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An exploratory trip to the Land of Penance

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An exploratory trip to the Land of Penance

In the mid-2020s, Barbara Moore had made a name for herself by publishing numerous books on the injustices women were subjected to under the various laws around the world. She was known well enough that the University of the Virgin Martyrs not only provided her housing but a rather opulent condominium overlooking the river that ran through town.

There were people that said Barbara was more interested in what happened to the women she researched than she was in improving their lots, but is hard to argue with the numerous best sellers she had published. Barbara insists her research is difficult and her goals are difficult in light of the laws and rules she confronts. She denies enjoying the work she puts in each book, explaining (but never detailing) the amount of research she puts in.

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One evening doing research on the Crux Chronicle Platinum Channel she has (strictly for her research) she came across a ‘documentary’ recorded in a country she has never heard of named Tierra de Penitencia. Barbara is appalled at what she sees.

There is a young woman wearing only a loincloth carrying a cross before a crowd of onlookers that hardly seem sympathetic to what is happening to her.

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In fact, Barb thought the onlookers seemed to show distain toward the woman. The woman gets to the top of a sandy hill where a crew of men take the cross from her shoulder and lay it on the ground. The woman begs “Don’t do this to me” but the man in charge says “You have been sentenced to death and you will experience the tortures of the cross before your death takes you.”

The woman is laid on the cross not looking at all willing to cooperate with what the men have in mind for her. She pleads “Don’t crucify me” but the men spread her arms and readies a pair of huge spikes.

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With the swing of a pair of mallets, the spikes are driven through her wrists and into the wood beneath them.

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The loincloth hides the fountain of pee that shoots from between the woman’s legs. The crew ignores her release and finish hammering the spikes trough her wrists to the wood of the cross.

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Barbara stares at her computer and thinks ‘I don’t think she volunteered for this!’

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A big man starts to lift the woman and the cross she is nailed to. A blond woman in a dark robe urges the man to raise the cross. She shouts “Come on, Bull! Get that cross upright so we can finish her crucifixion.”

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The woman’s legs, still not nailed to the stipe, flail about as she is raised. She nearly shrieks “What are you doing to me?”

The woman in the robe says “Carrying out your sentence, you whore.”

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At the cross nears vertical, it drops into the mounting hole. The woman is stunned, hanging limp from her nailed wrists. Another river of piss runs down her legs dangling beneath her. The crew needs no orders to tell them what to do. They tear the loincloth from her hips and the woman’s legs are lifted. A vile-looking cornu is mounted to the cross’ stipe. The men drop her ass onto the horned end of the stipe, rudely awaking the woman. She tries to move but her arms cannot lift her off the horn in her rectum. Her legs are tied to the stipe and Bull kneels by her feet and drives one spike through a foot then starts the other into her second foot.

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The woman is raised and nailed to the cross. She uses as much strength as she has to raise herself to free her ass from its cruel intruder.

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The woman in the robe taunts her saying “You can’t stay off it forever. Relax and take the horn up your ass.”
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One evening doing research on the Crux Chronicle Platinum Channel she has (strictly for her research) she came across a ‘documentary’ recorded in a country she has never heard of named Tierra de Penitencia. Barbara is appalled at what she sees.
Indeed! So appalled, I immediately applied to my Dean for research funding that would take me to this place called Tierra de Penitencia for a closer hands-on evaluation of what goes on there!

IMG_5782.jpeg After I overwhelmed him with strong arguments as to why he should let me have the money ..,

IMG_5783.jpeg he found good reason to relent and provide me with the requested funds

IMG_5781.jpeg And within no time I found myself in this most intriguing far off country, primed and ready for anything as i pursued the unvarnished truth about where it is said, believe it or not in these modern and enlightened times, that women are still cruelly crucified!
Indeed! So appalled, I immediately applied to my Dean for research funding that would take me to this place called Tierra de Penitencia for a closer hands-on evaluation of what goes on there!

