Internet ain't agreeing with me tonight... I'll open tomorrow. While I doubt I will ever try to match your skills I do like reading hoe you have got there...That damned thing was a real pain in the ass. I first had just the pic on the right hand side there, thinking that a picture of Maia would be good enough. But I got called to task about that, and others wanted to paste in some photomanip of one of Ramon's girls where they thought Catherine ought to be, and that wasn't going to fly with me.
So I was forced to create a fallout shelter/dungeon, sculpt a girl who fit my mental picture of catherine, blindfold her and crucify her. Argh!
Here are some more views of cat in the fallout shelter:
Obviously there should be Joe, Doc, Liz, etc. there but I didn't need them for the cover art. The odd looking stuff on the floor in the bottom edge of the last pic is the sand that they spread out there to make cat feel like she was lying on dirt when they tied and nailed her hands.
Ol' Tree