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An exploratory trip to the Land of Penance

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Around two hundred people watched the crucifixions of Barbara, Eulalia, and Messaline. From the early morning march to the women’s executions. The people seemed to enjoy the brutal crucifixions of the women. An open bar kept everyone rowdy as they heckled the women hanging from their crosses.

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The women guests were worse and were unconcerned the crucified women were being slowly put to death. But even the bizarre party had to come to an end. You see, July 4th is only a holiday in the United States and Joan was lucky the Wall Street firms were officially closed that day, or she would have had a much smaller crowd. But by mid-afternoon the crowds began to thin as her guests departed to take care of more important things than watch a few women spending their final hours hanging nailed to their crosses.

Eulalia could not or did not care to hold her urine. A stream of warm pee streamed down her legs. Sister Angel looked at Eul’s wet legs and assured Eul that it was alright that she relieved herself.

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Eul slumped against her cross and wondered why she didn’t feel any better.

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Twenty meters to Eul’s left, Messaline was contemplating relieving her bowels before the thinning crowd. She moved her hips to the right of the stipe but looked through her hair draped over her eyes.

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She saw all the people looking at her and groaned “I cannot do this with all these people watching.

Between Eul and Messa, Barb contemplated how much pain she was in.

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As much as she hurt as she hung from the cross, she knew she was nowhere near dead. To make things worse, clouds began to fill the sky. Not only would it be dark once the sun sets, there was a good chance it would rain on her before she died…
Between Eul and Messa, Barb contemplated how much pain she was in.

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As much as she hurt as she hung from the cross, she knew she was nowhere near dead.
I’m thinking that given this is a Tree story, It’s gotta be far from finished yet. Past experience tells me it’s not likely to end until he’s squeezed every last bit of misery and humiliation out of it for we three Cruxgirls. So, hang in there @Eulalia and @messaline! In the words of someone … a baseball star with a silly name, I think … it ain’t over until it’s over. :confused::facepalm:
Partly because Messa asked for it... :rolleyes:

Mid-afternoon, July 4

Messaline has been crucified for more than eight hours. Besides the pain of the nails hammered through her wrists and feet, the relentless stretching of her arms as her body hangs from the spikes, her intense hunger and terrible thirst, she has a new problem she had not expected to encounter. She had pissed down her legs hours ago, but she terribly needed to relieve her bowels. Over an hour ago she considered taking a shit but there were too many people standing around her cross and a lady just does not take a dump in front of strangers. ‘What would they think of me’ she fretted if she relieved herself in front of them.

An hour passed and though the crowd has thinned, there are still too many people that would be able to see her if she passed the shit she really needed to take.

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The urge is becoming uncontrollable. Messa does not know how much longer she can control herself. Besides Joan Tree’s goal of putting her to death very slowly, Messaline hangs naked before total strangers who either can’t imagine the pain she is in or greatly appreciate how much she is suffering. There is no way to get food or drink and this problem of needing to relieve herself does not give her a break from the cross.

Finally Messa cannot restrain herself any longer. Before the strangers staring at her, Messa pushes the stool from her bowels. To her amazement, the crowd is quite entertained by her relieving herself. They enthusiastically tell others to look at Messaline as she relieves her bowels.

As her stool drops onto her feet she yells “Have you no pride? I cannot leave here yet you call attention to me when this happens. Can’t a lady have some privacy?”

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Below her a woman yells “You aren’t a lady! You are a corpse that just isn’t dead yet!”

Six o’clock that evening, Joan Tree tours the hilltop where the women are crucified. She stops below Eulalia’s cross and looks up at her. She watches Eul’s breasts bob as she struggles to take each breath. Joan says “You know if you just die your suffering will be over. I have nothing against you. It’s your friend Barb that wanted to put me in prison and I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

Eul says “I have a will to live and I hope to see you behind bars before I die.”

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“Don’t count on living longer enough to see that” Joan haughtily says.

Joan turns and heads over to Barbara’s cross. She looks over Barb’s nude body barely breathing as she hangs from the cross. In a cheerful voice she says “You look damn good for being up there as long for as long as you’ve been.”

Barb ignores Joan’s weak compliment and snarls “People will find out what you have done to us. You are going to die an old woman in prison!”

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“I doubt that but even if I do I’ll still have the fond memory of you dying on the cross” Joan gloats.

Joan walks over to Messaline’s cross, and acts surprised to see Messa’s stool piled on her nailed feet. She looks up at Messa and says “Oh, you poor baby! You shit on yourself!”