View attachment 1491386 After I overwhelmed him with strong arguments as to why he should let me have the money ..,

View attachment 1491385 he found good reason to relent and provide me with the requested funds

View attachment 1491384 And within no time I found myself in this most intriguing place, primed and ready for anything as I pursued the truth about this place where, believe it or not in these modern and enlightened times, women are reportedly cruelly crucified!
Tree fears Barb has been reading ahead, but still she leaves out details... :rolleyes:
The blond woman disposed of her dark gown and joined the others around the crucified woman’s cross. It wasn’t long before the woman gave up and took the cornu into her ass. She struggled to keep its tip from entering her entirely. Her antagonist laughs at the woman. She glowingly tells her friends “The cornu won’t support her unless she sits down on it. But if she does, the tip of the horn will poke at her bowels. She doesn’t have the strength to pull herself off it. She’ll have to take it in sooner or later.”

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The man in the dark shirt asks her if the cornu hurts the woman.

The blond says “Look at her face. Do you think she is enjoying it?”

The man asks “Have you ever had one in your ass?”

“Are you nuts” she replies. “I won’t let Gunner fuck my ass. Do you think I am going to take a cow’s horn up there?”

The crucified woman, only identified by her first name ‘Michelle’, certainly did not deserve to be crucified. She hung from the face of the cross immobilized by the spikes driven through her wrists and feet and the awful horn planted deep in her bowels. Her arms were stretched and could no longer lift her body. Her legs were barely bent with the soles of her feet nailed flat against the stipe. Even without being nailed, she was positioned so her legs could not help support her body.

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The mid-afternoon sun baked her body. Sweat ran down her skin and insects gnawed at her flesh, yet she could do nothing about either but suffer with the annoyances added to her pain.

In the late afternoon, the blond woman comes up to the cross and caresses Michele’s body. She says “Michele, you look lovely hanging naked on the cross.”

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The woman’s finger parts Michele’s buns and her fingers slip into the cleft of Michele’s ass. She asks “Is the horn in your ass helping any?”

Michele snaps “It hurts like hell! I have done nothing to you. Why have you done this to me?”

“To celebrate the arrival of summer” the blond replies. “And please, call me Joan. I have been rude by not introducing myself to you.”

Michele looks down and asks “How long are you going to do this to me?”

Joan replies “It will be over soon, I promise.”

Michele hung from the cross another hour as the sun sank before her. Joan’s words ‘it will be over soon’ seemed like an empty vow. Michele hung from the cross, beginning to wish she would die to end her suffering.

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As the sun lowered towards the horizon, a trio of men walked to the cross. One of them asked Michele “Are you ready for this to be over?”

Thinking she would be taken from the cross, Michele passionately said “Oh, yes, I cannot take much more!”

But her eyes opened in disbelief as the man drew a large spear and thrust it into her chest just beneath her breasts.

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As Michele gave her final gasp, the man said “I never killed a woman before.”

One of his friends said “You just finished her. She was almost dead anyway.”

“Yeah, but I won the lotto and got to finish her…”

Barbara had watched all of Michele’s crucifixion including her slaying. It was tough to watch but she knew she had to do something about Michele’s slaying. She thought she recognized the blond woman but once she said her name she knew it had to be Joan Tree, a notorious criminal that somehow avoided apprehension.

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Barb promised to avenge Michele’s murder, but she would need help to bring her to justice. Barbara placed a conference call to a pair of her friends- Eulalia in Scotland and Messaline in the Anjou Province in France. Barbara told Eulalia and Michele what she had seen and said she was going after Joan Tree.

Eulalia said “The woman is dangerous. Are you sure that is wise?”

Barbara said “Law enforcement can’t stop her. I have to do it. Are you in?”

With a hint of reluctance, Eul said she was in. Messaline purred “It sounds thrilling. Count me in. Where should I meet you?”

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“I have to talk to the university to see if they will fund this and I have to find out where ‘Tierra de Penitencia’ is. I can’t find it on any web search.”

