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An exploratory trip to the Land of Penance

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Barbara was the least cooperative, still not believing she was being sold as a piece of meat
"Open your eyes, Barb ! WE only are pieces of meat !!!

Messaline proudly showed her fine attributes and mocked the crowd asking “Have you ever seen such fine breasts? Come on, you fools, bid on me what I am worth!”
As usual ! But Messa knows well that she's the best ! ( or beast perhaps ? :D)

He held Messaline’s arm up and asked “Is there anyone here that wouldn’t want to own this specimen. Imagine holding her fine breasts in your hands as you tell her to suck your manhood!”
Mmmmmmmmm ! I'm near to cum !...

Eul looked both confused and interested at being sold as if she was just a cow on the block.
Eul loves to be viewed like a cow ... She's born for that ...

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After having Eul and Messa they started on Barbara. She exclaimed “You cannot do this to me. I am an American!”
Ever tried : "I know Tree!"? :confused:

This is like being transported off to a scene in a production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. Expecting everyone at any time to break into a rousing rendition of “there is nothin’ like a dame’.
And looking forward to "Some enchanted evening!":D
Barbara, Eulalia, and Messaline were tried in a mock court. The ’officials’ all seemed to be having a good time though our women did not. It was determined they were ‘enemies of the state and were handed down the most severe penalty- the three of them would be put to death the following Thursday.

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The three were locked in a cell where they could contemplate what had just happened to them. Eul guessed they would be hanged. She said it was hardly fair. With her demure body she would suffer longest hanging to death.

Messaline was distraught become of the history of executions in her country. She says. “I know they will put me on a guillotine and cut my head off. It is not right, I tell you. They will lay me on the bascule and put my head under the blade. No one will be able to see my lovely breasts and with my head cut off, it will ruin my perfect figure!”

Barb was worried they had no way to escape or be rescued. She says “I don’t see how we get out of this before Thursday.”

“I wonder why they picked that day” Eul says. “It seems so arbitrary.”

Barbara says “I don’t know and I have no idea where we are. I am afraid we will be dead long before we have a chance to catch Joan Tree.”

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The next day the women are naked except for the bindings on their wrist. They are brought out to a shaded patio where the meet the person in charge of their capture.

In a loud voice, Barb exclaims “Joan Tree! I should have known you were behind all this! How did you know we were coming and how did you find up?”

“It was really quite simple. The charter service filed a flight plan and I didn’t even miss my afternoon cocktails to know where you were.”

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“But we didn’t tell anyone about our plans” Barbara says almost as a question.

“Oh, Barbara, but you did” Joan gloats. “Remember when you talked with your school’s financial director and his assistant was there?”

“She always there” Barbara says.

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“And she’s always been my cousin” Joan says. “It was one call across the Atlantic and your ass was mine.”

“So how are you going to kill us and why on Thursday” Barbara demands.

“Well, Thursday is the fourth of July. I’m still a good American and what better way to celebrate Independence Day than to get rid of the three causing me the most grief” Joan says. “And because it upset you so much I crucified that young lady, I thought I’d let you know first hand how much she suffered. So on Thursday I will hold the public execution of you three and nail you to a trio of crosses!”

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Joan though Eul would shit right then. Barbara could not believe what a horrible fate awaits them. Messa thinks ‘I hope I am crucified naked so everyone can see my body…”

For some reason I keep reading the title of this thread as ' An Exploratory Trip to the land of Penzance.'

When I saw this image, I realised I may have been right all along. :D

I must go back one day ............. I guess it hasn't changed much in centuries ..................
After meeting their capturer, the women are locked separately in individual cells. Joan Tree has made a lot of money from friends and acquaintances inviting them to her special Independence Day party where her captives will be the main attraction. And she couldn’t afford to let them kill themselves before Joan crucified them. Spike Sharp from the Crux Chronicle paid her a tidy sum to record the women being crucified. Spike is no dummy and put a clause in his contract that Joan would have to refund his deposit and pay for what it cost to bring a crew there. He figured three crucified women would draw many more viewers than a substitute firework show.

