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Ancient Chinese Women Prisoners

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I just don't think a blow hard enough to rupture the uterus could avoid also rupturing the surrounding organs; namely, the colon and bladder; either of which would; in a time before modern medicine; result in death from sepsis and/or internal hemorrhage. Even crushing the uterus alone could result in fatal hemorrhaging.
I am skeptical of something refereed to only in later sources.

"Later" sources are very unreliable because errors creep in from copy mistakes (example the telephone game), the 'new' author wants to emphasize something or simple the kind of mistakes that creep in from trying to make the story "better".

A form of execution that doesn't immediately kill the victim is not unknown. As an example you see European woodcuts and drawings where the victim's intestines' are pulled out. That is not immediately fatal but their is no putting them back and you will die a very painful and lingering death.

And displaying a victim executed in a lingering death is also not unknown.

Hanging someone in cage for example till they starve to death, being tied to a cross instead of nailed is another example. Also in Islamic\Pre-Islamic West Asian cultures the cross itself was not the implement of death but a way to display the person being executed\tortured. In Japanese culture they were displayed on the cross before being executed.

So closing the circle, tying down some poor woman to platform in the village square where every one could watch her insides being pounded into mush which will cause a linger death (as she is displayed to the public) is a lot more probably than 'we are damaging one organ with this and she'll be alright afterwards'.


Unfortunately, I don't know the title of this film.
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