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Messa says “They wouldn’t give me a break to use the restroom.”

“Well, don’t worry. It’s supposed to rain tonight, and it should wash that shit right off your feet” Joan says. “Who knows. You may still be alive to see it.”
Past 8 PM, July 4… the women have been crucified twelve hours. The tortures of the cross is taking its toll. Eulalia hangs mostly resigned to the fact her life will end hanging nailed to her cross.

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Twenty meters away, Messaline locks down her crucified body wishing she could run her hands over her sweat-covered breasts. Beside the hell of being crucified, it had been a warm day under the Mediterranean sun. Still from what she could see, her body still held its beauty after the day long tortures of the cross.

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Between the two, Barbara still held on to the delusion she would catch Joan Tree and make her serve justice for her crimes. She still thrashed her body, not looking for comfort from her ordeal but to escape the cruel tortures of the cross and bring Joan Tree to justice.

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At eight-thirty a man carrying a drink comes up to Barbara’s cross and asks “What the hell did you do to get yourself nailed to cross?”

“I came to bring Joan Tree to justice” Barb says boldly and somewhat defiantly.

“It doesn’t look like it worked” the man says. “You are naked and nailed to a cross. It looks like you pissed and shit while you were up there. And I don’t know how you are going to bring my sister to justice hanging up there.”

“You are ‘The Hanging Tree’? Did you come to gloat as we die on these crosses” Barbara angrily demands.

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Tree says “Relax, I got paid a ton of doe by the WPA to bail your ass out of trouble. I didn’t think I’d have to save you and your friends from dying on the cross.”

“The WPA? I thought the Work Progress Administration closed around World War II’s end” Barbara exclaims.

“Not that WPA. The Women’s Protection Agency paid me to raise an army, get your ass out of trouble, and catch Joan and bring her to justice” Tree says.

“Did you catch Joan?” Barb asks with excited breathlessness.

“Naw, she scooted out when she heard we were coming” Tree explains.

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“But let’s get you ladies down before we’re pulling down dead bodies.”

Tree and his small group took the women from their crosses.

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They even got help from Gunner and Bull with Tree’s flimsy assurance he could keep them out of trouble since they had not participated with the actual crucifixion of the women.

So Barbara, Eul, and Messa were taken to the BJC Mediterranean Hospital in Casablanca where, due to modern medicine, they women recovered from the wounds that would have killed them just a few centuries ago.

All that is left is the capture and punishment of Joan Tree, which will be documented in the future chapters…
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Tree says “Relax, I got paid a ton of doe by the WPA to bail your ass out of trouble. I didn’t think I’d have to save you and your friends from dying on the cross.”

A ton of “doe”???? Meaning they paid you with a shipment o 2,000 lbs of hapless blue state women? :confused:

“The WPA? I thought the Work Progress Administration closed around World War II’s end” Barbara exclaims.

Showing off here my impressive command of U.S. history. ;)

“Not that WPA. The Women’s Protection Agency paid me to raise an army, get your ass out of trouble, and catch Joan and bring her to justice” Tree says.

Oh, sounds like a tall order, that. :rolleyes:

“Did you catch Joan?” Barb asks with excited breathlessness.

Hope springs eternal :)

“Naw, she scooted out when she heard we were coming” Tree explains.

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Threatened by that motley crew of misfits and idiots who wouldn’t flee? :facepalm:

Tree and his small group took the women from their crosses.

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They even got help from Gunner and Bull with Tree’s flimsy assurance he could keep them out of trouble

Something tells me you had to promise a few additional perks to win them over. :confused:

So Barbara, Eul, and Messa were taken to the BJC Mediterranean Hospital in Casablanca where, due to modern medicine, they women recovered from the wounds that would have killed them just a few centuries ago.

that was before Bill and Gunner demanded that they be paid in full :doh:

All that is left is the capture and punishment of Joan Tree, which will be documented in the future chapters…

Can’t wait!!! :popcorn:
Our resident criminologist brings you this update on the hunt for Joan Tree…

Joan Tree is a pathetic woman twisted by the evils of crime. She has put many women to death because she likes seeing them suffer a cruel and agonizing death.
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For this the Imperial Moral Authority has placed her on its ‘most wanted list’ and deployed its finest agents from the Imperial Moral Force to track down this murderous bitch.

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We will not rest until this whore is captured, judged, and serves the harshest sentence the law allows us to inflict on give to her!
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