The next morning, Barbara goes to the University of the Virgin Martyrs finance director. She explains what she wants to do and asks for what seems to be a monstrous amount of money. Due to her reputation, the finance director immediately approved the funds. Barbara is grateful but admits she has no idea where Tierra de Penitencia is.

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The finance director says “Don’t ask me how I know, but it is just north of Casablanca in the Mediterranean Sea. I’ll arrange for a private jet to get you there.”

Barb says “I need to stop in Scotland and France to pick up my help…”
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Barb promised to avenge Michele’s murder, but she would need help to bring her to justice. Barbara placed a conference call to a pair of her friends- Eulalia in Scotland and Messaline in the Anjou Province in France.

Given the six hour time difference, I had to hurry but they were both still awake.

With a hint of reluctance, Eul said she was in. Messaline purred “It sounds thrilling. Count me in.

Yay, the “three cuxceteers!”

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“I have to talk to the university to see if they will fund this

See my earlier post above

Due to her reputation, the finance director immediately approved the funds. Barbara is grateful but admits she has no idea where Tierra de Penitencia is.

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Not that it matters really …

Barb says “I need to stop in Scotland and France to pick up my help…”

Ok, let’s see now … that’s one ticket first class to Glasgow, then two to France, then three to wherever that place is. Oh dear, I think I’ve already blown my research budget. Not to worry, I’ll deal with that when I return home.
Ok, let’s see now … that’s one ticket first class to Glasgow, then two to France, then three to wherever that place is. Oh dear, I think I’ve already blown my research budget. Not to worry, I’ll deal with that when I return home.
Details... the finance director is getting you a private plane. Why worry about tickets?
Given the six hour time difference, I had to hurry but they were both still awake.

Yay, the “three cuxceteers!”

See my earlier post above

Not that it matters really …

Ok, let’s see now … that’s one ticket first class to Glasgow, then two to France, then three to wherever that place is. Oh dear, I think I’ve already blown my research budget. Not to worry, I’ll deal with that when I return home.
The finance director just bought a Singapore cane with the hundred bucks that was left in the account.
Barb went to the airport and was taken to the privately owned airplane section. There she was taken to a Gulf Stream 600 owned by THT Air Charters.

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Her flight to Glasgow was long as she went to pick up Eulalia. Fortunately the plane’s wine gallery had a fine selection of Riesling with made the trip enjoyable.

After she picked up Eulalia, it was a much shorter flight to Anjou. Barb and Eul renewed their friendship as they flew to get Messaline.

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After picking up Messaline, the jet took off for the three-hour flight to Casablanca. Shortly after takeoff, Eulalia suggested “Let’s get comfortable and have some wine in the bedroom. We can discuss Barbara’s plans back there.”

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It became clear Barbara had little in the way of plans as she had never been in Morocco before. She explained they would use their brains when they got there to catch Joan Tree. However, the trip to the plane’s bedroom was not wasted.

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Once the plane had descended at was approaching the Casablanca airport, Barbara remembers she had not arranged transportation once they landed. The pilot loaned her his phone and gave her a number to call of a local limousine service that not only had a chauffeur that spoke English, but his car was airconditioned.

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Barbara called the number and got hold of a man that indeed spoke English though she could barely understand him. The man tried to hide his annoyance and explained her was born and raised just outside of Springfield, Arkansas. Barbara explained their flight would arrive in thirty minutes and asked if he could pick them up. He said he was already there and would meet their plane. He hopped in the car and started the engine, hoping the air conditioner would cool it enough before their flight arrived.

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The Gulf Stream lands and taxis to its parking spot. Barb, Eul, and Messa dressed in outfits somewhat presentable for the midday heat. They climb down the plane’s steps and look around, finding only an ancient yellow Moke with a hand built ‘passenger compartment’. Eul says “I didn’t know those things still existed!”

The driver pulls on his best jacket and asks “Are any of you ‘Barbara Moore’?”

Barbara replies “I am, and this is the ‘limousine’ I hired?”

“It is and I cooled the compartment so you can get out of the heat” he replies. “Where are you heading?”

