Jor-El, from superman movie, 1978, by actor marlon brando.
as for captives driven mad by the wonderfully inventive indian warriros, experts at torture, and preserving the victim to enjoy and to savage them, i am sure "col. crawford' became resigned to teh small mercies of the indians, and he kept on waling on beds of hot coals as the indians looked on happy to sho whim his sliced off ears, and fine scalp that they would admire and celebrate as he begged simon girty to end his tortures, and simon said he didn't have a gun, and enjoy the savage spectacle of his enemy dieing under indian tortures. the image is well designed, and with details of an truely gifted artist. enjoy them melissa, and imagine yourself asan indian warriro woamn, like queen esther, and the excitement of the slow tortures of a whiteman whose scalp you lifted. you must enjoy savge tortures or you'd not be a member here.