St.Julia of Carthage. Day Memory 16 \ 29 July. Virginmartyr Julia of Carthage - Orthodox Church in America
Private messageI do love how these medieval artists always made sure to have the great female martyrs be topless.
These are German drawings depicting a witch hunt.Here are a couple of images from the trial and torture of an unknown (to me) female saint. Doesn't seem to be from Roman times as the tribunal clearly has bishops sitting on it. Maybe Jeanne d'Arc?
The image of the trial has a caption in German which translates as "The godless say: we shall question the pious under torture and kill them with the very most shameful death". We see a fully-clothed female saint (with halo) in front of the judges, and in the foreground various torture implements: a nasty-looking spiked iron collar, two bundles of birches and a breast press.
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The next image shows her partially stripped and poked with needles, presumably a witch test. There is a monk holding what looks like a glowing iron over a bucket of water. On the ground there are still the same three torture implements. No idea what's going on in the background, possibly a garotting of a woman.
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These are German drawings depicting a witch hunt.
1677Well, yes, but the caption on the first drawing and the halo around the head of the accused make it clear that the artist considers her to be a martyr and the tribunal to be godless.
Santa Cristina da Bolsena is celebrated on July 24th.St.Christina of Tyre. Day Memory 26 July \ 06 August. Christina of Bolsena - Wikipedia
St.Eulalia. Day Memory 22 August \ 04 Sepember. Eulalia of Barcelona - Wikipedia
True, Christina of Bolsena gets muddled with Christina of Tyre, so much so it's difficult to tell whether the latter isn't just a copy of the former (like Eulalia of Barcelona from Eulalia of Merida). But July 24th is also the feast-day of Christina the Astonishing, who was, well, astonishing.Santa Cristina da Bolsena is celebrated on July 24th.