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Barb's Frat Night Out

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I arrived early that morning at the Dean's office. Wow! Here I am, brand new on the job and the man already wants to see me! Hopefully this is a good sign.

His secretary sees me in. He gets up from the chair behind his desk, comes around to shake my hand and guides me to the visitor's chair across from him.

"Sit down, Dr. Moore. So glad you could come this morning. I have a special assignment for you that I want to speak to you about."

"Certainly, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Dr. Moore ... may I call you Barbara? ... I want to appoint you as faculty advisor to the College's Pan-Hellenic Council.

"Ummm .... Barbara is fine, sir. Why me?"

"Well, Dr. Moore ... I mean Barbara," he began, tenting his hands on the shiny desktop that separates us, and staring straight at the front of my shirt.

I glanced down to see whether I had left some buttons undone. Thankfully I hadn't.

"There have been some just plain reprehensible goings on in some of our Greek houses on campus lately, Barbara. You have seen the headlines, yes? Not good publicity for the institution."

"I guess I haven't been paying attention, sir."

"Well, let me get straight to the point, Dr. Moore ... I mean Barbara," he said leaning forward earnestly and pursing his lips. "Tonight is initiation night, followed by an all-night party at "ι η π", the most notorious frat house on campus. I am sending you as faculty advisor on the Pan-Hellenic Council to observe what goes on there, and report back to me. If what goes on at these things is as bad as I suspect, we may just have to ban that house as a warning to all the others."

"Again, why me, sir?"

"Because you are new on the faculty, young and innocent-looking. Get friendly, Dr. Moore ... join the party, play along ... they won't see you as a spy as they would other faculty members. If you play your part well, they might even see you as corruptible. Their guard will be down, and they will likely do their worst. So, are we agreed?"

"Well, I guess so."

"Good, be there at 9 pm. Things should be getting underway by then."
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I arrived early that morning at the Dean's office. Wow! Here I am, brand new on the job and the man already wants to see me! Hopefully this is a good sign.

His secretary sees me in. He gets up from the chair behind his desk, comes around to shake my hand and guides me to the visitor's chair across from him.

"Sit down, Dr. Moore. So glad you could come this morning. I have a special assignment for you that I want to speak to you about."

"Certainly, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Dr. Moore ... may I call you Barbara? ... I want to appoint you as faculty advisor to the College's Pan-Hellenic Council.

"Ummm .... Barbara is fine, sir. Why me?"

"Well, Dr. Moore ... I mean Barbara," he began, tenting his hands on the shiny desktop that separates us, and staring straight at the front of my shirt.

I glanced down to see whether I had left some buttons undone. Thankfully I hadn't.

"There have been some just plain reprehensible goings on in some of our Greek houses on campus lately, Barbara. You have seen the headlines, yes? Not good publicity for the institution."

"I guess I haven't been paying attention, sir."

"Well, let me get straight to the point, Dr. Moore ... I mean Barbara," he said leaning forward earnestly and pursing his lips. "Tonight is initiation night, followed by an all-night party at "ι η π", the most notorious frat house on campus. I am sending you as faculty advisor on the Pan-Hellenic Council to observe what goes on there, and report back to me. If what goes on at these things is as bad as I suspect, we may just have to ban that house as a warning to all the others."

"Again, why me, sir?"

"Because you are new on the faculty, young and innocent-looking. Get friendly, Dr. Moore ... join the party, play along ... they won't see you as a spy as they would other faculty members. If you play your part well, they might even see you as corruptible. Their guard will be down, and they will likely do their worst. So, are we agreed?"

"Well, I guess so."

"Good, be there at 9 pm. Things should be getting underway by then."
I ate a pie (as in cowpie?). Sounds ominous.
I cannot be blamed at all for what happens. I am not Greek and gave up on higher education when I was 20 in my sophomore year of high school and finally passed shop class where I made my first cross...

Sleep well my soldier ...

Long live Chuck!

Barb's Frat Night Out, part 2.

The ΙΗΠ frat house turned out to be a rather imposing looking place ... Southern mansion-like, with heavy Doric columns spaced evenly across its entire front facade. I found a place to park on the street, got out of my car and walked up the curved walk leading to the front portico, my heels click-clacking on the pavement.

At the entrance, several dozen young women were waiting in line to get in. They were dressed to kill, and seemed to be in high spirits ... laughing and joking loudly among themselves.

"Hi, this must be the place, huh?" I said cheerily to the last girl in line.

"Sure is," she responded with a smile. "Big night tonight!"

"Oh?" I said, "how so?"

"Well, first of all ... there's the joint initiation ceremony ... they are going to jointly induct the pledges from ΙΗΠ and my sorority, Pi Epsilon Delta, and a couple of others too. It's a tradition here. And then, afterwards, there's going to be an all-night blast. And, well, you know ... given the reputation this house has, you can well imagine what might happen ... Yikes! ... I am so excited!

"Yeah, me too." I said, a little uncertainly.

"My friends here, like me, are all from Pi Epsilon," she babbled on. "Are you from one of the other sororities?"

Thinking that she was mistaking me for just another pledge, I decided to play along. After all the Dean's instructions specifically emphasized the need to fit in. If I could fool her, I must look the part. I've always looked younger than I am. What better way to spy on them than if they think I am one of them!

