world is full of that kind of examples and Crucifixion is no exception.

But yes, you are right, it is essential to never loose the difference between fantasy and reality out of sight.
What do you think about a possibility of unvoluntary and unsuspected orgasm during crucification (without a previous arousal)?
May be it can occurs as a result of asphyxia, extreme muscular tension, cramps or some psychological reasons.
Less oxogin to the brain and a very healthy level of kinkyness. Were you able to move around much?
Read my experience in my thread "new messaline's stories": you"ll see that the mind and the imagination are very significant to have an orgasm...;)

I have had two life experiences where I can asssure you that the real threat of impending harm and actual physical harm that were in no way sexual in nature caused a major erection and jeans that needed to be washed...

Now would I have an erection the whole time I was dying on the cross? Not unless I O.D.'d on Viagra before it happened...

I have had two life experiences where I can asssure you that the real threat of impending harm and actual physical harm that were in no way sexual in nature caused a major erection and jeans that needed to be washed...

Now would I have an erection the whole time I was dying on the cross? Not unless I O.D.'d on Viagra before it happened...

only one viagra tree?
I said "O.D'd" as in overdose. Did you know viagra can cause blindness... I'm going back to masturbation...

y're so wise tree.........................:D
I have had two life experiences where I can asssure you that the real threat of impending harm and actual physical harm that were in no way sexual in nature caused a major erection and jeans that needed to be washed...

Now would I have an erection the whole time I was dying on the cross? Not unless I O.D.'d on Viagra before it happened...

Considering you are talking about a crucifixion to near death, i guess a month would be more realistic. i was speculating and obviously not talking from experience. That means your victim will be suffering for a full year, and that timeframe adds to your scenario. i'm looking forward to seeing the final work.

Hi Shannon
I was very interested to read of your own experiences in your discussions with Jedak, it was really illuminating. I presume that you are the Shannon in Welsh Webb's scenes, in which case the experience you had was not too bad, as you came back again for more. As you say the crucifixion was done under a controlled condition and care was taken that you came to no permanent harm. In real Roman times that was most certainly not the case. Keep up the good work, love to see all the photos and movies.
No, i'm not that Shannon. i am not a model, and my pictures have never appeared here. What i am is a woman very much into this lifestyle and i do share my thoughts with Jeddak who is also most knowledgeable on this subject.

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