it is part of the humiliated queen...soldiers, ordinary people, but also slaves...they serve as a and women without exception..the fact that she is not bound has a purpose...anyone who wants to rape the barbarian queen ,he must defeat her in battle, and force her! and considering that she is already tired of carrying the patibulum, and staying in the torture chamber is not a big is another big humiliation for full strength she would have defended herself..but now?..she does defend herself, but to at the end, she just lies resignedly... moreover, after her rape, she is still whipped... but unlike their companions, her breasts and entire chest were spared... I have a special cross for the queen, and some pretty cruel things...
regarding her escape..there is really no danger...because the empress has her younger sister as a slave...and you can see it in picture 35.where a soldier is holding her with a sword under her neck..yet I haven't decided what to do with her..
and the whole square, and actually the execution house, and the way to it, are guarded by well-armed and trained soldiers, in addition, the Sildor chief executioner, Lady Andraste, personally supervises the execution... and in truth, she loves theater (cruel theater) and she doesn't miss anything.. .
as for the filth and the imperial emblem on the man's chest, yes that is the legion emblem (they will also have it on the shields now) thanks to Cadre.
and dirtiness? hmm, let's say I improvised here... but the dirtiest are still the slaves on the gallows outside the city... they don't wash at all... respectively, they only pass by in puddles if they find one...