Your turn now.
I dared to do something different for a change. A picture completely without women. Only men. You can see six men, four of them are completely naked.
It deals, how can it be otherwise, of dictatorships in South America in the seventies.
Additional comment:
In a forum a member (@boomerman) gave me links to pages of archives in which I can deepen my knowledge about this time in Latin America. I have only begun to sift through these extensive archives. Therefore, I remain neutral in the location of events in this picture and do not name nations, places or intelligence agencies. I would like to thank again @boomerman very much.
A young German is with very narrow purse on South America trip, he has just completed his education and wants to treat himself to a longer time out. In a larger city he is glad that he got a free place to sleep for little money in a kind of commune. They have a lot to tell each other and talked until late at night, sang, drank and smoked.
Perhaps after one or two hours of sleep, he is abruptly awakened by loud screams and stomping feet on the creaking wooden floor. He is not yet really lucid when he is already lying, bound and blindfolded, with his new acquaintances in the tightest of spaces in a stuffy box truck. Ten men. What he doesn't know is that all the men he was arrested with are wanted subversives.
After a short time, everyone is sitting on the rough concrete floor of an old house. All now completely naked and with hands tied behind their backs with bags over their heads or blindfolds. Anyone who talks is shouted at harshly and beaten with a wooden club.
Silence returns. Only the soft moaning of the beaten can be heard in the background.
An unpleasant voice shouts loudly, "Your turn now!" One of the men is kicked, pulled up and dragged away. A door slams shut and silence reigns again, interrupted by the loud talking behind that door.
The talking is interrupted by muffled and slapping blows on the prisoner's naked body. The man screams out his pain and despair, his torturers keep laughing and beating. Silence. Then suddenly a shrill overlapping never-ending scream. It gets louder and shriller...until it no longer sounds human.
A guard outside the door says to his buddy: "They're starting early with electricity today. I guess Chris is not a good person to be around today. Ha... ha... harr." Fear and panic spreads among the nine prisoners. You can feel and smell the fear. Sweat of fear...
The door is pushed open with a clatter. You hear grinding noises on the floor. Then another clapping kick, then the voice: "Your turn now!"
From voice to voice it took about half an hour.
After the sixth prisoner, the German is almost gently pulled up by rough, calloused hands and placed on his feet. Behind him he feels the presence of a man smelling of old sweat, fresh blood and ejaculate. His stomach almost turns. Fear shoots into his stomach. Then he hears very softly from the unpleasant, disgusting voice:
"Your turn now..."