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Barbaria and Messaline at Crux Park

Go to CruxDreams.com
Coming on Monday!

The climax(es) to "Barbaria and Messaline at Crux Park."

Salivate (or any other -ate that comes to mind) as Messa and Barb writhe their naked nailed bodies in both agony and ecstasy in front of a live audience of Crux Forums members.

ap barb and messa on their crosses.JPG

Understand why Barb has a reputation as a whining complainer.

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Marvel at their versatility as they demonstrate unequaled skills with power tools.


All this and more, on the thrilling conclusion to "Barbaria and Messaline at Crux Park."
And now the last part.

Previously: Barb has just come out of a post-climax reverie to discover Messa had decided to surprise her by inviting the entire Crux Forums crew and members to watch their crucifixion.

Barb said, “No! This is NOT a nice surprise! What were you thinking?”

“I’m thinking the girl who just let herself go a few moments ago, who embraced who she was, would say, ‘Fuck it,’ and move on.”

“But … but …”

“No buts, just move on.”

Barb thought for a while. “Or how about,“ she smiled, “maybe take a bow?”

Barb got as low as she could and spread her legs as far as the nails allowed.

ax barb is at first mortified   but eventually decides to take a bow.jpg

The dozens of Forums' members and moderators burst into wild applause.

Messa looked over and laughed. “Exactly.”

For a few hours, Barb used her fantasies well. Some of hers were a bit more grandiose than Messa’s.

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But there were still long periods of severe pain and little else between the ecstasies.

“Messa, this fantasy stuff is great, but I can’t help feeling that some physical stimulation would be better.”

“Oh, of course it would.”

“Even for you?”


“You’d be having MORE orgasms than now?”


“How is that even possible?”

“I am French.”

Barb lay in thought for a while. Then she motioned for an attendant to come to her cross.

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A little later.

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“Sacre bleu!” Messa shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

"Barb, @twonines @Fossy and @Harsh Martinet are all ARMED!"

"You mean?"


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Barb smiled. “Looks like we’re gonna spend a LOT of time in LaLa Land. Hope they brought extra batteries.”

Messa smiled too. “It will be like that night, remember?”


“How could I ever forget!”

As they watched the Forums horde race toward them:



Thanks again to Barb and Messa for being such wonderful muses and great sports.
And Skating Jesus, your images rock!
Several of the beautiful and peaceful crucifixion "brochure" pics, including the wedding ones, were from @SeD - his "Meeting Anastasia" thread.
Excellent work, Ledoux!
Thanks. Appreciate it. And let's not forget our two stars. Barb and Messa deserve a LOT of credit. They were active contributors every step along the way. We used a PM thread where we would share ideas, they would suggest changes to drafts, and they inspired some of the best punch lines. They also had absolute veto power over any content so, as you can see, they are GREAT sports. We had a lot of fun putting this together and are delighted you enjoyed it.
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Wait a minute now! The three of us are a team, right?

And I'm always in the pursuit of knowledge.
To: @Barbaria1
cc: @messaline

Barb, Messa "Liked" this post, so that must mean she agrees the three of us are a team. I'm semi-retired and can grab a flight to France just about any time. What's your schedule look like?

Eat your hearts out, folks!
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I really wish Crux Park was real. I'd seriously sign up for that in a heartbeat! Except, I probably couldn't afford it.
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