“We want to get to ‘Tierra de Penitencia’. Can you get us there?”

The driver says “That’s an island twenty miles across the Mediterranean. My car doesn’t float but I can take you to the harbor where you can hire a boat.”

Eul whispers “Barbara, shouldn’t were hire some muscle for when we get there?”

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Barbara says “We can hire some when we get there.”

She turns to the driver and asks “Can you get us back here when we get back?”

“Sure” the driver says. He doesn’t mention he has never seen a woman tourist ever come back from Tierre de Penitencia…
The women, at the suggestion of the ‘limo’ driver, rented a hotel room and changed into more modest dress than they arrived in. He noted their attire might draw the kind of attention they would not appreciate.

The driver drops Barbara, Eulalia, and Messaline in the harbor area of Casablanca. He points to a row of storefronts and tells them they are all shops that sell tourist and fishing cruises, but neither are habits he has and can’t recommend any of them. Messaline says “We will pick the nicest shop. It must be reputable.”

The women enter the finest looking shop and Barbara says they would like discrete passage to Tierre de Penitencia. When told that the trip would cost several hundred dollars, Messaline asked if that was for a round trip.

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The man in charge seems surprised and says “No one ever booked a round trip before. But I have an idea that will save you the money.”

He and his men seize the women and tear their clothing from their bodies! They bind the women and rape them one after another. After having Eul and Messa they started on Barbara. She exclaimed “You cannot do this to me. I am an American!”

That hardly stopped the men.

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When they finished having their way with the women, one of the men says “We will get a fine payment for three western women at the slave market- probably a cut of your sale price. It will be far more than we’d make for a boat ride to that damn island.”

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The women were taken to a part of Casablanca not on any of the tourist maps. They were untied and their blindfolds removed. The man in charge, the slave trader, looked the women’s naked bodies over and said “You are a fine lot. You will bring good money when you are auctioned.”

Barbara protests telling him “We are free women. You cannot sell us as slaves. We have rights!”

The man glared down at Barbara and said “You surrendered your rights when you came here. You will be sold and, who knows, your buyer still might take you to the island you want to go to.”

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Barb, Eul, and Messa were taken to the slave market. They were poked and prodded as if they were cattle on the market.

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There were police around, but they seemed more interested in keeping order during the auction than what was happening to the women being sold.

It was getting late in the morning when Barb, Eul, and Messa were presented on the pre-sale block. In numerous languages the auctioneer praised the women about to be sold. “Look, buyers, we have three western women on sale for you to bid on.”

He held Messaline’s arm up and asked “Is there anyone here that wouldn’t want to own this specimen. Imagine holding her fine breasts in your hands as you tell her to suck your manhood!”

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The women were chained and brought to the block. Barbara was the least cooperative, still not believing she was being sold as a piece of meat. Eul looked both confused and interested at being sold as if she was just a cow on the block. Messaline proudly showed her fine attributes and mocked the crowd asking “Have you ever seen such fine breasts? Come on, you fools, bid on me what I am worth!”

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In the end someone did outbid the others and by a goodly sum. The women’s collars were chained together, and they were presented to their buyer. A huge man named Bull looks the women over and says “They are a fine lot, but I think my boss paid too much for what she has in mind for them.”

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The women were loaded onto a surplus WWII PT boat. They were placed below the deck and only by the beating they took on their trip they knew they were being taken somewhere fast.

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The trip took less than an hour when the women were off-loaded on an island they did not recognize. As Barb was escorted off the PT boat, she says “My university will pay good money for our freedom!”

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“Lady, your freedom is not on my boss’ mind” the sailor replied…
As Barb was escorted off the PT boat, she says “My university will pay good money for our freedom!”

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“Lady, your freedom is not on my boss’ mind” the sailor replied…
This is like being transported off to a scene in a production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. Expecting everyone at any time to break into a rousing rendition of “there is nothin’ like a dame’.

Brilliantly funny, Tree. Lots of turns and curves in the plotting.

And Eul looking both confused and interested…? :rolleyes:
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