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An exploratory trip to the Land of Penance

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She has protests she is an American citizen and there must be laws to prevent them from doing this to her. Their response was tying a rope around her neck and dragging her from the courtyard.

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Out on the street, Joan’s cousin from the University of the Virgin Martyrs greets her with a spit in her face.

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Whatever happened to civility? Such manners!!! Tsk tsk!

As they start to climb the hill, the line tightens up.

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… and it’s “ @Eulalia the Scot” in the lead, but “Blue State Barb” moving up fast from third place into second, leaving the “French Wonder” @messaline behind. It’s going to be close folks … very close … possibly a photo finish … could even be a three-way tie as Messaline has quickened her pace …
The walk from the jail Barb, Eul, and Messa was held in to the base of the hill was about a kilometer. The hill itself measured 60 meters high and the gravel path to a winding half-kilometer to get to the summit. All three made it mainly to avoid getting whipped more and not for what was waiting when they arrived.

Eulalia arrived on the crest first. She has a realistic view of what is about to happen to her. She knows there is no justice in what they plan to do to her. It is just what they want to do and there is no way to avoid it. A man grabs her shoulder and drags her to her cross. She looks at the people gawking at her and says “I have nothing to offer you that don’t already have. So do what you want with me. You may kill me, but you will have to live with what you have done!”

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Barbara is less diplomatic. With the beam removed from her shoulders, she crosses her arms and says to the head guard “Are you man enough to nail me to the cross and raise me to die for the entertainment of these scums?”

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The guard shrugs and says “Why not? I can’t wait to watch you shake those tits when you are hanging from your cross.”

Messaline is fearfully angry. She declares “I Have done nothing to deserve this. It is not right for you to crucify me!”

A stout guard grabs Messaline wrapping one arm around both of hers and wrapping the other across her chest.

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He drags her to her cross and growls “The people want to see a beautiful French woman hanging from her cross. I think we will do you first!”
Whatever happened to civility? Such manners!!! Tsk tsk!
I know. Disgraceful.

But she is Joan's cousin. One shouldn't set one's expectations too high. :rolleyes:

I Have done nothing to deserve this. It is not right for you to crucify me!

When has that actually had any effect whatsoever? :)
Thursday morning, July 4, 7:30 AM

Messaline is dragged over to the cross. She is naked and under the control of the misfits that are about to crucify her. She is hardly ashamed of her nudity. Instead she is angry she is being presented that way before a crowd of strangers. She glares at the crowd and says “You are not worthy to see me nailed to the cross and crucified on it.”

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To Messaline’s disgust and humiliation, she is pushed face down on the sand and one of the men rams his hard member in her ass. She yells what a filthy bastard he is. He replies with another thrust of his cock and swats her bare thigh. With contempt he says “Don’t tell me you’ve never had it like this, you bitch.”

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In an act of defiance she sits on the cross and with her torso propped up on her elbows she stretches out her feet over the stipe on the cross for the men to nail them to the wood. To her amazement the men take a moment to discuss whether they should nail her feet first or would it be better to do her wrists first. Angered by their indecision, Messaline scowls “Don’t you know what you are doing? You act like you have never done this before!”

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One of the men scolds her, yelling “Be patient, lady, we never done this before!”

Messaline’s sense of survival takes over and she pulls her feet back and swings her arms at the men around her. The idea of being nailed to the cross was bad enough, but she was not going to be the willing victim of a pack of amateurs. The men gathered around her and restrained her limbs. They spread her arms and legs over the cross to nail her to it.

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The indecision of whether to nail Messaline’ arms or feet is put aside. A large man with a large mallet drives a spike through Messaline’s wrist. Any semblance of order leaves Messaline’s mind. Any sense of order is overwhelmed by the intense pain wracking her body.

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Nailing Messa’s feet was easy. She was unaware of the men placing her feet over the stipe. A single blow of the mallet drove the spike through both her feet and into the wood beneath them. Messaline tried to jerk her legs up to her chest, but they were secured to the cross. It took only a few more blows of the mallet to drive the spike to top of her foot.

Messaline’s breasts heave on her chest as she took deep rapid breaths. She tries to draw her arms and legs into a ball over her chest but the spikes prevent her from moving.

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There are two more women waiting to be crucified. A large man grabs the beam Messa’s arms are nailed to and begins to lift. He maliciously says “Lets see how you look hanging from your ‘premium French cross.”

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The cross drops into its mounting hole stunning Messaline as her body stretches her arms as they have never been before. A few moments later she looks around her. She is thoroughly confused by the crowd staring up at her.

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In a soft voice Messa asks “What have you done to me?”
Thursday morning, July 4, 7:50 AM

Messaline has been crucified. Barbara looks up at her friend hanging naked from the face of her cross. A guard says “You can look at her all you want once you are on your cross. We’re behind schedule. Do I have to have you dragged to your cross or do you want to go willingly?”

Barbara crossed her arms over her breasts and says “I go- though I can’t say ‘willingly’.”

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Barbara walks over to the waiting cross and sits the stipe. Above her, a breathless Messaline groans “Don’t let them crucify you! It is worse than I can describe.”

Barbara looks over her shoulder and says “I don’t think I have a choice in that.”

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One of the guards demands Barbara roll over. She looks at the towering black man standing by her feet and groans “You are not going to do that” as she rolls face down over the cross.

The man shoves his hard cock between her legs and whispers “Don’t act like you like it. I’m supposed to be fucking your ass.”

As his cock slips into her vagina, Barbara gasps as he shoves his tool into her. In a hushed voice she says “Why are you doing this?”

Softly he asks “Would you rather take in in your ass?”

He thrusts again. Barbara shrieked both from his filling her and in answer to him. She yelled “NO, DAMN IT!”

The crowd watching Gunner raping her applauded, think he was boring her ass.

Much softer she asks “What is your name?”

“Call me Gunner” he replies as he continued to screw her.


Quietly he says “Joan Tree pays me, but I don’t go for hurting innocent women.”

“Hurting innocent women? They are going to kill us” Barbara hisses.

After Gunner finished his vile act, Barbara had her wrists nailed to the cross. As painful as that was, she could not imagine how much worse having her feet nailed would be. When the spike torn through her feet, Barb tried to pull her feet away but the spike held them to the cross.

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Barb screamed in agony as the last spike was driven home.

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Barbara’s cross is lifted next to Messaline’s. Her eyes open wide in terror as her body slid down the stipe until the cross dropped into its mounting hole.

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For several moments Barb hanged dazed from her cross’ face.

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She is unaware of the crowd cheering her crucifixion.
Barbara crossed her arms over her breasts and says “I go- though I can’t say ‘willingly’.”

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True to form. I never submit to anything WILLINGLY! :mad:

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One of the guards demands Barbara roll over. She looks at the towering black man standing by her feet and groans “You are not going to do that” as she rolls face down over the cross.

Definitely an “Oh Shit!” moment! :eek:

Much softer she asks “What is your name?”

“Call me Gunner” he replies as he continued to screw her.


Gunner? Gunner. Sounds familiar. You aren’t from Arkansas, are you? :confused::facepalm:

For several moments Barb hanged dazed from her cross’ face.

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Hmmm … judging from the size and attentiveness of the crowd, I must look good up here. I wonder whether this pose might make a good CruxForums avatar?:rolleyes:
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