A few days before Joan plans to crucify the women, they are visited by a Sister Angel who flew in to see the doomed women. The nun stops first at Barbara’s cell. She is not treated politely by woman in the cell. Barbara does not hide her displeasure from her visitor. With hostility in her voice, Barb demands “Who- and what are you- and what do you want?”

“I am Sister Angel and come from the Cruxton Abbey. I came to see if you wanted to receive your last rites from the archbishop before they crucify you.”

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“So the church is in on this, too. I am not from your church and I don’t need the archbishop to pray for me before they kill me” Barb replies with a snap.

Sister Angel says “Actually, the archbishop was invited to your crucifixion. He wanted to know if you were worth the trip. He likes gawking at naked women hanging naked from a cross.”

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“Well, what are you going to tell him” Barb asks.

“If your friends are as nice as you, I’m sure he will be here” Sister Angel assures Barb.

Sister Angel moves on to Eulalia’s cell and keeps up the pretense of asking her if she wanted the archbishop’s blessing before she is crucified. Eul admits she is unfamiliar with the Cruxton Abbey but because she is to be executed it might be a good idea. She asks Sister Angel how she thinks she will look hanging naked from a cross.

To Eul’s surprise, Sister Angel lifts her habit showing Eul her petite breasts. Sister Angel says “Yours are only a bit bigger than mine but you have a svelte figure. I think you will look adorable while you die hanging nailed to the cross.”

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Sister Angel leaves out that Archbishop Wragg seems to enjoy her own slender body.

Sister Angel gets to Messaline’s cell and exclaims “Oh mon Dieu ! What an exquisite body you have! The men are going to wish they could have you instead of watching hang from a cross!”

“Merci” Messaline says “but I have a lover and it might upset Judith if some man had his way with me before they crucify me.”

Again Sister Angel hoisted her habit to show her pussy.

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With a coy voice she says “So you are a lesbian. Don’t you think your Judith would forgive you for having a man take you if it meant you stayed alive?”

That night Sister Angel placed a call to the Cruxton Abbey to report back to Archbishop Wragg. She assured him the trip to Tierra de Penitencia would be worth his time. She erased all his doubts when she added “I’d go to bed with any of the women they are crucifying!”

The next day Messaline requests a meeting with Joan Tree. She is taken to Joan’s office wearing only the finest pair of handcuffs. Joan lights up a Madame Wu and says “I hope you didn’t come to beg me not to crucify you. I have too much riding on the three of you being nailed to the crosses this Thursday.”

“No, but while I don’t understand why you are going to crucify us, I do wish you will use my premium French crosses when you put us to death” Messa says.

“Look, sweetheart, I am already spending a lot of money killing the three of you. I won’t turn a profit if I buy some fancy crosses made of some exotic French wood” Joan protests.

“It will cost you nothing” Messaline says. “You can log in using my password and they will be of no charge. Plus my company will pay the shipping.”

Joan thinks for a minute and says “We’ll use your crosses. What is the password?”

“Momentblond” Messaline says “but you have to use ‘zero’ where the ‘o’s are.”

“Odd password” Joan says. “Is it French?”

“Oui” Messaline says. “It translates to ‘blonde moment’ in English…”

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Wednesday, July 3…

A man in a travel-worn suit comes to Barbara’s cell. He looks her bare body over and says “Pretty good meat. You should look good hanging from a cross.”

“And who do I have the honor of your visit” Barb asked.

“Name’s Sharp- Spike Sharp- and I paid ten grand to record you and your friends’ crucifixions.”

“Ten grand? They are going to kill us and you only had to pay ten thousand to film it” Barb asks in disbelief.

“Yeah, they were going to crucify you anyway, so the money covers some of the expenses. Besides, you are only going to do this once. I don’t think there will be a sequel with you starring in it” Spike dryly observes.

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Later that day, Joan Tree comes by Barbara’s cell to gloat over Barb’s pending doom. Practically drooling with glee, Joan says “I cannot wait to see the men nail you to the cross and raise you up tomorrow.”

Barbara says “You will be caught and punished for what you are doing to me and have done to others! You are going to murder me! It is against the law.”

