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Anya's Farewell Performance, by AnyaN and TheLimey

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Anna's pussy was burning from the inside out, but all she could do was wail weakly and sob. She had been squirming constantly ever since he put that dreaded thing in her. Now the the ice had melted completely, which she had to admit she was surprised by, and the full agony of the vodka burned in her, her movements were even more desperate. So were her sobs.

All Incel did was stand there, relishing her anguish. Occasionally, he would reach up and splash some of the liquid inside her around. This caused even more writhing, more shrill shrieks.

But he never touched her clit. That was something he deliberately avoided.

Finally, he dipped his hand and gathered up a little of the liquid. He drizzled it down her arse, causing more sobs and desperate thrashing.

"Nyet! Stoi! Pazhaluista! Pazhaluista! Make it stop! I'll do anything!" Anna squealed, more weak than she no doubt intended to sound.

"Anything?" Incel casually asked, drizzling more over her breasts.

More howls and shrieks, all weak.

"Da! Da! Anything! Pazhaluista! Pazhaluista! Just get it out!"

"Will you suck my cock?" he asked curiously.

A slight hesitation.

Incel sneered. So, the fight was not out of her completely...

Anna grimaced, her throat tightening in disgust. She gulped a few times, and shook her head.

"Go to the Devil," she said softly. She took another gulp of air, and smiled. "Fucking Incel."

Incel chuckled. Oh, how she'd regret every time she called him that.


"Are you sure?" he asked, tapping one of his dry fingers against her battered clit.

Anna could not help several shrieks, one for every tap. Still, they were all weak. She shook her head, but she didn't know whether it was in refusal of his request, or dread knowing what was surely to come.

It didn't matter. Incel took it as a refusal, and that was all that mattered.

He shrugged, and rubbed her clit, lightly at first, then harder as she moaned louder and louder. No matter how she thrashed, and oh, how she thrashed, it accomplished nothing to get herself away from him. She whimpered as he pinched it.

Finally, he took his hand away and dipped the finger in the liquid in her pussy. Anna's eyes widened, and she thrashed further, sobbing constantly.

"Nyet! Nyet! Nyet! Pazhaluista!"

He paid her no mind, and placed his finger as lightly as he could on her clit.

The resulting wail was louder than the others since he first put the dildo in, but still very weak compared to the other cries from earlier. As he rubbed her clit, she shrieked.

"Nyet! Nyet! Mercy! Pazhaluista! Gospodi! Pazhaluista! Make it stop!"

Incel ignored her, and dipped his finger in again.

It seemed an eternity before he finally stopped. Anna's strength from thrashing was sapped, and all she could do was sob and moan softly, with the occasional plea.

"That's more like it," he said with a firm nod. He sneered, stepping back for a few minutes to watch her. He chuckled as he heard her feeble cries of "Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy."

"Now then," he continued after some time, "Let's see about that left breast again, ah?" He paused. "But first..."

He reached up and removed nipple the chain from the hook He held it in his hand for a few moments, considering the weight. Anna's eyes had been squeezed shut for some time now, so she couldn't see what he had done. He chuckled softly and dropped the chain.

The weight fel and bounced. Anna's eyes flew open, as did her mouth, but all that came out was a feeble cry of pain, followed by more sobs. The weight continued to swing for several seconds.

Incel removed the weight, and brought the nipple chain downward. He secured it to a metal hook in the floor. Anna's shriek regained some of its volume as her breasts felt the new pain of being yanked downward.

"Nyet! Stoi!" Anna sobbed.

Incel said nothing, but reached behind her and pulled on her armd. Anna's eyes widened as she understood what was about to happen, and instinctively jerked.

"Nyet! Pazhaluista!"

"You still have another lashing," he said casually, and secured the nylon attached to Anna's wrists under the hook as well. Anna sobbed. She could not move in the slightest.

"Nyet... pazhaluista... anything... pazhaluista..."

Again, Incel ignored her. He walked away and returned with the bullwhip. Anna shrieked and shook her head.

"Nyet! Pazhaluista! Pazhaluista!"

Incel let the end of the whip dip into the liquid in her pussy. Anna shrieked in horror.

"Nyet! Pazhaluista! Anything! I swear! Anything! Pazhaluista!"

Incel stepped away from her to get some distance, uncurled the whip, and reached back.

"I'll do it!"
Incel paused. "What's that?" he asked.

Anna gulped. Panting and chocking between sobs, she nodded. "I'll do it. I'll suck your cock. Just get the vodka out..."

Incel sneered and stepped over to her once more. He placed the whip on top of her pussy, making sure that the tip was once again soaked.

"Only if I'm satisfied by your... performance," he said.

"All right, all right! Just do it!"

Incel licked his lips and removed his pants once more. It wouldn't take him long to cum, but he'd make sure her "performance" lasted a full two minutes and fifty seconds... the same amount of time for a competitive short program. He looked at his watch and nodded.

Incel dropped to his knees, putting his cock at the right height for Anna's mouth, and even then it wasn't quite right, so he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head forward and slightly up, whilst she opened her mouth.

Anna knew what he wanted, what he considered a good cock sucking, had had it beaten into her at one point, and she started with her tongue, wrapping it around the head of his cock. Normally, Incel was more flaccid than anything, something he used to blame on her, but he was rock hard this time around.

She felt the pull on her hair, as Incel started to move her head forward and back, and she let her tongue continue to wrap around the shaft, feeling the veins down the length.

How long had passed? It can't have been long. She hated it, hated what she knew was going to happen, steeled herself to it.

Incel pulled her head forward roughly, and she felt her cock in the back of her throat. She felt herself gag a moment, and she struggled to contain that reflex, as Incel continued to pump her head back and forth, a long, slow, movement that just about left her time to breath in through her nose.

They reached the end of one stroke, and then he held her there, his cock filling her mouth. She felt her mouth full with saliva, felt herself start to gag again, but still he held it there, whilst she struggled to breath, her body starting to twist, until he pulled her head back, his cock leaving her mouth, a stream of drool following it. She coughed, struggling for air in the tiny respite she got before he he pulled her forward again, burying himself deep in her throat.

She felt him twitch, heard him moan, and then he came, her mouth and throat filling with semen. She didn't want to swallow, but she had to, or else she was going to choke.

Incel pulled out most of the way, leaving the tip of his cock in her mouth, his come mixing with her drool, which was starting to flow up her nose and over her face. She struggled to catch her breath, her face red, her eyes streaming, but then he forced himself into her again, still hard even after his orgasm.

She felt like she was going to pass out but he finally pulled out, forcing his hand into her mouth as he did, so he could collect some of the mess of drool and come that was in there, smearing it all over her face as she coughed, trying to force air into her lungs.

Incel sneered at her.'Adequate....just like your skating.....'

She was afraid he wasn't going to remove the dildo, but he stood, reaching up and pulling the thing out of her pussy. He looked like he was going to toss it to one side, but instead he grabbed her head, forcing it between her lips, until she felt the ice on the back of her throat. She sucked greedily on this, feeling the cool liquid in her mouth and throat. How long would Incel leave the thing in her mouth?

A line of fire burst across her stomach, Anna's cry of pain muffled by the ice dildo.

Incel was a few feet away, getting ready for another stroke with the single tailed whip. 'Keep that thing in your mouth, or I'll use this on your breasts!'
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