Not wanting to disabuse her of her false assumption ... I ignored her question, pointing instead past her toward the front of the line ... to where the door was being opened ... and said, "Oh, they're opening up. It's time. Here we go!"

The door was opened by a tall, fair-haired, rather smug-looking frat boy, wearing a smart maroon blazer with the fraternities Greek letters emblazoned in gold across his breast pocket.

"Welcome ladies," he smirked, bowing theatrically. "I am the sergeant at arms here at ΙΗΠ tonight. Please come in. You'll find the cloakroom on your right. You can leave your coats and jackets there."

I followed the others through, crossing an Italian-marble-floored vestibule and proceeding on to a narrow cloak room, festooned with rows of black-iron double hooks along its walls. I doffed my coat and hung it on one of the vacant hooks, and then joined the crush moving toward the narrow exit.

But the way out was blocked by our smug frat boy host who ... holding up the palm of his hand like a cop ... announced above the chatter, "Not so fast ladies! This is an initiation ceremony tonight, remember? House rules! To be admitted, all female pledges must 'go commando'. You know what that means, right? Now, go back and get those lovely little things off, and be quick about it. You can leave them hanging on the small hooks."

Behind him a growing crowd of frat boys ... all with wolfish smiles pasted on their faces ... jostled for position, holding up smart phones and craning their necks to watch to watch the show.

There were groans of dismay, followed by a lot of giggling, as we girls began removing our undies. I bent to reach under my short skirt, deftly slid my black kinis down to my knees and let them drop to the floor ... stepping out one foot at a time, before stooping to scoop them up and hanging them on the small hook under my coat.

Turning toward the exit, I smoothed my skirt and followed the crowd through to the main hall ... running the gauntlet of leering and jeering frat boys, and neatly side-stepping at least one attempt to give me a slap across my tight little.

Breaking into the clear, I headed straight for the bar.
Barb's Frat Night Out, part 2.

The ΙΗΠ frat house turned out to be a rather imposing looking place ... Southern mansion-like, with heavy Doric columns spaced evenly across its entire front facade. I found a place to park on the street, got out of my car and walked up the curved walk leading to the front portico, my heels click-clacking on the pavement.

At the entrance, several dozen young women were waiting in line to get in. They were dressed to kill, and seemed to be in high spirits ... laughing and joking loudly among themselves.

"Hi, this must be the place, huh?" I said cheerily to the last girl in line.

"Sure is," she responded with a smile. "Big night tonight!"

"Oh?" I said, "how so?"

"Well, first of all ... there's the joint initiation ceremony ... they are going to jointly induct the pledges from ΙΗΠ and my sorority, Pi Epsilon Delta, and a couple of others too. It's a tradition here. And then, afterwards, there's going to be an all-night blast. And, well, you know ... given the reputation this house has, you can well imagine what might happen ... Yikes! ... I am so excited!

"Yeah, me too." I said, a little uncertainly.

"My friends here, like me, are all from Pi Epsilon," she babbled on. "Are you from one of the other sororities?"

Thinking that she was mistaking me for just another pledge, I decided to play along. After all the Dean's instructions specifically emphasized the need to fit in. If I could fool her, I must look the part. I've always looked younger than I am. What better way to spy on them than if they think I am one of them!

Not wanting to disabuse her of her false assumption ... I ignored her question, pointing instead past her toward the front of the line ... to where the door was being opened ... and said, "Oh, they're opening up. It's time. Here we go!"

The door was opened by a tall, fair-haired, rather smug-looking frat boy, wearing a smart maroon blazer with the fraternities Greek letters emblazoned in gold across his breast pocket.

"Welcome ladies," he smirked, bowing theatrically. "I am the sergeant at arms here at ΙΗΠ tonight. Please come in. You'll find the cloakroom on your right. You can leave your coats and jackets there."

I followed the others through, crossing an Italian-marble-floored vestibule and proceeding on to a narrow cloak room, festooned with rows of black-iron double hooks along its walls. I doffed my coat and hung it on one of the vacant hooks, and then joined the crush moving toward the narrow exit.

But the way out was blocked by our smug frat boy host who ... holding up the palm of his hand like a cop ... announced above the chatter, "Not so fast ladies! This is an initiation ceremony tonight, remember? House rules! To be admitted, all female pledges must 'go commando'. You know what that means, right? Now, go back and get those lovely little things off, and be quick about it. You can leave them hanging on the small hooks."

Behind him a growing crowd of frat boys ... all with wolfish smiles pasted on their faces ... jostled for position, holding up smart phones and craning their necks to watch to watch the show.

There were groans of dismay, followed by a lot of giggling, as we girls began removing our undies. I bent to reach under my short skirt, deftly slid my black kinis down to my knees and let them drop to the floor ... stepping out one foot at a time, before stooping to scoop them up and hanging them on the small hook under my coat.

Turning toward the exit, I smoothed my skirt and followed the crowd through to the main hall ... running the gauntlet of leering and jeering frat boys, and neatly side-stepping at least one attempt to give me a slap across my tight little.

Breaking into the clear, I headed straight for the bar.

Breaking into the clear, I headed straight for the bar...
She must know I never went to college...

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