“Not here on Tierra de Penitencia. I own this island and I am the law” Joan says proudly. “You know, even in America they don’t prosecute the people who conduct executions. It is the same here”

“I don’t agree with capital punishment but at least they had access to all the legal challenges” Barb says. “My ‘trail’ wouldn’t make it even on the ‘Benny Hill Show’!”

“It doesn’t matter. No one here is interested in stopping your execution” Joan says.

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“In fact, they paid good money to watch you and your friends dance naked while you are hanging from the crosses.”

Wednesday night, one of the guards is checking on the prisoners. He checks on Barbara and says “I’d rather have slept with you than crucify you.”

Barb defiantly says “There’s no reason you can’t do both. I’m not dead yet. What’s your name?”

“Everyone calls me ‘Gunner’” the guard says. “Are you serious about wanting to screw?”

“I would want to bed you far more than I want to be nailed to a cross” Barb says in a most inviting voice.

Gunner peels off his shirt and drops his trousers. He looks through the bars and says “Are you sure? I could kill you with this!”

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Barb looks down at the biggest cock she has ever seen then says “I’d rather be fucked to death than die hanging naked on a cross!”
“No, but while I don’t understand why you are going to crucify us, I do wish you will use my premium French crosses when you put us to death” Messa says
You see, Eul and Barb, I defend your interests : my Premium French Crucifixion Wood will be better for protect your tender ass from any splinter !

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Thursday morning, July 4, 6:30 AM

A holiday in the U.S. but not in the rest of the world, Barb, Eul, and Messaline have been awakened to star in Joan Tree’s perverse show that they will star in, marching to the hilltop where they will be nailed to their crosses where they will raised and hang from them until they are dead for the entertainment of Joan Tree’s guests.

It had been decided the crosses would be too heavy for the women to carry the whole thing up the hill. After all, Joan Tree had announced three women would be crucified and be put to death from hanging from them. If they died before they got to the hill’s summit, some of the effect would be ruined.

Messa’s cross beam was placed on her shoulders. As the source for crosses made of premium French wood, she had sold hundreds of them but had never had to carry one, much less be crucified on one. As the beam is situated on her shoulders she exclaims “It is too heavy! I cannot carry this!”

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The crew seems unconcerned by her protests and take a few minutes to tie her arms to the beam. She drops to her knees and says “It is too heavy. I will never make it to the hilltop!”

One of the guards growls “You will make it or you will learn what my whip feels like.”

Messaline struggles to get to her feet.

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With her arms tied to the beam, Messaline steps out pf the courtyard. She is amazed to see the lecherous crowd gawking at her naked body.

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Angry she is exposed to the strangers, she wants to cover her bare body. Unfortunately for her, the ropes that force her to carry the beam also do not allow her to cover herself.

Eulalia is next to be given a beam to carry. She is a realist and while she knows what is being done to her is not right, there is nothing she can do to escape her ordeal. With the beam bound to her shoulders she passes the crowd of special guests in the courtyard.

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Those looking at her all wear costumes as a part of one of Joan Tree’s perverse contests. What is happening to Eul is just some odd entertainment. They do not consider it is far more serious to Eul.

Eulalia steps out onto the street and is confronted with people that act surprised to see her nailed, wearing only the crossbeam and a necklace of nails dangling from her neck.

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As she walks through the crowd, the spectators get rowdier as she passes. Many of them are all feeling the effects of their morning cocktails. Their comments and jeers become louder and lewder as they look at Eul’s bare body.

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Eul wonders what they will do when she is nailed to her cross and hanging naked before them. She wonders if some will actually masturbate as she hangs naked from her cross.

Barbara is the last to be brought out. She has shown she can be just as feisty in the early morning as she could be later in the day. She has protests she is an American citizen and there must be laws to prevent them from doing this to her. Their response was tying a rope around her neck and dragging her from the courtyard.

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Out on the street, Joan’s cousin from the University of the Virgin Martyrs greets her with a spit in her face.

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“You stupid bitch” she screams. “You should have stayed at the school. Now look at what is going to be done to you!”

The women walk the kilometer to the base of the hill. Guards have separated them from the crowd, but more than a few lashes of whips found them along with a healthy pelting of vegetables. As they start to climb the hill, the line tightens up.

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Any hopes things will get better when they reach the top is delusional at best…
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